HERALD________________ GLEN COVE ______________ Gazette Ducks’ season Washing cars can Podcast shares is under way be soapy fun vets story Page 16 Page 9 Page 15 Vol. 26 no. 18 May 4-10, 2017 $1.00 Ramey lost on ‘The Voice,’ but still won By Danielle agoglia No. 7 on the iTunes rock chart. [email protected] “The Voice” offers talented vocalists an opportunity to com- When we last left Troy Ramey pete for a recording contract. on NBC’s “The Voice” he was Ramey’s success on the pro- about to perform in the Knock- gram, and on iTunes, were indi- out Round, in which team mem- cations that he was one step clos- b e r s c o m p e t e er to realizing that against one anoth- dream. er while singing Following his solo. win in the Knock- Elisa Dragotto/Herald His perfor- outs, he became mance, which gave part of the Top 24, Three cheers for the cast of ‘into the Woods’ the song “Chande- so he flew back out lier,” by Sia, new to California to Glen Cove High School students stepped out of their comfort zones to perform in the challenging life, was a big suc- prepare for the musical “Into the Woods” last weekend. Cinderella’s stepmother, Jessica Bellomo, far left, and step- cess. The song is next part of the sisters, Florinda played by Lauren Friedman and Lucinda played by Kylie Jenkins, were part of the difficult because show — the Live Act 1 finale. See more photos on page 6. of its high notes, P l a y o f f s . H i s but Ramey man- coach, Gwen Ste- aged to rework the fani, choose the melody to fit his song “A Case of deeper voice. “It You,” by Joni was an interesting Mitchell, for him City receives funding from state choice that I made to sing in the play- to sing ‘Chande- Courtesy Caelum Music Production offs. It was chal- lier,’” said Ramey, TRoy RaMey accomplished lenging he said, 32, of Sea Cliff. his goal of making it into because it isn’t a to improve pedestrian walkways “All the songs I the show’s Top 12. sing-along song. had been singing Rather, it’s more By Danielle agoglia compliant with the Americans Brookhaven received $2.1 million, were old school, like poetry. and I didn’t want to get put in a Interestingly, Ramey said that [email protected] with Disabilities Act, and the and the Village of Amityville box and labeled as a non-rele- his late father was a huge Joni redesign of 27 crosswalks to be received $288,000. vant artist because I was singing Mitchell fan. He recalled a fami- The City of Glen Cove has more visible. Some of the cross- Glen Cove Mayor Reggie Spi- songs from the previous genera- ly vacation that involved the received $362,208 in the form of a walks are on Glen, Bridge and nello said there would be an tion.” singer-songwriter. “My dad was state Department of Transporta- School streets. increase in the number of visi- His choice appears to have forcing us to watch this Joni tion grant for planned renova- The grant is a part of $112.2 tors once the downtown projects been the right one. Soon after his Mitchell tribute concert, and we tions throughout the city. The million in transportation are completed. “We’re working performance, that aired on April hated it,” he said. “He was say- funds will help finance the design enhancement funding that Gov. on improving the downtown, 10, his cover of “Chandelier” hit and construction of new curb Andrew Cuomo awarded to 81 with the movie theater coming in CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ramps and crosswalks in the projects across the state. The and the village square project downtown business district. state Department of Transporta- beginning,” he said. “It’s another The total cost of the project is tion will provide up to 80 percent upgrade to our downtown.” $452,760. The city has committed of each municipality’s project Ann Fangmann, director of to providing the additional costs. the Glen Cove Community Devel- $90,552 that is needed. Glen Cove is one of the three opment Agency, said that the city The budget includes the municipalities on Long Island to applied for the funding last fall, upgrading of 53 curb ramps to be receive the grant. The Town of CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 2 Join Us to Celebrate You & Your Mother’s Day Limited Brunch & Dinner Menu all Day Prix Fixe $34.95 rsvp: 516.676.1211 May 4, 2017 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2017 — GLEN COVE 4, May 74 shore road, Glen Cove, Ny 11542 | thecoveny.com 911565 3 Like us, 2017 4, HERALD