Annual report 2015 Photo: Christiane Runte Photo: Dear Friends of EuroNatur, As conservationists we face many challenges, has grown in attractive areas for bird observation such as The European Green Belt is a classic example of this type some of which are quite overwhelming. the Karavasta Lagoon. The hunting moratorium provides of reconciliation. In 2015 the initiative made decisive However, the 2015 EuroNatur Activity Report new and sustainable sources of income for the local popu- progress when the European Green Belt Association was shows once again that we can do something lation. A few months ago we received the delightful news formally registered and officially obtained its status as a about the destruction of our European natu- that the hunting moratorium in Albania has been exten- non-profit association. It now comprises about 30 govern- ral heritage if we try to do so together. At ded for another five years. The conditions have never been mental and non-governmental organizations from fifteen first sight, some of the achievements might better for finally making substantial improvements to the countries! The great task before it is to establish more appear like the proverbial drop in the ocean. catastrophic situation faced by wildlife in Albania. Since firmly the idea behind the Green Belt, with all of its four But each of these drops holds the promise of wildlife knows no national borders, the effects will even sections, in society at large and in the political sphere, and positive change. For example, thanks to the be felt way beyond Albania’s borders. to dovetail conservation activities across borders. Here too persistent pressure exerted by both national we are on the right track. and international conservation organizati- It has always been one of EuroNatur’s core objectives to ons, the Albanian government finally pulled forge connections between countries and regions. It is a We would not be able to implement our projects without the the ripcord and in March 2014 enacted a matter of deep concern to us that conditions in Europe support of our donors, supporters and sponsors. I would like nationwide moratorium on all hunting. Again at present are pointing in the opposite direction: Barbed to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to and again we had publicly called on the wire fences have made a come-back, some countries have you for your loyalty! On the following pages we are highligh- powers that be to put an end to the unbridled closed their borders, and parts of the European Union are ting some of what we have achieved together in 2015. hunting of migratory birds and other wildlife pursuing a policy of isolation. Our work therefore is more in the country. While the situation continues important than ever. The EuroNatur projects are not just I trust that this report will make interesting reading. to be critical, the moratorium is already about making peace between humans and nature. With Yours sincerely, having a positive impact: There was a signi- their practical work and human encounters, cross-border ficant decline in commercial hunting tourism conservation efforts also bring reconciliation between in 2015. Instead, the number of birdwatchers people and cultures. Christel Schroeder President of EuroNatur 20 Annual Report 2015 Editorial 2 Photo: Goran Safarek - Vjosa river - Goran Safarek Photo: EuroNatur – Nature conservation without borders EuroNatur, the European Nature Heritage Fund, lives Large-scale protected areas in outstanding land- Presence both in the political arena and at the up to its name: There are virtually no other organi- scapes: practical level: sations that focus their project activities on trans- We safeguard large-scale, intact natural landscapes and EuroNatur is an advocate of European nature in Brussels. boundary conservation in Europe as strongly as we ecologically valuable cultural landscapes in Europe. In this We fight for a reorientation of the European agricultural do. This European focus is enshrined in EuroNatur’s context, one focus of EuroNatur’s work is on projects along policy to render it more favourable both in economic and Statutes which set out the organisation’s com- the “Balkan Green Belt”. environmental terms. And we fight for a conservation mitments to include the “implementation of and policy that opens up future prospects for both people and support for nature conservation projects in Europe We don’t shoot from the hip but we’re in it for the nature. Moreover we campaign for the actual implemen- aiming at the protection, maintenance and rein- long haul: tation of planned measures for the protection of European troduction of fauna and flora in the wild”. We see EuroNatur fosters long-term relationships and works on las- natural heritage. it as our core task to overcome the many national ting successes rather than leaving important regions to their borders in Europe in a positive manner and to en- own devices on foot of implementing short-term projects. Networks for nature: able nature conservation efforts at the level of the EuroNatur does not only engage in establishing an ecolo- European continent. Capacity building: gical network of the most important ecosystems in Europe We primarily work with regional partner organisations on but also brings together scientists, partners in conserva- site and provide advanced training for our partners in the tion, farmers, politicians and business people from various What are the particularly distinct features EuroNatur project areas to enable them to effectively countries, thus establishing transboundary communication of EuroNatur’s work? protect nature in their own regions. and understanding. Transboundary protection of wild fauna: Conservation WITH people: EuroNatur engages in protection measures for We promote sustainable development in rural areas and species of wild fauna such as wolves, bears, lynx, offer functioning examples of regional development in Mediterranean monk seals, migratory birds and harmony with nature. This helps us to win over local their habitats in Europe. people as partners for achieving our conservation objectives. Annual Report 2015 Mission-Statement 3 Photo: Kerstin Sauer - Radolfzell on Lake Constance Sauer - Radolfzell on Lake Kerstin Photo: A Foundation to protect Europe’s nature The current Statutes (in German only) can be downloa- ty. Detailed profiles of the Members of the Board of Trustees EuroNatur is a non-profit foundation estab- ded at can be accessed at www.euronatur.org. lished in 1987 by Friends of the Earth Germany www.euronatur.org/Organisation.1247.0.html. (Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutsch- Salaried management staff in charge of operative land, BUND), the German Federation for Nature Presiding Committee provides strategic orientation implementation Conservation (Naturschutzbund Deutschland, New members of the Presiding Committee are proposed by The full-time salaried management team consisting of the NABU) and German Environmental Aid (Deut- existing members and elected to the Committee by majority Executive Director and the Director for Nature Conserva- sche Umwelthilfe, DUH). It is headquartered vote. The President is elected from among the members of the tion Policy is in charge of and responsible for steering the in Radolfzell. EuroNatur is legally, organiza- Presiding Committee. In 2015, EuroNatur’s Presiding Commit- organization’s operative work. In 2015, EuroNatur maintained tionally and financially independent, autono- tee had six voting members, all of whom served in a voluntary two offices in Germany and employed a total of 21 staff. mous and non-partisan. A foundation having capacity. Their duties include determining the organization’s Central functions such as managing donors, bookkeeping, legal personality (rechtsfähige Stiftung) such strategic orientation, approving annual budgets, and appro- general administration and public relations work are based as EuroNatur differs from a registered vo- ving the annual accounts. The Presiding Committee oversees in Radolfzell at Lake Constance, as are most of the project luntary association (Verein) in that it has no the work of the Executive Director and the Director for Nature management activities. The conservation policy office is membership base. The latest exemption notice Conservation Policy with a view to its lawfulness, expediency based in Rheinbach near Bonn. More than 30 voluntary col- (Freistellungsbescheid) was issued by the tax and economic efficiency. Detailed Committee member profi- laborators support the work of EuroNatur Foundation. authority in Singen on December 14, 2015. les can be accessed at www.euronatur.org. EuroNatur is a member of, amongst others, EuroNatur Service GmbH the following organizations: European Green Board of Trustees serves as an advisory committee Almost twenty years ago, the European Nature Heritage Belt Association, International Union for Con- EuroNatur’s Presiding Committee can nominate persons to Fund established a wholly owned subsidiary, the EuroNatur servation of Nature (IUCN), European Habitats the Board of Trustees who support the organization’s con- Service GmbH, a limited company. This small but efficient Forum, German League for Nature Conservati- cerns. In 2015, EuroNatur’s Board of Trustees had 22 mem- service provider publishes and markets landscape and wild- on and Environmental Protection (DNR), Asso- bers, all of whom served in a voluntary capacity. They sup- life calendars and guidebooks on EuroNatur’s project regions ciation of German Foundations, AgrarBündnis
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