y DIRECTORIES LISTS y NECROLOGY I y ? y" I 9 y f y I 1 i v I y y y y y y y y I / y y y I I <><>^><>CK><><>^<>(><><><><>(><><><>O->>3y^ <^^«X>C><c>0<^<X><X><><<><><><><><><>^^ List of Abbreviations A.B Bachelor of Arts instr. instructor acad academy internat. international admin. administration, administrative agr agriculture agrl agricultural J.D Doctor of Jurisprudence Am America (n) JDC American Jewish Joint Distribution A.M Master of Arts Committee apptd appointed JNF Jewish National Fund asst assistant jt joint atty attorney JWB National Jewish Welfare Board b born lieut. .. lieutenant B.A Bachelor of Arts lit . literature B.H Bachelor of Hebrew Litt.D. Doctor of Letters bd board LL.B. Bachelor of Laws bibl biblical LL.D. Doctor of Laws B.S Bachelor of Science m married chanc chancellor M.A. .. Master ofArts chmn chairman M.D. .. Doctor of Medicine coll college med. medical, medicine collab collaborator, collaborated, mfr. .. manufacturer collaboration mil. ... ... military com committee mng. .... managing comdr. ... commander mgr. ... manager comm commission commr. ... commissioner nat. national conf conference N.Y.C. ... New York City cong congregation contrib. ..contributor corr corresponding, correspondent ord. ... ordained org. ... .. organized d died orgn. .. organization dept department D.H.L. Doctor of Hebrew Letters Ph.D. ... Doctor of Philosophy dir director phys. .. ... physician dist district pres. ... president div division prof. .. ... professor D.Sc Doctor of Science pseud. pseudonym D.S.C Distinguished Service Cross pub. published, publisher D.S.M Distinguished Service Medal publ. ... publication ed editor rep. ... represented, representative editl editorial ret. retired, retirement edn edition educ educated sch. school educl educational sci ... science estab established sec. .. ...secretary exec executive sem. seminary soc. society fed federation supt. ... superintendent fdn foundation fdr founder temp. ... temporary theol. .. theological gen general transl. translated govt government translr. .. translator grad graduated UJA .. ... United Jewish Appeal hon honorary UN ... United Nations hosp hospital univ. .. ... university incl included, including ind independent vol. , volume inst institute v.p. .. ... vice-president instn institution instl institutional ZOA . Zionist Organization of America 452 <*><X><><><XX>0<c><>C><><><X>^^ National Jewish Organizations* UNITED STATES CIVIC DEFENSE, POLITICAL (1913). 212 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C, 10. Nat. Chmn. Meier Steinbrink; Nat. Dir. Ben- •AMERICAN COMMITTEE OF JEWISH WRITERS, jamin R. Epstein. Seeks to eliminate defa- ARTISTS AND SCIENTISTS, INC. (1941). 119 W. mation of Jews, counteract un-American 57 St., N. Y. C, 19. and anti-democratic propaganda, and pro- AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). 201 mote better group relations. ADL Bulletin; E. 57 St., N. Y. C, 22. Pres. Lessing J. The ADL Christian Friends' Bulletin. Rosenwald; Exec. Dir. Elmer Berger. Seeks CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZA- to advance the national, civic, cultural, and TIONS (1946). 386 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C, social integration of Americans of Jewish 16. Co-chmn. Jacob Blaustein (American faith. Council News. Jewish Committee), Ewen E. S. Montagu AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). 386 (Anglo-Jewish Association), Rene Cassin Fourth Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Pres. Jacob (Alliance Israelite Universelle); Sec. Moses Blaustein; Exec. V. P. John Slawson. Seeks Moskowitz. Cooperates and consults with, to prevent infraction of the civil and re- advises and renders assistance to, United ligious rights of Jews in any part of the Nations Economic and Social Council on world; renders assistance and takes reme- all problems relating to human rights and dial action where necessary. AMERICAN JEW- economic, social, cultural, educational, and ISH YEAR BOOK; Annual report; Commen- related matters pertaining to Jews. Occa- tary; Committee Reporter. sional monographs. AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; re-org. COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGANIZA- 1922, 1938). 1834 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. TIONS (1946). 1003 K. St., N.W., Washing- Pres. Irving Miller; Exec. Dir. David ton 1, D. C. Co-Chmn. Frank Goldman Petegorsky. Seeks to protect the rights (B'nai B'rith), Barnett Janner (British of Jews all over the world, and further Board of Deputies), Arthur Ettlinger the bonds between U. S. Jewry and Israel. (South Africa Jewish Board of Deputies); Congress Weekly; Jewish Affairs; OJI Secs.-Gen. Maurice Bisgyer (U.S.), A. G. A'ewsnotes; Law and Social Action. Brotman (U.K.), J. M. Rich (S.A.). Repre- , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). 1834 sents three constituent organizations before Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Pres. Justine Wise the United Nations Economic and Social Polier; Dir. Mrs. Newton S. Arnold. Council on behalf of the civil status, rights, AMERICAN JEWISH LABOR COUNCIL (1946). 22 and interests of Jews. E. 17 St., N. Y. C, 3. Pres. Ben Gold; Dir. JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1933). 