CATHOLIC WORKER :Vol. XXVIII No. 10 Price lo .. .'~ .. Criminal Anarchy in the South '~Company Union'' Charge~ B:r EDGAR F ORAND One does not have to go to a gration literature to a young Negro Communist or Fascist country to jailed for his part in a student at Fordham U. find laws restricting basic free- anti-segregation boycott. The third What sort of ditliculties confront Robert Moser was hired by the Gossam, President of the Associa­ doms. Some of our Southern States was arrested for trespassing and men and women who work in non- Association as its attorney for the tion and an advocate of the AFL­ have been and are using extreme disturbing the peace during en ln­ profit institutions and who are not negotiation of the first contract. At CIO affiliation, was fired by the measures in order to curb racial tegratlon demonstration. a certain point during the negotia­ University on a charge of Insubor­ integration. One of their newest It should be kept in mind that covered by state or federal labor tions, . Moser called for a strike dination. Subsequently,. the Vfce­ means is Louisiana's latest device on Dec. 11, 1961, the U. S. Supreme laws, when they try to improve vote. The members voted for a President and Secretary of the As­ of charging advocates of civil rights Court held that peacefully seeking their workinir conditions? Such a strike. Then Moser was fired by sociation signed the contract with who run afoul of the law, with service · at a lunch counter cannot situation exists ·now at Fordham. the Executive Board of the Assocl­ the University, after consultation "criminal anarchy." And. for the be construed· as "disorderly con­ University in New York City, and ation. with some groups of employees, but slmple reason of advocating and duct." the foll owl~ material will illus- A year ago or so, Mr. Moser was without authorization from the fighting for their constitutional Much of what Ronnie Moore traie some of the problems in- hired again by the Association. At general membership. , rights, conviction under this charge went through can be found in the volved. a meeting, at which Moser and a · In 1961 Mr. Joseph Early was can mean up to 10 years at hard CORE pamphlet, "It Hhappened in About six years ago, an effort representative of the Building elected President of the Associa­ labor. It is horrible, as well as Baton Rouge." was made by the Cafeteria Work- Service Employees International tion, !Mr. John Heinsohn was incredible, that many young people On the day of the Supreme Court ers' Union, Local 302, AFL-CIO, to ·union, AFL-CIO, were present, the elected Chief Shop Steward at an are facing chain-gang penalties for decision, Baton Rouge CORE led organize some of the employees of members voted to' aufhorize the Executive Board meeting on No­ actions that most civilized people sit-ins at Ki:ess's and McCrory's. Fordham University. Shortly there- Executive Board to affiliate with vember 15, 1961. The following , would find ' admirable. •We have in- Three days later they conducted a after, the Fordham University Em- this union . Moser 'was again fired statement was submittefl l>Y them , formation on -three of them: two mass picket demonstration at the ployees Association was set up, and by the Executive Board, which then to The Catholio Worker. , l , of them attempted to deliver lnte-1 (Continued on page 2) recognized by the University. 1 ~r . voted not· to affiliate. ·Mr. Wallace (Continued on page 8) Page Tvo THE CATHOLIC WORKER May, 1962 YoL XXVIU No. 10 MAY, 1962 Criminal Anarchy-in the South (Continued from page 1) .CATHOLIC tebwoRKER all 73 student-demonstrators being stores and 23 were arrested, in­ unduly optmlistic to assume 10 cluding CORE field secretary Dave dismissed, in accordance with the automatically that the Bill of Published Monthly September to June, Bl-monthly July-Aucud Dennis. edict of the State Board of Educ­ Rights will be enforced) there will ORGAN OF THE CATHOLIC WORKER MO\'EMENT In protest over these arrests, tion, only 7 leaders would be so­ be no bail granted from the time of PETER MAURIN, Founder some 4,000 persons, mostly stu­ penalized. Among these seven was conviction in the State court until AHociate Editors: dents from Southern University, the entire leadership of the Baton the time ol reversal in the Supreme CHARLES BUTTERWORTH,, EDGAR FORAND, JUDITH GREGORY, assembled at the parish courthouse Rouge Core group, including Ron­ Court. This ls one of those Jaws WALTER KERELL, KARL MEYER, DEANE MOWRER, ARTHUR the next day. Tear gas bombs and nie Moore, the ctiairman, and under which you don't get bail 