Primary Schools - Resource Teaching Hours Allocation

Primary Schools - Resource Teaching Hours Allocation

Primary Schools - Resource Teaching Hours Allocation RT Hours RT Hours in January for September County Roll Number School Name 2014 2014 Adjustment 13/14 14/15 Carlow 00651R Borris Mixed NS 33.15 29.75 -3.4 Carlow 00977B Ballyconnell N S 2.975 8.075 5.1 Carlow 01116A Baile An Chuilinn N S 26.35 22.525 -3.825 Carlow 01215C Newtown Dunleckney Mxd 28.475 24.225 -4.25 Carlow 01415K Rathoe Ns 23.375 22.1 -1.275 Carlow 02124E Scoil Nais Molaise 32.725 27.625 -5.1 Carlow 04077I St. Brigid's NS 15.725 18.275 2.55 Carlow 09320Q Scoil Nais Mhuire 8.5 11.05 2.55 Carlow 11135K St Marys N S 5.95 8.5 2.55 Carlow 13105L St Brigid's Monastery 34 26.775 -7.225 Carlow 13507I S N Muire Lourdes 0 0 0 Carlow 13607M St Columbas N S 0 0 0 Carlow 14837L S N Peadar Agus Pol 21.675 24.225 2.55 Carlow 16080N Scoil Phadraig Naofa 42.075 29.325 -12.75 Carlow 16938E Fr Cullen Memorial School 16.575 13.175 -3.4 Carlow 17053P Bishop Foley Memorial School 44.625 66.725 22.1 Carlow 17096K S N Nmh Fhingin 0 2.975 2.975 Carlow 17127S St Joseph's NS 31.875 24.225 -7.65 Carlow 17462J Scoil Nais Mhichil 6.8 6.8 0 Carlow 17501Q Bennekerry NS 62.9 60.775 -2.125 Carlow 17514C S N Cluain Na Gall 15.725 14.45 -1.275 Carlow 17663T St Patricks N S 19.55 17.85 -1.7 Carlow 17756D Ballinabranna N S 9.35 9.35 0 Carlow 17796P Nurney NS 15.3 17.85 2.55 Carlow 17994T S N Fhoirtcheirn/Fhinin 22.525 17.85 -4.675 Carlow 18024N Scoil Náisiúnta na Maighdine Muire 4.25 4.25 0 Carlow 18183K Queen Of Universe N S 36.125 27.625 -8.5 Carlow 18363M S N Muire Gan Smal 30.6 23.8 -6.8 Carlow 18424G St. Joseph's BNS 39.525 19.125 -20.4 Carlow 18510W S N Nmh Padraig 2.975 2.975 0 Carlow 18609S S N Fiontain Naofa 0 0 0 Carlow 18615N Carlow National School 11.9 11.9 0 Carlow 19477J Holy Family B N S 99.45 82.875 -16.575 Carlow 19478L Holy Family G N S 57.8 48.025 -9.775 Carlow 19784S St Laserians Mxd Ns 14.025 17 2.975 Carlow 19811S S N Eoghan Ui Thuairisc 32.725 33.15 0.425 Carlow 19958C S.N. Naomh Fhiach 39.525 45.05 5.525 Carlow 20295K Carlow Educate Together NS 56.525 62.05 5.525 Cavan 01356U Kilnaleck Mixed N S 7.225 7.225 0 Cavan 05627W Bailieboro Model N S 14.875 11.475 -3.4 Cavan 06998Q St. Patricks 8.5 8.5 0 Cavan 08143P Scoil Mhuire 6.375 6.375 0 Cavan 08453H S N Cruabanai 32.3 28.05 -4.25 Cavan 08490N St Clares Primary School 48.025 48.025 0 Cavan 08948L Milltown N S 9.35 12.75 3.4 Cavan 09353I Newtowngore N S 3.4 3.4 0 Cavan 10146K Corliss N S 5.525 9.775 4.25 Cavan 11205F Killeshandra N S 4.25 4.25 0 Cavan 11409V Ballyconell Central N S 2.975 2.975 0 Cavan 11517B Cavan No 1 NS 15.725 22.95 7.225 Cavan 11541V Farnham N.S. 28.05 28.05 0 Cavan 12099O Billis NS 11.05 11.05 0 Cavan 12312L Darley N S 3.4 2.55 -0.85 Cavan 12713G Corratober NS 0 0 0 Cavan 13203L St Patricks Mxd N S 20.4 17.85 -2.55 NCSE 1 26/05/2014 Primary Schools - Resource Teaching Hours Allocation RT Hours RT Hours in January for September County Roll Number School Name 2014 2014 Adjustment 13/14 14/15 Cavan 13271F Fairgreen N S 6.375 14.025 7.65 Cavan 13811L Corcreagh NS 4.25 4.25 0 Cavan 14073G St Patrick's N.S. 2.55 5.95 3.4 Cavan 14211P S N Lathrach 2 13.175 19.125 5.95 Cavan 14320U Corlea N S 5.1 5.1 0 Cavan 14336M Searcog I N S 6.375 6.375 0 Cavan 14399N St. Brigid's N.S. 25.925 33.15 7.225 Cavan 14732U Scoil Bhride 17 21.25 4.25 Cavan 15120R Killyconnan NS 7.65 7.65 0 Cavan 15452T Kildallon NS 4.25 0 -4.25 Cavan 15502I