CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J-.ANU AR Y 17,- 'statutes concerning importation of lumber-to the Committee on For­ Mr. FAULKNER presented the petition of the Brotherhood of Lo­ 'eign Affairs. comotive Engineers inMartinsburgb, W.Va., praying for the passage\ Also, petition of citizens of Dexter, Me., for drawback on tin-plate of a national Sunday-rest law, prohibiting needless Sunday work in the. used for canning purposes-to the Committee on Ways and MeaiL3. Government's mail, military service, and interstate commerce; which By Mr. FUNSTON: Petition of S. S. Akin and 19 others, citizens of was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. Xansas-to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. GIBSON presented the petition of the members of the Beaver By 1\fr. HAYES: Petition by citizens of Dakota, for admission, but Creek Baptist Church, of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, praying for the1 protesting against the Sioux :Falls constitution-to the Committee on passage of a national Sunday-rest law, prohibiting needless Sunday the Territories. work iu the Government's mail, military service, and interstate com­ By Mr. T. J. HENDERSON: Petition and papers relative to state­ merce; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. ment of appropriations, new offices, etc.-to the Committee on Appro­ Mr. V .A.NCE presented the petition of 331 citizens of North Carolina, priations. praying for the passage of a national Sunday-rest law, prohibiting need­ By Mr. MAISH: Memorial to pay Mrs. Boydanna Potts, widow of A. less Sunday work in the Government's mail, military service, and in­ R. l!otts, deceased, who was an employ6 of the House of Representa­ terstate commerce; which was referred to the Committee on Education tives, a sum equal to six months' salary-to the Committee on Ac­ and Labor• . counts. 1\IARGARET S. HEINTZELMAN. By Ur. PLUMB: Petition of Mrs. Arnie Lucas, for compensation as l\1r. DAVIS submitted the following report: laundress to Union and Patent Office Hospitals-to the Committee on The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on War Claims. the amendment of the House to the bill (S. 2726) entitled "An act granting an By Mr. ROWELL: Petition of Emma Minson, widow of Eutiles Min­ increase of pension to Margaret S. lleintzleman," having met, after full and free son, Company G, Sixty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, for re­ ~~~~~~~~ef~u~!.:~reed to recommend and do recommend to their respective lief-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. That the llollSe recede from its amendment to said bill and a~ree to the same. C. K. DAVIS, Also, petition of citizens of Meadows, Ill:, for free distribution of D. TURPIE, the CO:YGRESS10NAL RECORD-to the Committee on Printing. H. W.BLAIR, By lt'Ir. WILLI~1S: Petition of Lucinda Adams, for relief-to the Managers on the pa1·t of the Senate. Committee on Invalid Pensions. J. LOGAN CHIPMAN. THOMAS L. TIT01\1PSON, By 1\Ir. W. L. WILSON: Petition of the State Grange of West Vir­ A. C. THOMPSON, ginia, in favor of pure food and lard-to the Committee on Agriculture. Managers on the part of the IIouse. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. No action is required by the Senate. The following petition against the passage of the international copy­ right bill was received, and referred to the Committee on Patents: REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. By Mr. TRACEY (by request): Of 46 citizens of Albany, N. Y. Mr. STEWART, from the CoJ!Ullittee on Military Affairs, to whom were referred a memorial and findings of fact by the Court of Claims and other papers jn the case ofFlora .A.. Darling, reported a bill (S. 3833) for the relief of l't1rs. Flora A. Darling; which was read twice by its SENATE. title. THURSDAY, Jamta1·y 17, 1889. Mr. D.A. VIS, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (S. 3515) granting a pension to Lottie R. Hunter, reported it Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. without amendment, and submitted a report thereon. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Mr. DOLPII, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was re­ CERTIFICATE OF ELECTORAL VOTES. ferred an amendmentsubmitted by 1\Ir.l\IITCHELL on the12thinstant, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ intended to be proposed to the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill, reported it formally and moved its reference to the Committee tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting, in pursuance of the pro­ on Appropriations; which was agreP.d to. · visions of the act of Congress approYed February 3, 1887, a certified lie also, from the Committee on C.lmmerce, to whom was re~erred an copy of the .final ascertainment of the electors for President and Vice­ amendment submitted by Mr. M:ITCIIELL on the 12th instant, intended President appointed by the State of 1\lississippi; which was ordered to be printed, and, with the accompanying certificate, to lie on the table. to be proposed to the sundry civil appropriation ·bill, reported lt fa­ vorably, and moved its reference to the Committee on Appropriations; SOMER TILLE (MASS.) POST-OFFICE. which was agreed to. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ Mr. HAMPTON, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom tion from the Postmaster-General, transmitting, in response to a reso­ was referred the bill (S. 3754) to construct a road from the village of lution of January 10, 1889, correspondence in regard to leases by the Plattsburgh, N.Y., through and along the Government military res­ Gove1'11ment of buildings or parts of buildings for the use of the post­ ervation in said village, reported it with amend.m."ents. office in Somerville, Mass., and stating that there nave been no such Mr. SAWYER, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was re­ leases formally executed since the 1st day of December, 1887; which, ferred the bill (S. 3734) to authorize the construction of a bridge or with the accompanying papers, was ordered to lie on the table and be bridges across the Mississippi River at La Crosse, Wis., reported it with printed. an amendment. PETITIONS A~'"D :ME:\IORIALS. Mr. WALTHALL, from the Committee onl\Iilitary Affairs, to whom Mr. PUGH presented a petition of 494 citizens of Alabama, praying was referred the bill (S. 3G61) authorizing the Secretary of War to trans­ fer the United States barracks and grounds at New Orleans to the for the passage of a national Sunday-rest law; which was referred to •ru• the Committee on Education and Labor. lane University of Louisiana, atNew· Orleans, foreducationalpurposes, Mr. GOR])!AN presented a petition of159 citizens ofMaiyland, pray­ submitted an adverse report thereon; which was agreed to1 an'd the bill ing for the passage of a national Sunday-rest law; which was referred was postponed indefinitely. to the Committee on Education and Labor. Mr. JONES, of Arkansas, from the Committee on Indian A:fl'airs, to Mr. DAVIS presented a petition of 22 citizens of Sleepy Eye, Brown whom was referred the bill {S. 3794) granting to the Big Horn ·south­ Comity, Minnesota, praying for a constitutional amendment to prohibit ern Railroad Company a right of way through a part of the Crow In­ the sale or manufacture of alcoholic liquors as a beverage throughout dian reservation in Montana Territory, reported it with amendments. the United States; which was referred to the Committee on Education Mr. MORRILL, from the Committee on Public Buildings and and Labor. Grounds, reported two amendments intended to be proposed to the Mr. COCKRELL. I present a petition, transmitted to me by Mrs. sundry civil appropriation bill; which were referred to the Committee M. E. Catlin, secretary of the department of Sabbdhobserrance, Na­ on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. · Mr. SAWYER, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom were re­ tional Woman's Christian Temperance Union, signed by 157 citizens of ferred the following bills, reported them severally without amendment, 1\lissouri, praying for legislation against the running of interstate Sun­ and submitted reports thereon: day trains and mail trains and against military drills on the Sabbath. I A bill (H. R. 5752) for the relief of Julia Triggs; move that the petition be referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. A bill (H. R. 9163) granting a pension to Eli Garrett; and The motion was agreed A bill (H. R. 11378) granting a pension to James S. Hardin. to. l\1r. SAWYER, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was re­ Mr. SHER?t1AN presented the petition of Francis L. Swift and other members of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, pray­ ferred th~ bil~ (H. R. 22Gl) to increase the pension of Elijah W. Penny, ing for the passage of the resolution reported from the Committee on reported 1t with an amendment, and submitted a report thereon. Foreign Relations in regard to international arbitration; which was re­ COUNT OF ELECTORAL VOTES. ferred to the Committee on Education and Labor. Mr. HOAR. I am directed by the Committee on ~ri:rHeges and M:r. PLATT presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Temper­ Elections, to whom was referred the concurrent resolutiOn m regard to ance Union of the State of Connecticut, Mrs. S. B. Forbes, president, the count of electora.J votes, to report bac~ the sa~e without amend· reprEMenting 3,600 members, praying for prohibition in the District of ment and recommend its passage. I des1!e that It may be printed. Columbia; which was referred to the Commitliee on the District of Co­ It is not necessary to have it read now, as 1t was read the other day.
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