CCA READING LIST Includes BONI LIBRI, KNIGHT READER, AND SUMMER READING Boni Libri reading shall be from books on this list unless approved by the teacher. Knight Reader Voluntary Reading minutes can be earned from books on this list. Books read during the summer from this list over and above the required summer reading can be counted towards the August minute total if a calendar is completed and signed by the parents within the first week of school. These summer reading minutes can be applied towards the August calendar only. Kindergarten 4 and 5 First Grade Read (or have read aloud to you) any of the following: A Child Book of Verses-Stevenson Once a Mouse-Brown Aaron and the Green Mountain Boys-Gauch Paddington Bear (any title)-Bond Aesop’s Fables-Aesop Amelia Bedelia (any title)-Parish Pelle’s New Suit- Beskow And I Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street-Geisel Prayer For a Child-Field Andy and the Lion-Dougherty Put Me in the Zoo-Lopshire Angus and the Ducks-Flack Sam’s First Fish- Shortall Are You My Mother?-Eastman Sammy The Seal-Hoff Big Dog, Little Dog-Eastman Stuart Little-White Charlotte’s Webb-White The Big Snow-Hader Corduroy-Freeman The Biggest Bear- Ward Cross Country Cat-Calhoun The Borrowers-Norton Curious George- Joyce The Carrot Seed-Krauss Detective Dan-Roland The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen-Lefevre Dick Whittington and his Cat-Brown The Courage of Sarah Noble-Dalgliesch Doctor Seuss (any title)-Seuss The Five Chinese Brothers- Bishop Fairy Tales-Anderson The Frog and Toad series-Lobel Frederick-Lionni The Gingerbread Boy- Galdone George Washington’s Mother-Fritz The House that Jack Built-Caldecott Henny Penny-Galdone The Little Engine the Could-Piper Henry and Mudge (any title)- Rylant The Mother Goose Treasury-Greenaway I can Pray to God-Brooks The Mouse and the Motorcycle- Cleary If you Give a Mouse A cookie-Numeroff The Outside Cat- Thayer Johnny Crow’s Garden-Brooke The Red Balloon-Lamorisse Just Me-Ets The Rich Farmer-Butterworth Keep the lights Burning Abbie-Roop The Story of Ferdinand- Leaf Little Appaloosa-Hader The Tale Of Peter Rabbit-Potter Little Bear-Minarik The Three Bears and Goldilocks- Brett Little Toot on the Thames-Gramatky The Three Billy Goats Gruff- Galdone Madeline- Bemelmans The Three Little Pigs- Seibert May I Bring a Friend?-De Reginers The Two Sons-Butterworth Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel-Burton The Very Worst Monster-Hutchins Millions of Cats-Gag The Wolf and the Seven Kids-Grimm Mr. Popper’s Penguins-Atwater Thy Friend Obadiah-Turkle Mr. Putter and Tabby (any title)- Rylant Wait For William-Flack Mrs.Piggle Wiggle-MacDonald Whistle For Willie-Keats Winnie-the-Pooh-Milne Page 2 of 8 Revised: 6/8/2006 Second Third Fourth Grades Read any of the following: A Child’s Garden of Verses-Stevenson Joan of Arc-Ross A Confederate Trilogy for Young Readers-Williamson Joan or Arc-Stanley A Journey of Souls-Baker Katy and the Big Snow-Burton A More Perfect Union: The Story of our Constitution- King’s Arrow-Bond Maestro Lassie series (any title)-Knight A Piece of the Mountain-McPherson Laura Ingalls Wilder (any title) A Triumph for Flavius-Snedeker Lentil-McCloskey Adam of the Road-Gray Leonardo De Vinci and the Renaissance-Langley