Average Daily Circulation F er th e Month ef Mny, 1948 Mrs. Ella Ladd Balcfr-cf Frank- | Th^monthly m ^ n g of- the offi­ . cial board of the Church^ the liiv, Conn., Is the giic.it of hiy^.lwn i floor Sanding 9,197 About Towii Nazarene v^ill follow the weekly and^aughter-in-la\v,' Mr. and Mrs.,! Y Member'of the Audit Fair, cnntimH-d em»l tnnlghl: W a*er Balch of V^'eujkingtorK laying and, Finishing prayer and ^irglae meeting at tlie, > \ Borenu of Clrculntlene ./ Frida.v fair and warmer. Tht meeting tonight *t the church this 'eve'n^ng a t '7:30,' The .'afreet. , . i. W hiten Merniwi*! Labrary of the annual meeting of^he church will ,E. Jensen DiacuMion group of the League of take plac#, Wednesday ' everting, GiH. Scout Trpppf' No. ISi ' Mrs. ^'^-.Phone 5-0950 Women Votera, vrtll be the flnM June 13 at 7:30. Glady»M«y*fi^*^®V^*' dlacon- If N'6' Answer—8S29 one of the aeaaon. The guest '^1 , e. ■ ■ tliiue iU TOBWngp^or the sum­ VOL. I.XIT.,NO,2lO lOfaMrifled A dvw tM M ! • ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1915 PRICE THREE CEf fepeaker will be Richkrd Martin of The SetomI Congreg. _ mer. \ Harvard Road, former member of men’-i League will hpve a plcjUc .X' the Board of Selectmen and secre­ tomorrow at onej/clock a t tn^ Project tary of the Connecticut League '.of Home of Mi.< ' tJ.i'Orge Stiles, 135 ASHES an^ RUBBIISH Arms Made Jap* Prepare to Behead Trio on Guam z Municipalities and now deputy di­ Hollister at rcet/^rhe flnal business \ General Trucking ^ rector of the.State Water Com- meeUng of the season vkiir f^aW . : ASHES ItEMOVEI) - REMOVED ittiasion. A t this tinfe plans will be ^om - BA^G E A.M> PI;EL O lli Your Furs pleteij. for the annual sjrawherry TELEPHONE 8W2 Undec Nose suppey^of which M rs.'f. V. Wil- JAMES A. WOODS llar^ia chairman, and the date, 50 Prarl Street TH. S56« GAVELLO A E. SCHULZ Of Germans WMnesday, June 13 a^'l-he church. Don*! runH he yiek Of giving LECLERC y»nie chairman for tomorrow's pic- your precious Turs. up to the FUNERAL HOME ntc, Mrs, snieS, will be assisted .by Mrs. Sr^ani Tyler. .Mrs. Millard 'motha. Arrange todky to have Thou$and» of N o n c e - Park. Mrs. Ralph Rockwell. SS Main Stract theiH placed in our selen* giant JToiled in Se­ *b«iM 5 2 6 f V The Ladies .Aid society of the tMlaally eon trolled eoU atai^ cret Factories to Pro­ Zion Lutheran church will meet Is Target this evening at 7:80 at the church. age V—ha for safe kOepIng. duce Guns and Btdlets. ^:I/J7yy/I/ QuaH^ Garden^^rtilizer San Francisco, June 7 —(Jy— A PROTECTED AGAINST U*f H igh Ex|»Io*ives am i 12.25 p^r IQO po^li4s Complete Stock ef AH Korwegian, diplomat today bared Ax tb8 Farm. \ VITAMINS FLOODS AKD "SWEETS” % FIRE AND the etory of hdw thouaanda of hla Battle for Okin0 w a tiicemliarie* in De« A t Loiwest Prices! countrymen toiled In secret fac- ET-SUM SleB iod »t»y-slim dlea uiutlly pctmii 1000 ' x Fj^LLY COVERED" parture from Rec«ui \raA N K V. WILLIAMS '^A rthnir Dru* Store* featirlig NU-ENAMEL ' toiiea to produce great atoree of to 1600 c»tori«f5 d«ily Wehelpyoo guna and ammunition under the Firife Raid*; Strike I^L^pUand Tph. Buckland 845 St. Tel. 8808 G INSURANCE *Final J^hde In ■WiitO' youf »ppetite *i»d m*iot»in jouf he*lth with delici.ous vei^r noae of the Nazis. Tbt Midtri FUUa far Evsrylklai Hana. Olav of the Norwegian em- 1-i. Three Hour*-Through low'cifUlie foodi, desseftt, ^Vindi«*.‘‘ Htte tfc just « few; baaay In Waahingtoh, lield'in an Interview that aecret factoriea Heavy Overca*t; Jap- •etietm vionMU. oaem Tssiitt. .. m>k« good "lucked' away In Ndrway’a elmdst Chinese Units aneiw z ,4,linH Firi* F E N D E R A N D - cle»f broth in 2 minuttl. Filling but not ftttening, Givei jou Are yti M aniteirT ^ inacceaslble anow-clad mountains fiion Vitmiliin B, tb»n M pound beefite*k . »et only 12 B O D Y W b l l K turned out thousands of Sten-guns As Capture of Naha I n I i i 4ltL*trial Sections. h o s p i t a l BETOS calories. No meat» nO fat. ^ •4fa *••• and miUioiia q f rounda of ammuni­ Por Belli or Sole. \ Ym ’II At a prafettlauf Report Takiii^ SOLIMENE ^#LAGG • • I tion for diatrlb'utlo^ among 40,000 Airport , Announced. Norwegian underg^i^uifd flghtera. Guam, June 7 ,.—(iT*)—-In a II^ G. > ARTHUR A JAMES, INC. OIITKMN tlAND eiM oaort . hut u tuty U Jah with aS-ENAMEL marked departuffe.. from re­ ,0 4 O n to r Tel. 8101 IM PaHBTgt’B Ave. Htfd. 2-4848 Olav dlacloaed that In addition G u8ir , June 7,-.