Summons to Meeting Tuesday 19 November 2019 Executive Wednesday 27 November 2019, 4.00 pm Cockermouth Town Hall Membership: Councillor Marion Fitzgerald (Chair) Councillor Mark Jenkinson (Vice-Chair) Councillor John Cook Councillor Mike Johnson Councillor George Kemp Councillor Paul Scott Councillor Stephen Stoddart Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Gayle Roach on 01900 702502. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 6) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on the 4 and 16 September 2019. 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declaration of Interests Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – submitted in writing or by electronic mail no later than 5.00pm, 2 working days before the meeting. 5. Members' Announcements 6. Quarter 2 Performance Report 2019-20 (Pages 7 - 32) 7. Council Strategy 2020-2030 (Pages 33 - 66) 8. Allerdale Social Impact Investment Fund (SIIF) 2019-20 (Pages 67 - 72) 9. Allerdale Community Lottery (Pages 73 - 88) 10. Refreshed Housing Strategy 2016-2021 (Pages 89 - 142) Acting Chief Executive Date of Next Meeting: Monday 2 December 2019, 5.00pm Cockermouth Town Hall Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Executive held in Council Chamber - Allerdale House, Workington on Wednesday 4 September 2019 at 4.00 pm Members Councillor Marion Fitzgerald (Chair) Councillor Mark Jenkinson (Vice-Chair) Councillor John Cook Councillor George Kemp Councillor Paul Scott Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mike Johnson and Councillor Stephen Stoddart Staff Present I Frost, A Gilbert, N Hardy, L Jardine, C Nicholson, G Roach, A Seekings, S Sewell and P Wood 119. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2019 were signed as a correct record. 120. Declaration of Interests None declared. 121. Questions None received. 122. Members' Announcements None received. 123. Quarter 1 Finance Report April to June 2019 The subject of the decision The Head of Financial Services submitted a report which sought to inform Members on the Council’s financial performance against budget for the period April to June 2019 along with the forecast position to 31 March 2020. Members noted the headline messages at the end of quarter 1 2019/20, being: Revenue Budget Expenditure from the revenue budget, excluding projects funded from earmarked reserves, was forecast to exceed budget by £104k This projected outturn position would result in an additional contribution from the Council’s General Fund of £104k Page 1 Earmarked Reserves Budget Following publication of the 2018-19 outturn position, the budgeted use of Reserves had been increased to reflect the reprofiling of expenditure presented as part of that report There was an adverse variance projected against this updated budget of £3k. Capital Budget Expenditure from the capital budget was forecast to underspend by £7.165million. Treasury Management Treasury management activities during the quarter were carried out in accordance with the Council’s treasury management and investment strategies and within the limits established by the approved treasury and prudential indicators for 2019-20 No new external borrowing was undertaken during the three months ending 30 June. Councillor M Fitzgerald moved that the report be noted; this was seconded by Councillor J Cook. The motion was unanimously agreed. Alternative options considered None The reason for the decision To inform Members on the Council’s financial performance against budget for the period April to June 2019 along with the forecast position to 31 March 2020. The decision Resolved That the report be noted. 124. Council Plan Quarter 1 Performance Report 2019/20 The subject of the decision The Policy Manager (Corporate, Performance and Information) submitted a report which sought to advise members on the Council’s performance at the end of Quarter 1 2019/20 as measured by projects/activities and Key Performance Indicators. A typographical error was highlighted on page 43 of the report, the total figures showing in the table were correct 59 projects/activities and 46 KPIs not as per the text. Page 2 The Council was on track with 39 of its 59 key projects/activities, 18 areas were being watched, 1 was showing significantly worse than target and 1 key project/activity had been completed in Q1. There were 46 Key Performance Indicators. 29 of those were on target, 10 were within agreed tolerance of target and 5 were significantly worse than target. 2 were without target. Councillor M Fitzgerald moved that the report be noted; this was seconded by Councillor M Jenkinson. The motion was unanimously agreed. Alternative options considered None The reason for the decision To advise Members of the Council’s performance at the end of Quarter 1 2019/20. The decision Resolved That the report be noted. 