16108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE November 18 WitneS:S: His Excellency, our Governor, J. THE DIXON._YATES CONTRACT -SENATE Caleb Boggs, and our seal hereto aftlxed at Dover, this 12th day of November, in the year Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, in my opinion, one of the most deplorable THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1954 of our Lord, 1954. J. CALEB BOGGS, aspects incident to the Dixon-Yates con­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, Novem­ Governor. tract has been the lowering of the stand­ ber 10, 1954) By the Governor: ards of the Atomic Energy Commission, [SEAL] JoHN N. McDowELL, which heretofore has been an organiza­ The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., Secretary of State. tion completely removed from all politi­ on the expiration of the recess. cal ties and implications so far as the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown representation of the two· political par­ Harris, D. D., offered the following ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF ties is concerned. The interjection of prayer: ROUTINE BUSINESS political lines into the Atomic Energy 0 Thou great Father of us all, we Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I Commission, which is of vital importance thank Thee for the glorious revelation ask unanimous consent that immediately to American industry and to the de­ that the heart of the eternal is most following the quorum call there may be velopment of our country, must be wondrously kind and that we can come as the customary morning hour for the greatly deplored, when we consider the little children, trustful and happy, to transaction of routine business, under damage such interjection has done to the God of love. All the tender beauty the usual 2-minute limitation on the Commission's vast and important of our human love and the care for others speeches. duties. which reaches out to their want and woe The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ A very splendid article was wr-itten on is the reflected radiance of Thy loving out objection, it is so ordered. the subject by the first Chairman of the kindness, even as moonlight but testi­ Atomic Energy Commission, Mr. David fies to the blazing sun, which fashions it E. Lilienthal, and published in the St. and throws its silvery mantle over the CALL OF THE ROLL Louis Post-Dispatch of November 15, earth. Since Thou art our Father, may Mr. KNOWLAND. I suggest the ab­ 1954. we not attempt to hide our sins from sence of a quorum. I ask unanimous consent that the arti­ Thee, but to overcome them by the stern '!'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. The cle may be incorporated in the RECORD comfort of Thy healing presence. Know­ Secretary will call the roll. at this point in my remarks. ing that we live in a universe where, The Chief Clerk called the roll, and There being no objection, the article while all is love, all is also law, reveal the following Senators answered to their was ordered to be printed in the Rl:CORD, to us the larger goodness that speaks names: as follows: through the unbending . order of the Abel Fulbright Mansfield THE POLITICALIZING OF AEC world. Aiken George Martin President Truman had nothing to do with And now, as we face the pressing con­ Anderson Gillette McClellan agency's power contracts or anything else, cerns of this day, may no passing irrita­ Barrett Goldwater Monroney always conferred with all members of Com­ Beall Green Morse tions rob us of our joy in one another. Bennett Hayden Mundt mission, former Chairman says; these meas­ Forgive us for our keenness in seeing Bridges Hendrickson MurraJ' ures were essential to keep it out of politics, human failings and our slowness in being Brown Hennings Neely into which it is now plunged. Bush Hickenlooper Pastore aware of the virtues of those who toil by Butler Hill Payne A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEW YORK our side. May there be no sharp words Byrd Holland Potter TIMES that wound and scar. And may no rift Capehart Hruska Purtell The author of the following letter was of opinion widen into estrangement. carlson Humphrey Robertson Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission Case Ives Russell from 1946 to 1950. He had been a member May there be nothing in this day's work Chavez Jackson Saltonstall of which we shall be ashamed when the Clements Jenner Schoeppel of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee sun has set, nor in the eventide of our Cotton Johnson, Colo. Smith, Maine Valley Authority from its inception, in 1933, Crippa Johnson, Tex. Smith, N. J. to 1946, the last 5 years as chairman. own brief day when our task is done and Daniel, S ..C. Johnston, S.C. Sparkman "The writer has been distressed to note we have finished the work Thou gavest Daniel, Tex. Kefauver Stennis that increasingly, during the past year or us to