Appendix V: Air Quality Conformity Analysis Air Quality Conformity Determination Pittsburgh Transportation Management Area for the 8-Hour Ozone Air Quality Standards PM 2.5 Air Quality Standards CO and PM 10 Air Quality Standards Companion Document to SmartMoves for a Changing Region and 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Final Report July 2019 Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission 2019 Officers Chairman: Larry Maggi Vice Chairman: Rich Fitzgerald Secretary-Treasurer: Tony Amadio Executive Director: James R. Hassinger Allegheny County Armstrong County Beaver County Butler County Rich Fitzgerald Darin Alviano Tony Amadio Kevin Boozel Lynn Heckman Pat Fabian Daniel Camp Kim Geyer Clifford Levine Richard Palilla Sandie Egley Mark Gordon Robert J. Macey Jason L. Renshaw Kelly Gray Richard Hadley David Miller George J. Skamai Charles Jones Leslie A. Osche Fayette County Greene County Indiana County Lawrence County Joe Grata Dave Coder Michael Baker Steve Craig Fred Junko Jeff Marshall Sherene Hess Robert Del Signore Dave Lohr Robbie Matesic Mark Hilliard James Gagliano Vincent A. Vicites Archie Trader Rodney D. Ruddock Amy McKinney Angela Zimmerlink Blair Zimmerman Byron G. Stauffer, Jr. Daniel J. Vogler Washington County Westmoreland County City of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Department Larry Maggi Charles W. Anderson Scott Bricker of Transportation (2 Votes) Scott Putnam Robert J. Brooks Rev. Ricky Burgess Joseph Dubovi Harlan Shober Tom Ceraso William Peduto Kevin McCullough Diana Irey-Vaughan Gina Cerilli Mavis Rainey Cheryl Moon-Sirianni Christopher Wheat Ted Kopas Aurora Sharrard James Ritzman Joe Szczur Governor's Office Pennsylvania Department Port Authority of Transit Operators Committee Jessica Walls-Lavelle of Community & Allegheny County (1 Vote) Alan Blahovec Economic Development Katharine Kelleman Johnna Pro Ed Typanski Federal Highway Federal Transit U.S. Environmental Federal Aviation Administration* Administration* Protection Agency* Administration* Theresa Garcia-Crews Laura Mohollen U. S. Economic Development Administration* *Nonvoting Members The preparation of this publication was financed in part through grants from the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration; the U.S. Department of Commerce; the Appalachian Regional Commission; the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and, the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, Westmoreland, and the City of Pittsburgh. The views and opinions of the authors or agency expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of these agencies. Air Quality Conformity Determination Pittsburgh Transportation Management Area for the 8-Hour Ozone Air Quality Standards PM 2.5 Air Quality Standards CO and PM 10 Air Quality Standards Companion Document to SmartMoves for a Changing Region and 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Final Report July 2019 Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Two Chatham Center, Suite 500 112 Washington Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219-3451 Voice: 412-391-5590 Fax: 412-391-9160 E-mail: [email protected] www.spcregion,org This document is available in alternate formats SPC විසින් කිසිදු ගාස්තුවක් අය upon request. SPC will provide translation and interpretation services upon request at no කිරීමකින් තොරව භාෂා පරිවර්තන charge. Please call SPC at (412) 391-5590 for හා භාෂණ පරිවර්තන සේවාවන් more