CRETE BIRD REPORT 1989 CRETE BIRD REPORT 1989 CRETE BIRD REPORT 1989 CRETE BIRD REPORT 1989 CRETE BIRD REPORT 1989 Compiled by: Stephanie Coghlan Crete Bird Report 1989 WEATHER The Winter and Spring of 1988/1989 had been very dry with very little winter rain or snow. In late March a heavy storm ruined the Independence Day parade on 25th. April was mild and sunny but there were still periods of rough weather. The weather settled down after this. The Summer was very, very hot. In October the weather was mixed being cold and wet and stormy at times. This produced a disappointing migrant evidence. Amongst the hirundines there were plenty of swallows but few martins, and only one species of Wheatear was recorded. The rivers were dry and recent rain produced pools in the riverbeds but these did not attract birds. BIRDS The dry weather resulted in fewer records of wildfowl this Spring. However there were plenty of other records of interest with Greater Sand Plover, Pacific Golden Plover, Kittiwake, White-breasted Kingfisher, Upchers Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Marmora's Warbler, Rock Nuthatch, Crossbill and Bullfinch amongst others being reported and Penduline Tit turned up again in October. SYSTEMATIC LIST of BIRDS RECORDED IN 1989 Please note that some of these records are printed subject to verification. LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Common on open water. In April, 1 Georgioupolis 9.4. 2 there 12.4. & 15.4. At Agia 3 on 8.4 then 6 Agia reservoir 16.4. and 4 17.4. 2 Georgioupolis lake 18.4. 12 Lake Kournas 21.4. In May - 3 pairs at Lake Kournas 3.5. 1 Georgioupolis 3.5. and 2 there 4.5. 6 Agia reservoir 7.5. 2 Georgioupolis 16.5. 4 Agia reservoir 16.5. 8 Lake Kournas 4.10. 2 Georgioupolis 6.10. GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus No records received. BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricolus There were only records from Kournas with c25 Lake Kournas 31.3. and c20 in the 3rd week in April. While in October there were 17 there 13.10. CORY'S SHEARWATER Calonectris diomedea It was particularly good between 19.4 to 25.4. for this species, off the Creta Sun beach. Obviously a large shoal of fish came into the area as large numbers of herring gulls and local fishing boats appeared. On 20.4. there were 41 birds very close to Creta Sun Hotel in a sea fog. Then for the next three days 2,500 were to be seen off the hotel dropping to 200 on 24.4. and only 25 on 25.4. Elsewhere 5 seen just off the harbour wall Chania 14.4. and 20-30 seen off Chania 16.4. c.30 feeding offshore on 30.4. at 9.00am. In May 1 Chora Sfakion 5.5. 8 off Mirabello Beach 6.5. and 2 off Agia Marina 11.5. 30+ Platanias 13.5. 20+ there 15.5. and 6 16.5. Also described as numerous in the Gulf of Heraklion in first two weeks in August. In October 5.10 c.10 off Bali, and 6.10. 6 off Bali. 30 Georgioupolis beach 16.10. and 350 per hour west 17.10. MANX SHEARWATER Balearic race Puffinus puffinus 3 seen off Creta Sun 12.4. rising to 5 15.4. 1 off Chania 16.4. During the large gathering of sea birds off Creta Sun c500 were recorded on 21st and c200 on 22nd. 1 off the south coast on boat trip to Ag. Roumeli from Chora Sfakion during early August. CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo 3 were seen off the coast from Ag. Triada 21.4. SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis A single flew past Chania Harbour early morning 16,17, & 18.4. also 2 Almyros 3rd week in April. Page 2 of 23 Crete Bird Report 1989 PYGMY CORMORANT Phalacrocrax pygmeus 3 one in a breeding plumage at Almyros feeding at the river mouth 22.3. WHITE PELICAN Pelicanus onocrotalus 1 tame Sitia 17.9. BITTERN Botaurus stellaris 13 in off the sea to Plakias Bay on 4.5. LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus 1 Creta Sun 13.4. 1m Mylo river ford 16.4. 3 Agia reservoir 16.4. and 1 Agia reservoir 17.4. Recorded there 3rd week in April. 1 Lake Kournas 3.5. 1 Ierapetra beach 5.5. 1 Agia reservoir 6.5. 2+ Agia reservoir 7.5. 2m there 16.5. NIGHT HERON Nycticorax nycticorax 10 Chora Sfakion 12.4. flew out to sea then returned and flew east. 8 Chora Sfakion 13.4. An adult and juvenile on 12.4 with the juvenile still present 13.4. at Creta Sun lagoons. 1 Agia reservoir 13.4. An adult and 3 juveniles roosted overnight at Creta Sun Lagoon 18./19.4. 1 juvenile 21.4. and 24.4. 1 adult 23.4. all at Creta Sun lagoon. 