2016 NACo LARGE URBAN COUNTY CAUCUS INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM COUNTY LEADERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY NOVEMBER 16-18 • NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM 1 WELCOME Dear LUCC Members and Guests, Welcome to the 2016 LUCC Innovation Symposium! This year’s annual LUCC symposium is focused around the theme “County Leadership for Economic Opportunity” and will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, mobile workshops and concurrent breakouts sessions to understand the trends that shape our economies – and how county leadership can make them stronger and more inclusive. The symposium is made possible by the contributions of our generous sponsors who continue to support our efforts, partnering with us to introduce scalable solutions that improve outcomes in America’s counties. Their support is an integral part of what we do at NACo and we are happy that so many of them will be joining us over the next three days. Our hope for this symposium is that you will each be challenged by our dynamic speakers and presenters, actively engage in our peer-to-peer discussions, soak up all that New York City has to offer and head back to your home county refreshed, energized and inspired to lead – and to serve. Sincerely, JIM MCDONOUGH Chair, Large Urban County Caucus National Association of Counties 2 NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM EVENT LOCATION INTERCONTINENTAL NEW YORK TIMES SQUARE 300 W 44TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10036 (212) 803-4500 LOCAL AREA Unless otherwise noted, all LUCC Symposium events will be held at the InterContinental New York Times Square. Located at 44th Street and 8th Avenue, the InterContinental hotel in midtown Manhattan is within walking distance to the Broadway Theatre District, as well as extraordinary shopping and fabulous restaurants. ATTIRE The attire for the 2016 LUCC Symposium is business. Please wear comfortable shoes and suitable outerwear for the mobile educational sessions. NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM 3 AGENDA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00AM BUS DEPARTS HOTEL FOR JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE [44th Street Entrance] 8:30AM – 2:00PM OPTIONAL PRE-SYMPOSIUM ROUNDTABLE AT JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK [ John Jay College of Criminal Justice Separate Registration Required Moot Court Room 524 West 59th Street] Increasing Housing Opportunities for the Justice-Involved: County Policies and Programs for Success On a daily basis counties engage with the many individuals returning to their commu- nities following periods of incarceration. Experience shows that stable and affordable housing is often key to their success in becoming self-sufficient and not returning to jail. However, suitable housing resources are often scarce and access can be complicated for justice-involved individuals, including those living with mental illness and/or who have been homeless prior to incarceration. As justice reform efforts continue at the state and local level, there is likely to be an even greater unmet demand for housing. Join John Jay College of Criminal Justice President Jeremy Travis for this dynamic in-depth exploration of the opportunities and challenges urban counties face in providing affordable housing for the justice-involved populations. MODERATOR Jeremy Travis, J.D., President, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City of University of New York 12:00PM – 6:00PM REGISTRATION OPEN [Gotham Foyer, B-Level] 3:00PM – 4:30PM LUCC STEERING COMMITTEE BUSINESS MEETING [Washington Square Park, All symposium participants are invited to attend Lobby Level] Join the leadership and members of the LUCC Steering Committee to review LUCC’s accomplishments over the past year, examine how we are positioned to engage with the next Administration and new Congress and begin to chart a course to achieve our key objectives for the upcoming year. 4 NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM 5:00PM – 6:30PM OPENING KEYNOTE [Gotham Ballroom, No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Global Forces Breaking All the Trends B-Level] The world not only feels different. The data tell us it is different. Join Dr. Jonathan Woetzel for a discussion of the results years of his research and that of his colleagues at the McKinsey Global Institute. Dr. Woetzel will lay out a timely and important analysis of how we need to reset our intuition as a result of four forces colliding and transforming the global economy: the rise of emerging markets, the accelerating impact of technology on the natural forces of market competition, an aging world population, and accelerating flows of trade, capital, people, and data. Introduction The Honorable Jim McDonough, LUCC Chair and Commissioner, Ramsey County, Minn. Keynote Speaker Dr. Jonathan