JULY 1958 , • .0 704 : S ee P ~ G C 1 9 ~) SO CENTS Swbsc,.iption Rote ONE YEAR 55.50 1 White is following tra­ 2 Black strikes for (· on­ dition but it is doubtful trol of the cent"l", one of t hat he realizes he is of­ the Morphy principles. a nd THE DAWN OF OPENING THEORY fering Ii Pawn for quick de­ [or quick development (by ADOLF ANDBRSSElN incurred a severe lesson in his games velopment, BhICk replies 2 clearIng way for his Queen with Paul Marphy; but, in this game with Rosanes (White) . P- Q4 and answers 3 Bishop) , the other principle, at Breslau in 1862, it is aDpal'ent that he profited from the PxQP with 3 . .. P- K5 in The games goes: 4 B- X5t . lesson. By careful attention to two :L'.lorphy principles. he the Falkbeer Counter Ga m· P-QB3 ~ PxP: fol' Whire sets up the basis for a brilliant victory. The true dawn of bit. Preferellees fo r \Jal·tlcu­ materialistically seeks to opening theory came with Morphy, but the rays were sus­ lar I-ariations eome and go. trade off his potentially tained by Andel'ssen. The game begins as a King's Cam bit: The Falkbeer is not the weal, Pawn. Black replies 1 P- K.f, P-K4 2 P-KB4 (see diagram 1). present y ogue but is solld. with;) . NxP. 3 Black Is continuing his 4 Black figures that, the :; White fo resees da ngers 6 Now, indeed. Black is aim for Quick development more Pawns gone, the more in atu'mpllng to 5e[ up threatening to regain rna· and works now with the aid his advantage in pieces de· King·sitle l"a ~ l li n g and 80 terial, too, and a( least or his Pawn on K5 which reo veloped wlU count as liues plays 11 B-Q.2, to elea r the fully. So Wilite ··(·aBtles stricts White's freedom, will be opened. Now White other wing. ( But note into it," 14 0 - 0-0 T o all White s trikes at that Pawn takes and aims to consoli­ Black·s ope n li nes there!) extent, he se em~ :; eClIre. with 6 N-QB3 and Black pro­ date while Black continues Now Anderssen SHIrts to Given 11 move or t WO , he will tects with 6 . ' N-KB3. By calmly to develop: S NxP, strike : 11 .. XxN 12 PxN, be. But Anderss en in his 7 Q-K2, White pursues some· 0 - 0 9 BxN, PxB 10 P-Q3 B- B4 ! 13 P - K5, Q-N3, He element, the middle game. thing of a chimera, the win (at last! l. R- Kl. The tenor still prefers developing to gives White no ]"(-81. 14 • • , of another Pawn. Now Black of the game is set: White regain of materia l (by 13 B- Q5 ! is the move. It forces calmly develops: , .. B- QB4. has Pawns: Black, lines. BxP) . weakenings. 7 15 P-QB3 Is virtually 8 Apparently, White now 9 Here \ 110 ha n' (he frnirs 10 Allderssen's remedy is forced, and now ]5 QR­ sees that 17 PxB would of a well eOl1shlered and to dose of[ the King's es· Nl forces Hi P-QN3, an(l wreck him by 17 ... QxP quil"k tleH"lopmel1l. a Queen eape ha tch. and he doeg it all the elements of the bril­ with irrefutable threat of IS saerifit-e a s the ("ro w ning in one l'one1usive mOI'e. It liant win for Black are now . .. Q- R8 mate. Perhaps, he brilliancy. Ander sH e n h a ~ i ~ to be noted. of (·O\1l ·se. arrayed (see diagram 8). sees that 17 K-N2 18 B-K3 eyed (he (·onjoining lines oj" Ihat this a nd the pretedin¥ Black's King Bishop Is en a.nd thz'eat of 19 ... BxNP his Queen Big hol' lIml the moves hall hall-to be mapped prise Hnd will remain so: wouJol be too much. At ally Queen Knigh t fil e, While's Olll clearly and sun,l~' in a d· for the White King. albeit rate, he at last develops his only bope i8 10 elea l" hi8 liZ vallee: a brilliancy does not non,appOirently. is e n prise. laggard Knight: 17 :'>I - B~. for hi ~ I'; ing. So I.. , Il"i e.' jt1 Sl happen in maSU,I' pla y_ LIla ck plays the quie t-look­ ll"onieally, thi~ ]Jroper eare ],~ I-'x(l. HxP III H- J.: 1. Ca ll The IDOl'" i~ I!J . , . lJ- I";lj -; ing lij .. • KR- Ql. lo~es to 17 . QxP ! his King e S<.: i1.p e :' with mute next move. CHESS REVIEW 'HI ",(,ua, CHUS MAGAZIHf Vo;ume 26 Number 7 July, 1958 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz "THE KING AND JOE" I ) Chess is timely, advocated to A musical cartoon. enti tled The King aid the scientific thinking our amt ioe," starring the voice of Stan TABLE OF CONTENTS country needs. (Russia is a chess­ Freberg, was completed in June 1957 hy playing nation.l