GAZETTE — May GLEN COVE Follow us, or Share us… You’ll love us! We’ve promised to work hard to earn your trust and continued support by producing an informative, entertaining and thought-provoking newspaper each week. Herald Community Newspapers have been a trusted source of local news on Long Island for nearly a century. But to do our best, we need your help. Send us news that’s important to you — news about your, family, friends and favorite organizations. Call or email us with story ideas or news tips. Let us know what you like and what you don’t. Is there something you’d like to see in the paper that’s not there? Let us know. Follow us on Facebook and share your thoughts with your friends, neighbors and colleagues. We look forward to hearing from you as we cover the community. www.facebook.com/GlenCoveHeraldGazette HERALD________________ GLEN COVE ______________ Gazette If you haven’t signed up to receive the paper it’s not too late. To have it delivered to your home or business every week, ABSOLUTELY FREE, go to glencove.liherald.com/yes, call (516) 569-4000 ext. 7, or mail back one of the reply cards you’ll find in the paper. For FREE weekly home delivery go to glencove.liherald.com/yes or call 516-569-4000 x 7 912520 4 CRIME WATCH Arrests ■ Male, 20, from Sea Cliff, was arrested for grand larceny in the fourth degree, criminal possession of stolen property in ■ Male, 26, from Glen Head, was arrested the fourth degree and petit larceny on for aggravated unlicensed operation in Cedar Swamp Road on April 28. the second degree and aggravated unli- censed operation in the third degree on ■ Male, 45, from Glen Cove, was arrested Glen Cove Ave. on April 29. for assault in the third degree on Latting- town Road on April 27. ■ Male, 37, from Glen Cove, was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child and ■ Female, 36, from Glen Cove, was arrest- harassment in the second degree on Put- ed for petit larceny on Glen Street on nam Ave., on April 29. April 26. ■ Male, 47, from Glen Cove, was arrested ■ Female, 20, from Glen Cove, was arrest- for criminal possession of marijuana in ed for assault in the third degree on Rose May 4, 2017 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2017 — GLEN COVE 4, May the fifth degree on Grove Street on April Ave., on April 24. 28. ■ Male, 31, from Glen Cove, was arrested ■ Male, 50, from Glen Cove, was arrested on a Glen Cove warrant for criminal pos- for resisting arrest, criminal sale of mari- session of a controlled substance in the juana in the fifth degree and criminal pos- seventh degree on April 24. session of marijuana in the fifth degree ■ Female, 20, from Glen Cove, was arrest- on Grove Street on April 28. ed on a Glen Cove warrant for unlawful ■ Female, 16, from Glen Cove, was arrest- possession of marijuana and a Long ed for criminal mischief in the fourth Beach warrant for being on the beach degree and harassment in the second after hours on April 24. degree on Duck Pond Road on April 28. Be wary of unexpected gifts The Glen Cove Police Department is rying cash in the event he is robbed. 91 1902 warning the public that there is a new The deliveryman will then produce a Call scam involving the delivery of an unex- credit card reader. Not wanting to see the pected package. nice deliveryman get into trouble, the per- (516) 676-9111 A courier service will call to say they son will produce their credit card and have a package for delivery but someone swipe it on the card reader. The delivery- must be home to sign for it. They will add man will also ask that the person enter that they are in the area and can be there their pin number into the reader. Then he in less than an hour. True to their word, a will print out a receipt and leave. While deliveryman will arrive within that time the person is enjoying the bottle of wine period with a beautiful basket of flowers, the deliveryman, who is now armed with along with a bottle of wine. But the gift the credit card information and pin num- will not include a card. When questioned, ber, will proceed to empty the person’s the deliveryman will say that he doesn’t checking account. know who sent the gift. Then he will say Everyone loves gifts, but be very cau- that because the gift contains alcohol, he tious of accepting an unexpected gift or will need to charge $3 for the delivery. And an item that wasn’t ordered.
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