2 Lake Kourna 3rd week in April. 2 Creta Sun lagoons present 25.4 to 2.5. 1 Aposelemis river in first half of August. SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides 1 Agia 8.4. 2 Damnoni 12.4. 2 Agia reservoir 13.4. 1 Aposelemis river 13.4. 2 Mylo river ford 16.4. 1 Camping George area 16.4. 33 recorded at Aghia Triada 13.4. 32 there 21.4. 14 Damnoni 23.4. Several at most wetlands during 3rd week in April. 1-3 recorded at Creta Sun, Damnoni beach, Plakias and Aghia reservoir. 2-3 Ierapetra reservoir and migrant flocks seen along shores 19.4.- 2.5. In May recorded Elounda saltpans 8.5.and 13.5, Aghia Triada 9.5. and Georgioupolis 11.5. 1 Agia reservoir 16.5. 1 adult Aposelemis river 31.5. and 1.6. In August frequent at Aposelemis river with max 13. 12 shot dead at Keridis river 23.8 in front of one observer. 25 near Ag. Nikolaos 14.9. 1 Heraklion beach 26.9. CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis No records received. LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta 2 Mylopotamos Bridge 11.4. 2 Mylo river ford 11.4. 2 there 16.4. From 12.4. onwards individuals in damp places and rocks on Rethymnon shore, 1 Georgioupolis 13.4. 8 Ag. Fothia nr Ierapetra 13.4. & 2 Agia reservoir 13.4. 3 Elounda saltpans 15.4. Thereafter recorded almost daily 2-3 Chania, 1 Souda Bay, 1-2 Agia reservoir, 1 Creta Sun 19.4, 5 Elounda, 2 Aghia Triada all between 12. to 25.4. Singles near Rethymnon, Plakias, Frangocastello, Aghia Galini and near Sitia 3rd week in April. 1-2 Ierapetra reservoir throughout late April and May. In May recorded Elounda 6.5, 8.5, 12.5, and 13.5. Kalo Horio 7.5 Agia Galini 9.5. Georgioupolis 11.5. 1 offshore Malia 14.5. 4 Camping George 19.5. 50 Agia reservoir 23.9 and other records of small numbers in September with 18 Heraklion 26.9. GREAT WHITE EGRET Egretta alba 1 Plakias Bay 30.4. 1 flying past Almyros mid July. 1 en route to Lassithi 14.9. 40 at Lake Kournas 21.9. GREY HERON Ardea cinerea 20 came in from the sea with 4 Little Egrets at Loutro on the south coast at the end of March. 1 amongst the Purple Herons 13.4. at Aghia Triada. Movement recorded from SW to NE 100, then 20 then 80 in 45 mins Ag. Fothia. 1 Elounda 15.4. 2 at Agia reservoir on 16.4. 1 Georgioupolis 16.4. and 1 Camping George 16.4. and 1 Bali to Rethymnon and 1 Agia reservoir 17.4. 2 amongst Purple Herons 21.4. Aghia Triada. May records from Plakias over sea 13.5, Georgioupolis 11.5. 2 Agia reservoir 16.5. 2 adults daily at Aposelemis river 31.5 to 3.6. In August 15 over the sea 18.8. Aposelemis river. September flocks 12 Sitia 17.9. & 11 on 18.9. Singles Agia reservoir 23.9. and Lake Kournas 21.9. 1 Lake Kournas 13.10. 46 east at Georgioupolis 13.10. Page 3 of 23 Crete Bird Report 1989 PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea 1 Creta Sun lagoon 12.4. and 13.4. On 21.4. a flock of large birds seen over traffic lights at Heraklion were probably this species. At Aghia Triada a sizeable 'fall' up to 138 was noted mixed with lesser numbers of Squaccos. On 21.4. 64 flew north across the Creta Sun and later in the day at Aghia Triada observers were treated to the spectacle of wave after wave coming in off the sea and landing on the beach area near the airfield. It was estimated that in 3 hours watching 500+ birds arrived. (DI & RSPB) At Ierapetra c.30 20.4. and 21.4. 1 Chora Sfakion clifftop 22.4. and 10 west near Frangocastello 23.4. In August 1 2nd week and then 10+ over the sea 18.8. Aposelemis river. WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia A flock just south of Rethymnon 25.4.and 6 flying over Power station area 28.4. 1 near Georgioupolis in August. GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus 45 high over Kourtaliotiko Gorge 3rd week in April. During first two weeks in August seven groups on migration totalling 270+. SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia No records received GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus ruber No records received. MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor No records received. WIGEON Anas penelope No records received. GADWALL Anas strepeca No records received. TEAL Anas crecca 1f 27.3. at Almyros. MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Pair at Lake Kourna in mid April. PINTAIL Anas acuta Records received from March and October. 2m Malia marsh river mouth 25.
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