FEATURES U.P.A. Pictures, famous for their "Mr. 2) Chess, as pointed out in your Addenda to the Lange _ .. ___________ 194 Magoo" and "G('(uld !HeBoing.liuing cartuun, brings nations together on Chess Playing Program for 16M 704 208 Game of the Month __ ______________ 200 comedies. frielldly competitive terms. Written snd comp05ed by Charles Hen· Mikhail Botvinnik Champion Again _ 203 3) We know you always put on a My Best Games (Fine) ___ ___ ______ 206 derson of Beverly Hills, California, this good show and can't wsit to see World Championship Match _____ ___ 213 cartoon depicts amusi ngly (and with an how you have combined chess and engaging lack of authenf.icity!) the saga entertainlllent for all. DEPARTMENTS of the little King wlio becsme weary of Luoking fo rward to seeing "The Chessboard Magic! __ _______ _______ 207 waging a costly and fu tile wsr against King and Joe" on TV, Chess Caviar __ _____ ____ __ 215, 221, 222 his perennial enemy. a Sheik nallled Jue. Ch ess Club Dir ectory ____ __ _. ___ ., ___ 198 Cordially. In desperation, he invents a game design. Games from Recent Events __ ______ 222 ed to replace war and sends forth his eight On the Cover ______ __ _ ____ ____ ____ 195 NOT TO THE DOGS, ANYWAY lillie foot·soldiers (Pawns) to invite J oe Past Masterpieces __ _______ ___ __ __ _ 201 (WE HOPE) Postal Chess _____ . ___ _____________ 216 to test his skill. Joe accepts, only because I have been informed by Dr. C. Schrue­ Solitaire Chess __ ____ ______ __ ______ 224 he anticipates the 0]l portunity. once in­ del' of the San Diego Zoological Gardens Spotlight on Openings _____ ___ __ ___ 210 ~ide the King's castle. tu set it aflame. that that body is paying my subscription Tournament Calendar ____ _____ ____ 199 The ensuing complications are hilarious, World of Chess ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ______ 195 to C HESS R"vn;w for the next two years. with a happy (and peaceful ) ending a s Dr. Schroeder has very kindly got me the outcome. out of my exchange difficulties. Much to EDITOR I. A. Horowitz Unfortunately, this cartoon was made my relief because your [(eview is a must, EXECUTIVE EDITOR by U.P.A. for CD.S. Television. The lat­ not only for its excellence, but because Jack Straley BaUeU CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ter are in full po ss e~ s iun of the film and [ lllet a nlunber of your players when I A. B. BI!guler. 1. Chernev, J. W. Collins, have not, months later. lelecast it. HEilE'S was in the U.S.A. a couple of years ago T. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmoch, HOW YOU CAN no SO .\tEn ll~G FOil CHESS: and like to follow their fortunes. W. Korn. Fred Rein!eld. Aben Rudy. CORRESPONDENTS Write a letter, along Ihe lines indicated KEITH SHE ... RiJ Collegiate F. H. Kerr below, to Mr. Stephen Busustow, Presi· Nedlands, IV Estern A u$tralia Alabama E. M. Cockrell. dent of U.P.A. He ha~ indicated to us that, Ca li fornia Leroy Johnson, Dr. H. Ralston, !II. J. Royer. if enough letters arc ~ent in. it will help BY WAY OF CORRECTION Co lo rado .M. W. Reese. him tu do everything possible to cause Connecticut Edmund E. Ha nd. I received m y first copy uf CIll-;SS HE· The King and joe to receive a network Delaware M. R. Paul. \'lEW this January, and 1 can report that Florida R. C. Eastwood. showing. Don't delay - write today! Use Georgia R. L. Froemke. j'ours is certainly an interest ing and in· Illinois J. G. ·Warren. your own words alung thc following lines: formative lllsgazine. Ind iana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. S .Hll'LE LETTER [ am writing especially, however, to call Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. Kentuoky J. W. Mayer. Mr. Stephen Bosu~tuw your attention to an error which appeared Kansas K. R. lIiacDonald. Louisiana C. J. CtreuUu. U.P.A. Pictures, inc. in the news from South Carolina. Thcre Maryland CharlM Barasch. 4440 Lakeside Avenue is, to my knowledge, no such person as Musachusetts Franklin J. Sanborn "Dewen Vant," and I doubt there ever Michigan R. Buskager, J. R. Watson. B urbank, California Minnesota R. C. Gave. will be. So please be so kind a s to print MIS$ourl E.
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