APRIL 1961 * 50c mwm v • ~m • mm m m m .-...-., !Ill "J'i A REPORT ON THE SMITHSONIAN'S TRAVELING SHOWS THE CERAMIC NATIONAL TRADE SHO W and WORKSHOP • ~ i~ "t ~ . ~i SPECTACULAR, COBO HALL :'~ newest ~ i~t exhibition hall i Since 1958 The Show recognized as the top Ceramic Event of the year for... * EXHIBITORS * * TEACHERS * IMAGINATION AND GOOD WILL Hobby entries accepted until noon May 4 for your convenience SPECIAL HOURS GENERAL SHOW HOURS General Public m Demonstrations and 1:00-7:00 P.M. Classes 9:30 - 12:00 ALL EVENTS Wholesale Buyers m Sales Period by registration only m 9:30-12:00 Write for Brochure Wholesale Buyers register early ARTHUR E. HIGGS J 322 Shearer Bldg. Managing Director Bay City, Michigan Announcing SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT CATALOG -k 81/2 '' x 11" IN SIZE MANY PRICES LOWERED -- BOTH RETAIL & WHOLESALE The Following List of Products are Shown in FULL COLOR: DUNCAN GLAZES m DUNCAN E-Z STROKE- MACK CHINA PAINT COLORS DUNCAN STAINZIT- EX-CEL COLORED GLASS- EX-CELL FLOWER-TEX CLAYS DUNCAN CRYSTALS- FRANCESS PERMA STAINS m EX-CEL MARBLEIZING LIQUID DUNCAN COVER COAT- RHINESTONES AND PEARLS- PETERSON'S 3-WAY FIRED STAINS (Shown in Actual Size) 25c DECAL CATALOG CLIP THIS COUPON end attach your Check for $1.00. (Deductible from first $10.00 Order } HOUSF' OF - - : ""2;/;~;';~;~r. R,,~h ,~eA Oop, 0,, ~. '~'-' ~nd CERAMICS NAME_ INCORPORATED I STREET_ I / CITY. .STATE 2481 Matthews Avenue m Memphis, Tenn. ~ m m ~ ~ m ~ m ~ .--. CERAMICS MONTHLY, April 1961, Vol. 9mNo. 4. Published monthly except July & Aug., by Professional Publications. Inc. --S. L. Davis, Pres., P. S. Emery, See.; at 4175 N. High Street, Columbus 14 Ohie. Entered as second-class matter at the post offce at Athens, O. Subscrptons: One Year $5: Two Years $9: Three Years $12. Copyrqht 1961. A Riqhts Reserved. )k Your Best Buy for All Purpose Firing. ~k 5 Models Designed for Studios and Schools. Safety Tested by Underwriters" as Complete Units. Steel Exterior--Negligible heat radiation, silver-gray heat resistant finish. Firing Chamber--High fire refractory backed with supe- rior insulation. Long Life Elements--A-1 Kanthal wire, the best metallic alloy available, protected by high fire refractory holders. Instrument Panel-Pyrometer, safety pilot light, 3-speed heat controls. Safety Switch-Tamper proof. Fused to prevent electrical overload. Handy Storage Cabinet--Far kiln furniture, supplies, etc. , UL Seal--Your guarantee of complete kiln safety. Request 56-page ceramic catalog for electrical and statistical data on 22 Amaco pottery and metal enameling kilns. blAEA SUPPORTING MEMBER guarantees stability uniformity, brushab111ty, reliability. GLAZES Specsey Art Speckled art glazes of multicolored beauty. Vellum Lovely satin-llke glazes with "Touch Magnetism." Meringue Foaming textured glazes. Buy your Beramic Blusilcs horn ~hc~c :nnixuiized distribLtto~s: Wonfire so beautiful colors both gloss and matt. Colorado Ceramic Supply Art-Craft Supplies, Inc. With perfect crackle pattern. 1469 York St. 180 N. W. 62nd St., Miami, Fla. Crackle Denver 6, Colorado Thalia Ceramics Spill Enhances our glaze combinations as listed in our "Tricks Rainville Ceramics Studio P. O. Box 205, Norfolk, Va. and Treats." 19 Vine St., Scotia, N. Y. Tari-Tan Ceramic Supply Terry Johnston Ceramic Studio 1106 W. Lake Shore Dr. 962 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Dalton, Georgia Anderson Ceramic Co. Also, SGRAF-WAX--the only new decorating aid in the 608 N. McDuffie St., Anderson, S.C Mandina's Ceramic Studio ceramic hobby field. Carrel-Ann Ceramics 2314 N. and S. Rd., St. Louis 14, Me. Z36 N. Main, Freeport, L. I., N. Y. Frances Art Produots 8eckers Ceramic Supply Co. 1651 West Woodlawn Write for our complete color catalog including 426 Lincoln Way, New Oxford, Pa. San Antonio, Texas underglezes end WONSTROKE concentrated colors. California Ceramic Supply Waugh's Ceramic Studio 18711 St. Claire Ave. Route 3, Tomah, Wiseonsin Perhaps your studio qualifies for a Com- Cleveland 10, Ohio Empire State Ceramics mercial Discount on SPECIALIZED products. Ceramic Hobbies S Lucy St., B;nghamton, N.Y. Manufactured by: 14V2 E. 14th St. Collins Ceramics AnMston, Alabama 203 Page St., Cary, N.C. or write for spec;al Catalog and Discount Information BERGEN BRUSH SUPPLIES II0 Stuyvesont Ave. Lyndhurst, N.J. Phone: GEneva 8-70"~ Cable address: BERAMIC BOX 453, WELLSVILLE, NEW YORK f Pioneers in the Manufacture of Ceramic Brushes 4 CERAMICS MONTHLY VOLUME 9, NUMBER 4 APRIL • 1961 50 cents pe, copy IN THIS ISSUE Answers to Questions ........................... 6 Letters to the Editor .......................... 7 Itinerary .......................................... 9 Suggestions from Our Readers .................... 10 Summer Workshops ................................ 11 Earthenware: Color in Engobes and Slips by Karl Ivlortz .... 13 The Smithsonion Institution's Traveling Exhibits .......... 14 Raku Ware by Helen Yo.ng ...................... 20 An All-Purpose Decoration by Marc BeHa;re ........... 