information. සපයනු ඇත. Italiano Questo documento è disponibile in formati කරුණාකර වැඩි දුර විස්තර සඳහා (412) alternativi su richiesta. SPC fornirà servizi di 391-5590 ඔස්සේ SPC අමතන්න. traduzione e interpretazione su richiesta senza Marathi: alcun costo. Per piacere, chiami SPC al numero (412) 391-5590 per maggiori informazioni. हा दतऐवज ल्वनंतीनुसार ियाुयी व셂िांम鵍ये Espanol उिल녍ध आहे. ल्वनंतीनुसारSPC भाषांतर आल्ि El presente documento está disponible en formatos alternativos bajo solicitud. SPC ofrece अथुल्ववरि सेवा ल्वनामूपय प्रदान करेल. अल्धक servicios de traducción e interpretación gratis माल्हतीसाठी कृियाSPC ला (412) 391-5590 bajo solicitud. Comuníquese con SPC al (412) 391-5590 para obtener más información. येथे कॉल करा. 中文 Bengali: 本文件可根據要求以其他格式提供。 অনুর োধ জোনোরে এই ডকুরেন্টটি SPC將根據要求提供免費筆譯和口譯服務。詳情 請致電(412)391-5590與SPC聯系。 অনযোনয ফ েযোরিও পোওয়ো যোয়। Nepali: অনুর োধ জোনোরে SPC ককোনও চোজজ यो फाराम अनुरोध गररएमा वैकल्पिक ढााँचाह셂मा ছোড়োই অনুবোদ এবং বযোখ্যো ক ো उिल녍ध छन्। अनुरोध गरेमा ल्िना शुपक SPC পর রেবো প্রদোন ক রব। ले अनुवादन र दोभाषे सेवा उिल녍ध गराउाँछ। थि जानकारीको लाल्ग SPC (412) 391-5590 আ ও তরযয জনয অনুগ্রহ কর (412) मा फोन गनुुहोस्। 391-5590 নম্বর SPC কক কফোন ক쇁ন। Gujarati: Hindi: यह दस्तावेज़ अनुरोध पर वैकल्पिक फॉरमेट मᴂ આ દતાવેજ વવનંતી પર વૈકવપપક ફોર્મે绍સર્માં उपलब्ध है। ઉપલ닍ધ હોય છે. SPC કોઈપણ શુપક લીધા एस पी सी (SPC) अनुवाद और व्याख्या सेवाएं વવના વવનંતી પર અનુવાદ અને અર્થઘટન अनुरोध पर बिना शुल्क उपलब्ध कराएगी। સેવાઓ પૂરી પાડશે. વધુ ર્માવહતી ર્માટે કૃપા કરી कृपया अबधक जानकारी के बलए (412) 391-5590 (412) 391-5590 પર SPCને કૉલ કરો. पर एस पी सी (SPC) को कॉल करᴂ। Oriya: Sindhi: درخواست جي صورت ۾ هي دستاويز متبادل ٻولي ۾ ଏହି ଡକ୍ୟୁମେଣ୍ଟର ଅନୟମରୋଧମର ମ ୈକ୍ଳ୍ପିକ୍ دستياب آهي. ଫେମୋଟମର ଉପଲବ୍ଧ। ମକ୍ୌଣସି ଚୋ썍ଜମ ଛଡ଼ୋ ଏସପିସି درخواست جي صورت ۾ SPC ترجمي ۽ ترجماني ଅନୟ ୋଦ ଏ ଂ ୁୋଖ୍ୁୋ ମସ ୋ ପ୍ରଦୋନ କ୍ରି । جون مفت خدمتوڻ فراهم ڪندي. مهرباني ڪري وڌيڪ معلومات ﻻ ِء ଦୟୋକ୍ରି ଅଧିକ୍ ସୂଚନୋ ପୋଇ ଁଏସପିସି (412) 391- (412) 391- 5590 تي SPC کي ڪال ڪريو. ମର କ୍ଲଜ କ୍ରନ୍ତୁ। 5590 Punjabi: ਇਹ ਦਸਤਾਵੇ爼 ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕਰਨ ‘ਤੇ ਵਵਕਲਪਕ ਰੂਪਾ拓 :udrU يہ دستاويز درخواست کيے جانے پر متبادل اشکال ميں ਚ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹੈ। SPC ਵਬਨਾ拓 ਵਕਸੇ ਖਰਚ 'ਤੇﹱਵਵ دستياب ہے۔ ਬੇਨਤੀ ‘ਤੇ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਅਤੇ ਦੁਭਾਸੀਆ ਸੇਵਾਵਾ拓 ਪਰਦਾਨ SPC درخواست کيے جانے پر ترجمہ اور ترجمانی ਕਰੇਗਾ। کی خدمات مفت فراہم کرے گا۔ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ ਵਕਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ SPC ਨੂੰ (412) مزيد معلومات کيلئے SPC کو 5590-391 (412) پر کال کريں۔ ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ।‘ 391-5590 Sinhalese: ඉල්ලීම මත මෙම ලේඛනය විකල්ප ආකෘතිවලින් ලබාගත හැකිය. Air Quality Conformity Determination 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan and 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission – July 2019 Table of Contents Page I. Introduction . 1 II. Regional Implications of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and Overview of Conformity Criteria. .. 7 III. Transportation Networks Developed for Conformity Assessment. 17 IV. Travel Estimation Process. 25 V. Development of Emission Factors . 43 VI. Transportation Model Application and Results . 47 VII. Conformity Determinations. 51 VIII. Public Review and Comment. 67 List of Maps 1. Southwestern Pennsylvania – PM10 and Carbon Monoxide Areas. 8 2. Southwestern Pennsylvania – 8-Hour Ozone Designations. 10 3. Southwestern Pennsylvania – PM2.5 Air Quality Designations . 