-(/P)—The Of Mengsliaii andy gum*dt(^, ytt only 7 caloriei in «ch. Fruity Savon. Eaay ta apply . aa to arma and munitiona ihanufac- sent raids, 450 Super-Forta S'ta a box. tured at home, Britain and Amer­ “final en ^ of the battle for ■ blasted war ihdustrie*. and f.te« • df«M»r ta r.._ hriah aarka. ica sent vast supplies of arms and Okinawa 18^^ sight, largel.v ! No Formal Annoitnoe- the \ w iiM lS MMNB tow-CMoam ruopams . buuxr. other military e^ipm ent into Nor- Three m^n. about; whom nplh^g is lp<$>^>x]knMH>efore open graves on Guam Japanese are about to behead theml According because Americans perfected CIrienUs leading, tmurttru (M dhdlikM haklni^ ■■WU*' Snvots S>a a box,. Now you edopaint your kitchen to Nayy caption the execution was carried out in ,1941 shortly after the enemy aeized the Island, and this picture was distributed among a 'defense again^tv^a'mikaze ment by High Gotil- (ConUnoed oa Page Three) Japaneae aoldlers for "mofalc purpousT” (AP.-Wirephoto). ' cit.v, high^ejcplosii or bothroom, brlphteh old furni­ (suicide) .planes, ''llokyo’s! mand on Rerapture and incendiaries today in We Have A Notion. ture, re-new linoleunt, with little 'pre.s8 fend radio admittli^., to­ Of Liiiehow'' Yet. their tenth Jfefge scale raid on OngMINi C*MM8^. .>s8 pwioiu on reitriocddicaitiiMiW, work and little cotti Nu-Eno^mel day as American headquht:- protect dieBidvM nod minmia. 2 iraaS Next Mom Japan withfh aNponth. linn coamk IS eiaiiies *ed uiMiiib. No'fcatiwi*«**i«fci goes twice, at far at ordinary General Prospects Reds Will ters announced capture of the .phungking, June 7—.(/P)>sphi- 200,090 Driven From Homes You Need These Everyday \ big Naha .airport and further Tile B-29s hit thia .morning as paints, dries quickly te a smooth* compressing df j the remaining nese authorities announced toda In Pacific the capture of Mengahan,. a high­ Tokyo radio admitt^ 200,000 at-glau surface . it washable Nipponese garrison. re Japanese have be^ driven S t o p s e e m i s s A u s t i n t B i s w ^ e k and amonngly durable. Mode L o se in ;n Field Taken by Marines way and river junction 200 miles frofivtoelr homes by Ami(rlcan air Needs From Our Notion no. thwest of Canton and 80 milea taUtl M. taww hall W Mb. in a complete selection of colors Is Payoff U. S. 10th Army engineers attacks and would be movid to MAIN FLOOR \ moved sw.fftly toward converslrin east of the American airbase city farms tosfielp raise Japan’s mea­ eyweg* betkrsMi tar.._1,F9 and in dear varnish. Come in for Depsutment The J M t H A L C CORK Soviet DeJe^atioii Ex­ of the NahS ainirome into anoth­ of LIuchow, which also is said to ger fo<Hl shpply. eipert advke about pointing. er effective base for alrstrikea be in Chinese hands. The bomKirs struck for three'' M a n c h i s t i r Co n n * Military Observers'^ Be­ pecting Nq>Wor<l to Delay Urged v against Japan. 325 miles to the hours through imavy overcast. Re­ .' •:.z' north. The field, a prime objec­ Capture of Mengshan would rep­ sults wery not (fiweWed. But - a lieve Impending^ Con­ Change D eeisi^ on tive of the 88-<iay campaign, was resent a growing drive from, west. joint Jspanese Amty-Navy an-, Upon Peac^ Southwest and. southLof Kweilin, nouncoment admitted^ires were quest of Okinawa to V eto/of Diseussibq^ taken over yesterday by Sixth CORK Clock, Arc S iopp^ for, §j^ Charged 'Djv’fslon Marines. > former provisional capital of started in the northern mtd north­ Packard’s Shoe Polishes 0Hf£CMTC0^ R S KwangSI province and another MAwcHesm H o u r s t o K e e y ^ W i t h ­ End *lslnnd Hopping*. Japanese Domel Nevus' agency eastern industrial sectioniv The Fer Every Shoe -n All Colors! , , Advertise in The H erald—4t Pays San Ft'ancisco, Juri&^ 7.— Draft Law American air base city ,whlc)j the enemy said flames were "atea^y ftA ked’e Boot Paste Polish ' in Constit^ional Ijin- re ported from its own t;orrei^n- Japanese took , In establishinr. being brought"under control.’^ ' TlMfeHtPe Bonny Wax Polish ^ ^ N U -C N A H ft: Willi Getting Washington, June 7,— The (iT*)—American - Soviet ' dif , ,, dents the Immln^Vend of Rising their now ruptured land ebrritjOT' Sun strer.gtov'bn Okinawa with to French Indo-Chins.
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