... Oil industry 6 VOL. XVII, NO. 64 the independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint man 's THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1982 Cites family as reason Kennedy bows out of race WASHINGTON (A P ) - Sen. Ed Democratic nomination from in­ my decision, 1 think. ” ward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) an­ cumbent Jimmy Carter two years Kennedy had geared up to run, nounced yesterday that he w ill not ago, but led in the early polls for the s t pending $750,000 on television seek or accept the 1984 Democratic 1984 contest. W hen stepping aside, commercials in Massachusetts even presidential nomination even he endorsed no other contender, though his Senate re-election was though he believes it was his to but held open the possibility of such assured, beefing up his political and claim. With his children alongside, an endorsement. fundraising staff, and authorizing he cited “overriding" obligations to The decision left former Vice aides to solicit advice from cam­ them as the basis of the decision to President Walter F. Mondale as the paign veterans about setting up an­ dismantle a budding campaign. frontrunner in an already crowded other bid for the White House. "I don’t think there’s any mystery field of unannounced Democratic In addition, two aides disclosed, I would like to be president,” he candidates. Other liberals, including Kennedy had commissioned polls in said. “ W ere the decision to be made Rep. Morris Udall of Arizona, may New Hampshire as well as Iowa and solely on political grounds, I would now be encouraged to fill the void Illinois. They said he made his deci­ have made a different announce­ Kennedy’s announcement was a sion not to run before knowing the ment today.” political bombshell in Washington, results of the midwestern polls. The withdrawal of the Massachu­ even though it was well known that “I believe my first and overriding setts senator came 451 days before his family did not want him to par­ obligation now is to Patrick, Kara the first presidential primary, in ticipate in a 1984 campaign. Ken­ and Teddy,” he said. “ I w ill not be a March 1984. nedy met with the clan over candidate for president of the Kennedy failed in a bid to take the Thanksgiving, and “ they all support United States in 1984.” ‘Save the buses’ Van Wolvlear blasts Burke By TOM MOWLE Burke said the Senate was bill “is a serious matter. The resolu­ News Staff “making light on purpose ” The cost tion makes us look petty.” He went of the damage “is not really any on to propose another solution: “ If 1 Father John Van Wolvlear, Vice money at all” for the university, he were the coach, I would have paid it President for Student Affairs, said said, but also said, “ I f students thin k myself because it was a great display Tuesday that Lloyd Burke, Student we should pay, we'll do something.” of school spirit, the likes of which Body President, “is not facing the Van Wolvlear said this is the first we haven’t seen since the Alabama issue” with the “Save the Buses ’ tim e TRANSPO has bille d the u n i­ game in 1980.” Burke said that campaign he initiated at Monday’s versity since he has been here, al­ “future action is up in the air at this Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), shown here in a recent ap­ Student Senate Meeting. though a bus windshield was broken point.” Means of collecting the pearance, stated yesterday that he w ill not campaign fo r the 1984 Van Wolvlear said that the Student after the 1981 Sugar Bowl win over money for the bill w ill be discussed Democratic presidential nomination. He cited fam ily obligations G overnm ent has no basis fo r expect­ Alabama. The damage this year at tonight’s Campus Life Council as the basis fo r his decision. See story at left. Meanwhile other con­ ing the administration to pay the necessitated the replacement of rear meeting. tenders are seeking to gain the nom ination. See page 5. (AP Photo) $824.75 in damages done to the doors and do or rails on tw o buses, as TRANSPO buses carrying the foot­ well as the replacement of ball team after the Pittsburgh vic­ windshield wipers, a rear window, a Lack of response cited tory. sign rack, a right mirror, and an air “They (the students) wrecked the con d itio n in g screen. buses, so w h y should the adm inistra­ Burke said he believes that the ad­ Brainstorm deadline extended tio n pay?,” Van W olvlear said. He ministration should pay the bill. Af­ added that such measures as billing ter earning “at least one million By DAN MCCULLOUGH By moving the deadline to next Since most of the entries have the Student Union would not be dollars in television money this year, Staff Reporter