Cases That Test Your Skills The treatment-resistant catatonia patient Ahmed Aboraya, MD, DrPH, Paramjit Chumber, MD, and Bahar Altaha, MD How would you Ms. R develops severe catatonia after being hospitalized handle this case? with agitation, delusions, and hallucinations. A Visit CurrentPsychiatry.com to input your answers benzodiazepine does not help. How would you treat her? and see how your colleagues responded CASE Worsening psychosis tor Ms. R and administer haloperidol as needed, Ms. R, age 21, is admitted to our psychiatric 10 mg total. Eight days after admission, she de- facility while experiencing paranoid delusions velops severe catatonia. On the catatonia scale ® and auditory hallucinations.Dowden Upon admission, Health of the MediaSCIP, Ms. R scores the maximum on mea- she is agitated and her mood is labile. sures of immobility, catalepsy/waxy fl exibility, CopyrightMs. R has 4 previousFor briefpersonal psychiatric admis- use andonly mutism (Table). sions and was diagnosed with schizoaff ective disorder, bipolar type and moderate mental How would you treat Ms. R’s catatonia? retardation. Her family history is positive for a) restart ziprasidone and lithium psychiatric illness, as her mother was diag- b) refer her for medical evaluation to rule nosed with schizophrenia. Prior to admission, out organic causes of catatonia Ms. R was taking ziprasidone, 160 mg/d, and c) prescribe a benzodiazepine d) try a diff erent antipsychotic lithium, 450 mg/d, for 11 months. Both were discontinued during the fi rst week of admis- sion because Ms. R was not responding. The authors’ observations During this admission, the treating psy- DSM-IV-TR recognizes catatonia as a schizo- chiatrist assesses Ms. R using the Schedules phrenia subtype, as a descriptor for mania for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry (SCIP), an and major depression, and as being caused instrument developed by the lead author (AA) by various medical conditions, such as for psychiatrists to use in conjunction with their neuroleptic malignant syndrome, encepha- routine clinical interviews in inpatient and out- lopathy, or renal failure.2 Kahlbaum initially patient settings (see Related Resources, page described catatonia in 1873 as a brain dis- 68). The SCIP includes a 25-question screening ease characterized by motor abnormalities section and a diagnostic section that consists such as akinesia, rigidity, negativism, mut- of 7 modules that represent major psychiatric ism, grimacing, posturing, catalepsy, waxy diagnoses defi ned by DSM and International fl exibility, and verbigerations.3 Catatonia Classifi cation of Diseases criteria.1 is characterized by hypo- and hyperkinetic During the fi rst week of admission, we moni- features. Catalepsy, stupor, rigidity, and cata- tonic posturing with waxy fl exibility might Dr. Aboraya is chief of psychiatry, William R. Sharpe, alternate with violent catatonic excitement.4 Jr. Hospital, Weston, WV. Drs. Chumber and Altaha are Catatonia can be life-threatening; patients Current Psychiatry assistant professors of psychiatry, West Virginia University, 66 March 2009 Morgantown. might not be able to eat or chew food, which For mass reproduction, content licensing and permissions contact Dowden Health Media. 66_CPSY0309 66 2/13/09 10:52:57 AM Cases That Test Your Skills Table Patient’s catatonia symptoms: Response to pharmacotherapy Risperidone Lorazepam + Risperidone long-acting Lorazepam only risperidone oral only injection only Dosage(s) 7 mg total over Lorazepam: 4 mg/d 8 mg/d 37.5 mg every 7 days Risperidone: 4 mg/d 2 weeks Scores on SCIP catatonia scale:* Immobility 2 1 0 0 Catalepsy/ waxy fl exibility† 2 1 0 0 Mutism 2 0 0 0 Clinical Point Total score 6 2 0 0 Atypical *Scale of 0 to 2, with 0=none, 1=less than half the time, and 2=more than half the time. Symptoms are evaluated over a 1-day period †For this category, 0=none, 1=brief (usually <1 minute) episodes of ‘freezing’ in a position, and 2=episodes of ‘freezing’ in a position antipsychotics may for >1 minute SCIP: Schedules for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry alleviate catatonia motor symptoms by virtue of their c) add a diff erent antipsychotic to lorazepam puts them at risk for aspiration. Those with 5-HT2A receptor immobility might not move to urinate or d) administer electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) defecate. During the fi rst half of the 20th antagonistic action century, catatonia was documented in up to 50% of patients with schizophrenia.5 The authors’ observations Since then, the incidence of catatonia has Benzodiazepines and ECT are effective decreased, possibly the result of advances treatments for catatonia.7 Benzodiazepines in psychopharmacology.6 are considered fi rst-line treatment because Two days after Ms. R develops catato- of their effi cacy and favorable side-effect nia, we transfer her to a local hospital for profi le.7 Lorazepam frequently is used to evaluation to rule out a medical cause of treat catatonia in the short term.8 Long- her catatonic symptoms. term use of