. - | ,. F0tM NG-1, REV 1 | -_ . N DUKE POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 1 Nuclear Guide 1.84 | NUCLEAR GUIDE Effective Date 1/6/83 Revision 19 2 Design and Fabrication Code Case Acceptability ASME Section Ti tle *. Division 1 Reference NRC Regulatory Guide Number 1.84 Revision 19 4 Disposition * of Current Disposition of Previous RG Revisions Plants Affected This RG Revision Revision Number Disposition QOconee t DMcGuire G Catawba Adopted 18 Adopted G Project 81 Adopted 18 Adopted D | * Disposition is either " Adopted, " Adopted with coment", " Partial Compliance", . i "Not Applicable", or "Under Review". If " Partial Compliance" is indicated, attach Form NG-1A. ) 0 Originated By: Coordination With: Re i wed By: q Name M T F % ke S. K. Blackley Jr. Dept Design fngineering Desian Engineering Date 7- El-61-- 7" $t'4L 7 - Approval Action: O Waived O Waived @ pproved mg % Approved s ruo p - 1& VS& (8 _ ' ' [lb ?V Date g Cofistruction Date ' Design Engineerihg O Waived Lo O Waived g< E Approved Approved d v / I b i[u 10 i |92- uste C Nuclear Production ' vate wa ntt Assurance .- ._ . ._. ._ - _ _ _ _ . - - _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. - ~ ~ - ~ ~ o g . , . .....a . .i Reviion 19 ' /pme: U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Aprii tse2 Uhg@ OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORYGUIDE | RESEARCHREGULATORY Q ,, g | HEGULATORY GUIDE 1.84 DESIGol AND FABRICATION COJE CASE ACCEPTABILITY ASME SECTION 111 OlVISION 1 A. INTRODUCTION Part 50 requires, in part, that measures be established for i the control of special processing of materials and that i Section 50.55a, " Codes and Standards," of 10 CFR proper testing be performed. Part 50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires,in part, that components of the reactor his regulatory guide lists those Section ill ASME Code coolant pressure boundary be designed, fabricated, erected, Cases oriented to design and fabrication that are generally and tested in accordance with the requirements for Cass 1 acceptable to the NRC staff for implementation in the components of Section III, " Nuclear Power Plant Compo- licensing oflight. water cooled nuclear power plants. ' nents,"1 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or equivalent B. DISCUSSION quality standards. Footnote 6 to 550.55a states that the use of specific Code Cases may be authorized by the De ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee pub. Commission upon request pursuant to $50.55a(aX2Xii), lishes a document entitled " Code Cases."8 Generally, the which requires that proposed alternatives to the described individual Code Cases that make up this document explain requirements or portions thereof provide an acceptable the intent of Code rules or provide for alternative require- level of quality and safety. ments under special circumstances. General Design Criterion 1 " Quality Standards and Most Code Cases are eventually superseded by revision f Records," of Appendix A, " General Design Criteria for to the Code and then are annulled by action of the ASME Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 requires,in part, Council. In such cases, the intent of the annulled Code Case ( ' ' that structures, systems, and components important to becomes part of the revised Code, and therefore continued safety be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to qual- use of the Code Case intent is sanctioned under the rules of ity standards commensurate with the importance of the the Code. In other cases, the Code Case is annulled because safety function to be performed.Where generally recognized it is no longer acceptable or there is no further requirement codes and standards are used, Criterion I requires that they for it. A Code Case that was approved for a particular be identified and evaluated to determine their applicability, situation and not for a generic application should be used adequacy, and sufficiency and be supplemented or modified only for construction of the approved situation because as necessary to ensure a quality product in keeping with the annulment of such a Code Case could result in construction required safety function. that would not meet Code requirements. Criterion 30," Quality of Reactor Cholant Pressure Bound- De Code Cases listed in this guide are limited to those ary," of the same appendix requires,in part, that cqmpo- cases applicable to Section III that are oriented toward nents that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary * design and fabrication. be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to the highest quality standards practical. All published Code Cases in the area of design and fabrication that are applicable to Section III of the Code , , Appendix B, " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear and were in effect on July 14, 1981, were reviewed for|* Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR inclusion in this guide. In addition to the listing of accept- able Code Cases, this revision of the guide includes listings I Copies m.y b. obtained from the Americ.n Society of Mech leal Ensineers. United Ensineering Center, 34s E.st 47th Str. n.t. New York, New York loo 17. Lines indicate sub.tantive changes from Revision 18. nt to . ,. n USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES mm n o o{m . ^ " ' " " * " ' "'E'/ 'iaMf'it!!4'.'sf.' u 'i,'f" aid"isf"|,,'?":*.