Adventures with Vikings-Bailey Leonardo’s Horse-Fritz All of a Kind Family-Taylor Luther the Leader-Robinson Annie and the Wild Animals-Brett Lysis Goes to the Play-Snedeker Any biography Madeline- Bemelmans Augustine, The Farmer’s Boy of Tagaste-Zeeuw Many Moons-Thurber Baby Island-Brink Marguerite Makes a Book-Robertson Baker Street Mysteries-Jenkins Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World-Maier Bard of Avon-Stanley Martin Luther:Giant of Faith-Glydenvald Beggar’s Bible-Vernon Meet Abraham Lincoln-Cary Beorn the Proud-Pollard Memoirs of Joan of Arc-Twain Billy and Blaze- Anderson Michael Faraday: Father of Electronics-Ludwig Black Beauty-Sewell Milly, Molly, Mandy-Brisley Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Illiad-Sutcliff Misty of Chincoteague-Henry By Secret Railway-Meadowcroft Morning Star of the Reformation-Thomson Caps For Sale-Slobodkina My Escape from the Auto De Fe-Timms Christopher Columbus:His world, His Faith, His My Father’s Dragon-Gannett Adventures Cleopatra-Stanley/Vennema Narcissa Whitman: Brave Pioneer-Sabin Daniel Colton Under Fire-Schulte Night Preacher-Vernon Duncan’s War-Bond On the Clouds to China: The Story of Hudson Taylor- Encyclopedia Brown series-Sobol Outcast- Sutcliff Freddy Plays Football-Brooks Owls in the Family-Mowart From Dark to Dawn-Charles Paul Bunyan-Kellog Galen and the Gateway to Medicine-Bendick Petunia-Duvoisin Grandma’s Attic series-Richardson Pinnochio- Colladi Hannah-Whelan Pompeii…Buried Alive!-Kunhardt Hans Brinker-Dodge Prairie School-Avi Heidi-Spyri Quintus-Weerstand Henry Huggins-Cleary Rembrandt- Venezia Hittite Warrior-Williamson Ribsy-Cleary Homer Price-McCloskey Robinson Crusoe-Defoe Huguenot Garden-Jones 111 Roman Army-Broklehurst Hundred Dresses-Estes Saint Francis-Wildsmith Ian and the Gigantic Leafy Obstacle-Miller Saint Patrick: Pioneer Missionary to Ireland-McHugh If all the Swords in England: A story of Thomas Sarah Plain and Tall-MacLachlan Becket-Willard Ink on His Fingers-Vernon Scottish Seas-Jones Ivan series-Grant Shakespeare’s Scribe-Blackwood James and Giant Peach-Dahl Page 3 of 8 Revised: 6/8/2006 Silver For General Washington-Meadowcroft The Making of a Knight-O’Brien Snow Treasure-McSwiyan The Man who Laid the Egg-Vernon Son of Charlemagne-Willard The Matchlock Gun-Edmonds Squanto: Friends of the Pilgrims-Bulla The Mouse and the Motor Cycle-Cleary Starry Messenger-Sis The Railway Children-Nesbit Strangers in the Land-Vernon The Red Keep-French Struggle For Freedom-Prins The Secret Mission-Van De Jagt Stuart Little-White The Shakespeare Stealer-Blackwood Sword Song-Sutcliff The Shining Company-Sutcliff The Bears on Hemlock Mountain-Dalgliesh The Silver Branch-Gay The Beggar’s Bible-Vernon The Silver Skates-Dodge The Bible in the Wall-H.J.D. The Spanish Brothers-Alcock The Bible Smuggler-Vernon The Story about Ping-Flack The Box Car Children-Warner The Story of the Boston Tea Party-Phelan The Boy’s King Arthur-Malory The Story of the Treasure Seekers-Nesbit The Chronicles of Narnia (any of the 7)-Lewis The Trojan Horse-Little The Door in the Wall-De Angeli The Velveteen Rabbit-Williams The Dragon of Lonely Island-Rupp The Wanderings of Odyesseus-Sutcliff The Eagle of the Ninth-Sutcliff Theras and His Town-Snedeker The