13 4. Travel Model Validation – External Cordon and Count Station Locations . 33 5. Travel Model Validation – River Crossing Segments. 34 List of Figures 1. Facilities Included on Highway and Transit Networks. 19-23 2. Travel Demand Management Strategies. 49 3. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – PM2.5 – Pgh-Beaver Valley. 59 4. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – NOX – Pgh-Beaver Valley . 59 5. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – PM2.5 – Indiana County. 61 6. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – NOX – Indiana County . .. 61 7. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – PM2.5 – Allegheny County – Annual. 63 8. PM2.5 Conformity Assessment – NOX – Allegheny County – Annual . 63 9. 8-Hour Ozone Conformity Assessment – VOC – Pgh-Beaver Valley. 65 10. 8-Hour Ozone Conformity Assessment – NOx – Pgh-Beaver Valley . 65 Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission i Air Quality Conformity Determination 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan and 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission – July 2019 List of Tables Page 1. Regional Population. 26 2. Regional Households . 26 3. Regional Employment . 27 4. HOV Model Validation - Auto Person Trip Attractions . 30 5. Transit Route Trip Validation by Corridor . 31 6. Travel Model Validation – External Cordon Volume Comparisons. 33 7. Travel Model Validation – River Crossing Volume Comparisons. 34 8. Travel Model Validation – Traffic Volume Comparisons. 35 9. Travel Model Validation – VMT Comparisons. 36 10. 2015 (Existing) Modal Split Summary . 38 11. 2045 (Long Range Plan) Modal Split Summary . 39 12. Travel Model Results – Trips by Purpose and Mode. 40 13. HOV Model Results – Vehicle Trips by Auto Occupancy Level . 41 14. Conformity Assessment – Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley PM2.5. 58 15. Conformity Assessment – Indiana County PM2.5. 60 16. Conformity Assessment – Allegheny County PM2.5 – Annual . 62 17. Conformity Assessment – Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley 8-Hour Ozone. 64 Appendices A. Identification of Exempt and Regionally Significant Projects Included in the 2019-2022 TIP B. Identification of Exempt and Regionally Significant Projects Included in the Fiscally Constrained Portion of the 2045 Plan C. Sample MOVES 2014a Input Parameters D. County and Facility Type Summaries – VMT, Speed, Emissions E. TDM Model Setup and Results F. Common Acronyms G. SPC Resolutions 5-19 and 6-19 Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission ii Air Quality Conformity Determination 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan and 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission – July 2019 I. Introduction The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for a 10-county region within Southwestern Pennsylvania. MPOs are responsible for making transportation conformity determinations for both their short range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and their long range transportation plan. This report documents the process used by SPC in the spring of 2019 to make its transportation-related conformity determination for the region's draft 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (SmartMoves for a Changing Region) and updates to the 2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program.
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