[~Ui~I ..... .. ·Hospital Camp_aign Staff Establishes .Headquarters lllmo~t rr.nrly lo f:O Is the Mn· rRI'C 1-Ierhorl G. Pklws, erunpnlgn m CountY'"'N ews son Gonerul hosfJitul cumpnlgn, rll~eclor; .•~· r ~ol~erl ~r;c;-~1, .~Ill!:: Ninety-Eighth Year- No, 12 cnmpnlgn hcadqunr·ter·s were llc.ily rlllu.t 1r, .tnrl I Ltor C,tvr_ Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 21, 1957 4 Sections- 26 P11g01 l!slnhllshml Tuosrlay on the ;;er:·jnaur~h. <wsodnlo rllr·r•l'tor. urn! floor i•t tl2H'A· :,;, .fl!ffcrsnn · Mrs. Mnx Boml!nl of MasrJJI lws ahovr: llw offfccs ~~f 1he In , 1111 n; been cngagr.rl 11s office manager, Music in the· Air County NewH. Office ftirr~iturn Pmllmlnnry steps arc lwlng hns heon lonnerl In the head· lnlum this weclt to ,or~anl~e the Land Owners '8Jiring lVIII IIIINL out ·111! 0\'l'r Sewer System· 'l'hurHduy night ut II In the !linson quarters by Wyeth Lahr 1rulorlcs ~:umpalgn, sulci Rex Stnhloy, pms-. Inc ' , rrlcnt of Mason's Community 1whool uudltorhun when . both ' . I Council. Around Mason bnyll 111111 glriH WlJI /JII'IlMiliiL u, '/'he staff of J{eldmm, Im:,,·of 1 Telephones wcrn lnstnllcd In chornl cnncm·t. IIJchich'd In J,he For West Side Plllsburgh, Pn., has assigner! ;~ the r: 11 m p nl g n fwarlqttlll'tr:rs Pl'll!l'l'llm :u·e the giriH chorus, men to Mnsrm lo help eonduct the, Wednesday. The number Is OR May Organize hoy11 choruM, mixed IJIIUrtct, H«m· ca~pulgn to raise $500,000, They, 7;3821.. Im· lllllll'let, tilllllor !iextet and Gets Approval Owners of land In sect Ions of fmshman CIIUII'Iet. i Vevay and Alalcdon which adjoin Mason's r:ouncllmcn declured the 12 separate lateral sewers fol' Homer Martin Will Spea_k­ 1 Mason arc organizing a Land Ownenr aonoelallon. The first 'the southwest section of Mason a meeting of the group has been Lansing D,river necessity at 1110 Monday night To Mason Area Dairymen :;ct for the Vevny town hall Tur.s· eouncll meeting.' day night, April 2. It is scheduled The counc:ll's acl.lon cume aftur l!onwr Mnrtin Is llrrulwrl for as II II11!1111S of ~lVIII~ !hi• rlair·y lo start at 8:30. Dies of Injuries 12 scparutc hearing:;, Though the atwllwt· mrt•lltl~ 111 _lhe court·J f;rrmt•t· 11 mot'«! cqullahlc sh;rl'f! of Any person who owns lands In enuncll clmmbers were filled for· house In Mwmn. lie, ;tlon~ wilh lhc milk duliar. Seclluns 31, 32, 33 and :l4 of Alalc· In US-127 Crash the hearing them wcm very few !{am Ballo, wlll hr: In Muson 1-'rl· '/'hursrlay !Ill! ;rssru:laticrn l11!lrl don or Sections 3, 6, 7, JO, 15, 16, objections' 'to going ahead with duy nlghl., 1\'lan:h 2fl_. ul 8 o'l'!uciL a slalt!·Wir\r. meetln~ In Lansing. 17 or 18 of Vevay, whether It ls After he had had his new cur I he projects. , 13otiJ men arc nlficcrs of lhc Ol'fir•r:r·s lnlrl thu 700 dulrymr.n al in a farm or dly lot, Is Invited to tuned up at Mason Snturduy aft· William Peek ohjer:lcd to ruri­ IISHO· 111111 Dairy Farmet·s Coupr.l'llllve the meeting tile Dairy Farm· attend t.he meet.lng and Is cllglblc crnoon, a Lunslng man wrecl<cci it nlng the lateral 700 foot ll(l Wil· dation of Mli!!Jigan. '!'his :rssoda· r.rs Coopl!rutlvc ,IJssoda!lon of to join the association, said Clar· and killed himself 3 miles north low street from South Lansing lion lms pledged itself to fight Mkl1l~an Is the faslesl )::rowing em:c M. Boles, one of the organ!· of town. ' slroct. He stated that 450 feet for cffeelive collcclivc hargalnln~ dairy farmers assuelalion In tltc ---------------------------------- ·- · nation. lzers. The areu Jncludcti 7,680 Edwurd' 0, Johnson, •18, of Lun- would he all lhc sewer line rc· ncres. sing, was the accident victim, His qulrcrl to snrvlcc the houses li1 The group g11vr: un11nirnnus ap· Ot.hcrti who hnvc talmn an ac- car, trayellng, at a high rate ,of the area at this time. , Tax Collections proval lo., 5 n:solulions. One t.ivc part in the organization and speed, left the 4·lane divided pave­ Kenneth Shatluclc was the ob· rwl ion l;tlwn 111 tlw meelin~ was ar·c serving as temporary section ment on US-127 south of Maple jcclor on the lalcl'lll running west •1 l1• lnslruel officers of lite assoda· captains arc Herman Martin, Point, and struclt n cllivert head­ on South street fmm Lansing lion lo call !hr. allentlon of Show Prosperity Chellls Hall, Bim l~ranklln, E. wull, street to McRoberts ~;treel. Most. I I I George Meany, presirlcnt of !hr. I D. Barr, L. B. Barr, Arthur .W. The cur cume to 'a stop In the of the cost of this propiJrty will Still Continues A. I•', ()f L.