175 E. William Levner. Seeks to mobilize work- Broadway, N. Y. C, 2. Chmn. Adolph ing men and women and their organiza- Held; Exec. Sec. Jacob Pat. Aids Jewish tions in defense of Jewish equality and and non-Jewish labor institutions overseas; security in the U. S. and abroad. Today. aids victims of oppression and persecution; AMERICAN JEWISH LEAGUE AGAINST COMMU- seeks to combat anti-Semitism and racial NISM, INC. (1948). 220 W. 42 St., N. Y. C, and religious intolerance abroad and in 18. Pres. Alfred Kohlberg; Exec. Dir. Ben- the U.S. Facts and Opinions; Labor Re- jamin Schultz. Seeks to publicize Commu- ports; Voice of the Vnconquered. nist enmity toward Jewry and Judaism and , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). 175 E. the American Jew's enmity to Communism; Broadway, N. Y. C, 2. Nat. Chmn. May fights Communist infiltration in Jewish Vladeck Bromberg; Exec. Sec. Edith Kroll. life. Jews Against Communism. Bulletin of the Women's Division. ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH JEWISH SOCIALIST VERBAND OF AMERICA (1921). 1 Includes national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 30, 1950, based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers, nor can they assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data. An asterisk (•) indicates that no reply was received and that the information, which includes title of organization, year of founding, and address, is reprinted from the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1950. 453 454 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 175 E. Broadway, N. Y. C, 2. Chmn. EUROPE, INC. (1947). 165 W. 46 St., N. Y. Admin. Com. Nathan Chanin; Nat. Sec. I. C, 19. Pres. and Admin. Chmn. A. R. Levin-Shatzkes. Seeks to spread democratic Lerner; Sec. James H. Sheldon. Seeks to socialism among Jewish workers in the erect a memorial in New York City to U. S. Der Wecker. six million Jews slain by the Nazis and to JOINT DEFENSE APPEAL OF THE AMERICAN the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto battle. JEWISH COMMITTEE AND ANTI-DEFAMATION •ASSOCIATION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH SCIENTISTS LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH (1941). 119 W. 57 (1947). 3 W. 16 St., N. Y. C, II. St., N. Y. C, 19. Chmn. Exec. Com. Oliver CENTRAL YIDDISH CULTURE ORGANIZATION M. Kaufmann; Chmn. Nat. Council Charles -CYCO, INC. (1938). 67 Lexington Ave., W. Morris. Raises funds for the activities N. Y. C, 10. Chmn. N. Chanin; Exec. Sec. of the constituent organizations. Council Charles Pupko. Seeks to stimulate, pro- Briefs. mote, and develop Jewish cultural life. NATIONAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS ADVISORY Zukunft. COUNCIL (1944). 295 Madison Ave., N. Y. CONFERENCE ON JEWISH RELATIONS, INC. C, 17. Chmn. Irving Kane; Exec. Dir. (1935). 1841 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Pres. Isaiah M. Minkoff. Formulates policy in Salo W. Baron; Sec. Jerome I. Hyman. the field of community relations in Promotes scientific studies of Jewish life. the U.S.; co-ordinates the work of national Jewish Social Studies. and local Jewish agencies engaged in com- CONGRESS FOR JEWISH CULTURE, INC. (1948). munity relations activities. Legislative In- 175 E. Broadway, N. Y. C, 2. Chmn. formation Bulletin; Legislative Informa- World Council S. Niger; Exec. Sec. P. tion Memoranda. Schwartz. Seeks to centralize and promote WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS (1936; org. in U.S. Jewish culture and cultural activities 1939). 1834 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Pres. throughout the world and to unify fund- Nahum Goldmann; Coordinator Robert S. raising for these activities. Bletter far Marcus. Seeks to secure and defend the Yiddisher Dertsiung; Kultur Naies. rights, status, and interests of Jews and HISTADRUTH IVRITH OF AMERICA (1916; re- Jewish communities; represents its affiliated org. 1922). 165 W. 46 St., N. Y. C, 19. organizations before governmental, inter- Pres. Samuel J. Borowsky. Seeks to pro- governmental, and other international au- mote Hebrew language and literature. thorities on matters which affect the Jew- Hadoar; Hadoar Lanoar; Musaf Lahore ish people as a whole. Congress Digest; Hatzair. Current Events in Jewish Life; Informa- , HANOAR HAIVRI-HEBREW YOUTH OR- tion Series; Information Sheets; Periodical GANIZATION (1936). 165 W. 46 St., N. Y. C, reports. 19. Pres. Gideon Shachnai; Exec. Sec. Reu- ven Bar-Levav. Encourages identification with the culture of Israel through organi- CULTURAL zation of Hebrew-speaking-and-reading youth. Niv; pamphlets. ALEXANDER KOHUT FOUNDATION (1915). 3080 , HEBREW ARTS COMMITTEE (1939). 165 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. Pres. Alexander W. 46 St., N. Y. C, 19. Chmn. Victor M. Marx; Sec. Shalom Spiegel. Publishes works Ratner; Exec. Sec. Mrs. Lucy D. Manoff. mainly in the fields of Jewish grammar, Spreads knowledge and seeks to gain ap- lexicography, and archeology. preciation of the Hebrew language and AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR JEWISH RESEARCH, Hebrew culture in the American Jewish INC. (1920). 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. community. Pres. Saul Lieberman; Sec. A. S. Halkin. * , WOMEN'S DIVISION (TARBUT) (1939; Encourages research by aiding scholars in re-org. 1947). 7 W. 74 St., N. Y. C, 23. need and by giving grants for the publi- JEWISH ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, INC.
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