do. We ask it all in the Redeemer's Dirksen Kilgore Symington so, in' the press, in public discussions, and Douglas Knowland Thye in the public mind generally the Atomic name. Amen. Duff Kuchel Watkins Dworshak Langer Welker Energy Commission has come to be thought Eastland Lehman Wiley of, for the first time in its history, in terms THE JOURNAL Ervin Lennon Williams of political affiliations or obligations of its Ferguson Long Young members. On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, and by Flanders Magnuson "On important matters, such as the verdict unanimous consent, the reading of the Frear Malone .in the Oppenheimer case or the current Journal of Wednesday, November 17, Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that· issue over the Dixon-Yates power contract, 1954, was dispensed with. the Senator from Ohio [Mr. BRICKER] the conflicting views of the Commissioners .have been reported as if the AEC were a is absent by leave of the Senate on of­ bipartisan body, organized on political lines, SENATOR FROM DELAWARE ficial business. or even as an arm of the administration The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, I in power. CoOPER], the Senator from Oregon [Mr. "For example, Chairman Strauss (although present the certificate of election of my CoRDON], the Senator from Wisconsin he had served on the AEC for 3 Y:z years by colleague, the junior Senator from Dela­ £Mr. McCARTHY], and the Senator from appointment of President Truman) is now ware rMr. FREAR], to be a Senator from Colorado [Mr. MILLIKIN] are necessarily ·commonly identified in the press as a Re­ that State for a term of 6 years begin­ absent. publican member or an Eisenhower ap­ ning on the 3d day of January 1955. Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that the pointee in contrast with Dr. Smyth, Mr. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Ohio [Mr. BURKE] and the Zuckert, and Mr. Murray, who were described certificate will be read. as the Democratic members, as the Truman Senator from Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER] holdovers, or in similar political terms. The certificate of election was read, are absent on official business. and ordered to be placed on file, as The Senator from Tennessee [Mr. "AN UNDELmERATE CHANGE follows: GoRE] and the Senator from Florida [Mr. "This has now come to be more than merely STATE OF DELAWARE, a rna tter of the terminology of pUblic dis­ ExECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, SMATHERS] are absent by leave of the cussion and journalism. Dover. Senate on official business. "A fundamental transformation is in proc­ To the PREsiDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. ess in the very character of the body en­ UNITED STATES : KENNEDY] is absent by leave of the Sen­ trusted with the future of atomic science, This is to certify that on the 2d day of .ate because of illness. the vast atomic industry and nuclear weap­ November 1954, .J . ALLEN FREAR was duly The Senator from Oklahoma £Mr. oneering. chosen by the qualified electors of the State KERR] is necessarily absent. "That the change does not appear to have of Delaware a Senator from said State to been a deliberate one does not ma,ke the represent said State in the Senate of the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CARL• result any less disturbing, nor the potential United States for a term of 6 years, begin­ soN in the chair). A quorum is present. consequences, in the writer's opinion, less ning on t h e 3d d ay of January 1955. Routine business is now in order. injurious to the national interest. 1954 (:ONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 16109 "It therefore seems relevant to recal-l that wards, which was published in Human posure has resulted in protection to that Congress, in 1946, established :the AEC as a Events, of Washington, D. C., on No­ security. nonpartisan, not as a bipartisan, body. It vember 10, 1954. The above figures cover the 1953-1954 pe­ was to be nonpolitical, not bipolitical. riod when McCARTHY was Chairman of the "The members of the first Commission There being no objection,. the article Senate investigating group. He was active were not appointed as Democrats or Repub­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, tor only 14 months, having been immo~ilized licans. as follows: since March 1954, by two investigations of "The Democratic National Committee, McCARTHY's RECORD his activities, the latter resulting in recom­ Democratic Members of Congress, and Presi­ (By Willard Edwards) mendations for censure on the grounds of dent Truman, either as head of his party or senatorial misconduct. as Chief Executive, had nothing whatever to During the next 4 or more weeks, the faults and virtues of Senator McCARTHY, Re­ From 1950 to 1952, McCARTHY was a one­ do with AEC's contracts for · power supply, man investigator.
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