TF ■•'*« James Madison University Monday, October 28, 1985 Vol. 63 No. 16 Leaders want to revamp honor system Helen MacNabb, SGA president and co- organizations develop five-year plans to coincide By Martin Romjue staff writer chairman of the council, called going to a faculty- with JMU's academic plan. "JMU needs to have a run system "serious." vision of the future." The Council of Campus Leaders on Thursday "We're going to lose our rights," MacNabb told Individual organizations should adopt both discussed ways to improve the effectiveness of the the council, which is composed of representatives long- and short-term goals for membership, par- honor system. from the 13 major campus organizations. ticipation, fund-raising and social events for the A survey this fall reported that 12 percent of in- Creger suggested ways to improve honor next five to 10 years, she said. coming freshmen would report Honor Code viola- awareness and promotion. Longer honor code Brett Chaney, president of Interhall Council, tions. presentations at freshman orientations with a said, "I have a hard time picturing my student "If it's down as low as it appeared before, I mock honor trial might help, or making a one- organization or the student body 10 years from can't recommend to the administration that it credit honor code class a required course and prin- now." (Honor Code) be kept the way it is," Mary Creger, ting honor pledges on tests, she said. "You can't state where your organization will be the Honor Council president told the council at its "I'm not saying it doesn't work, but it doesn't 10 years from now, but you can make long-term first meeting of the year. "I haven't decided what work to its potential," Creger said. "It works. But goals," said Paul Wilson, the student member on to do. it can work so much better." the Board of Visitors and cochairman of the coun- "If the system continues to go down, the ad- Creger announced that an Honor Awareness cil. ministration might institute a faculty-run system." Week will be held, probably in spring. MacNabb emphasized two major points of a Under a faculty-run system, faculty would stay Cheating at JMU "isn't massive," she said, long-term plan — flexibility and continuity. in a classroom to monitor the test instead of "but not insignificant either." Although the goals of one leader might not be the students signing a pledge. Also at the meeting, MacNabb suggested student See CCL page 2 >■ m , Staff photo by KEVIN ROPP FirSl — Cashier Wilma Whetsel rings up the total for PC Dukes first customers, seniors Greg Hershey (left) and Carter Carpln, as Food Service Director R. Davis Griffin prepares to pay for their meal at the opening of the new dining facility in the Phillips Center Thursday. The JMU Rugby Club raised about Dinner Harrisonburg's Jess Quick Player $2,000 Saturday for injured team- Lunch will serve dinner on benefit mate Jim Mountain. 3 special campus tonight and Tuesday. Page 2, The Breeze, Monday, October 28,1985 CCL Students meet with »»■ (Continued from page 1) same as his successor, a plan would Gromada suggested having a cam- make long-term goals more at- pus "trash day" when students SGA alcohol committee tainable even as leadership changes, would pick up litter here and By Maria SSEonS The subcommittee will focus on she said. celebrate together afterward. SGAK reporter legal liabilities at its meeting The council also discussed the • coordination of black organiza- Twenty-one students attended the Wednesday, he said. Open discus- following: tions. sion on the policy will start next Alan Archer, president of the first meeting of the Student Govern- • the Constitutional Bicentennial week. Celebration. Black Student Alliance, described a ment Association alcohol committee Thursday to discuss the university's Council members agreed JMU new structure unifying black campus Schwab said he formed the com- should be designated the university organizations and fraternities under alcohol policy. mittee to "get a feel of what the ior celebrating the bicentennial the BSA and the minority affairs The ad hoc committee is chaired by Steve Schwab, SGA ad- students want." He intends to in- because James Madison wrote the division. Archer said the BSA wants form the students of the subcommit- constitution and James Madison to promote more minority-oriented ministrative vice president. Schwab also serves on the student services tee's proceedings and ask for feed- University is the only such-named in activities for students. back. the nation. • class organizations. commission subcommittee that will Groups should coordinate goals Sophomore class president present suggestions for university "I want to have an atmosphere of and efforts for the celebration, Mac- Melanie Knight said student apathy policy to JMU President Ronald discussion and debate," he said. The Nabb said. toward class organizations is a pro- Carrier. students' response will determine • graduation. blem and more publicity is