MARCELO AMARAL, PIANIST Hailed by The New York Times as "a superlative accompanist", Brazilian pianist Marcelo Amaral as !ained a reputation as a sou! t"a#ter accompanist o# singers and instrumentalists alike$ %inner o# t e &ianist Prize at t e '(() *nternational +obert ,c umann ,ong -ompetition, e as per#ormed wit numerous internationally renowned artists including .uliane Banse, .anina Baec le, /la# Bär, Daniel Be le, .ean-François Borras, 4ayla -laire, +onan -ollett, Melanie 1iener, 5eronika 6berle, Manuel 2isc er-Dieskau, ,oile *sokoski, Mic aela 7aune, Torsten 7erl, .oc en 7up#er, +o8ana -onstantinescu, ,ophie Marilley, Tobias ,c ar#enberger, Birgid ,teinberger, - ristoph Pre!ardien, Daniel +9 n, 6dicson +uiz, 4aura Tatulescu, +oman Trekel, Mic ael 5olle, and t e Al#ama :uartet$ His collaboration wit soprano -arolina ;llric as led to bot a song album #or <EN;*N +ecords in '(=' entitled 6moci>n, as well as a critically acclaimed tour o# t e ;nited ,tates whic included appearances at New York -ity?s Merkin Hall and t e 7ennedy -enter in %ashington 1$-$ +ecent debuts at t e %i!more Hall in 4ondon, t e Mus@e d?/rsay in &aris, and t e ,c ubertiade in ,c warzenberg were i! ly praised and several o# is collaborations ave been broadcast on t e Bayerisc er +und#unk, 1eutsc land +adio 7ultur, %1+AArte, and +adio 2rance. He as appeared at numerous #estivals including t e Montpellier 2estival, t e Mozarteum ,ommerakademie, t e ,c leswig-Holstein 2estival, t e 6urop0isc es Musik#est, t e *nternational Art ,ong 2estival, t e +avinia 2estival, and t e Tuscan ,un 2estival, among ot ers$ This season includes recitals at %i!more Hall wit .o n - est and - ristop &o l, a tour o# - ina wit 4aura Alonso &adin, and concerts at t e *nternational Hugo %ol# Akademie, t e 2estival de MarvBo, and t e /8#ord 4ieder 2estival$ A graduate o# bot t e -leveland *nstitute o# Music and *ndiana ;niversity, e as worked toget er wit and received guidance #rom suc eminent artists as 6lly Ameling, 1ietric 2isc er-Dieskau, +udol# .ansen, Malcolm Martineau, /l!a +adosavlCevic , Andras ,c iD, &eter ,c reier and +oger 5ignoles. *n addition, e studied <erman 4ied *nterpretation wit renowned pianist Helmut 1eutsc at t e Hoc sc ule #Er Musik und Theater MEnc en$ A passionate teac er o# song interpretation, Marcelo was invited to teac at t e Master -lass ,eries at t e *nternationale Hugo %ol# Akademie in ,tutt!art, where e is on t e artistic advisory board. ,ince '(=F e as been Pro#essor #or <erman 4ieder and ,ong interpretation at t e Hoc sc ule #Er Musik NErnber!$.
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