Rail project said on schedule hj OAVID SCHWAB monthly meetings called by Sen. S. Thomas borough approximately HM.000 in raUblea, about any traffic problems the new station MATAWAN - Amid the rumbling, of Gagliano, a member of the Senate Transpor- or almost 00,000 in tax revenue yearly, In area might create. "We don't want to see the Coarall train* and the chatter of waiting tation Committee, to monitor the progress of addition to displacing a portion of the limited towns surprised by anything the department paaaenten, Robert Keith, assistant to tUte the long awaited improvements industry here. does," he Mid. Commlsstoner of Transportation Louis J. Listening carefully and asking pointed "We don't want to lose anymore than we Keith, who was assisted In his presents Gambaccini, told a gathering of rail com- questions were Arlene Stump and Betsy Bar- have to," be laid. lion by other engineers from the department, muter leaden at the railroad itation here rett of the Commuters' Wives, Theodore J. Keith said that the appraisal process, including Ronald Wlaa, the electrification that commuter* will be able to park their Labrecque and Peter J. KoeUch of the Mon which is the tint step in acquiring the prop- project manager, reported that fll million can in new loti and ride an electrified train mouth County Transportation Coordinating erties, has begun. He also reported that the worth in contracts had been awarded. He directly into New York City by next summer Committee, Patrick B. Stanley of Rumson, New Jersey Transit Corporation had recently said the department expects to advertise for Keith reported that the fit million project an experienced commuter, and MaUwan expanded plans for the area to include a new the remaining f 14 million in contracts within to electrify five mile* of the North Jersey Mayor Victor R. Armellino station building opposite the existing building the next month. Coait Une from South Amboy to here, along Armellino said he was worried about how which will house the ticket agent on the He emphasized that the money was avail- With toe plan to apend more than f 1 million the construction of the main parking lotthat Inbound side, a* is done at most other sta- able for this project, but be was not as direct for additional parking are "on schedule." is expected to hold some 475 can would tions along the line. about the funding for the entire electrifies "I think we arc going to nuke It. We will effect the borough Armellino estimated that Gagliano suggested that the department -lion of the line to Long Branch, which is have good service bare next year," Keith told the lot, which Is to be located between Main keep in dose communication with the plan- scheduled for completion by 1MB. the a group assembled at one of several Street and Atlantic Avenue, would cost the ning boards here and in Aberdeen, especially Victor R. The Daily Register Mon mon lli € onm > \s t-roal Home Newspaper VOL. 102 NO. 303 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1980 20 CENTS Russians launch Afghan pullout MOSCOW (AP) - The Communist Party permanent and if it's the fint step toward newspaper Pravda said today that Soviet total withdrawal." He suggested It was de- tanks, armored personnel carriers and Infan- signed to increase participation in the Olym- try have begun withdrawing from Afghan- pic Games next month In Moscow but said Killed istan In keeping with the Kremlin's an- the U.S. boycott was "irrevocable." nounced partial pullout — a withdrawal that Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's national se- has been greeted with heavy skepticism in curity adviser, told reporters, "It Is much the West too early to label this as the beginning of a The official Tass news agency reported peace offensive." Secretory of State Edmund from the Afghan ^apital of Kabul yeserday Muskie added: "Don't believe anything you that "according to Information from the, don't see." command of Soviet military contingents now And the seven Western leaders attending staying hi Afghanistan, some army units the two-day summit In Venice called the whose stay In Afghanistan is not necessary at Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan "unac- present are being withdrawn these days to ceptable" and demanded the complete the territory of the Soviet Union on agree- withdrawal of Soviet forces. Some 85,000 ment with the Afghan government." Soviet troops have been In Afghanistan since In a followup labeled an eyewitness ac- December helping the Marxist government count from the Afghan capital, Pravda cor- battle antl-communlst Moslem rebels. NOT ALL FUN — These sunworshlppers, left, find beaches yesterday. Gettlno to the beach wasn't all that respondent L. Mlronov described suntanned Tass responded to the American sanctuary at Sea Brlght's public beach, joining easy though as the cars line UP, right, as far as the eye Russian