Georgetown Law Weekly The Student Newspaper of Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. “Uninhibited, robust, and wide-open” VOLUME 43 TUESDAY, OCT. 10 TO MONDAY, OCT. 16, 2006 NUMBER 5 SBA gears Lord Falconer addresses terrorism, rights by Prashina Gagoomal, 1L up for late Law Weekly As Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord elections Chancellor, Lord Falconer of by Benjamin Rubinstein, 2L Thoroton is uniquely positioned in Law Weekly the British government. Yet, while his recent criticism of America's The Student Bar Association approach to the war on terror has (SBA) is holding elections for all of caused quite a stir, its implications its unfilled delegate positions next are not entirely clear. Do his com- week, thus filling out the remainder ments signal a deep rift between the of the student government after a allies? Do they portend a complete brief delay in this year's elections. severing of ties? The elections, to be held over a 48- During his speech, entitled hour period from midnight on Oct. "Finding the Balance between 18 to 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 19, will send Security and Liberty in the Modern three delegates from each of the five World," Falconer clarified that no first-year sections and the LL.M. such divergence is in progress. He class to the SBA, as well as one del- argued that disagreement with the photo courtesy of University of Birmingham (UK) egate from the transfer community. United States is largely possible Lord Falconer addressed the student body on Tuesday about the British view on The transfer student position is new "because we are allies and friends." America’s tactics in the War on Terror this year and is designed to address What, precisely, is wrong with war against terror goes beyond the from sufficient judicial scrutiny. concerns about underrepresentation America's handling of the fight rule of law; their use is premised on The British system, in contrast, of transfer students who miss against terrorists? For one, Falconer the misguided belief that national places strong emphasis on a part- upper-class SBA elections held in deems the U.S. practice of detaining security acts as "a wand to sweep nership between the executive and the spring. Candidate declaration terrorism suspects without charge away human rights." While judiciary because, as Falconer forms are due to the SBA by 5 p.m. at Guantanamo Bay "a shocking Falconer observes that the increas- notes, one cannot "rely on the say- on Thursday, and the candidates' affront to democracy," and urges ing involvement of Congress and so of the government." This is not to brief profiles for the Law Weekly are shutting down the military prison. the Supreme Court in these matters suggest that Britain lacks its share also due Thursday, though not until He similarly denounced the use of marks a "movement into lawful- of heavy-handed measures. For 8 p.m. secret CIA prisons for interrogation. ness," he still conceives of the Current second-year students From the British perspective, the American executive as detached deployment of both "tools" in the See FALCONER, page 3 See ELECTIONS, page 7 Foley scandal becomes talk of the town Faithful by Thomas Leroe-Munoz, 2L Law Weekly celebrate The story is a pseudo-classic in Washington. Evidence that a member holidays of Congress has engaged in illicit activ- ities comes to light and members of his by Jennifer Gaspar, 1L party seek to distance themselves from Guest Writer snowballing allegations. The latest of these scandals, however, carries with it Law students of Jewish and larger implications for the 2006 election Muslim faith are celebrating holy season, as the Democrats in Congress days throughout October. The Jewish are actually in a position to challenge and Muslim Law Students the Republicans for the Congressional Associations are hosting a variety of majority. events throughout the month to give It all began a week and a half ago, students of both faiths a place to wor- when news sources reported that ship and an opportunity to connect Representative Mark Foley (R-FL) had with other members of their faith at been having inappropriate online con- both the Law Center and the Main versations with an underage former Campus. Congressional page. Congressional The Jewish Law Student pages are teenage students who live in Association (JLSA) does not host its a Capitol Hill dormitory and who photo courtesy of New York Times own services for Rosh Hashanah, the attend a special school while serving as House Speaker Hastert has been caught up in the controversy surrounding Foley Jewish New Year, or Yom Kippur, the aides in the House and Senate. Though pages and Congressmen. In 1983, the Studds (D-MA), for sexual misconduct Day of Atonement, but many stu- the program is kept under close watch, House censured two of its members, dents