needed. Three other students serve on the Schwab's stand on issues brought up MacNabb discussed the debate Knight said all students are welcome subcommittee, as well as several ad- in the subcommittee, he said. between having a traditional quad to attend class meetings. ministration and faculty members. format for the May ceremony and a At the end of the meeting, Univer- At the meeting, students on the ad "I want to take their opinions to satellite format. sity Program Board director Scott hoc committee discussed how cam- the subcommittee, not my own." Wilson suggested having a Brown told the council, "This is the pus parties will be affected by the Junior Greg Gromada said he is celebration day between final exams proper place to start working new law. "very concerned that the students and graduation to alleviate drinking together as one. There will be less One student said some colleges, get a voice in the alcohol policy." at the ceremony. fighting, gripes and conflicts, and located in states where the drinking "Nobody knows how to handle • charities. these need to be worked out before it age is 21, are enforcing dry cam- the situation that the new law Wilson discussed a plan to have all gets out into the open." puses. Schwab said he does not think presents," he said. "Right now there organizations support a specific Groups represented on the council JMU will go to that extreme. is not one universal set of guidelines charity. are the Student Government Schwab informed the group of the that everyone can follow." • alcohol policies. Association, Honor Council, Com- subcommittee's actions so far. A Steve Gardner, a committee Wilson asked group leaders to get muter Student Committee, Interhall special agent for the regulatory divi- member, said he thinks the universi- ideas on revising alcohol policies Council, Interfraternity Council, sion of the Department of Alcoholic ty alcohol policy should standardize within the framework of Virginia's Panhellenic Coucil, Chrysalis, Black Beverage Control spoke at the first the steps taken by various student new 21 drinking law for input to the Student Alliance, Student Alumni meeting. Alan MacNutt, director of groups when planning a party. He SGA ad hoc committee. Association, Board of Visitors, campus police and safety, spoke at said Greeks, residence halls and • vandalism. University Program Board, the second. other organizations seem to handle SGA senator Greg Gromada, Bluestone and The Breeze. "Right now we're getting a data parties differently. chairman of the buildings and The council is scheduled to meet base to build from," Schwab said. Gardner added, "This committee grounds committee, said campus on Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. in Gibbons "Once we get a data base, we'll start is a good stepping stone to bring all vandalism is a growing problem and Dining Hall entrance 7 to bring back discussing and debating on what the the organizations together and for- repairs are expensive. suggestions on these topics. policy should be." mulate an overall policy." Republicans to speak Mock elections to be held party candidate for attorney general. The Republican candidates for the Mock elections for the statewide Also, a speak-out on the elections The rally is being sponsored by the three statewide offices will speak at a offices will be held Tuesday in the will be held on the patio at the same student rally Tuesday at 2 p.m. JMU Republican Club in conjunc- Warren Campus Center lobby. time. The speak-out is directly tion with the Youth for Durrette Wyatt Durrette is campaigning for The elections are being sponsored related to the Nov. 5 election. governor and John Chicester is his campaign. It will be held on the West by the Student Government Associa- Patio of the Warren Campus Center. running mate. Buster O'Brien is the tion and are open to students and The speak-out is open to students faculty. Voting will take place from about issues and candidates in the 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. state elections. "Toihf press alone, chequered as His with abuses, WANTED! Editor ' OwenFsrls. the world is indebted for oH the iruimphs which have Managing editor CeyFuttx been gained by reason and humanity over error and Business manager Michael Scortone oppression. " — James Madison The Breeze needs eager and reliable Newt editor Mart Mill* The Breeze la published Monday and Thursday Photojournalists interested in gaining Assistant news editor KyraScerton mornings and distributed throughout JMU. Feature* editor AHeon Cosby Mailing address la The Breeze, Communica- practtcal experience to help advance Assistant features editor Tina Beaumont tion Arts Department. JMU, Harrleonburg, Va. v.dreer. Sports editor Mark Chemoek Assistant sports editor KenMalcufc 22807 Editorial editor Brian Ratedon For advertising, call 50M596 For editorial ol- Assistant editorial editor Charles Lundy flces, call MMI27.
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