Weather ', i, "t"- Mgfa «M». Fair and e*U *»u (morrow, taw to- ' r 4 ***» 1" Jft sad Ugh tomorrow Us* Bwhr JtaglM^, Inc., 1868. i« mid Ms. , MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88, NO. 152 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 100 Co JI# in Push UN Action Unlikely UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. (AP) — The opposition: led by the Soviet Union and France SAIGON (AP) — Communist Jets from 7th Fleet carriers munist toll has been established United States may succeed in putting its Viet virtually killed any chance of the United losses' were reckoned today at flew 20 combat missions and Air as 695 killed, 102 captured and Nam case before the Security Council today, States getting the council to take a hand in a More thin 1,100 killed or cap- Force planes hit Ben Thuy, the 437 suspects detained. Three- but an American proposal that the council Viet Nam peace settlement. tured in Operation Masher, thepor, t on the South China Sea tor fourths of the latter have been sponsor peace negotiations appeared doomed. The big-power veto does not apply to pro- big Allied drive in the central the city of Vinh, 160 miles south identified as Viet Cong, they Jordan held the answer to whether the cedural questions such as putting items on coastal plains, U.S. military of Hanoi, for the jsecond day in said. 15-nation council would debate the issue at the agenda. But it does apply to substantive spokesmen reported. They called • row, spokesmen 'said. Fighting, however, tapered off all, By Tuesday night the United States had proposals such as setting up a peace parley. it one of the bloodiest fights of U.S. 1st Air Cavalrymen, South into only an occasional fire mustered only eight of the nine affirmative About all the United States can hope for the Vietnamese war. Vietnamese paratroopers and fight, and U.S. B52s from Guam votes required to place the issue on the agen- is a chance to air its peace efforts before the "U.S. fighter-bombers continued South Koreans carried Operation lashed the Western borders of da. council and try to lay the blame for failure of the renewed air war against Masher into the ninth day in athe battle zone to cut off any Waleed Sadi of Jordan asked the council those efforts at the door of the Communists. North Viet Nam for the third 13 - mile - square battleground Communist retreat toward Cam to postpone decision on the debate until today U. S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg has consecutive day, hitting mainly around Bong Son, 290 miles bodia. so his government could instruct him whether introduced a resolution calling on the council at bridges, railroad tracks/ truck northeast of Saigon, Spokesmen Commenting on the large find to support the U. S. request for debate on its to arrange discussions with interested govern- convoys and storage areas. Bad laid the Allied troops found sev- of Communist victims, a U.S. proposal mat the council sponsor preparatory ments on holding a conference that could lead weather again hampered assess- eral hundred more enemy bodies. Spokesman said:' talks to set up a Viet Nam peace conference. to peace in Viet Nam and all Southeast Asia, ment of damage. The spokesmen said the Com- (Sea VIET NAM, Page 2) Even If the proposal goes up for debate, (See UN, page 2) Board Contests Close in Colts Neck^ Matawan Twp. Regional School Budgets Okayed Voters in all seven Monmouth for a new term on the Matawan current expenses ot $2,239,718, for thejnew year next Monday, Harold E. Davis and Alfred R. Trailing in that district were County regional high school dis- Regional board. was 717 to 213, on capital outlay Dr. Jacob Lewis, of Freehold, is Mahyille won uncontested Bor- Mr. Parker with 39, Henry B. tricts approved proposed 1966-67 1 Elections were held In Free- of $116,479, 710 to 215,. on $600 the board's .current president and ough seats on the board. • - ' Simon with 32 and Franklin M. ichool budgets, in annual elec- hold, Matawan, Rumson-Fair fqr an evening vocational school, Mr. Eggert, vice president. It was clearly no contest in Gilbert with 20. lons yesterday. Haven,. Henry Hudson, Mon- 732 to 183i •'".'. Davis Wins - school election district 2 which In Strathmore districts the Incumbent Board of Education mouth, and Shore Regional dis- ' Mr.. Eggert defeated Claude MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Acomprises township general elec- trend was reversed, but residents A BUDDY MOURNS—A young Marine .fares at ground members who sought re-election tricts.J Davis, a Bell Laboratories De- sweeping 'plurality from Cliff- tion districts 1 through 4. Mrha. d a choice of four Strathmore Davis tallied 270, nearly 2>/j rimes candidates and Mr. Davis. Only a« he rests his, arm on mortar shortly after his service were generally successful, though FREEHOLD — Irving J. Eg-partment head who formerly wood voters carried incumbent John Sudln lost out In a seven- gert, Colts Neck, was re-elected served on the board in Morris William A. Davis back into office the total for his nearest compete- Mr. Parker garnered enough of a buddy of a year and a half was killed at.sid» during a way contest in Atlantic Highlands to the Freehold Regional High Township. 