-C. I. 0., lhc rliHregarrl Jewett, Alien Fr'edcriclt, Lloyd ditch on the east side of the roarl. probably be assessed against of some union offldals In widen· Wheeler, ,John Angell, Paul People who stopped at the scene Shattuc!<. He declared he has hla If colleellon of IH'opet·ty taxr!s ing lhe ~ap between or~anizerl Scherer, Lewis Wilson and Lyle pried Johnson out of the wrecl<· own septic tank and has no de­ Is a «:l'llerion nf business lll!llll.h, lllhor· llllri far·mcrs. Oe~tcrlc. 1 age. He was tniten to Sparrow sire to sell otT any of his property there is no slump In slghl. Another I'I'Soluti_on f'onrlemncrl ·Purposes of Ihe organization , hospital .. He dled there at. 11:15 for home sites. ' . hU:-;Jncss CO-Op!!l'fltiVf!S [CJI' l'l!pro· .Collections by lownsl1lp and sr.nting farmers fur collecllve will be to develop facts about Saturday n!ght. The crash oc· '/'he other lateral lo draw the city treasurers are running about hargnlnin~ pur·poscs. land use, zoning restrictions, curred at 6.30.- nrc of pmpcrly owner:; was the as year, anrl thai The group also gave approval dralnagc, property assessments, Johnson had recently bought lateral f1·om South street north tl~c- ~a~o. Ia:~; I taxation and uny other Jssue the car In Detroit. He brought it w.ts .t r,ecord hrgh, lo the ol'fkcr~ lo slart a nalion- to Oak street on Mefioberts. A which may affect the group, to the Roy Christensen Ford letter from Lnwrcncc Barton to Loeal lrensuret·s at·e now Iwide organization. Martin anrl Boles explained, agency at Mason Saturday after· settling with. County 'l'reasurcr Ballo Jcfl Monday to start the the council told of his objeetlons. noon for a motor tuneup. Lau~cnce D. Parl<cr. drive in olhcr slales. The pair He said a sower already served East Lansing properly owner's will spend a week in an effort lo Coroner Dorwin Hoffmeyer .. IT'S SPRING? Well maybe the c11lendar says it is, but- these_ 2 youngsters packed snowballs this area. paid !J9'/t, of the taxes assessed start a similar group In New listed the denth cause as trau-· Wednesday afternoon. Valerie Harvath, I0, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvath, is at the left. Mayor· Alfred Fo1·che pointed· against them. That was 2 per· Yorl<. ! malic shock-shock due to sever­ out In unswot• to the objections .' Prosecutor Asks ity of Injuries. Johnson suffered And having just liS much fun at tho right is Cheryl Collar, I0, daughter of Mr. 11nd Mrs. Gene Coll11r. ccntagc points better than last In a final resolution the Mich·' Spring finally had its w11y, ho~ever, because by late Wednesday afternoon the snow had melted, of Barton that the scwet· is a year, Parlwr suit!. White Oul( lgan gmup announced lts rcjec· a ruptCrred heart, broltcn arm private sewer located on the prop. ami leg and cuts about his face. (Ingham County News photo.) · township paid 97'/t. Last year the lion of any stale mill< marlwting Warrant Issue erty of owners living on the west White Oak marl< was 96'/t, Lc- contml law. Johnson was· employed at the Reo in Lansing, He Is survived sldo of McRoberts. Because of Its roy taxpayers came through with Tho Dairy Fanners Cooperative In Bicycle Crash ' 95'/t., off 2 pcrecntage points group is the ncwesl of farmer by the widow, Clara; son, Na· Meet rmiln: a than; and dau'ghters, Mrs. Allee Councilme, nAccept ·Shipmates Architect Comes :~~~~~nb)\~~~u~t:y~~lvec~a~~- Prosecuto1· Jaclt Warren Thul·~· from last year. organizations lighling to rcpre- Johnson of Lansing and Mrs. With the necessity for the 12 Wiiiiamston paid 9G'/r, - the son I th,e Michigan riair·y farmer·. day noon aslted that a warrant At B b Sh sewers determined,· the council same perccnlage as last year. M,,. Clifford Johnson of Knoxville, Chrl.stensen B1"d ar er op w·th New Plans charging negligent homicide be 1 . ordered Clly Assessor Dean 'ray· son taxpayeri; pici<cd up a point, Tenn. There ure also brothers Barbers are thicke-r than htlir• lor to prepare special assessment itisucd in the death of Ronald and sisters, and the mother, Mrs. 95'/t thrs year against !Wit lasl 1 Strickling, 13. It will be served Mason's pollee department will tonic. That's why Jim Coon of George Sprau of a Kalamazoo rolls. The rolls will be based upon Maggie Jol1nson of Hattiesburg, year.
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