Tuesday, the Student Senate hopes come from juniors and seniors, the necessary “if they (the students) they’re arguing about $824.75,” he to arouse new interest in the con­ sophomores and freshmen are en­ could learn to control themselves said. The Student Senate announced test. “ People are always complaining couraged to become involved in the and their actions.” Van Wolvlear countered that the this week that the deadline for about campus life. Well, this is their contest. Students with sugges­ The “Save the Buses” resolution, television money issue “is ir­ entries to Operation Brainstorm, the chance to improve it,” said Tucker. tions should see the sample form in w h ich passed by an 8-6 vote, calls for relevant. If we earned twice as much contest that awards cash prizes for “It would be difficult to go to the ad­ today’s Observer or contact any Stu­ a 12 cent donation from “all mem­ could they w reck the buses?” He students’ ideas on improving ministration with the number of dent Senate member. "Any idea is bers of the undergraduate student also noted that the administration is campus life, has been extended to responses we have so far.” welcome,” said Tucker. body and any others participating in only charging for the TRANSPO bill, next Tuesday. the welcoming’ ’.’ as an answer to a not for the labor involved in clean­ Lack of student response made Nov. 19 letter to Burke from Van ing up after the homecoming the extension necessary. "We Wolvlear requesting payment of the celebration. received only 25 entries,” admitted TRANSPO bill. Not all Student Senators believe Brainstorm coordinator Andy Tuck­ Link to Tylen Burke said he does not expect to the “ Save the Buses” campaign is a er, “ Maybe it’s just apathy.” raise the entire amount from this good response. Jim Leous, Tucker ruled out inadequate voluntary drive. Cavanaugh Hall President, said the publicity as a reason for the lack of questioned in Illinois response, as posters advertising the contest had been placed in every LOS ANGELES (A P ) — Kevin John Masterson was arrested Tuesday dormitory and in the dining halls as Masterson, sought for questioning in on a charge of marijuana possession well as other campus buildings. the Tylenol poisoning case, was o r­ but was not arraigned formally on Sample forms also had been run in dered back to Illinois yesterday after that charge yesterday. The only mat­ The Observer. he waived extradition. ter addressed at his hearing was ex­ The contest features a grand prize Masterson, 35, appeared in a Los tradition on the charge. of $50, and a $25 and $10 prizes for Angeles courtroom after spending Masterson was sought by Chicago second and third places, respective­ the night in a padded cell, the result authorities because o f statements he ly. The final evaluation will take of a violent incident in which he allegedly made linking himself to the place on Dec. 10, w ith suggestions became enraged, scuffled with seven deaths from cyanide-tainted to be judged by a committee consist­ jailers and smashed the toilet in his capsules of Extra Strength Tylenol. m ing of four students and three ad­ ja il cell. Illinois Attorney General Tyrone ministration members. Prizes w ill be But appearing before Municipal Fahner told a Chicago news con­ awarded for innovation as well as Court Judge Michael H. Tyman, the ference Tuesday night that his task practicality. sandy haired mechanic was calm force w o uld ask that Masterson sub­ The contest, which had received and spoke softly as he acknowledged mit to a polygraph examination. strong student support in previous that he hd been apprised of his right He said that Masterson’s attorney, years, was discontinued in 1977 for to fight extradition. David Schippers, has indicated Mas­ unspecified reasons. Previous win­ “ I think I understand it, yes," Mas­ terson will voluntarily take the lie ning ideas have included painting terson said as the judge allowed him detector test. bicycles abandoned in winter to read through the form al w aiver he “ We definately want to talk to him storage green and renting them to had just signed. about the Tylenol murders, ” Fahner Members and prospective members of Amnesty International students for a nom inal fee. and in ­ The judge turned him over to two said. “ We expect him to say he is not gather in Madaleva Hall, Saint Mary’s, yesterday afternoon to stalling lights at the Stepan basket­ Illinois investigators in the involved, but now that we have him form ulate aims fo r the coming semester and to aquaint people ball courts (a 1975 winner that has courtroom and told Masterson, in custody, we have some questions with the organization.
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