Issued Tuesday Saturday Thursday Saturday The Courier-Gazette Issue Established January, 1846. By Th. Courler-Gu.tt.„ 465 Main 8t„ Ent.r.d aa Saeand Claw Mail Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, May 9, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80.................Number 56. The Courier-Gazette SEAV1EW CEMETERY A PAGE FROM THE PLAINS EOWDOIN’S INSTITUTE THREE-TIM ES-A-WEEK Park Commissioner Ingra- Notable Literary Men and ham Urges Spring Clean- Herd of Texan Driven Throu8h Our City Streets (Happy Surprises. ALL THE HOME NEWS Women Taking Part In Subscription $3.00 per year payable ln ad­ ing Be Given It. To RodcvUlen-Mr. Carroll Has Plans. vance ; single copies three cents. Great Celebration. Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. A visit to Sea View Cemetery, [Special to The Courier-Gazette] NEWSPAPER HISTORY Rockland was treated Thursday af­ around apprehensively to see what Sunday, moved the writer again to pole they could climb, in a pinch. Bowdoin College's Institute of The Rockland Gazette was established ln appeal to those who own lots in that ternoon to an impromptu Wild West (Mother 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established What really happened was no more Modern Literature opened in Me- city of the dead, or have loved ones Show, when Oscar W. Carroll trans­ and consolidated with the Gazette ln 1882. exciting than what usually happens mortal Hall The Free Press was established ln 1855, and I buried there, to do what can be done Monday night when ferred a herd of 38 cattle from on a Maine farm when cows are 1 ln 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune. to put in shape the last resting President Sills introduced the noted These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. Maine Central station to his farm in turned out to pasture for the first ' GOING places of the departed. time in the season. They moved New England poet Robert Frost. Memorial Day will soon be at Rockville. There were no flaming along In orderly manner until they Mr. Sills told of tlie planning of this MOTHERS’ DAY hand and much should be done to posters on the dead walls, and no TRAVELING? caught their flrst glimpse of green institute as an answer to the crit­ All that I am, my mother made ••• ■ improve present conditions. The loud blare of trumpets preceded the grass, and then they needs must stop me.—John Quincy Adams — winter season necessarily means icism that the colleges dealt only In event, but by some underground SUNDAY, MAY 10 for a taste of their favorite rations. the works of the past and Ignored ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• >«. ••• that care cannot then be given to our cemetery lots, but Dame (Nature 1 method the public learned of what A young woman garbed ln red skirt tlie modern writer. The institute Is MOTHER’S LOVE ia boundless, everlasting, deep—the most The handy and safe and waist disturbed their serenity beautiful thing in the universe. Only the most beautiful gift PRESENTED A FINE PROGRAM even now has begun her work of was being pulled off, and the freight held this year as part of the cele­ way to protect your rejuvenation, and those lots which | yarrt was full 0{ automobiles and not at all. Maybe they "saw red,” bration of the 100th anniversary of within the power of man is worthy of a Mother’s love. FLOW­ was but they did not betray the fact by ERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT. In honor or in memory of funds is by using Trav­ Boys and Girls of Timber Hill School received proper care last year are 1 spectators. tlie graduation of Ixingfcliow and now green and coming along as well any hostile demonstration. Besider, Hawthorne in the famous class of Mother wear a Carnation. Send to Mother a flowering Plant, elers’ Checks. We issue Observed Health Day—Their Rec­ Mr. Carroll, who was the prime as could be expected. This is like­ the girl was on the station platform 1825. some Roses, Daffodils, Sweet Peas—and thus make Mothers’ ord. j factor in the day’s chief incident, was them in denominations of wise true of those portions of the out of harm’s way. Mr. Frost is a man of medium Day a sweet memory for her throughout the year. i formerly a ranchman in New Mexico, $10, $20, and $50. Shall avenues between the wrought, or Over Union street moved the caval­ height, with a sensitive, tired-look­ The pupils of Timber Hill school and thither, with his wife, he Jour we fit you out? traveled part of the road, and the cade. tempted here and there to make ing face and rather thick gray hair. observed May Day and Health Day neyed last winter to revisit the scenes detour on the grass-grown lawns, THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP last Friday. A jolly box supper was adjoining lots that were cared for He talked about “Vocal Imagination” | of his earlier days. Combining but kept into a semblance of order served at 6 p. m., the boxes being in last year. and from start to finish his discourse SILSBYS business with pleasure he bought a by the skill of Mr. Carroll and his the form of May baskets. The pro­ There are frequent patches of the j bubbled with humor—perfectly plain ' herd of cattle in New Mexico with the associates. 