24 OF CRAFT SUPPLIES A Ceramic Link Screen by F. Carlton Boll ..... 26 Enamel powders Enameled Flower Containers by Kathe Berl ....... 30 Hotpack Kilns Dremel power tools CeramActivities ................................... 35 .Jewelry findings Teacher's Per by Harold James McWhinnie ................ 37 Steel and copper shapes Tools and accessories Ceramic Shopper .................................... 38 Decorating materials Index to Advertisers .............. 38 Enameled tiles Paasche spraying equipment Liquid enamels ON OUR COVER: Pottery by Kato, from the "Japan: Design Today" L & L kilns exhibit, is reproduced over the familiar features of the Smith- sonian Institution in Washington. This month's feature article, Firing tools telling about the activities of the Smithson;an's Traveling Exhibi- Copper Cat jewelry kits tion Service, begins on page 14. This big, new, fully-illustrated catalog includes a com- Editor Thomas Sellers plete line of materials and equipment for enameling, ceramics, Art Director Joe Schmidt and other crafts. Whether you're a hobbyist, professional, Business Manager S~encer L. Davis teacher or student, you'll find everything you need . select Advertisinl.r Production Betty Owen and order at your leisure from one complete source. Take Circulation Mary Rushley advantage of convenience, fast shipment, and attractive low prices. You'll find over 200 enamel colors listed, more than Western Advertising Representative: Joseph Mervish. 6716 Gentry Ave. 50 jewelry items, an outstanding selection of copper trays, Box 3115. North Ho]lywood. Calif. TRiangle 7-7556. bowls, and free form pieces. Copyright 1961 Professional Publications, Inc. SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY NOW! J ~/~¢ ~ CERAMICS MONTHLY , ......................................................... I • "... Columbus 14, Ohio Thomas C. Thompson Co. Dept. CM 1539 Deerfield Road -- Highland Park, III. I O 1 year $S [] 2 years $9 [] 3 years $12 Please send your free catalog of enameling and Name :1 craft supplies Address, NAME__ J City 7n. State -- J ADDRESS__ CITY____ ZONE__STATE ...... , i • ............................. ............................. q APRIL, 196l 5 est s 9th Annual Conducted by the CM Technical Staff EASTERN • I came across a glaze recipe requiring calcined kaolin. 1 have not seen this listed among the materials sold by suppliers, and would like to know where it is available.--Mr. H. IV., Hour- SHOW ton, Texas. CERAMIC easily by placing You can calcine your own kaolin very an amount in a crucible or even a bisque pot and firing it in Hall the kiln to a temperature of about 1500 ° F. If you don't want Convention to make a special firing for this, simply fire it in a regular bisque kiln. The purpose of calcining is to drive off the chemically Asbury Park, New Jersey combined water and volatile gases. SPONSORED BY: CERAMIC LEAGUES, INC. I am planning to do some mosaics with my classes, and Offers You A Fabulous Program am interested in making colored clay [or our bisque. 1 have white, bu[[ and red clays available, and also I have powdered underglaze colors. Would the white clay be the best [or color- ing? And are there better colorants I could use than the May 18-2,1, 1961 underglaze colors? Is hand grinding suf]icient [or mixing the clay and colorants together?--F. W., Allentown, Penna. The white clay will be the best to use for getting light or bright color. You might use the buff or red-firing clays for ob- THE HOBBYIST taining dark or muddy colors; this would save oil the amount "THE PAGEANT OF TECHNIQUES." Free of colorant needed. Powdered or liquid underglaze colors prob- by Top Name Artists. ably are the best way to get strong, clear colors. There are morning demonstrations so many underglaze colors available that you should be able 9 A.M. to Noon except Friday. FREE! Educa- to get any color or shade you want. Hand grinding should be tional! Don't miss if! sufficient for mixing clay and color together. STUDIO 0 WNERS • Several o[ your articles have mentioned using the wax-resist Morning Sales Period for Dealers only. method in decorating. They speci]y not to use a vinyl floor wax preparation but they do not say what should be used. Can you 10-12 noon except Friday. suggest some trade names or types that might be suitable that would be generally available at grocery or hardware stores? --H. L. M., New London, N. C. In nearly all instances where wax resist is mentioned, the ALL CERAMISTS authors refer to a wax emulsion that is soluble in water. This is Plan to attend the "Early Bird" Ce- easy to use since it requires no preparation, and brushes can be from most ceramic Friday, May 19th at cleaned with soap and water. It is available ramic Breakfast, studios and suppliers. It is most unlikely that it would be found the Berkeley Carteret Hotel. Time: in a grocery. 10:30 to 12 noon. In china painting, is there any di[]erence in the usage THE HOBB YIST o[ powdered mineral colors and the prepared liquid colors?--L.
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