I • • » . • iSanrltpatpr HrralJi INDIVIDUAL Manchester — A City of Village Charm i . ( ;tyl Saturday, March 28,1907 30 Cents by la JAPAN HIT WITH DUTIES The colors, the tex­ Penalties may ture, the elegant fabric blend. This is what spring and sum­ double cost of mer style is all about. First, the colors: soft some products pastel accents on breezy blue, beige or WASHUfOTON (AP) > PratMtntltoaisa, eonUmd- grey backgrounds. iag J s s n bM rsM SM CM a m i ^ tradt sfnMBset on Now the texture: light coBtpWor ciihM, aanoBDcod plant Friday to tanpote ttMl ponaKy dndot on n wide array of Japaaoto and dark contrasts prodnett laelndiag totovifion tota and poekot create a pattern that caicniatort. Roaf an aaid in a atatemont that tha action — the captures the light for Bfiott twoaping trade rataliatlon the United Statoo haa real fashion excite­ taken asainet Japan atnea dm and of Worfd War 11 -> would cover aa mudi aa StSS milUon in Japaneaa ment. Finally, the exporta to the United S ta ^ . weave: an extravagant U.8. Trade Repna^tive Clayton Yautter trid wool/silk/linen blend laportora, “ Thia action riioald coma aa no aurpriao to tho govaiinnem of Japan." that looks far more Peaaltiea on ariooted Japaneaa producta trill be aa expensive than it real­ much aa IW percent, or equal to the current pricea of the producta themaelvea, poteatlally doubling the coat ly is. of thoae Hama to conaumera. This is warm weather However, Yeutter and Conunerce Secretary ¥ a F colm Raldrige aaid they didn’t expect tha action to style the way you like rooun in actual major price incraaaea to U.8. it - rich, masculine, conaumera. They aaid they doubted Japaneae classic yet very, very oompmiiea would riak auch big Increaaea inthefaceof competition from elaewhere. * new. From *295 to *325. Producta aelected for targeting are only thoae which are alao widely available from non-Japaneae manufacturer!. Olak drivee for computera, air-conditioaing ma- cfiiBee, refrigaratora, peraonal computera and radio- tape p l a j ^ were on a p nllm ln a i^lB t of doaena of Japaneae produela targeUNi by the White House. Reagan aceussd the Japaneae of failing to live up to an S-moatlHild agreement- to step "dumping" aemlconductors in marketa outside the United Statea at prices far below their true value. The president also said the Japaneae have not lived up to another part of the agreement; opening their '■s markets more fully to U.8. semiconductor sales. “1 am taking these actions in rsaponae to Japan’s inabiUbr to enforce our September IfSS agreement on' AfftMle aem ico^ctor trade," Reagan said. Officials said there would be a two-week waiting Friday. The five died as a result of p e ri^ before the actual tariffs take effect. a m iV IN Q 9 I 9 T I M — Members of the At that point, the list of targeted products will be Chi-Omega sorority at the University of Injuries suffered In an accident Thurs­ narrowed, ao that the penalty duties cover no more Mississippi grieve the loss of five day as they took part In a charity than about |N0,0M,aM In products, officials said. sorority sisters during a memorial walk-a-thon. Story on page 2. 903 Main St. Extended Store Hours: ’IPm to page t service held In the school’s coliseum In Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30-5:30 Downtown Wed., Thurs., FrI. U-2 fans denied tickets Manchoitor 9:30-9:00 -MAOASINE PULLOUT 8BCTION Lottery plans upset campers ... page 3 1 I nsiil*‘'-'‘ . m m i ftr*rMc»MNM Books win U.S. imposes reprieve penalties on aeaiRTiY... from ban Japan’s goods At l a n t a (A P ) - a federal Coathraed from pnge 1 appeals court Friday agreed to temporarily set aside a court ruling "W e’ve tried to pick products on which there is that ordered Alabama to remove 44 considerable competition to the Japanese,” said books from its schools that critics Baldrige. ’ ’It would be difficult for them to raise their said promoted humanism as a prices. We don’t think we’ll see much of a price effect.” religion. Baldrige told a White House briefing that he didn’t The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of expect the action to trigger an all-out trade war. But. he Appeals also granted a request by said. "W e’ re looking at an S-month-old agreement and the Alabama State Board of Educa­ we're looking at American Jobs.” tion and school superintendent to "W e do this more in sorrow than in anger.:.’ Baldrige suspend the injunction issued ear­ added. lier this month by U.S. IMstrict Semiconductors are the tiny electrical chips that run Judge W. Brevard Hand. computers and most other modern-day electronics Prison wardrobe chic The court agreed to hear the case devices. on an expedited basis, according to Japan had agreed last July to stop dumping Henrietta Barnes, a clerk for the computer chips in the United States and other markets court. at prices far below their true value. Coimccticfit Weather Barnes said she could not esti­ And. while Japan apparently has stopped the mate hoW quickly the court would practice hi this country, administration officials said hear the state’s appeal of Hand’s there is solid evidence that Japanese computer chips ruling, but Mw said It would be are still being sold in other countries at artificially low CeMnri, Eattara iMartar^ prices — undercutting the U.S. semiconductor Cloodsr today with a Mpereont chance of rain. lUghaM handM faster than a normal civil to SB. Wind northeast !• to IS mph. Clearing tonight case. industry. The move comes at a time of mounting trade with Iowa M te 4i. Moatiy aunny Sunday with Ugha Hand’s ruling eanw in a lawsuit hy MS parents and teachers who . - - frictions with Japan. Last year, the United States aroioidM . challenged the use of the books. He imported Stt.6 billion more in merchandise from Waat<aaatal, East coastal: Qoudy and cool today saM the 44 textbooks, puUlshed by Japan than H exported to that country — the biggest ..... HsnMpneieevKsse with a 70 percent chance of rain. Highs around SO. Wind well-known cempanln such as single contributor to this country’s record SiM.Obilllon edge on tickets, the storeys owner northeast lOtoSOmph. dearingtonight with lows near Rand McNally, Houghton-MlffUn K ® - - ■ ISM trade deficit. Fang wait outside Harvest Beads & Silver *40. Moatiy sunny Sunday with hIghsIS to 00. and M c O ra w -^ , vldatiMl the U.S. The two-week waiting period will both give Japan a on Main Street Friday to buy U-2 concert decided Friday morning to sell the • Waithweet hMs: doudy today with a 40 percent Constitution, which prcMblta go­ chance to respond to the action and give the United tickets. Though some potential ticket tickets through a lottery system. vernment endorsenwnt of religion. States the opportunity to remove certain items from ‘ ; chance of .tain. Highs SO to4S. Wind northeast.10 to IS buyers c a m p ^ out all night to get the f fhpK dearin g toMght with Lows in the SOs/Mostly Hand had refused to suspend his the target Ust, officials said. sunny Sunday with Mghs SS to 00. order while the state appealiHl his U.S. semiconductor manufacturers have contended dedsloo, and the state had been they’ve lost at least IlM million to 0170 million in sales forced to ten seheols to remove the because of continued Japanese third-market dumping. books from Olaesroonu where they Products in which the Japanese have a corner on the U-2 ticket lottery doesn’t please Were In use this sehod year. U.S. market, like video cassette recorders, are not on Letterv WioMie More than IM of the sute’s IM the list of proposed targets. Baldrige said. ” We would aehoel. eyftems had been ualBg be foolish to retaliate on those (VCRs), because the those who camped In parking lot sonw of M e books, wbldi were on m Japanese have most of the market,” he said. such suhjeots as home economics, Baldrige denied that the action was an effort to ’ ’get Connectleut dally Friday: Sit. Flay Four: SMI. Satriano, the ctwwner of Harvest. 'It’s the human spirit trying to be history and social studies for By John Mlichtll OeanecUcut “ Lotto" Friday: 0 ,1. It. IS. t l. It. tough” with Japan. "W e all slept out In this parking fair,” Satriano said. "W e’re trying elementary and high school " I don’t think It’s tough to Insist they live up to their Harold Raportar lot last night,” Harmon said. Some to be (air In an ever-changing pimilss. side of it (the agreement),” Baldrige added. situation.” Charlea Qpody, attorney for the Carey Harmon of Ellington and of Ms W n d s had even sklmed Baldrige said he wasn’t certain what the president school so they could get their Marcia Fagglanl, a box office Alsbama Bosrd of Edueetlon, said his friends slept out all night in a would do with the recommendation. "H e’s studying It BUpervlsor i t the Civic Center^ said l i v l e x In his request for the stay that HoraMpbotobyTucke parking lot Thursday. tickets, he said. today.” he said. Baldrige and other administration ’The overnight group at one point the choice shows always result In remoTlng the books hsd disrupted They did so to get first crack at officials said they expected an announcement before began a Ust of people who showed long lines and short tempers.
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