399 Main Street Rockland 4% INTEREST PAID ceeds will go to the School Improve­ beautiful pyxie, or flowering moss, ... , v . humor and also all kinds of the both of the pink and w’hite varieties, intention of shipping Jt, Korth^ but “Everybody was very nice to us,” subtlest sort. In fact, it was hard ment League. Beginning at 7.30 the there were some expensive formal! •is and the more sober-hued clusters of said Mr. Carroll to a Courier-Ga­ to tell just what Mr. FYost was following program was given: Health ties attending the deal, chief among pussy-toes, or ladies’ tobacco, are zette reporter yesterday. “We were laughing at—at us or himself. He play, “Road To Grown Up Town,” which was the cost of making the SAVINGS ACCOUNTS also plentiful. These little flowers chiefly afraid that some lawns might read Longfellow's "Flight Into by the entire school. Lillias Reed necessary test for tuberculosis. The took the part of “Joy’’ in a most seem to understand that it is now he damaged, but with the assistance Egypt”—a little-read ballad—and upshot of it was that Mr. Carroll creditable manner, leading the their opportunity to beautify God’s of M. 3. perry and Maynard Thomas used it as an illustration of his dis­ SJw sold his critters then and there. smaller children over the road and Acre, before the lawn mowers come who followed the route in their motor course on vocal imagination: That ie He did not intend to be defeated TI encountering many barriers which into use, and they are making the cars, and many others who helped words In poetry must convey images in his purpose, however, and in Kan- were removed by roadmakers in the most of the chance. Who shall say the drive was conducted without any to tho ear—that is. the sound of sas# City. Mo., bought anothei herd, Rockland order of their title: Cleanliness, that these floral tributes to the dead serious trouble. You can tell the poetry is as important as the im­ which had been raised in the Pan­ Water, Toothbrush, Hop Skippers, are unworthy, or discredit their public and the police department that ages to the eye and to the mind. Milkmen, Nid-Nodders, Vegetables beauty, the first offerings in the way handle region of Texas. In the herd I am very grateful to all.” The hall was well filled with an en­ National were 3S full blooded Hereford heifers SOME EXIRA GOOD TRADES and Fruits. Victor Health Exercises of flowers? The green grass and If Mr. Carroll had been able to thusiastic audience. and one steer, which attracted more were given in a most efficient man­ the budding leaves on the trees give bring a herd out of New Mexico It The day following each lecture Bank ner by the school and the farce further promise of what is to he attention than all the heifers by rea­ would have been accompanied by a there is held a round table confer­ SIX NICE SADDLE HORSES accomplished without human aid In son of the fact that he has a fifth MfMBfS “Scat” was presented. “The Physi­ celebrated cow-puncher, who has held ence to which only undergraduates Grade by Neck ^FECERALRESERVE" cal Torture Club,” a farce in which the beautifying process, but much leg emanating from between the a world rhami lent hip in roping an l are fortunate enough to lie present. must needs he done if the desired shoulder blades. The heifers will tying. The cowboy was as much FIVE PONY TEAlfis Edna Ross, as Mrs. Bangs and Paul Tuesday evening brought a record ■ Merriam as Mr. Bangs (who was ter­ improvement in the cemetery is to be two years old this summer. All disappointed in not getting the op­ breaking crowd to hear Rockland’s be brought to pass before May 30. have been dehorned and tested. portunity as Mr. Carroll was in not As good as money will buy ribly afflicted with rheumatiz) won own brilliant daughter, Edna St. Vin­ much credit, and kept the audience That those wKo arc gone are still The car containing the cattle was being able to show Rockland folks cent Millay.
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