e All the News of All .the' Pointes * * * Every Thursday rosse Morning ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes flame oj thtJ News VOLUME 22-t,'O. Entered aJl Second Class Matler 43 at the Post Of!lce at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 26, 1961 7c Per Copy H.OO Pet Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS - SECTION Fire Dri II Empties Schoo I In Jig_~~~.~,_.=_w_,__~ City Parking Edict Police ,Chief of the 'VI~I~K As Campi/cd by tbe ~.~<~ Draws Reply from ~ir~~:~~ed Grosse Poi1lte Nell'S .~\ ~iH P .t I L Uncomplimentary Letters Thursday, October 19 VIOLENT l\lOSLEMS Wed- ~::r-~~~OS I a awyers a:~i:eOJt~r~~S :iji6v~:- nesday battled reinforced riot police fOI' the second night in a r~~.,~..'f...~, Country rDW, as new Algerian demon- " Bon Secours Attorneys Claim Institution is Abiding by strations threatened Paris. Over :.... "" .~ All Ordinances and Cites Plan. for Future Expansion Il~' James Njaim 4,000 IIIoslems, protesting a ~ -------_ ... midnight curfew on Algerians, Bon Secours Hospital, through its lawyers, Hayes Let t e I' s and postcards, joined in the fracas. 'l'hree per- and McEvoy, has sent a letter to the City of Grosse none of them complimen- sons were killed before police Pointe, following a directive issued on September 25 tary, from all 0 v e r the finally succeeded in dispersing by the City Council, regarding the immediate need to United States, from as far the rioters. A mass deportation provide more parking spaces on the hospital grounds as California and New York of Algel'ians to North Africa between Maumee and Caroline, and Cadieux and Notre and as close as Michigan, as e h r 0 n i c troublemakers, Dame. The letter follows: are arriving. in the Park scheduled to begin today, may October 16, 1961 ,,----.-__________ because of the entirely hav~ little effect on the wild MI'. Lawrence C. Savage slanted TV program viewed demonstrations, as the rebel National Liberation Fro n t City Manager.City Clerk H allolveen on NBC last Wednesday (FLN) is reported' to have or- City of Grosse Pointe night, October 18, The pro- dered women and children to Grosse Pointe, l\Iichigan Part:es Set gram gave the Park an un- form a mass protest gathel-ing Dear Mr. Savage: II deserved "bl'l::k eye." in Paris streets Friday, Your letter of October 3, The televi$ion show "David 1961, addresscd to Bon Secours Fo'r T'I,esd('II.Y Brinkley'~ Journal" gavc a false * * " Hospital is acknowledged and I It. impression in its story of Friday, October 20 have been directed to adVise you "Crime Does Pay", and showed BILLIE -So FAR N U M is ''':. I of the Hospital's posilion in ref. All P • t -Y t I scenes taken in the Pal'k on slated to become Michigan's ......... '.' erence therelo. I ,om e oungs ers n. September 16, of "homes of new auditor general. The form- The familiar unpleasant buzzing of the fire alarm weie startled to hear the sirens of the Grosse Pointe You slate that the Council has I vlted to Annual Events some well.known prohibition- e'r UA W international repre- system filled the halls of Brownell Junior High School Farms fire trucks shrilling down Chalfonte, to stop directed you to ad~ise us "t~1at at High School and era characters in the area." The sentative's appointment to the on Thursday afternoon, October 12, with lines of stu- immediately in front of the school. Excited onlookers thc !>rl:sen~ H?sPllal par,klng Junior Highs filming caused a near riot, post, vacant since Otis M. dents moving rapidly toward their designated fire soon saw the banners on the trucks proclaiming Fire ~rea I,S10 \'Iola~l~n of the ~on- which was recorded by the NBC Smith's promotion to the Su- exits.However, this wasn't to be an ordinary fire drill P . lXr k d I I d h" mg Codes' Ofl-Stre~t Pal'lcng newsmen and shown 0:1 Brink- preme Court, is expected next reventlO~ "ee , an a 1 re axe as t e lmmmence of provisions.,. and to issue no- Dancing, entertainment, ley's program. as required by law, for both students and teal'hers week. Farnum has served as a school fIre faded. tice to the owners there'lf to movies and plenty of good The show created the impres" deputy Democratic State chair- *** *** * * * * * * take whatever steps arc neces- food will be the attraction sion that the Park was a haven man since January, 1900. "Our purpose," stated Charles to do it than during this week?" and the fire.trulks were in duty sed 20 minules later, and dis- sary to correct this deficiency at the annual Grosse Pointe fOl' gangsters and hoodlums. " '" " Saltzer, principal of Brownell When stop w a t c h e s were position wit h i n two minutes tributed literalure to students as soon as possible." Com