125. Review of Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Policy The subject of the decision The Policy Manager (Housing) submitted a report which asked members to review and approve an amended Self-Build Custom Housebuilding Policy. Councillor M Jenkinson moved the recommendations as per the report; this was seconded by Councillor G Kemp. The motion was unanimously agreed. Alternative options considered 1. To introduce the updates to the Policy as detailed in the report with amendments to local connection and removal of the charging policy for inclusion on the Councils Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding register 2. Do nothing and continue to impose a charging fee and retain the original local connection test. The reason for the decision To ensure that the Council had an up to date Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Policy and details of how the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding register would be administered. The decision Page 3 Resolved That – 1. The changes to the Self-Build Custom Housebuilding Policy as detailed in the report be approved; 2. The Council continues to support the small grants programme to households on part one of the register. The meeting closed at 4.17 pm Page 4 At a meeting of the Executive held in Council Chamber - Allerdale House, Workington on Monday 16 September 2019 at 4.00 pm Members Councillor Marion Fitzgerald (Chair) Councillor Mark Jenkinson (Vice-Chair) Councillor John Cook Councillor Mike Johnson Councillor George Kemp Councillor Stephen Stoddart Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Paul Scott Staff Present B Carlin, I Frost, A Gilbert, N Hardy, C Holmes, J Irving, L Jardine, C Nicholson, G Roach, A Seekings, S Sewell and P Wood 163. Declaration of Interests 5. Delivery Options for Waste and Recycling Service. Councillor Mark Jenkinson; Other Interest; Due to a personal relationship associated with the Contractor.. 164. Questions None received. 165. Members' Announcements None received. Resolved - “That under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 7 of part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act.” Councillor M Jenkinson left the meeting 166. Delivery Options for Waste and Recycling Service The subject of the decision The Head of Community Services submitted a report which sought members to consider service delivery model options for the waste and recycling service and decide a preferred option. Page 5 It was confirmed with members that page 17 of the report had been amended showing a revised table of costings from that of the original publication. The amended information had been provided to members in advance of the meeting and the information explained. This was also the case for Appendix 2; an amended document had been provided and discussed with members prior to the meeting. Councillor M Johnson moved to approve option 3 as a preferred option as detailed in the report and that officers work with FCC to ensure a smooth transition and that officers mitigate the risks as set out in the report, and moved recommendations 2 and 3 as per the report. This was seconded by Councillor G Kemp. The motion was unanimously agreed. Alternative options considered Option 1 – continue to use contractor but under a new and more costly arrangement Option 2 – direct delivery (bringing the service back in-house) Option 3 – bringing the service back in-house to be run by local authority company The reason for the decision To establish cost effective waste and recycling services in Allerdale, delivering to the needs of the local community. The decision Resolved That – 1. Executive agreed option 3 (to bring the service back in-house to be run by a company owned by the local authority) as a preferred option. Executive requested that officers work with FCC to ensure a smooth transition and that officers mitigate the risks as set out in the report; 2. The additional resources required to deliver the interim solution and support costs up to 31 March 2020 be approved. This sum to be released from existing Earmarked Reserves; 3. That the Head of Service, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Quality and the Leader of the Council, be authorised to develop and implement a business plan (subject to budgetary approval) to deliver the approved option. The meeting closed at 4.35 pm Page 6 Agenda Item 6 Allerdale Borough Council Executive – 27 November 2019 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 6 December 2019 Council Plan Quarter 2 Performance Report 2019/20 The Reason for the Decision The Council’s performance at the end of Quarter 2 2019/20 as measured by key projects/activities and KPIs Summary of options considered N/A Recommendations That Members note the information contained within the report and take action to improve performance where necessary.
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