attended services and joined there have been past incidents between Daniel B. Crane (R-IL) and Gerry E. See FOLEY, page 3 See HOLIDAYS, page 6 Oktoberfest, Law Students Share LL.Ms - Smart and Hot A Reason to be German Coming Out Stories page 16 page 5 page 13 PAGE 2 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY EEVVEENNTTSS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11 TO MONDAY, OCT. 16, 2006 BriefsBriefsBriefsBrief Four Sudoku puzzles Fill in the grids so that every row, every column and every BriefsBriefs!BriefsBrief 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. Minorities in the Law Separation of Church and State? Come join the Women of Color Collective for a candid discussion The American Constitution with lawyers from firms and the Society and the Jewish Law Student government sector about the chal- Association Presents: Dr. lenges that face women in the legal Shlomo Cohen, "When Church and profession. Panelists include Profs. State Should not be Separated: Abu-Odeh, Matsuda, Howrey, Insights from the Israeli Example McKenna, and others, and will meet and Reflections on U.S. Law" on on Wednesday, Oct. 11, from 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16, at 3:30 p.m. in to 5:30 p.m, in McDonough Rm. 200. McDonough Rm. 347. Snacks will be Food will be served. provided. Dr. Cohen graduated summa cum laude from Hebrew University, where he earned his Ph.D. and was awarded the Bronfman Prize for his Want to be a Clerk? outstanding dissertation. Dr. Cohen received his M.D. from Hadassah Ever thought about clerking? Medical School and actively prac- Wondering how to apply? tices medicine in addition to his Interested in knowing what Federal work specializing in ethics, health, judges look for in applicants? Have politics and history. you already secured a clerkship and are wondering what to expect while clerking? The Honorable Ronald Gilman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit will be having a conversation with a former clerk, ABA Fall Roundtable Scott Meisler (Georgetown Law '05), Solution on page 11 on October 11 at 3:30 p.m. in Join the American Bar McDonough Rm. 202. Association this Saturday, Oct. 14, at the University of Pennsylvania Law School for its Fall Roundtable. Activities include informal discus- sions with lawyers that practice in Abortion and the Supreme Global Health Conference Democratic Politics and the Court dispute resolutions, tax, estates, antitrust, class actions, arbitration, Law On Friday, Oct. 13, from 11:00 Concerned about the impact of labor, employment and more. In addition, there will be panels in a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the Law Center The Georgetown Law Democrats upcoming Supreme Court cases on will be hosting a Conference on present a discussion with democrat- abortion rights? Want to learn more National Security Law, International Law, Trademark and other legal Public Health Law and Human ic national committee general coun- about the litigation and get the Rights, in HTNG Rm. 2000. The con- sel, Joseph Sandler, about "What can inside scoop on how the Court areas. See abanet.org/lsd/fall_mtgs/ 2006/penn/home.html for more infor- ference is being held to commemo- I do with my JD in Democratic poli- might rule? Join Law Students for rate the designation of the tics?" The event will occur on Choice for a discussion with Belinda mation. Also, if you would like to apply for a 2007 BAR/BRI Georgetown/Johns Hopkins Center Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 4:00 p.m., in Bulger, Deputy Legal Director of for Law and the Public's Health as HTNG Rm. 1000. Pizza and drinks NARAL Pro-Choice America, about Scholarship, remember that the Feb. and July 2007 bar examinee applica- the only World Health Organization will be provided. For more informa- Gonzales v. Carhart and Gonzales v. (WHO) and Pan American Health tion, contact Zach Myers at Planned Parenthood. These cases tions must be postmarked by Nov. 22, 2006. Organization (PAHO) Collaborating [email protected]. will determine the constitutionality Center on Public Health Law and of the federal ban on "partial-birth" Human Rights. Emerging issues in abortion. The event will take place international health and human on Thursday, Oct. 12, at 12:15 p.m. rights will be discussed. For more Lunch in the Sukkah in McDonough Rm. 141. Snacks will information about attending the be served! conference, contact Kara Tershel, at Join the Jewish Law Students [email protected]. Association for a kosher lunch in the Sukkah on the McDonough patio, on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at noon. In HOME COURT BAR REVIEW addition, the Law Center and JLSA Protect Yourself invite students to a Shabbat Service and dinner at Professor Chused's Join the Center for Wellness home on Friday, Oct.
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