m u nit y Halloween Which of. course is not true. A Saturday, October 21 Junior High, "was to test the checked later, it was learned after receiving the calL regarding the observance of You state that the above ac- Part y held T u e s day, short talk by Alt. Gen. Robert THE UN I V E R SIT Y OF coordinated efforts of both the that the school was emptied of tion was taken at the last meet- October 31. Kennedy, helped lo add to this MICHIGAN Board of Regents, school aut h 0 ri tie s and fire 1120students and 46 fa cui t y Firemen remained with their fire prevention techniques in false picture. meeting Friday in the Univer- fighters, and what better time members in a minute and a half, trucks until school was dismis- their homes. ing of the City Council, amI All private, parochial' and Brinkley topped his program sity's Dearborn Center, request- I - , ---- - from the newspaper report of public high school sludents of with a report that Park police ed a record 1962-63 budget of this meeting of the City Council the Grosse Pointe area attend- arrived at the scene G,liddlesex $55,184,152. According to Presi- held on September 25, 1961, the ing the party at Grosse Pointe and Avondale), slopped the directive of the Council as re- Hl'gh School from 7'30 p m to dent Harlan Hatcher, the BY.!- Thieves Pay 'Suspect Ne,v 'Cat Burglar' 11laligned Cop . .. fighting, protested the picture million dollar increase' is need- ferred to in your letter is ap- midnight will dance to the 10- taking, took notes and made no ed urgently to kepp U. of M. Homes Visit', 1\tay Be Operating in Area; Doesn't Ju.st parenlly the result of rcpresen- piece orchestra of Warney Ruh]. arrests. opera tin I:} at .the level it ought tations made to the Council by During intermission, Father Chief Makes Retort to achieve a group of objecting property Dunstan and his banjo and the Park Police Chief Arthur • • In 'GP Woods ParI{ Home Scene of Thefts Tend lYleters owners. Barons of Dixieland will enter- Louwers chal'ged that BriLk- Sunday, October 22 It is most extraordinary that tain. ley slanted the entire program, DEPUTY SECRETARY OF Stealthy Thief Robs Home Owners and Guests of $377 the Council wouId issue any di- Forrest Geary, general chair- viewed by millions of people all DEFENSE Roswell L. Gilpatric, Invade Homes During Ab- His Days and Nights Are reclive to the Hospital at a man of the Gros.oe Pointe Com- over the country, and did not in a speech delivered Saturday sences of Owners, One in Cash Plus Travelers Checks Without Filled with Variety of meeting where the Hospital was munity Halloween Party Com- give a true account of what had before the Business Advisory of Whom Lost Ring Disturbing Their Slumber Protective and Help' not represented and of wh,ch it mittee, announced that disc taken place. Nor did Brinkley Council at Hot Springs, Va., re- had 110 notice. If the Hospital joekies wm alternate with clariiy how the pictures were vealed a United States arsenal and Change to Thief Five persons were victims of a sneak burglar who ful Activities had been accorded the common bands at the junior high taken, or in what area of the with "tens of thousands" of ve- entered the home of the Daniel J. Stacks, Jr., 776 West- courtesy of a request to appear schools. city. hicles able to deliver atomic .Two Woods homes were chester, while everyone was ~sleep, and took a total of By Janet Mueller al a meeting at which a direc- The Jerry-Penby Five will The chicf said that prior to weapons. The policy statement, reported to have been en- $377' m cas h f rom wa 11e ts an d purses. Walk down any business live was to be issued to the Hos- TIrownellplay at Pierce,and JohnnystudentsTituswillat the September 16 incident. his approved by bot h President tered by burglars, accord- Also taken were some Ameri- .~.~------------ street in Grosse Pointe. pital, we would at that time dance to Bill Gail's music at department was approached by Kennedy and Secretary of State ing to ('vmplaints received can Travelers checks, valued at was awakened. The burglary Look at the parking meters. have called the attention of the Parcells. The hours for the a representative of NBC and Dean Rusk, was aimed at silen- by Woods police on Sun- $280, but worthlf"ss to the was not discovered until about Chances are there is a CClr Council to the fact that the Hos- junior high parties are 7:30 asked for a police escort, or a cing once and for all Soviet dOt b 22 stealthy visitor, according to parked in front of every pital was not in violation of any t 11 00 ride i!1 a police eal', so that boasls of sup e r i 0 r striking ay, coer .
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