Math 346 Lecture #16 8.5 Fatou's Lemma and the Dominated Convergence Theorem The monotone convergence theorem for sequences of L1 functions is the key to proving two other important and powerful convergence theorems for sequences of L1 functions, namely Fatou's Lemma and the Dominated Convergence Theorem. Nota Bene 8.5.1. All three of the convergence theorems give conditions under which a sequence of L1-functions converging pointwise a.e. is L1-Cauchy. These conditions, when applied to pointwise convergent sequences of regulated-integrable or Riemann-integrable functions, fail to guarantee that the limit function is regulated-integrable or Riemann- integrable, respectively. A counterexample for all three of the convergence theorems for the Riemann integral is the sequence of bounded functions that converge pointwise to 1 the Dirichlet function on [0; 1]. For an enumeration (qk)k=1 of the rational numbers in [0; 1], the functions fk, defined by fk(t) = 1 when t 2 fq1; : : : ; qkg and f(t) = 0 otherwise, form a monotone increasing sequence converging to the Dirichlet function f, defined by f(t) = 1 if t 2 Q \ [0; 1] and f(t) = 0 otherwise. But the Dirichlet function is not Riemann-integrable because any upper sum is 1 while any lower sum is 0. This means that to use the three convergence theorems we must work in an L1-space of functions. 8.5.1 Fatou's Lemma. We will tacitly make use of the following facts about infimums and supremums: For nonempty subsets A and B of R, if A ⊂ B, then inf A ≥ inf B and sup A ≤ sup B. 1 Definition. The limit inferior of a sequence of real numbers (xk)k=1 is defined to be lim inf xk = lim inf xm : k!1 k!1 m≥k The limit exists (it might be infinite) because the sequence yk = infm≥k xk is monotone increasing (technically monotone nondecreasing). 1 The limit superior of (xk)k=1 is defined to be lim sup xk = lim sup xk : k!1 k!1 m≥k The limit exists (it might be infinite) because the sequence zk = supm≥k xk is monotone decreasing (technically monotone nonincreasing). The liminf and limsup of a sequence of real numbers aways exist even when the limit of the sequence does not, and there always holds lim supk!1 ak ≥ lim infk!1 ak. 1 A sequence (ak)k=1 of real numbers converges to a 2 R if and only if lim inf ak = a = lim sup ak: k!1 k!1 Also lim inf(−ak) = lim sup ak and lim sup(−ak) = lim inf ak: k!1 k!1 k!1 k!1 1 Definition. For a sequence of real-valued functions (fk)k=1 with domain E, we define lim infk!1 fk to be the function on E defined by lim inf fk (t) = lim inf fk(t) k!1 k!1 with the possibility of lim infk!1 fk(t) being infinite for some (or all) t 2 E. 1 The function lim supk!1 fk of sequence of real-valued functions (fk)k=1 is defined simi- larly, and can be infinite for some or all t 2 E. Definition. A measurable function f with domain [a; b] and codomain R is said to be almost everywhere nonnegative, written f ≥ 0 a.e. on [a; b], if the set fx 2 [a; b] : f(x) < 0g have measure zero. 1 Lemma. For a sequence (fk)k=1 of almost everywhere nonnegative integrable functions with domain [a; b], the function f : [a; b] ! R defined by f(x) = infffk(x) : k 2 Ng is almost everywhere nonnegative and integrable. Proof. For each k 2 N define the function gk : [a; b] ! R by gk(x) = minff1(x); : : : ; fk(x)g: Since each of f1; : : : ; fk is almost every nonnegative, the function gk is also almost every- where nonnegative. By Proposition 8.4.2 part (iii) and induction, the function gk is integrable. Thus for all k 2 we have N Z gk ≥ 0: [a;b] 1 Since minff1(x); : : : ; fk(x)g ≥ minff1(x); : : : ; fk(x); fk+1(x)g, the sequence (gk)k=1 is monotone decreasing (technically monotone nonincreasing). By the Monotone Convergence Theorem, we have 1 lim gk 2 L ([a; b]; R): k!1 Since for all x 2 [a; b] we have f(x) = inf fl(x) = lim gk(x) l2N k!1 we obtain the integrability of f. Since each gk is almost everywhere nonnegative, and the countable union of sets of measure zero is a set of measure zero, we have f ≥ 0 almost everywhere on [a; b]. 