H8456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 18, 2008 Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN. Mr. Speak- sent to the scene of a traffic accident. tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is er, I rise today to address an issue that After waiting 2 more hours, they called recognized for 5 minutes. has reached crisis levels in many Na- yet again. In the end, the police officer (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed tive American communities: the Fed- never came to take her statement. the House. His remarks will appear eral funding shortfalls crippling tribal Large land-based reservations are hit hereafter in the Extensions of Re- law enforcement and justice systems. especially hard by insufficient funding. marks.) Native American families, like all For example, the Cheyenne River Sioux f families, deserve safe and secure com- tribal chairman has testified that his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a munities. Tragically, there is a perva- tribe has only three officers per shift to previous order of the House, the gentle- sive sense of lawlessness in too many cover an area almost the size of Con- woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) areas of Indian country. As the at-large necticut. These situations and statis- is recognized for 5 minutes. Member of Congress for South Dakota, tics show that the extent of these prob- (Ms. WOOLSEY addressed the House. I am proud to represent nine sovereign lems far exceed the level of appropria- Her remarks will appear hereafter in native nations. tions. the Extensions of Remarks.) The Federal Government has a I applaud the interior appropriations f unique relationship with the 562 feder- subcommittee Chairman NORMAN DICKS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ally recognized tribes. This govern- and the entire Appropriations Com- previous order of the House, the gentle- ment-to-government relationship is es- mittee for increasing tribal law en- woman from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) tablished in the U.S. Constitution, is forcement and justice funding by $28.7 is recognized for 5 minutes. recognized through treaties and is re- million from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal (Ms. FOXX addressed the House. Her affirmed through executive orders, ju- year 2008. However, we have much more remarks will appear hereafter in the dicial decisions and congressional ac- to do. Extensions of Remarks.) tion. In 2004, the Interior Department In- Law enforcement is one of the Fed- f spector General reported on the dete- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a eral Government’s trust obligations to riorating conditions of tribal detention previous order of the House, the gen- tribes. Yet, on many counts, we are facilities. Four years later, not much tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) is failing to meet that obligation. Less has changed. recognized for 5 minutes. than 3,000 law enforcement officers pa- Last month, the BIA jail in Pine (Mr. PAYNE addressed the House. His trol more than 56 million acres of In- Ridge, South Dakota was closed for remarks will appear hereafter in the dian country. Let me repeat: 3,000 offi- safety reasons after years of insuffi- Extensions of Remarks.) cers for 56 million acres. That reflects cient maintenance by the Federal Gov- less than one half of the law enforce- ernment. It’s estimated that the tribal f ment presence in comparable rural detention system alone will require $8.4 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a communities. billion to address our current defi- previous order of the House, the gen- A recent master plan for justice serv- ciencies. tleman from New Jersey (Mr. GARRETT) ices in Indian country found that crime In conclusion, fully funding tribal is recognized for 5 minutes. (Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey ad- is increasing. The report notes that law enforcement will not fix every dressed the House. His remarks will ap- drug cartels deliberately base their op- problem such as the lack of trans- pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- erations in Indian country because of parency and accountability at the BIA. marks.) the lack of law enforcement. Once drug That is why I am proud to sponsor the producers gain a foothold in reserva- Tribal Law and Order Act. This act was f tions, they can sell drugs throughout written by Senator DORGAN, chairman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the United States. Drug trafficking of the Indian Affairs Committee in the previous order of the House, the gen- demonstrates that weak tribal law en- Senate. I look forward to working with tleman from New Jersey (Mr. HOLT) is forcement systems are not just a prob- him to ensure the bill becomes law. recognized for 5 minutes. lem for Indian country; they affect us The immediate challenge facing (Mr. HOLT addressed the House. His all. tribes is the insufficient Federal funds remarks will appear hereafter in the In addition to drug activity, the that leads to too few officers, to jails Extensions of Remarks.) rates of crime against women are stag- too unsafe for inmates and staff and to f gering. In June 2007, Amnesty Inter- tribal courts nearly overwhelmed with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a national released their report, entitled caseloads. previous order of the House, the gen- ‘‘Maze of Injustice,’’ which documents Let me say again: Native American tleman from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) is what native women have long known families, like all families, deserve to recognized for 5 minutes. before and have fought against. The raise their children and to live their (Mr. FLAKE addressed the House. His figures suggest that 34 percent of na- lives with a basic sense of security and remarks will appear hereafter in the tive women will be raped in their life- safety. Congress must meet our trust Extensions of Remarks.) times. Even more women will be vic- responsibilities by fully funding tribal f tims of domestic violence. When tribal law enforcement and justice systems. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a law enforcement departments are f previous order of the House, the gen- understaffed, there are delays in re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tleman from California (Mr. HONDA) is sponding to victims and to collecting previous order of the House, the gen- recognized for 5 minutes. evidence. tleman from North Carolina (Mr. (Mr. HONDA addressed the House. At a 2007 Natural Resources Com- JONES) is recognized for 5 minutes. His remarks will appear hereafter in mittee field hearing, we heard from (Mr. JONES addressed the House. His the Extensions of Remarks.) Georgia Little Shield, director of the remarks will appear hereafter in the f Pretty Bird Woman House on the Extensions of Remarks.) Standing Rock Reservation, which was ENERGY named in honor of a Lakota woman f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under who was brutally raped and murdered The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- in that community. previous order of the House, the gen- uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from Geor- Ms. Little Shield told of a woman tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) gia (Mr. GINGREY) is recognized for 60 who was beaten by her partner and who is recognized for 5 minutes. minutes as the designee of the minor- had called her for help in filing a police (Mr. CUMMINGS addressed the ity leader. report. They called the police and were House. His remarks will appear here- Mr. GINGREY. I thank the Speaker told, when an officer becomes avail- after in the Extensions of Remarks.) for his recognition, and I thank the mi- able, he would take her statement. f nority leader for yielding the time for After 2 hours of waiting, they called The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a me to speak on such an important again. The one officer on duty had been previous order of the House, the gen- issue this evening. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:24 Sep 19, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18SE7.113 H18SEPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE September 18, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8457 Of course, that is the ongoing prob- publicans, and we all understand the to be 5 weeks? I said, well, I sure hope lem with the crisis as to our price of need to get back and be in the commu- not. I hope that Ms. PELOSI is listening, energy, as to the price of gasoline at nity. But if we are not doing their Mr. HOYER is listening. They are intel- the pump, as to the price of heating oil, work, if we are not solving their prob- ligent people, no question about it. particularly as we get into the winter lems, if we are not making sure that They wouldn’t be in these positions of months approaching in the northeast, when the school doors open the day leadership if they are not. and people are continuing to struggle. after Labor Day, or in fact mid-August I thought, well, the force of public Mr. Speaker, I think it’s important in most places, that the kids are going opinion, these polls taken all across in any discussion about energy to let to be able to go to school five days a this country, Mr. Speaker, are saying the American people know this week and not four, that they are going that 85–88 percent of the American peo- through the Members of this great to be able to ride the school buses and ple want us to do this. They don’t want body on both sides of the aisle, at the they are not going to be shut down at us to be dependent on Venezuela and end of this 45 minutes to 1-hour period the school barn because there is no gas- Iran and Russia.
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