8HEEHAN, ROBERT STEED, ANNE TAILLEFER, EDWARD TURNER, German Shephard dogs were used Weldon Rougeau, the vice chair­ once you are convicted! And this MARTIN CORBIN to break up the peaceful and or­ man. Despite his pledge of Dec­ means that even if the case reached derly demonstartion. More than the Supreme Court as swiftly as ls Managing Editor and Publishers DOROTHY DAY ember 15, Dr. Clark approved this 43 she11s of tear gas were burled compromise, which, itself, was legally possible, a minimum of 200 175 Chryatie St., New York City-2 by police during three successive days must pass before the students Telephone GR 3-6850 later violated. charges. The students tried to bold On January 17, about 1,000 stu­ can be free. Their conviction seems Subscription United Staltll, 25c Yearly. Canada and f'orelgn 30o YearlJ'. their ground, but :finaJJy were dents marched to his residence to certain in the lower courts. The 8ubscrlptlon rate of one cent per copy plu1 postage applies to bundles of one forced to retreat. Fifty were ar­ ask for an explanation. For 12 long first trials are in May. That means llundred or more copies each month for one year to be directed to one addreu. rested that day, Including Ronnie hours in . freezing weather they that with the best possible luck Moore. He was originally charged waited in vain, meditating and and greatest possible speed, these Reentered as second class matter August 10. 1939, at the Post Office with "annoyance" and bond put at praying. boys wi'll be in jail until late in o1 New York, N. Y., Under the Act of March 3, 1879 $1,500. Within minutes after his At a special convocation the fol­ the month of November. With release, he was rearrested on a lowing day, Dr. Clark explained moderately good luck they wiJJ be ~12t charge of "Conspiracy to commit that he bad not come out to ad­ in jail for a year or two. With bad criminal mischief," which raised dress the students assembled at his luek they will be in jail for 10 his bond to a total of $3,500. Core residence because there can be no years. Field Secretary B. Elton· Cox, communication in a mob situation. "Is the Federal Government whose ankle had been badly in­ He officially announced dismissal really without power to act? Twice jured by a tear gas shell, was not of the seven student leaders whom now groups of students have staged Appeal arrested until that evening-on be characterized as vandals and sit-ins at Attorney General Ken­ charges of "conspiracy." Tempo­ nedy's office, in a plea for Federal 17!5 Chrystie St., N. Y. 2 life of poverty the poor always anarchists. He also announced that rary restraining orders prohibiting action. And twice they have been :Beloved- have feast or famine, what with the university was closing that any further Core demonstrations in same day, that each student would offered coffee (the Kennedy broth­ Spring is here, the Winter Is shopping around and taking loving Baton Rouge were promptly issued care in the preparation. This busi­ have to apply for re-admission and ers are nothing if not courteous) over and gone and the voice of the in both federal and state courts. and then taken gently out In wheel turtle dove is beard. In this case ness of eating is important, the that none would be allowed to re­ The day's arrests brought the turn to class until accepted by the chairs in order to avoid the pub­ the turtle doves are some of the sustaining of life. Heaven itself is total to 73 students. The all-white compared to a heavenly banquet. university. When Moore returned licity which arrest would bring. kids who want to know wh~u they State Board of Education an­ Our government broke solemn After Easter, which will be late to campus with Rougeau that after­ are going to the farm and the nounced that any student arrested treaties solemnly entered into spring, we will have to have a fish noon to get bis dismissal letter and beach house again. True, there is when we backed the Cuban adven­ fry on the beach in memory of the turn in hJs coupon book, they were not a bud on a tree as yet, but on ture, on the ground that Commu­ our Staten Island farm they are time our Lord breakfasted with bis both placed under arrest at the request of university officials for nism 90 miles from home was too bunting to see if the dappled green disciples. trespassing. serious a danger to permit legal­ and maroon of the skunk cabbage And that is another expense that ism. What about this tyranny in is up, and in the city they watch is coming up-the families which Their bail was set at $3000 apiece.
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