soldiers saying goodbye to grizzled statements in Venice with scorn, labeling thousands of their fellow cultlsts on the county's could see at the Highlands bridge. Afghan villagers after battling anti-com- them "slanderous" and an attempt to munist Moslem rebels for six months and "camoflauge with verbiage U.S. actions "fulfilling their International duty." aimed at heightening tension ..." "Early this morning from the city's out- skirts a long Une of tanks and Infantry began Without specifically mentioning Muskie Perfect weather blesses to stretch out. The residents of the villages by name, Tan said: "A spokesman for the and towns came out to see them off. The U.S. State Department commented on the Soviet and Afghan friends made their parting report from Kabul In a slanderous tone char- handshakes and embraces," Mlronov said in actentic of him, concerning the policy of the a dispatch dated Sunday. Soviet Union In Southwest Asia." people seeking sun, fun He said after all the farewells were said Leading diplomats here speculated the the Soviet troops and war machines began partial pullback announcement was timed to Sanjay Gandhi, politi- By DAVID SCHWAB awl DAN BRKEN bridge rose every half hour, greatly police there. their SOO-mile journey borne by road. He did cause dissension among Western leaden cally powerful son of In SANDY HOOK - f ertect weather increasing the congestion, police said. Boardwalk businesses of all kinds not say bow many of the estimated 85,000 meeting In Venice and might be more cos- dla's Prime Minister In- Mewed the first weekend of summer Traffic was backed up for some time reported a very good weekend. troops who poured Into Afghanistan in De- metic than real. dira Gandhi, perished ear- yesterday, and thousands of people — at the Highlands bridge. Reports from the Asbury Park and cember were leaving, however. They also said It may have been intended ly today when a stunt plane residents, weekenders, and daytrippers Police in Monmouth Beach and Long. Eatontown toll plaxas on the Garden President Carter said he and the other to persuade some Soviet citizens the war Is crashed into trees not far — jammed the beaches, boardwalks Branch reported that traffic moved State Parkway said traffic was heavy Western beads of state meeting in Venice winding down. Few Soviet citizens know from his mother's home. and highways In pursuit of sun and fun. smoothly and beach clubs were re- Saturday night and very heavy last believed the Soviet announcement "can only much about events In Afghanistan, and Red See story, page 7. Ken Morgan, ranger at Gateway Na- ported full throughout the shore. night. The Raritan toll plaza near South be judged at significant if It's accurate, If it's See Ruilui laaach, page I tional Recreation Area here, said the In the Bay shore area, Keansburg Amboy reported that traffic on the park was closed from 11 a.m. to 155 police said the beachway was "pretty Alfred E. Driscoll Bridge was bumper p.m. yesterday because it was full. crowded," but reported few traffic or to bumper for more than four hours Morgan estimated that 11,000 to 18.000 parking problems. yesterday. people passed through the gates both Parking problems were a headache "It's worse than the average sum- Carter economic pledge Saturday and Sunday. to Belmar police, who said they were mer jam," said one parkway official Sea Bright police reported an un- having "a busy day." there. usual volume of traffic yesterday after- Asbury Park officials reported Parkway officials laid most of the noon and said the public beach was very crowds on both beach and boardwalk. A later traffic was coming from areas medium day for traffic was reported by south of Toms River. pleases summit leaders VENICE, Italy (AP) - President and Canada. of the seven nations were in accord that Carter and leaden of six other In- The American president scheduled the production and use of coal, long a Freehold Regional talks go on dustrialized nations are climaxing their individual private sessions today with neglected energy resource, should be By DAVID SCHWAB teachers' negotiating committee, In- the stumbling block right along," said economic summit by agreeing that coal the leaden of Britain, Japan and Cana- doubled in the coming decade. Any such FREEHOLD - Negotiators from cluding committee chairman Robert Reed. production should be doubled by 1M0 da as the summit nations were holding development would mean boom times and that fresh efforts must be made to their final business session before issu- for the coal mining sections of the Unit- the Freehold Regional High School Ugrovics and association president "The teachers will stay here all ing a joint policy statement. Board of Education, the teachers' as- Irene Warga attended meetings ar- night," he added, noting that the state reduce their oil import;.
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