21_778184 bindex.qxp 4/26/06 9:02 PM Page 422 Index Anderson Meadows (MT), 172 Bears, 127, 280 AAA (American Automobile An Ri Ra (Butte, MT), 160 Bear’s Hump Trail (MT), 90 Association), 52 Antelope Flats Road (WY), 341 Beartooth Highway AARP, 25 Apgar Campground (MT), 78 (Yellowstone), 285 Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Apres Vous Mountain (WY), 311 Beartooth National Scenic area (MT), 237 Arapaho Indians, 206, 365, 368, Byway (MT), 237 Access-Able Travel Source, 24 370–371, 380, 420 Beartooth Nature Center Accessible Journeys, 24 Archie Bray Foundation (Red Lodge, MT), 238 Accommodations, 40–42 (Helena, MT), 152 Beartooth Scenic Byway best, 5–7, 10 Area codes, 43 (MT), 212 surfing for, 28–29 Artist Point (Yellowstone), 286 Beartrap Summer Festival Active vacations, 35–40 Art Museum of Missoula (MT), (Casper, WY), 386 AdventureWomen, 26 100–101 Beaverhead County Museum Aerial Fire Depot and Smoke- Arts Chateau (Butte, MT), 164 (Dillon, MT), 173 jumper Center (Missoula, Atlas Theatre (Cheyenne, Beaverhead-Deerlodge MT), 100 WY), 402 National Forest (MT), 163 Aerial touring, Jackson Hole ATMs (automated teller Beaverhead Rock (MT), 173 (WY), 315 machines), 18, 50 Beaver Ponds Loop Trail AIDSinfo, 48 Autumn Creek Trail (MT), 76 (Yellowstone), 294 Airfares, 27–28, 31–33, 51 Avalanche Campground Beaver Pond Trail (MT), 252 Airlines, 31 (MT), 78 Beavertail Hill State Park Airport security procedures, 32 Avalanche Creek Campground (MT), 99 Air travel, 31–33, 51–52 (MT), 78 Bechler Meadows Trail Alberta Information Center Avenue of the Sculptures (Yellowstone), 296–297 (West Glacier, MT), 66 (Billings, MT), 244 Bed-and-breakfasts (B&Bs), Albright Visitor Center best, 10 (Yellowstone), 273, 284 Belle Fourche Campground Amazing Fun Center (Columbia Backcountry (WY), 385 Falls, MT), 144 Glacier National Park (MT), Benton Lake National Wildlife American Airlines Vacations, 34 76–78 Refuge (Great Falls, MT), 191 American Automobile Associa- Yellowstone, 296–298 The Berkeley Pit (MT), 1, 163 tion (AAA), 52 Backcountry permits Bigfork (MT), 113, 116–121 American Computer Museum Glacier National Park (MT), 68 Bigfork Summer Playhouse (Bozeman, MT), 216–217 Grand Teton (WY), 332 (MT), 116–117 American Express, 43 Yellowstone National Park, Big Hole National Battlefield American Foundation for the 273–274 (MT), 177 Blind (AFB), 24COPYRIGHTEDBackcountry skiing, 35–36 MATERIALBig Hole Valley (MT), 146–147 American Heritage Center Baggs (WY), 394 Bighorn Basin (WY), 362 (Laramie, WY), 405 Ballooning, Jackson Hole Bighorn Basin Loop (WY), American Indians. See Native (WY), 315 352–353 Americans Bannack (MT), 180, 184–185 Bighorn Canyon National Amtrak, 34, 51 Bannack Days (MT), 185 Recreation Area (MT), 244, Anaconda (MT), 148, 160, 162, Barry’s Landing (WY), 252 251–253, 352 163, 165, 168 Beall Park Arts Center Big Horn Equestrian Center Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness (Bozeman, MT), 217 (near Sheridan, WY), 374 (MT), 171–172 Bear Paw Battlefield (MT), Bighorn Lake (WY), 355 Anaconda Smelter Stack 204–205 (MT), 163 21_778184 bindex.qxp 4/26/06 9:02 PM Page 423 INDEX 423 Bighorn Mountain Loop Gillette, 381 Bowman Lake Trail (MT), 77 (WY), 352 Seedskadee Wildlife