Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-30-1980 The BG News May 30, 1980 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 30, 1980" (1980). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3757. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3757 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. friday- may 30, 1980 The G Slews Bowling 'Green State University column one Champion presents revised ACGFA proposal by Kavln Sattlage members-three undergraduate and "In our work here, we are not trying R Ferrari had extended the commit- Dr. Susan S. Arpad, associate pro- stall raportar two graduate students-to be ap- to get minorities on ACGFA, but their tee's deadline until the end of next fessor of popular culture who ACGFA appeals pointed through a selection board. views should be there," he added. week. represents Women's Studies on the Efforts by an ad hoc committee to But "in view of the time, we are just committee, suggested that an to be reviewed formulate a recommendation on the EACH OF the eight categories AFTER THE meeting, Champion spinning our wheels...we are going awareness of ACGFA should be Advisory Committee on General Fee would select another member to sit on said, "My (revised) proposal is simp- nowhere fast," she said after the hour- brought out in the orientation. A committee has been form- Allocations membership continued at the selection board, which would be ly an honest attempt to do what I think long discussion. She then suggested ed to review appeals of the yesterday's meeting with a revised coordinated by the Student Govern- will answer most concerns, not all. that the committee table the issue of "The (University) groups 1980-01 Advisory Committee on proposal from Dr. Ernest A. Cham- ment Association representative to "It (the proposal) also lends itself to ACGFA composition until meetings themselves need to be educated as to General Fee Allocations pion. the Board of Trustees. people who may not want to belong to Wednesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. what ACGFA is and educate the recommendations. Champion, assistant director of In the hour of discussion following any individual group. I think we can University about ACGFA's purpose. I Dr. Richard R. Eakin, vice ethnic studies and ad hoc committee Champion's suggestion, three other get a very satisfactory solution in MULLINS ALSO asked each suggest some kind of information provost for institutional plann- member, had presented an earlier committee members made verbal this," he said. member who wished to make a pro- campaign for all students," Arpad ing and student affairs, will proposal listing 11 categories of proposals for a selection process. posal to "put them in writing" and said. chair the committee, which in- representatives which would directly Referring to the eight categories But he emphasized, "It's not submit them to be copied for the com- cludes one graduate and two elect or select members to ACGFA. identified in his revised proposal, something I'm recommending, it's mittee's consideration. At the close of the meeting, Mull- undergraduate students. His revised proposal would allow Champion said, "We (the committee) just a suggestion." ings listed as issues to be dealt with at Guidelines for the appeals eight of the original 11 categories, ex- have been charged with restructuring Beverly L. Mullins, committee The committee discussed the Wednesday's meeting the purpose and process are as follows: cluding faculty, staff and intram- ACGFA to come up with something chairman and director of the Office of "purpose and function" and the function of ACGFA, the various pro- • All appeals must be receiv- murals, to directly select members. new that will work. These are groups Equal Opportunity Compliance, said "orientation for ACGFA" sections posals on composition and the ACGFA ed in Eakin's office, in writing, In addition, it provides for five whose voices have to be heard. at the meeting that Provost Michael from Champion's original proposal. orientation process. no later than 5 p.m. next Mon- day; • Appeals must be addressed to the original budget request presented to ACGFA. New, EOC Office works to modified budget requests will not be considered; • Written appeals should in- clude a specific statement of maintain its momentum the basis for an appeal. Appeal- by Paula Wlnslow are followed in efforts to hire women ing groups should be as specific stall reporter and minorities, complies with affir- as possible in delineating the mative action reports and performs rationale for an appeal; Ten years ago the nation felt the other duties. • Attention will be focused on pressure of a tremendous push toward whether or not procedural er- equal opportunity for minorities in NOT ONLY must Mullins fight the rors were committed by jobs and education. weakening emphasis on equal oppor- ACGFA; In 1980, that momentum seems to tunity, but also a tendency for people • Oral testimonies, if desired, have slowed; affirmative action is not to become "turned off' by affirmative can be scheduled by calling always in the limelight anymore. But action. One example is white males Sharon Franklin at 372-2917; that trend has not slowed the Univer- who fear that reverse discrimination • Meetings will be open to the sity's Office of Equal Opportunity will give away their jobs to women public and held in the Assembly Compliance, nor its director, Beverly and minorities. Room, McFall Center; and L. Mullins. The best way to rout that feeling is • Recommendations to "Whenever people's attention is for EOC to be an "educative process" University President Hollis A. heightened, when something is in the in which the director tells the com- Moore Jr. are expected by June news, and then it stops being news, munity about affirmative action 5. there is a trend to be complacent," through speaking to classes, serving Mullins said, referring to the coun- on committees, conducting workshops Prof to develop try's attitude toward civil rights. and distributing literature, Mullins "You have to continue to be ag- said. meat-eating tomato gressive in your efforts despite what "But our biggest role is to make the mood is; to increase awareness, to sure that we're doing what is right in RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - A increase recruiting efforts," she con- terms of the laws and regulations," researcher at North Carolina tinued. she added. State University is working on Even when following the Universi- a plan to turn the tables on the THAT GOAL of achieving progress ty's affirmative action plan and animal kingdom. He's trying, in in equal opportunity is what the federal guidelines, successfully effect, to create a meat-eating University had in mind when the Of- recruiting women and minorities can tomato. fice of Affirmative Action was created be difficult, Mullins noted. The wild varieties are in 1972. The office later was renamed covered with glandular hairs the Office of Human Resources, and in IT ESPECIALLY IS challenging to that secrete a sticky 1976 became EOC. attract qualified minorities to the substance, trapping small in- The capstone to the equal opportuni- campus "because the community is sects rash enough to land on the ty effort fell into place April 1977 when not particularly conducive to plants, mortally poisoning pests the University Board of Trustees ap- minorities to want to come and live in as little as 20 minutes or proved an Affirmative Action Plan for here," she said, noting Bowling merely paralyzing them. students, faculty and staff to ensure Green's mostly white, middle-class against discrimination because of makeup. weather stall photo by Scott Keeler race or sex. Another reason is the law of supply The plan is the main focus of EOC, and demand. Cloudy, warm. High 86 F (30 Ron Staphenson, ol 214 Napoleon Road, grabs a watermelon from the produce rack at the Food Mullins said "There are a lot of areas that have C), low 63 F (17 C), SO percent Town Super Market. 104S N. Main St., yesterday. Staphenson won the Kappa Sigma shopping sprea "EOC is the whole ball of wax about one black graduate all year and he's raffle which allowed him to dash through the store in three minutes and collect up to $500 worth ol affirmative action," she said, noting the only black graduate in several chance of precipitation. groceries. After the allotted time, Stephenson carted away $422 in groceries. that it ensures that federal guidelines continued on page 4 Teaming upon retirement Writing couple moves on to Texas Anderses have watched campus evolve by Lisa Bowers about University issues with someone who I trust im- by Kim Van Wart 15,000.1 knew almost everyone on campus and now don't plicitly," Martha said, noting that this helps her decide stall raportar even know all the faculty." Retirement will be a step in a new direction for a hus- about the issues. The campus has changed a great deal, he added. "It band and wife faculty team. "Fred and I agree on most issues that do arise. It is not often that a person can say that he has grown was a tremendous thing to watch." Fred Eckman, creative writing professor, and his wife, Because of his ability to verbalize, I can better picture with the University.
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