45 Chapter 1.4 Online Communities and Social Networking Abhijit Roy University of Scranton, USA INTRODUCTION DEFINITION Technology has enabled communities to move be- A “community” refers to an evolving group of yondthephysicalface-to-facecontactstotheonline people communicating and acting together to reach realm of the World Wide Web. With the advent of a common goal. It creates a sense of membership the highways in the 1950s and 1960s, “communi- through involvement or shared common interests. ties” were created in suburbia. The Internet, on the It has been considered to be a closed system with other hand, has over the last two decades, enabled relativelystablemembershipanddemonstrateslittle the creation of a myriad of “online communities” or no connection to other communities (Anderson, (Green, 2007) that have limitless boundaries across 1999). every corner of the globe. With the rapid growth of the Internet, the geo- This essay will begin by providing a definition graphic boundaries constraining the limits of com- of the term “online communities” and then describ- munities are no longer a factor, and the functions of ing several typologies of this phenomenon. The maintaining a community can be fulfilled virtually various motivations for joining communities, how fromanywhereintheglobe.Thisisthebasicessence marketers create social bonds that enhance social of an online community, which is also synonymous relationships, as well as strategies used by firms with e-community or virtual community. Several in building online communities are also discussed. authorshaveattemptedtoprovideaformaldefinition We conclude by discussing strategies for managing of the term for semantic clarifications. The major online communities, leveraging them for social definitions are as follows: networking, researching them, as well as directions for future research. • Social aggregations that emerge from the Net when enough people carry on public DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-014-1.ch145 Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Online Communities and Social Networking discussions long enough, with sufficient TYPOLOGIES OF ONLINE human feeling, to form webs of personal COMMUNITIES relationships in cyberspace. (Rheingold, 1993) Online communities come in different shapes and • Groups of people who communicate with sizes and may have memberships of a few dozen each other via electronic media, rather than tomillionsofindividuals.Thesecommunitiesmay face-to-face. (Romm, Pliskin, & Clarke extend from active forums like discussion groups 1997) and chat rooms to passive ones like e-mails and • Computer mediated spaces where there is a bulletin boards. Given that these communities potential for an integration of content and are not geographically constrained, their size communication with an emphasis on mem- can be much bigger than typical physical com- ber generated content. (Hagel & Armstrong munities and many millions of them exist on the 1997) Internet. Uncovering archetype or gestalt patterns • Online Publics are symbolically delineated is fundamental to the study of social science and computer mediated spaces, whose exis- research, and several authors have proposed clas- tence is relatively transparent and open, sification schemes for configurations of online that allow groups of individuals to attend communities. and contribute to a similar set of computer- Lee, Vogel, and Limayem (2003) in their mediated interpersonal interactions. (Jones review of classification schemes of online com- & Rafaeli, 2000) munities identify Hagel and Armstrong’s (1997) andJonesandRafaeli’s(2000)typologiesasbeing While Rheingold (1993) provides one of the the most popularly referenced. Kozinets (2002) earliest definitions of the term, and one that is too delineates four kinds of online communities. most quoted in the literature (Kozinets, 2002), These three typologies are reviewed, and a further many may question whether “with sufficient hu- popular typology of affinity groups proposed by man feeling” is a necessary condition for online MacchietteandRoy(1992)asappliedtotheonline community formation. Romm et al.’s (1997) environment is also proposed. definition may not sufficiently distinguish it from Hagel and Armstrong (1997) propose four general Web sites. Hagel and Armstrong (1997) major types of online communities based on emphasizemembergeneratedcontent,whileJones people’s desire to meet basic human needs: inter- and Rafaeli (2000) use the term “virtual publics” est, relationship, fantasy, and transaction. Jones instead of online community. Others, like Bishop and Rafaeli (2000) further segment these com- (2007), have pointed to the phenomenon of “de- munities by social structure, that is, communities socialization” or less frequent interaction with formed based on social networks, for example, human in traditional settings, as a consequence online voluntary associations, cyber inns, and of an increase in virtual socialization in online so forth, and technology base, that is, types of communities. Based on the above definitions technology platforms, for example, e-mail lists, the term may be simply defined as a group of Usenet groups, and so forth. individuals with common interests who interact Kozinets (2002) proposed the four types of with one another on the Internet. communities as dungeons, that is, online environ- ments where players interact, such as for online video games, circles,(intereststructuredcollection of common interests), rooms(computer-mediated environmentswherepeopleinteractsociallyinreal 46 Online Communities and Social Networking time), and boards (online communities organized these communities. The various components of around interest specific bulletin boards). the model are discussed next. Finally, Macchiette and Roy (1992) proposed a typology of affinity communities that can also Motivations be used for classifying online communities. They defined communities as either being: professional A member’s reasons for joining a community (e.g., doctors, lawyers, etc.), common interest(e.g., may depend on a wide range of factors, such as hobbies, interests), demographic (e.g., by gender, affiliation (others like them are members of the age, etc.), cause-based (e.g., Sierra Club, Green community), information (about experiences, Peace), and marketer generated (e.g., Disney, ideas, and issues), recreation (meeting people, Nintendo) communities. These communities may playing around, sharing stories, etc.), or transac- also be constructed in the online environment. tion (e.g., those who join a Web site for buying Itisalsointerestingtomakeotherdichotomous and trading possessions). distinctions of online communities such as: (a) between formal (e.g., associations) vs. informal Mode of Participation communities, (b) commercial(whichoffersgoods and services to make revenues that in turn fuels Participation can occur in a myriad of ways, for community operations) vs. noncommercial(com- example, through e-mails, chat rooms, discussion munities created from the ground up by a group groups, online events, blogs, social networking of individuals, e.g., with an interest in stamp col- Web sites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, etc.), lection), and (c) open or public (where everyone sharing photographs (e.g., Flickr), wikis (e.g., regardless of their qualifications and individual Wikipedia),bulletinboards,andsoon.Some(such profile can enter the community and participate) as discussion groups, chat rooms) have more ac- vs. closed or private (where outsiders are not al- tive members than passive members (e.g., e-mail, lowed into the community, or where membership bulletin board or posting, or watching viewing is very difficult to obtain). content on You Tube). Characteristics of Online ONLINE COMMUNITIES: Communities MOTIVATIONS, MODE OF PARTICIPATION, With the growth and maturity of online com- CHARACTERISTICS, AND BENEFITS munities, certain characteristics are prevalent. Adler and Christopher (1999) identify six such Rayport and Jaworski (2004) present a model of characteristics: how the various components of an online com- munity can be integrated. An adapted version of • Cohesion: Members seek a sense of be- the model is shown in Figure 1. longing and develop group identity over The model illustrates how members’ motiva- time. tionsforjoiningtheonlinecommunity,theirmode • Relationships: Community members in- of participation, and the community’s degree teract and develop friendships over time. of connectedness in many ways determine the • Effectiveness: The group has an impact on characteristics of the community, which in turn members’ lives. influences the benefits sought by the members in 47 Online Communities and Social Networking Figure 1. Online communities: Motivations, mode of participation, characteristics, and benefits • Help: Community members feel comfort- • Self-Regulation: The community devel- able asking and receiving help from each ops a system for policing itself and sets other. ground rules of operation. • Language: Members develop shared com- munication tools that have a unique mean- Benefits to Members ing within the community. Adler and Christopher (1999) further point out thatthemembersoftheonlinecommunitydevelop 48 Online Communities and Social Networking variousemotional benefitsdepending on the com- 2. Novices: They are new members or “new- munities that they join. They include inclusion, bies” who are usually passive and are busy shared information
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