1 Theorem 8.5.2 (Fatou's Lemma). For a sequence (fk)k=1 of integrable functions on [a; b] that are almost everywhere nonnegative, if Z lim inf fk < 1; k!1 [a;b] then 1 (i) lim inf fk 2 L ([a; b]; R), and k!1 Z Z (ii) lim inf fk ≤ lim inf fk. [a;b] k!1 k!1 [a;b] Proof. For each k 2 N define the almost every nonnegative function hk : [a; b] ! R by hk(x) = inf fl(x): l≥k Since each fl is integrable and almost everywhere nonnegative the Lemma implies that every hk is almost everywhere nonnegative and integrable. 1 The sequence (hk)k=1 is monotone increasing (technically monotone nondecreasing) with lim hk = lim inf fl: k!1 l!1 1 Because (hk)k=1 is monotone increasing we have lim hk = lim inf hk: k!1 k!1 For each k 2 N there holds hk(x) = infffl(x) : l ≥ kg ≤ fk(x) for all x 2 [a; b]. Since hk and fk are both integrable we have Proposition 8.4.2 part (i) for all k 2 N that Z Z hk ≤ fk: [a;b] [a;b] These imply that Z Z lim inf hk ≤ lim inf fk: k!1 [a;b] k!1 [a;b] 1 1 [This uses the property that if (ak)k=1 and (bk)k=1 are two sequences of real numbers such that ak ≤ bk for all k 2 N, then lim infk!1 ak ≤ lim infk!1 bk (and lim supk!1 ak ≤ lim supk!1 bk).] 1 Since each hk is integrable and (hk)k=1 is monotone increasing, we have by Proposition 8.4.2 part (i) that for all k ≥ n there holds Z Z hn ≤ hk: [a;b] [a;b] This implies for each n 2 N that Z Z hn ≤ inf hk; [a;b] k≥n [a;b] from whence we get Z Z hn ≤ lim inf hk: [a;b] k!1 [a;b] By hypothesis there exists M 2 R such that Z lim inf fk ≤ M: k!1 [a;b] Thus we obtain for all n 2 N that Z Z Z hn ≤ lim inf hk ≤ lim inf fk ≤ M: [a;b] k!1 [a;b] k!1 [a;b] 1 The sequence (hn)n=1 satisfies the hypotheses of the Monotone Convergence Theorem, and we obtain the integrability of lim hn = lim inf hn = lim inf fn n!1 n!1 n!1 and Z Z lim hn = lim hn: n!1 [a;b] [a;b] n!1 Putting all the pieces together we obtain Z Z lim inf fn = lim hn [a;b] n!1 [a;b] n!1 Z = lim hn n!1 [a;b] Z ≤ lim inf hk n!1 k≥n [a;b] Z ≤ lim inf fk n!1 k≥n [a;b] Z = lim inf fn: n!1 [a;b] This completes the proof. Remark 8.5.3. To see why Fatou's Lemma holds, consider two nonnegative integrable functions f0 and f1 on a compact interval [a; b] of R. Because infff0; f1g = minff0; f1g ≤ f0 and infff0; f1g = minff0; f1g ≤ f1; and because minff0; f1g is integrable by Proposition 8.4.2. part (iii), we by part Propo- sition 8.4.2 part (i) that Z Z Z Z infff0; f1g ≤ f0 and infff0; f1g ≤ f1; [a;b] [a;b] [a;b] [a;b] which implies that Z Z Z infff0; f1g ≤ inf f0; f1 : [a;b] [a;b] [a;b] Fatou's Lemma is the analogous result for sequences of integrable almost everywhere nonnegative functions. Example (in lieu of 8.5.4). There are sequences of functions for which strict inequal- ity holds in Fatou's Lemma. 1 The sequence of nonnegative integrable functions (fn)n=1 on the domain [0; 1] defined by fn = χ[0;1=2) for n odd and fn = χ[1=2;1] for n even, satisfies Z lim inf fn = 1=2 n!1 [0;1] because the integral of fn is 1=2 for every n. Since lim inf fn(t) = 0 for every t 2 [0; 1] we get Z 1 Z lim inf fn = 0 < = lim inf fn: [0;1] n!1 2 n!1 [0;1] 8.5.2 Dominated Convergence We will use Fatou's Lemma to obtain the dominated convergence theorem of Lebesgue. 1 This convergence theorem does not require monotonicity of the sequence (fk)k=1 of in- tegrable functions, but only that there is an L1 function g that dominates the pointwise 1 a.e. convergent sequence (fk)k=1, i.e., jfkj ≤ g for all k. 1 Theorem 8.5.5 (Dominated Convergence Theorem). Suppose (fk)k=1 is a se- quence of real-valued integrable functions on the domain [a; b] that converges pointwise almost everywhere to a function f : [a; b] ! R.
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