CONSUMERS' ACCEPTANCE AND WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR DUAL- PURPOSE POULTRY PRODUCTS Isabelle D. M. Gangnat1*, Sabine Müller1, Michael Kreuzer1, Michael Siegrist2 and Vivianne H. M. Visschers2 1 Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 2 Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland *Corresponding author email: [email protected] Abstract – Alternatives to mass culling of male layer broilers costs about 13% more at the grocery [3]. chicks are dual-purpose poultry and egg sexing. The The extra costs observed at the grocery for organic first goes along with higher costs and smaller eggs from dual-purpose hens are about 20% higher chicken and eggs. Consumers’ acceptance of both than that of regular organic eggs [3]. The eggs are alternatives remains unknown. A survey was also 6 to 12% lighter [4, 5]. therefore conducted with 402 consumers in Swiss groceries. Results enlighten the ignorance of most Chicken and eggs from dual-purpose poultry have consumers about mass culling of male layer chicks. arrived just recently in Swiss grocery stores as a A gap between consumers’ willingness to pay and response to welfare concerns about the practice of the actual price of dual-purpose poultry products culling day-old chicks only because of their retrieved in groceries was also observed. The economic non-profitability. However, no smaller size of dual-purpose chicken and eggs did information is available yet on consumers’ not appear as a concern. Egg sexing was moderately willingness to pay (WTP) for the higher cost of preferred to chick culling but not to dual-purpose producing dual-purpose products, and little is poultry. The latter could be a relevant alternative known about consumers’ perception of dual- when produced in organic systems. purpose poultry products. Furthermore, to our Key Words – public perception, chicken, eggs, egg knowledge, the acceptance of egg sexing by sexing. consumers has never been investigated. Knowledge on consumers’ WTP, perception of I. INTRODUCTION dual-purpose products and acceptance of egg sexing are important to ensure the success of dual- As a consequence of poultry specialization towards purpose poultry products. either egg or meat production, hundreds of millions of day-old male layer chicks are culled in Europe II. MATERIALS AND METHODS every year due to their incapacity to lay eggs and poor potential for meat production. This practice is We conducted a customer survey in grocery stores widely spread around the world. A promising of the French-speaking (n=4) and German- alternative lies on egg sexing but the technique is speaking (n=4) parts of Switzerland between not available yet. Dual-purpose breeds, from which January and February 2016. Immediately after females produce eggs and males are fattened for check-out, 402 customers filled in a questionnaire meat production, have recently emerged from the of 66 questions. modern breeding industry as another alternative. After a series of profiling questions (e.g. about the Dual-purpose poultry products are already importance of purchasing poultry products marketed in several countries including Germany, produced in Switzerland, purchase frequency of Austria and Switzerland. In the latter, they are so poultry products from different production far only produced under organic conditions. The methods and familiarity with dual-purpose breast muscle of organic dual-purpose broilers is poultry), respondents were informed about the 18 to 48% lighter than that of a regular organic culling of day-old male layer chicks and about broiler [1, 2], and meat from organic dual-purpose dual-purpose poultry. To assess WTP, pictures showing a dual-purpose product and a regular 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 14-19th August 2016, Bangkok, Thailand product (either of chicken or eggs) were presented consumers bought mostly organic meat and 46% and respondents were asked how much they were mostly organic eggs. However, in terms of sales at willing to pay for the dual-purpose product. The a national level, organic chicken and eggs scale ranged from 0 to 75 Swiss Francs (CHF) for represent only 1 and 15% of the quantity sold, 1 kg chicken breast and 0 to 7.50 CHF for a six- respectively [8, 9]. The higher education level of pack of eggs. Prices of imported, inland the respondents and the higher share of women in conventional and inland organic origin for the the present study compared to the Swiss same commodity were given as references. population may have resulted in an Additionally, participants responded to the overrepresentation of organic consumers [10, 11]. statement “I am not bothered by the smaller size of Additionally, consumers willing to take part in dual-purpose chickens [respectively, eggs]”. To such a survey are likely more concerned about and assess acceptance of egg sexing, respondents were interested in food than others. first informed about the prospective possibility to Most (75%) of the respondents did not know about detect male chicks already in the