Boysen Reservoir (WY), 363 Bighorn National Forest (WY), Refuge, 411 Bozeman (MT), 2, 59, 212–222 374, 378 Bird Woman Falls Overlook accommodations, 218–219 Bighorn River (WY), 355 (MT), 71 equipment and supplies, 216 Bighorn sheep, 75, 89, 90, 99, Bison, 280, 352, 362 nightlife, 221–222 111, 118, 161, 172, 295, 316, National Bison Range outdoor activities, 214–216 348, 352, 410 (MT), 111 restaurants, 219–221 The Big Mountain Resort (MT), Bitterroot River (MT), 98 shopping, 218 134–135 Bitterroot Valley (Missoula, sightseeing, 216–218 Big Red (Clearmont, WY), 376 MT), 107–111 special events, 214 Big Red Gallery (Clearmont, Blackfeet Heritage Center and transportation, 214 WY), 376 Art Gallery (Browning, traveling to, 212–213 Big Salmon Lake (MT), 127 MT), 89 visitor information, 213–214 Big Sheep Creek Canyon Blackfeet Indian Reservation Bozeman Creek to Mystic Lake (MT), 172 (MT), 88–89 Trail (MT), 215 Big Sky Resort (MT), 5, 227–228 Blackfeet Indians, 88–89 Bozeman Trail Gallery Big Sky Waterslide & Miniature Blackfoot River (MT), 100 (Sheridan, WY), 375 Greens (Columbia Falls, Black Otter Trail Scenic Bradford Brinton Memorial MT), 144 Drive, 242 Ranch (Big Horn, WY), 375 Big Spring (near Lewistown, Black Sandy (MT), 151–152 Bradley Lake (WY), 339 MT), 201 Blacktail Mountain Ski Area Brewery Follies (Virginia City, Big Spring Creek (MT), 200 (MT), 116 MT), 182 Big Timber Canyon Trail (MT), Blacktail Ponds Overlook Bridge Bay (Yellowstone), 299 233 (Grand Teton, WY), 337 Bridger Bowl (MT), 215 Biking and mountain biking, 36 Blaine County Museum Bridger-Teton National Forest Montana (Chinook, MT), 205 (WY), 313, 337 Big Mountain Resort, 135 Boar’s Tusk (WY), 411 Browning (MT), 88–89 Bozeman, 214 Boating (boat rentals), 36 Buckboard Crossing Area Gallatin National Montana (WY), 410 Forest, 233 Flathead Lake, 113–114 Bucket shops, 31–32 Gallatin Valley, 227 Glacier National Park, Buffalo (WY), 379–381 Glacier National Park, 73 73–74 Buffalo Bill, grave of, 353 Great Falls, 190 Great Falls, 190 Buffalo Bill Celebrity Shootout Kalispell, 129 Miles City, 255 (Cody, WY), 354 Missoula, 97 Whitefish, 134 Buffalo Bill Dam (WY), 357 Waterton Lakes National regulations, 314 Buffalo Bill Historical Center Park, 90 Wyoming, 341–342, 410 (Cody, WY), 12, 356 Whitefish, 133 Yellowstone, 274, 290 Buffalo Bill Historical Center Wyoming, 309, 341, 355 Boating permits Art Show and Patrons Ball Yellowstone, 274, 290 Grand Teton, 332 (Cody, WY), 22 Billings (MT), 2, 241–250 Yellowstone, 274 Buffalo Bill Museum (Cody, Bird-watching Boat tours and cruises WY), 356 Montana Montana Buffalo Bill Reservoir (WY), Benton Lake National Flathead Lake, 114 355–357 Wildlife Refuge, 191 Glacier National Park, 70 Buffalo Bill State Park Bob Marshall Wilderness, Helena, 153 (WY), 355 127–128 Waterton Lakes National Buffalo Bill Village Resort Bozeman, 216 Park, 90 (Cody, WY), 358–359 Ninepipe National Yellowstone, 278 Bunsen Peak Road Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming, Grand Teton, (Yellowstone), 290 111–112 336, 341–342 Bunsen Peak Trail Red Rock Lakes National The Bob Marshall Wilderness (Yellowstone), 294 Wildlife Refuge, 174 Complex (MT), 4, 5, 125–128 Bureau of Land Wyoming Bohart Ranch (Bozeman, Management, 35 Edness Kimball Wilkins MT), 215 Business hours, 43 State Park, 386 Boiling River (Yellowstone), 285 Bus travel, 52 Fossil Butte National Books, recommended, 42–43 Butch Cassidy, 358, 365, 366, Monument, 411 Boot Hill (Virginia City, MT), 181 380, 394, 405 21_778184 bindex.qxp 4/26/06 9:02 PM Page 424 424 INDEX Butte (MT), 1, 59–60, 159–170 Canada Chief Plenty Coups State Park accommodations, 166–167 insurance for travelers (MT), 251 nightlife, 168 from, 49 Children. See Families with outdoor activities, 161–163 ports of entry into Montana children restaurants, 167–168 from, 48 Chimney Rocks (WY), 410 side trip to Deer Lodge, Canoeing, 39 Chinese Wall (MT), 126–127 168–170 Montana, 122 Chittenden Bridge (Yellow- sightseeing, 163–166 Wyoming (Jackson Hole), 313 stone), 294 special events, 160 Yellowstone, 287 Chokecherry Festival transportation, 160 Canyon campground (Lewistown, MT), 200 traveling to, 160 (Yellowstone), 299 Christmas Strolls and visitor information, 160 Canyon Creek Nature Trail Parades, 22 Butte-Silver Bow Arts Center (WY), 252 Chugwater Chili Cook-Off (WY), (MT), 164 Canyon Ferry Lake Recreation 20–21 Area (MT), 151 Chugwater Formation (WY), 352 Canyon Village (Yellowstone), Clark Canyon Recreation Area Calendar of events, 19–22 286 (MT), 172–173 Calhoun Ridge (MT), 254 Canyon Visitor Center Clark Canyon Reservoir Camas Bath (Hot Springs, (Yellowstone), 273 (MT), 171 MT), 112 Caras Park (Missoula, MT), 101 Clark Fork River (MT), 98, 100 Camas Creek (MT), 66 Carbon County Peaks to Clark’s Lookout (MT), 173 Cameron Falls (MT), 90 Plains Museum (Red Lodge, Clear Creek Centennial Trail Campbell County Rockpile MT), 238 (Buffalo, WY), 379 Museum (Gillette, WY), 382 Car rentals, 24, 29, 40 Clear Lake/Ribbon Lake Loop Camping Car travel, 33–34, 40, 50, 52 Trail (Yellowstone), 295 Montana Cascade Canyon (WY), 338 Clearwater River Canoe Trail Bob Marshall Wilderness, Casper (WY), 62–63, 385–390 (MT), 122 128 Casper Mountain (WY), 386 Climbing. See Mountaineering Bozeman, 219 Casper Planetarium (WY), 387 C.M. Russell Auction of Original Charles M. Russell Cathedral of St. Helena Art (Great Falls, MT), 20 Wildlife Refuge, 208 (Helena, MT), 152–153 C.M. Russell Museum Complex Dillon, 175 Cellphones, 30–31 (Great Falls, MT), 191–192 Glacier National Park, Centennial Complex (Laramie, Cody (WY), 3, 60–61, 63, 350, 78–80 WY), 404 353–361 Helena, 157 Central Wyoming Fair and Cody Firearms Museum Lake Como Recreation Rodeo (Casper), 386 (WY), 357 Area, 108 Chapel of the Transfiguration Cody Nite Rodeo (WY), 357 Livingston area, 234–235 (Grand Teton, WY), 337 Cody Stage (WY), 361 Lost Creek State Park, 161 Charles M. Russell Trail (MT), Cody Stampede (WY), 21, 354 Madison Valley, 225–226 186, 188 Cody Trolley Tours (WY), Red Lodge area, 239 Charles M. Russell Wildlife 357–358 Virginia City, 182 Refuge (MT), 208 Cold Lakes (MT), 116 Waterton Lakes National Charlie Russell Chew-Choo Colter Bay (WY), 335 Park, 91–92 Dinner Train (Lewistown, Colter Bay Campground and Whitefish, 141 MT), 201 Trailer Village (WY), 343 Wyoming Cheyenne (WY), 3, 62, 394–402 Colter Bay Village (Grand Cheyenne, 401 Cheyenne Botanic Gardens Teton),
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