Woetzel, Director, Shanghai, McKinsey & Co. 6:30PM – 7:30PM WELCOME RECEPTION [Gotham Foyer, B-Level] Welcome The Honorable Jim McDonough, LUCC Chair and Commissioner, Ramsey County, Minn. 7:30PM DINNER ON YOUR OWN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:00AM – 1:30PM REGISTRATION OPEN [Gotham Foyer, B-Level] 8:30AM – 9:00AM BREAKFAST AVAILABLE [Gotham Foyer, B-Level] NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM 5 Successful plans take partnership. With 300+ field reps, proprietary tools and a tailored approach to education, we’re a solid partner through every step of the retirement preparation process. To find out more, call Rob Bilo 1-916-390-0964 [email protected] plans plans take partnership.take partnership. With 300+ fieldWith reps, 300+ proprietary field reps, tools proprietary tools and a tailored approachand a tailored to education, approach to education, we’re a solid partnerwe’re througha solid partner every step through every step of the retirementof preparationthe retirement process. preparation process. To find out more,To find out more, call Rob Bilo call Rob Bilo 1-916-390-09641- 916-390-0964 [email protected]@nationwide.com Retirement Specialists are registered representatives of Na- tionwide Investment Services Corporation, Member FINRA. Retirement SpecialistsInRetirement MI are only: registered Specialists Nationwide representatives are registered Investment of Narepresentatives- Svcs. of Corporation.Na- Nation- tionwide Investmentwide,tionwide Services its Investment Corporation,agents Servicesand Member representatives, Corporation, FINRA. Member and FINRA. its employees are In MI only: NationwideprohibitedIn MI Investment only: Nationwide by Svcs. law Corporation. Investment and do Nation Svcs.not Corporation.offer- tax, Nation investment,- or legal wide, its agents andwide, representatives, its agents and and representatives, its employees areand its employees are prohibited by law advice.andprohibited do not Please offerby law tax, and consult investment, do not offer with or legaltax, your investment, tax or or legal legal advisor before advice. Please consultmakingadvice. with Please your any tax consult decisions or legal with advisor your about tax before or legalplan advisor matters. before making any decisionsmaking about any plan decisions matters. about plan matters. Nationwide, throughNationwide,Nationwide, its affiliated through retirementthrough its affiliated plan its serviceaffiliated retirement plan retirement service plan service and product providers,andand producthasproduct endorsement providers, providers, relationships has endorsement has with endorsement relationships with relationships with the National Associationthe National of Counties Association and the of International Counties and the International Association of Firethe AssociationFighters-Financial National of Fire Association Corporation.Fighters-Financial More of Corporation.Counties Moreand the International information aboutAssociation theinformation endorsement about of relationships the Fire endorsement Fighters-Financial may be relationships may Corporation. be More found online at www.nrsforu.com.informationfound online at www.nrsforu.com.about the endorsement relationships may be Nationwide and thefoundNationwide Nationwide online and N and the at Eagle Nationwidewww.nrsforu.com. are service N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwidemarks Mutual of NationwideInsurance Company. Mutual Insurance Company. 6 NACo 2016 LUCC SYMPOSIUM © 2015 NationwideNationwide ©NRM-12873M1-NX 2015 Nationwide and (05/15) NRM-12873M1-NX the Nationwide (05/15) N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. © 2015 Nationwide NRM-12873M1-NX (05/15) 9:00AM – 10:30AM KEYNOTE [Gotham Ballroom, B-Level] The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation Antoine van Agtmael counters recent conventional wisdom that the American and northern European economies have lost their initiative in innovation and their compet- itive edge by focusing on an unexpected and hopeful trend: the emerging sources of economic strength coming from areas once known as “rustbelts.” In this session van Agtmael will describe how these communities have emerged as new “brainbelts,” producing smart products that are transforming industries, creating opportunity and prosperity once again. Introduction The Honorable John O’Grady, LUCC Vice Chair and Commissioner, Franklin County, Ohio Keynote Speaker Mr. Antoine van Agtmael, Senior Advisor, Garten Rothkopf Response Panel The Honorable Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County Executive, Pa. The Honorable Lee May, Interim Chief Executive Officer, DeKalb County, Ga. Ms. Heather Worthington, Deputy County Manager, Economic Growth and Community Investment, Ramsey County, Minn. 10:30AM – 10:45AM NETWORKING BREAK 10:45AM – 12:15PM PANEL DISCUSSION [Gotham Ballroom, Public
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