Killinkere N S 22.95 24.225 1.275 Cavan 16057S Convent Of Mercy N S 6.8 11.05 4.25 Cavan 16083T Virginia Mxd N S 63.325 57.8 -5.525 Cavan 16093W Ballyconnell Mxd N S 27.2 14.875 -12.325 Cavan 16316Q St Marys N S 20.4 17.85 -2.55 Cavan 16390F Scoil Bhríde 9.775 9.775 0 Cavan 16520P Drung 1 NS (St Mary's) 0 0 0 Cavan 16767D Coronea NS 0 0 0 Cavan 16921K St. Felim's NS 17.425 8.925 -8.5 Cavan 16959M Curravagh NS 7.65 7.225 -0.425 Cavan 17230L Scoil Naomh Brid 3.4 7.65 4.25 Cavan 17240O St. Brigid'sN.S 11.475 7.225 -4.25 Cavan 17326B St. Feilm's N.S. 51.425 55.675 4.25 Cavan 17440W St Mogue's N.S. 7.65 11.05 3.4 Cavan 17479D Scoil Mhuire 17.425 17.425 0 Cavan 17531C Baile Na Mona 19.55 3.4 -16.15 Cavan 17601U S N Doire Na Ceise 0 0 0 Cavan 17625L Cnoc An Teampaill 17.425 7.225 -10.2 Cavan 17630E SN Maodhog 2.975 5.525 2.55 Cavan 17780A St. Mary's N S 12.325 12.325 0 Cavan 17990L Drumcrave N.S. 0 0 0 Cavan 18059J Bailieboro N S 28.05 31.45 3.4 Cavan 18127A St. Mary's B.N.S. 14.025 17.425 3.4 Cavan 18340A S N Padraig 0 0 0 Cavan 18346M Greaghrahan N.S. 6.8 6.8 0 Cavan 18355N Knocknagilla N S 7.65 4.25 -3.4 Cavan 18393V SN Cillin 4.25 8.5 4.25 Cavan 18518P Corlurgan NS 10.2 8.5 -1.7 Cavan 18564W S N Leitir 5.525 5.95 0.425 Cavan 18833A S N Lathrach 13.175 12.75 -0.425 Cavan 18857O S N Carraig A Bruis 17 21.25 4.25 Cavan 19202Q Drumkilly Ns 22.95 25.5 2.55 Cavan 19285A Kill NS 0 0 0 Cavan 19322D Kilmore Central N S 5.95 5.95 0 Cavan 19326L Butlersbridge NS 20.825 31.025 10.2 Cavan 19363R Mullahoran Central N S 8.5 5.525 -2.975 Cavan 19378H SN Baile An Airidh 2.975 2.975 0 Cavan 19418Q Castlerahan Central Ns 16.575 20.825 4.25 Cavan 19432K Crosskeys Central N S 11.9 9.775 -2.125 Cavan 19527V Cabra Central N S 0 0 0 Cavan 19568M St Patricks 5.525 12.325 6.8 Cavan 19596R Crosserlough N S 2.55 6.8 4.25 Cavan 19608V Mullagh Central Ns 49.3 45.05 -4.25 Cavan 19679V St. Aiden's NS 5.95 0 -5.95 Cavan 19871N St Patricks N S 6.8 9.775 2.975 NCSE 2 26/05/2014 Primary Schools - Resource Teaching Hours Allocation RT Hours RT Hours in January for September County Roll Number School Name 2014 2014 Adjustment 13/14 14/15 Cavan 19921C Drung No 2 Central NS 0 0 0 Cavan 19983B St Clares Ns 25.925 22.95 -2.975 Cavan 20026G Gaelscoil Bhreifne 0 0 0 Cavan 20134J St Michaels NS 9.35 5.95 -3.4 Cavan 20172R St Josephs N S 32.3 33.15 0.85 Cavan 20277I St Michaels NS 7.65 14.45 6.8 Clare 02439G S N Mhuire 2.975 2.975 0 Clare 03898U Toonagh N S 14.025 18.275 4.25 Clare 03928D Mullagh N S 11.9 17.85 5.95 Clare 04548V Scoil Seanain Naofa 61.625 56.1 -5.525 Clare 04919H Cratloe NS 31.025 31.025 0 Clare 05253H St. Patrick's N S 2.975 2.975 0 Clare 07315N Holy Family Snr 100.725 108.8 8.075 Clare 09390O Rockmount Mixed N S 13.6 10.625 -2.975 Clare 09425H Rineen N S 13.6 10.2 -3.4 Clare 10568N Querrin 13.175 10.2 -2.975 Clare 10886E Tubber N S 3.4 3.4 0 Clare 11234M Clohanebeg NS 2.975 2.975 0 Clare 11714D Bansha N S 19.125 16.15 -2.975 Clare 11765U Doonbeg N S 2.975 2.975 0 Clare 11990E Bodyke N S 11.475 7.225 -4.25 Clare 12633I Coolmeen N S 3.4 0 -3.4 Clare 12848G Doonaha NS 0 0 0 Clare 13351D Clonigulane NS 0 0 0 Clare 13379C Fanore NS (SN Padraig) 0 0 0 Clare 13418J Ballyea Mixed N S 15.725 19.975 4.25 Clare 13478E Droimdiogach N S 0 0 0 Clare 13625O Kilnamona N S 11.9 7.65 -4.25 Clare 13730L Clohanes NS 15.3 11.05 -4.25 Clare 13738E Burrane NS 12.325 12.325 0 Clare 13804O Cranny 9.775 2.975 -6.8 Clare 13826B Kilmihil N.S.

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