Emperor’s New Clothes-Anderson Thomas Edison: Young Inventor-Gutheridge The Escape-Van De Jagt Three Men Came to Heidleman-Halsema The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible-Taylor Time of Wonder-McCloskey The Hidden Treasure of Glaston-Jewett Twelve Bright Trumpets-Leighton The Ides of April-Ray Twenty and Ten-Bishop The King’s Shadow-Alder Twice Freed-St. John The Lantern Bearers-Sutcliff Vanya-Grant The Librarian Who Measured the Earth-Lasky Wheel on the School-De Jong The Life of John Calvin-Beza Where Does the Butterfly go When it Rains?-Garelick The Littles (any titles)-Peterson William of Orange-Van De Hulst The Loner-Wier Within the Palace Gates: The King’s Cupbearer-Siviter The Lost Baron-French Young Carthaginian: A Story of the Times of Hannibal- The Magna Charta-Daugherty Henty Page 4 of 8 Revised: 6/8/2006 Fifth Sixth Grades A Father’s Promise-Hess My Side of the Mountain-George A Wrinkle in Time-L’Engle National Velvet-Bagnold Alice in Wonderland-Carroll Old Yeller- Gipson Anne of Green Gables series-Montgomery Oliver Twist-Dickens Basher Five Two-O’Grady Ride the West Wind-Chamberlain Calico Captive-Speare Rifles for Watie-Keith Carry On, Mr. Bowditch-Latham Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Children of the Storm-Natasha Vins other Tales-Irvin Sarah Bishop-O’Dell Duel in the Wilderness-Farley Scout- Nye Eight Cousins-Alcott Seaman: The Dog-Karwoski Eric Liddell-Swift Stories of the Pilgrim-Pumphrey Father Brown Mysteries-Chesterton Summer of the Swans-Byars Guns for General Washington-Reit Swiss Family Robinson-Wyss Hey, Mac!-McMurdie The Adventures & Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes- Indian Captive-Lenski Doyle Iron Scouts of the Confederacy-McGriffin The Hawks that Dare not Hunt by Night-O’Dell Island of the Blue Dolphin-O’Dell The Incredible Journey-Burnford It Began with a Parachute-Rang The Little Prince-DeSaint-Expery James Madison: The Little Big Man-Banfield The Red Badge of Courage-Crane Kitty, My Rib-Mall The Reluctant Dragon-Grahame Little Lord Fauntleroy-Burnett The Secret Garden-Burnett Little Men-Alcott The Story of D-Day- Bliven Little Women-Alcott They Shall Be Mine-Tallach Mountain of Fire-Thomsen Through The Looking Glass-Carroll Where the Red Fern Grows-Rawls Page 5 of 8 Revised: 6/8/2006 Seventh Eighth Grades 20,000 Leagues under the Sea-Verne The Canterbury Tales-selected Tales-Chaucer A Midsummer’s Night Dream-Shakespeare The Children’s Homer-Colum A Voice in the Wind-Rivers The Chronicles of Narnia-Lewis All Creatures Great and Small-Herriott The Count of Monte Christo-Dumas An Echo in the Darkness-Rivers The Divine Comedy-Dante Anna Karenina-Tolstoy The Dragon and the Raven-Henty As sure as Dawn-Rivers The Governor of England-Bowen Blood and Honor-Kerstan The Great Divorce-Lewis Chosen By God-Sproul The Hobbit-Tolkien Christy-Marshall The Holiness of God-Sproul D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths- D’Aulaire The Hoosier Schoolmaster-Eggleston David Copperfield-Dickens The House of the Seven Gables-Hawthorne Death Comes to the Archbishop-Cather The Hunchback of Notre dame-Hugo Don Quixote-Cervantes The Ides of April-Ray Eagle of the Ninth-Sutcliffe The Iliad-Homer G.A.
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