benzodiazepines, however, is associated with tolerance, addiction, and rebound phenomena.8,9 EVALUATION No medical cause Patients with catatonia who do not re- At the hospital, physical examination, elec- spond to benzodiazepines may benefi t troencephalography, drug screening, and from ECT.9 ECT can cause serious side ef- liver and thyroid function tests are within fects, however, including memory impair- normal limits, eliminating an organic cause ment, confusion, delirium, and cardiac of Ms. R’s catatonia. MRI of the head shows a arrhythmias.10 3-mm mass at the base of the infundibulum, Atypical antipsychotics may alleviate which is unchanged from a prior MRI. Ms. R motor symptoms of catatonia by virtue of received 7 mg total of lorazepam over 4 days without relief of her catatonia. She is trans- ferred back to our facility. For more information, go to CurrentPsychiatry.com What step would you try next? catatonia, Carroll a) switch to a diff erent benzodiazepine Current Psychiatry Current Psychiatry b) add risperidone to lorazepam Vol. 8, No. 3 67 67_CPSY0309 67 2/17/09 11:24:55 AM Cases That Test Your Skills their 5-HT2A receptor antagonistic action.9 In 2 case reports, risperidone successfully Related Resources treated catatonia.4,11 Kopala et al11 found • Schedules for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry (SCIP). Available from Ahmed Aboraya, [email protected]. risperidone, 4 mg/d, was effective in treat- • Valevski A, Loebl T, Keren T, et al. Response of catatonia ing severe, fi rst-episode catatonic schizo- to risperidone: two case reports. Clin Neuropharmacol. phrenia in a neuroleptic-naive young man. 2001;24(4):228-231. This effi cacy was sustained over a 3.5-year • Van Den Eede F, Van Hecke J, Van Dalfsen A, et al. The use of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of catatonia. Eur outpatient follow-up. Psychiatry. 2005;20(5-6):422-429. In another report, risperidone, 6 mg/d, Drug Brand Names effectively treated catatonia and prevented Haloperidol • Haldol Risperidone • Risperdal further episodes in a patient with schizo- Lithium • Eskalith, Lithobid Risperidone long-acting Lorazepam • Ativan injection • Risperdal Consta phrenia who developed severe catatonia af- Olanzapine • Zyprexa Ziprasidone • Geodon Clinical Point ter receiving adequate treatment for Lyme Disclosure disease with encephalitis.4 Two relapses of We recommend The authors have no fi nancial relationship with any company catatonic syndrome occurred when risperi- whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products. using risperidone done was reduced to 2 mg/d, and remission to treat catatonia in occurred after risperidone was increased to psychotic patients 6 mg/d. Risperidone’s antagonistic activity days later, her catatonic symptoms decrease who do not respond of the 5-HT2/D2 receptors may be relevant substantially—she scores 2/6 on the SCIP 12 catatonia scale ( )—and she to a benzodiazepine to its anticatatonic effect. Table, page 67 Other atypical antipsychotics—zipra- starts to talk with the staff . sidone and olanzapine—also have been We continue this regimen for 30 days, then shown to be effective in treating catato- discontinue lorazepam to avoid long-term nia. Levy et al13 reported successful treat- side eff ects—such as dependence—and ti- ment of a catatonic state (with catalepsy, trate risperidone to 8 mg/d. Ms. R continues to stupor, and mutism) using intramuscular improve while taking risperidone only. Twen- ziprasidone followed by oral ziprasidone. ty-three days after stopping lorazepam, she is A data analysis by Martenyi et al14 showed free of catatonic symptoms, scoring 0/6 on the olanzapine to be effective in treating non- SCIP catatonia scale. specifi c signs and symptoms of catatonia, We discharge Ms. R on risperidone. Because as measured by the Positive and Negative she has a history of medication nonadherence, Syndrome Scale. we prescribe risperidone long-acting injection, 37.5 mg every 2 weeks, while continuing oral risperidone for 3 weeks after the fi rst injection. TREATMENT Trying risperidone She does well on this medication, experienc- Based on case reports showing risperidone’s ing no catatonic symptoms or adverse eff ects effi cacy for catatonia, we start Ms. R on risperi- over the next 15 months as measured by the done, 4 mg/d, and lorazepam, 4 mg/d. Eight SCIP assessment. Bottom Line Benzodiazepines and electroconvulsive therapy are eff ective treatments for catatonia but each carries the risk of adverse eff ects. Case reports suggest risperidone is eff ective in short- and long-term treatment of catatonia and can be Current Psychiatry 68 March 2009 added to benzodiazepines in patients with delusions or hallucinations. 68_CPSY0309 68 2/17/09 11:25:01 AM Cases That Test Your Skills IN THE UNITED STATES, THE PRESS CANNOT The authors’ observations BE CENSORED. This is the third case report in the literature to show that risperidone is effective in short- and long-term THE INTERNET treatment of catatonia.4,11 Although Ms.
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