237 to 231. on the Regional Board, of Educa- tor, Irving Schwartzbach, who plurality to overcome Mr. Davis' Vi*t Cong mortar attack on the Da Nang base. The ma- in the Henry Hudson Regional School Board of Education by six John Tergis, of Marlboro town- tion as district residents approved polled 109. lead in Cliffwood. At least 70 vote™ in district 2 The final count was Mr. Parker, rine. PFC Paul Menard, 18, of Hawthorne, Calif., and districts:. • < •votes last night in the only con- ship, running without opposition, the school budget with a 2-1 ma- Irving J. Eggert won re-elec- test in the district's eight muni- was re-elected with: 172 votes. jority. declined to cast a ballot for any 451; Mr. Davis, 407. The count his slain friend, PFC Charles Lehmann, 21, of Torrington, tion' in Colts Neck for the Free- cipalities. ' '•:' G.D. Landes, Freehold Township, Elected with .Mr. Davis was Strathmore candidate as evi- for the losers showed Mr. Gilbert Conn., had been members of the 81-millimeter mortar hold Regional Board by a six- The Board of Education's pro- uncontested, received 90 votes Herbert J. Parker, township denced by their combined total with 397, Mr. Schwartzbach 346, of 200 compared to Mr. Davis' and Mr. Simon 124. crew in South Yiet Nam for si* months. lAP Wirephoto) vote margin in One close contest,posed budget was adopted, win- and will replace Vincent J. ,Foy Planning, Board member, and and William A. Davis scored by ning margins of approval in allwho did not seek a new term. former president ot Strathmore 270. At least 42 failed to vote on . In the borough, Mr. Manville 10 votes in Matawan Borough eight towns. The total vote on The school board will organize Civic Association. - • the budget. (See ELECTIONS, Page 3) S BenedtcksonRuns Middletown Studies Subsidy Legality To Seek Office For Raritan Office RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Robert J. Benedickson will ' By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON of Essex ChairmanDennis Carey seek the Democratic nomination for township clerk in the Water Crisis Worsening FREEHOLD — Former Mon- sense ulterior motive* in ru- June 1 primary election. .' . ' moiith County Judge John C. mored Tonti backing there, how- M1UDLETOWN — Residents in Iwmeownefs without "city water"1 will pay for repaying the strfeets, cannot be'fi : Whether' he win be opposed by present Township Clerk Giordano Urged D. - Louis Tonti ever. •' •' - ' ••'•" ' ''•••: . Donald J.. Malloy remains, a- question. Mr. Malloy was not this township are facing a $500,- range as high as 800.' But in many other sections; the ier^ce la juph yesterday to skip » possible race • .The- trarislatiott reids that no available foremIjMfcf:1*':.'.' •'•/"•.-•"' •..:•...„•>•.•;.,. •;,>" . 000 problem with water wells Monmouth Consolidated Water company would lose money by lor U.S. senator ariej to keep up Democrat 'can defeat 'Mr, Case Tl» RegWeTikeartW that Mr. Malloy 1ii» loat the sup- which ire dryfhgup. For the time Co., a private utility, plans to installing lines, because of the Meantime, wells are his leadership for- ttop, 'major pub- but that Mr. Tonti, a well known port of a ojajnber of party leaders while Mr. BeMdlcktob being, V Is, being thrown into install lines this year to a small nnrnber of linear feet involved and the state JJep* Health has noted that, based on lic projects in Mbf mouth County. Italian-American, might offset has gatoed suMtantlsl party support _. • , ..*• - , the lap of the Township Commit- percentage of these homes, fol- ind the limited number of users. The retired jurist, now in pri- enough .Democratic defectors In tee. lowing a 1965 agreement with The state Pufcllc Utilities Com- recent studies the problem will ; vate -practiceii in; Middletown urban' Essex to minimize the ef- dlckson commented lut nighV "I' wm Sglt Win In to* Estimates of the number of the committee that the township ml*j»»h has-Milwlthat ft Utility worsen'since the water table in Township ahd Toms River, wrote fect on the balance of the coun- primary/1 Mr. Benedlckjon »ald he Is supporting Mayor this part ot New Jersey Is going to the Garden State Parkway ex- ty election ticket.' : Marvin Ollnsky for reflection, t* the Township Committee. down, ' ecutive,' who .lives in Holmdei, A homeowner Vrith well water If Mr.
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