4344 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1860. relates to each of the parishes in or through which the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, and the said intended railway and works will be made, in the occupation of the lessees of Tyne Main together with a copy of the said Gazette Notice, Colliery, with an outfall or offtake drift or water- will be deposired for public inspection with the course, extending from the said station to a p >int parish clerk of each such parish at his residence : immediately eastward of the said station ; on a and in the case of any extra-parochial place with rivulet or brook, in the chapelry of Heworth, in the parish clerk of some parish immediately ad- the parish of Jarrow, and which flows into the joining thereto. river Tyne, in the parish of St Nicholas aforesaid. Printed copies of the said intended Bill will, on A Pumping Station, with shafts, engines, and or before the 23rd day of December next, be de- other works, at or near a place called the B Pit, posited in the Private Bill Office of the House of at Hebburn Colliery, in the township of Helburn, Commons. in the parish of Jarrow, on land belonging to Dated this eighth day of November, one thou- Lieutenant-Colonel Ellison, and now in the occu- sand eight hundred and sixty. pation of the lessees of Hebburn Colliery, with an F. F. Jeyes} 22, Bedford-row, Solicitor for outfall or offtake drift or watercourse, extending the Bill. from the said station to the river Tyne aforesaid, at or near a point immediately west of the Staith, belonging to the said Hebburn Colliery. A pumping station, with shafts, engines, and other Tyne Coal Drainage. works, on land at or near a place called the Alfred (Incorporation of Commissioners—Construction ol Pit, in the township of Jarrow, in the said parish' Works—Drainage of Coal Basin and Coal of Jarrow, belonging to Thomas Drewitt Brown,- Fields, situate and lying within the borough and Esq., and now unoccupied, with an outfall or off- county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and. eastward take drift or watercourse, extending from the said of the said borough and county, in the counties station to the river Tyne aforesaid, at a point at Jar- of Northumberland and Durham—Bates on row-quay, in the said township of Jarrow. A pump- Mines and Coal Fields, and Rates on Coal ing station, with shafts, engines, and other works, worked and raised therefrom—Powers to Cor- on land at or near a place called Manor Wallsend porations, and Persons under Disability, &c.) Pit, in the township of South Shields, in the OTICE is hereby given, that application is parish of Jarrow, belonging to the Dean and intended to be made to Parliament in the Chapter of Durham, and in the occupation ot ensuinN g session, for leave to bring in a Bill for all the lessees of Hilda and Harton Colleries, with an or some of the purposes following, that is to say : outfall or offtake drift or watercourse, extending to provide for the more efficient and effectual from the said station to the river Tyne aforesaid, drainage of the coal basin and coal district, com- at a point on Jarrow Slake, west of the said sta- prised in the parishes, chapelries, extra-parochial tion. A pumping station, with shafts, engines, places and townships following, that is to say, of and other works on land, at or near a place called St. Nicholas, St. John, St. Andrew's, All Saints, the Howdon Pit, near Percy Main, in the town- Westgate, Elswick, Byker, Heaton, and Jesmond, ship of Chirton, in the parish of Tynemouth, in the borough and county of Newcastle-upon- belonging to His Grace the Duke of Northumber- Tyne, Fenham, Benwell, Long Benton, Little land, with an outfall or offtake drift or water- Beaton, "Walker, Killingworth, Gosforth, North course, extending from the said station to a point, Gosforth, South Gosforth, Coxlodge, Wallsend, immediately west of and adjoining the said sta- Howdon Pans, Willington, Tynemouth, Chirton, tion, on a rivulet or brook which falls into the Cullercbats, Monkseaton, Murton, North Shields, river Tyne aforesaid. And a pumping station, Preston, Whitley, or some of them, in the county with shafts, engines, and other works, on land at. of Northumberland, and Gateshead, Gateshead or near a place called the G or Church Pit, in the Fell, Heworth, otherwise Nether Heworth, Heb- township of Wallsend, belonging to the Dean and burn, Monkton, Jarrow, Hedworth, Westoe, other- Chapter of Durham, or Mr. Joseph Mordue, or wise Wivestoe, Saint Hilda or South Shields, one of them, and in the reputed occupation of Harton, Whitburn, East Boldon, and West Bol- Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and Bel], with an outfall don, or some of them, in the county of Durham, or offtake drift or watercourse, extending from the hereinafter referred to as " the district," and for said station to the river Tyne aforesaid, at or near the execution of works for relieving the mines of a point south of the said station, and situate be- coal and the coal fields within the district from tween Killingworth Staith and Burradon Staith, water. within the said township. To constitute and incorporate a body of Com- All the above works to be authorised by the missioners, and to regulate their qualification, Bill will be situate in, or pass from, through, or election, powers, and duties, and to enable them into the several parishes, townships, chapelries,. to raise and borrow money upon mortgage upon and extra-parochial places of Gateshead, Heworth, the security of the rates, tolls, duties, and contribu- Hebburn, Jarrow, and South Shields, or some or tions to be granted to them, or vested in them by one of them, in the county of Durham; and the said Bill. Tynemouth, Chirton, and "Wallsend, or one of To grant to persons and corporations, having a them, in the county of Northumberland. limited interest in any coal fields and lands within In connection with the works, and for the pur- the said district, or any interest in the working, poses of the drainage of the said district, to shipment, and export of coals therefrom, power to authorise the Commissioners to sink or use existing raise money, and to contribute and lend the same :>5ts, shafts, drifts, levels, and watercourses, and on the security of the rates, tolls, and duties, to be ;o drive other drifts, levels, or watercourses, and . granted to, and vested in, the said Commissioners, execute other, works underground, in any part. and to concur in, and carry into effect the objects of the said districts. and provisions of the Bill. And it is intended in the said Bill to apply for To authorise the Commissioners to execute the lowers for the compulsory purchase of engines, following works, or any of them, that is to say : a ngine houses, pits, shafts, or lands and houses, to - pumping station, with shafts, engines, and other e described in the plans hereinafter mentioned, works, on land at or near a place called the Friar's and to authorise the acquirement of any engines, Goose, in the parish of Gateshead, belonging to engine houses, pits, shafts, and lands or easements,,.
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