*nuis* ***""'*"'**'''""''A ~ " " " ' ' * " ' ' ' " " " ' " ' " ' ' * " * " ' " ' ' * " ' ' " " * ' " * " ' ' , |,i"'.'.*of!?t?'i#t'a'"o"T!?".1#,'in'#,"!4 a"".'#*diO- ' 'a'!:..*M. "'A i' if4 T#,'rWfJi.'f,fa*!"Mac".''33 i 2*ll.e","*'!?.n ..uio,. " '' tFa'r!E.uon (~. Ofi la'i; .''E?a%"n"."!.;"f ifr,"ii".t'a'/JJf."."'t."Li',*#!n*!t M!,",1!."'!?'#!Of,"4"" i 2*ni"J'!!*."n'a 7"!?.ai R . 0.".%"!!Junt*m'Ji3Jn.'""'"" " **"""""" '' * """" " 5""'***""*""'''*"*"2""*"*''' c n a.oi ...ino...,a,cono..,.nono,..,n,n.nu ,u.~ ,,o. ,,fti ,*U,"#8J"J'ATs#Ju*n"!!!!d!',0iM","' Sf#l"n'"4".' * Ef.f."I','* .'ot"o"'Is".'; 0..'.it"!"''4.*nu.'"|##..*.Jfi t"..','.a..#...*" d la gyg g ,y .,.jg ,com,,. i. comm .n. to ius . n's,"'n';#a.,."'og'4,g'."!!.,#,i.g.,s'g.".,t"!.%%."g",';@;;,g"o",ff.'R*/;n, ;,n i.g Bng , up , gn, , ij . __ _. ._ . _ . of (1) Code Cases that were identified as acceptable in a (2) Code Cases applicable to valve design: , , prior version of this regulatory guide and that were annulled after the original issuance of this saide (June 1974)and (2) 1700 !!-03-75 Determination of Capacities of Lipid 03 19-79 Relief Valves Sectionll!, Division i, 1 Code Cases that were identified as acceptable in a prior (N 94) Cass 1,2, and 3 / version of this regulatory guide and that were superseded 07-09 79 Determination of Capacities of Vac- . by revised Code Cases after the original issuance of this 1701 2 " (N-95 2) uum Relief Valves, Section!!!,Di- guide (June 1374). Code Cases that are not listed herein are vision I, Casses 2,3, and MC and either not endorsed or will require supplementary provisions Division 2 Concrete Containments on an individual basis to attain endorsement status. 1761 1 01 14 77 the of SB 148 Alloy CA954 SectionIll, | The endorsement of a Code Case by this guide consti- (N-133) 01 07-80 Division 1. Cass 3 N-214 05 15 78 Use of SA 351, Grade CN7M, for tutes acceptance of its technical position for applications 07-13 81 Valves for Section III, Division I, | not precluded by regulatory or other requirements or by the recommendations in this or oSer regulatory guides. Construction N-282 05 15-80 Nameplates for Valves, Section Ill, Contingent endorsement is indicated in regulatory position Division I, Cass I,2,and 3 Con- C.I.c for specific cases. However,it is the responsibility of the user to make certain that no regulatory requirements struction N-300 11-17-80 Pressure Temperature Ratings,1&dro- are violated and that there are no conflicts with other static Tests, and Minimum Wall recommended limit:tions resulting from Code Case usage. Thickness of Valves, Section Ill, Acceptance orendorsement by the NRCstaff applies only Division 1 Cass I N-313 05-11-81 Alternate Rules for Half-Coupling to those Code Cases or Code Case revisions with the date of Branch Connections, Section Ill, " Council Approval" as shown in the regulatory position of Division I this guide. Earlier or later revisions of a Code Case are not endorsed by this guide. New Co ie Cases will require evalua- tion by the NRC staff to determine if they qualify for (3) Other Code Cases related to design: inclusion in the approved list. Because of the continuing 03 02 74 Stress Category for Partial Penetra- change in the status of Code Cases,it is planned that this 1620 (N 61) 01 08-79 tion Welded Penetrations, Sec-| guide will require periodic updating to accommodate new tion III, dass 1 Construction Code Cases and any revisions of existing Code Cases. 1630-1 07 10-78 External Pressure Charts for Iligh Yield Strength Carbon Steels and 1.# (N 66-1) *-)' | C. REGULATORY POSITION Low Alloy Steels. (Yield Strength ' l. The Section Ill ASME Code Cases8 listed below (by above 38 Ksi to 60 KsiInclusive.) For Section III, Cass 1,2,3,and MC number, date of Council approval, and title) are acceptable 11 17 80 Pump Internal items, Section lit, to the NRC staff for application in the construction of com- 1739 4 (N-119 4) Division 1, Cass I,2, and 3 ponents for light-waters:ooled nuclear power plants. Their 01 08-79 Exemption from the Shakedown use is acceptable witidn the limitations stated in the "hgairy" N-1961 Requirements When Plastic Analy- and " Reply" sections of each individual Code Case, within sis is Performed for Section 111, Divi- the limitations of such NRC or other requirements as may sioni, dass I and CS Construction exist, and within the additional limitations recommended 08-28 78 Code Effective Date for Component by the NRC staff given with the individual Code Case in the N-220 07 13-81 Supports, Section Ill, Division 1 | listing.
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