egg and remove mass culling of male layer chicks and 83% of the them from the incubator. They were then faced respondents had never heard of dual-purpose with the following two statements: “I find egg poultry before the survey. Fourteen percent of the sexing better than culling at hatch” and “I find egg respondents indicated to have already bought sexing better than dual-purpose poultry”. These chicken from dual-purpose broilers, whereas 10% three items were rated to on a 5-point Likert-scale declared having already bought eggs from dual- (from 1: fully disagree to 5: fully agree). purpose hens. The former number was probably an In total, 207 “chicken” questionnaires and 195 overestimation because, unlike dual-purpose eggs “egg” questionnaires were collected and used in which are sold all year round in several grocery the analyses. Results are presented using the stores since 2014, dual-purpose chicken is much means (± standard deviations). more difficult to find. This implies that some consumers may mistake regular organic chicken III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for dual-purpose chicken. Respondents’ WTP for dual-purpose chicken and From the 402 respondents, 55% were female and eggs is presented in Table 1. Without being 45% were male. They were on average 49 (± 17) informed about the type of production for dual- years old and mostly German speaking (62% vs. purpose products (conventional vs. organic), 38% French speaking). Most had no underage respondents’ WTP for dual-purpose chicken was child in their household (72%). Only 2% had a similar to the price of conventional Swiss chicken. strict vegetarian household. This may be the result of the perception of chicken Compared to the Swiss population, men were breast as cheap convenient food on the one hand underrepresented (50% of the Swiss population), [12] and of the high quality image consumers but average age and presence of a child in the already have of conventional Swiss meat on the household were representative [6]. Thirty-four other hand [13]. In contrast, WTP for dual-purpose percent of the respondents had a high school eggs was situated between the conventional price degree, which is higher than the Swiss average and the organic price. (29%) [6]. Chicken breast from dual-purpose chicken is not Regarding chicken and egg consumption, the sold separately yet, so no price is available. Yet, importance of the Swiss origin of poultry products based on the prices for entire chicken and breast scored 4.3 (± 1.1) on a 1 (not important) to 5 (very from conventional chicken, price for dual-purpose important) Likert-scale, which confirms the results breast is estimated to reach at least 65 CHF per kg reported by Dohle and Siegrist [7]. In our study, (own calculations). The retail prices are thus above the share of the respondents buying mostly organic the obtained WTP. We therefore suggest (or free range) chicken and eggs was 35 and 76%, combining the organic label with the dual-purpose respectively, which is probably above the Swiss label to fill these gaps [11]. average. Dohle and Siegrist [7], who conducted a mail survey, also with a non-representative population, reported that 28% of the Swiss 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 14-19th August 2016, Bangkok, Thailand Table 1 Observed grocery prices and willingness to pay for dual-purpose poultry products ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chicken Eggs Price in Swiss Francs (per kg breast) (per six-pack) This research was supported by the Coop Research Reference products Program of the ETH Zurich World Food System Center, Imported 19.0 1.40 the ETH Foundation and the Swiss Federal Office for Conventional Swiss 33.0 3.40 Agriculture. Host supermarkets are also acknowledged. Organic Swiss 57.0 4.80 Readers interested in the questionnaire may ask the Willingness to pay for 37.4 (± 13.1) 4.39 (± 1.30) dual-purpose contact author for details. Observed prices for 19.902 5.95 dual-purpose1 REFERENCES 1 Observed in stores [3] 2 Only available as entire chicken (price per kg) 1. Mueller, S., Scheuss, K., Gangnat, I. D. M., Kreuzer, M. & Messikommer, R. E. (2015). Overall, most respondents fully (38%) to Fattening performance and carcass conformation of moderately (27%) agreed that the smaller size of dual purpose poultry genotypes in comparison to dual-purpose products, compared to regular broiler and layer genotypes. Proceedings of the products, was not bothering them. Egg sexing was Society Nutrition Physiology 24: 134. most often fully (48%) or moderately (17%) 2. Mueller, S., Letsch, C., Kreuzer, M., preferred to culling at hatch. However, the Messikommer, R. E. & Gangnat, I. D. M. (2016). Do dual purpose broilers need less and less preference between egg sexing and dual-purpose valuable protein? (Kommen Zweinutzungshühner poultry was torn with 32% of the respondents who mit weniger und geringer wertigem Eiweiss in der fully disagreed that egg sexing was preferable to Mast aus?) In M.
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