o c r Tlic Observer 184 2 1992 * ------------ SESQUlCENTENNIAL Saint Maryls College The O bserver NOTRE DAME • I N DIANA VOL. XXIV NO. 119 FRIDAY , MARCH 27, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Corporation ‘People auction’ helps poor raises $30,000 afford homes for scholarships By KATHLEEN ZIEGLER By MONICA YANT News Writer Editor-in-Chief Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz The poor have the power to scored a different kind of victory Thursday choose, design, and manage af­ night in front of a capacity crowd—by fordable housing through the bringing in $25,000 at a charity “People Westminister Corporation in Auction.” Minneapolis and St. Paul, Holtz was one of over 75 campus according to Steve Thomas, celebrities who volunteered to be auctioned acting senior vice president and at the event sponsored by Hall Presidents’ corporate operating officer. Council (HPC). Proceeds from the auction After a brief experience with will benefit the Meghan Beeler and Colleen the Human Resource As­ Hipp Memorial Scholarship funds. sociation and Department of Estimates after the auction put the total Corrections in New York City, over $30,000 according to Margaret Haugh Thomas, a 1978 Notre Dame and Jennifer Swize, organizers. The total graduate, decided he wanted a includes cash donations and money earned different job where he could from the sale of over 450 raffle tickets. initiate positive change. The amount is over 10 times the “I witnessed a very patron­ anticipated results, according to Swize. izing approach concerning the “If anybody would have asked me how homeless with these organiza­ m uch I thought we would have made, I tions, he said, “as if those in would have said $1,000,” Swize said. social service were doing those Theodore’s was filled beyond capacity for less fortunate a favor.” the event. “I’m in shock. The support is just Thomas decided that a overwhelming,” Haugh said. workable housing solution The bidding war for Holtz was fierce, in would be created by working part due to the efforts of auctioneer Eric from the bottom up. Stach, a senior from Keenan. After two “We base our system on the students pushed the bid to $18,000, Holtz concept of resident empower­ offered a compromise: he’d “sell himself” to ment,” he said, explaining that both for $25,000. he feels the success rate will be Notre Dame sophomore Todd McNamee higher if the people who will and freshman Kirsten Edmundson each use the housing are consulted. presented HPC officers with a check for Thomas enumerated a five- $12,500. point strategy concerning Raghib “Rocket” Ismail followed his Westminster’s affordable former coach as the second-highest money housing. He emphasized that maker by raising $800 for the scholarships. the members of Westminster University President Father Edward Malloy Corporation are not the owners was sold for $700, while President Emeritus of the housing. Father Theodore Hesburgh went for $575. “We set up an ownership Irish basketball coach John Macleod sold council where the homeowners for $250 and former Indiana Professor of make up half of the board. the Year Tom Morris was purchased for This way, the people who are $150. recipients of the housing are in Several students helped the cause by control of management," putting themselves on the block. Ismail Thomas said. turned the tables by purchasing former Westminster provides not teammate Rodney Culver for $551, making only housing but also a pack­ Culver the highest paid student. age of-services including child­ The women’s cheerleading squad sold for care, job training, and self-es­ $240, the Irish Guard for $100, and the teem programs. pom pon squad for $60. Irish fullback “We do this in hopes of not Jerome Bettis and basketball guard Elmer looking for immediate results Bennett, attending the auction as specta­ but long-time change with resi­ tors, took the stage as improptu auctionees. dents," he said. The Bettis/Bennett combination brought in The Observer/Andrew McCloskey The corporation demands $270. quality management, he said, LeMans in the moonlight The new beat out the old when 1992-93 and he criticized the lack of LeMans Hall, the largest building on Saint Mary’s campus, will be one of the many beautiful Student Body President and Vice President buildings that parents visit during Junior Mothers’ W eekend starting today at Se int Mary’s. see HOUSING/ page 4 see AUCTION/ page 4 Cheney plans National Guard and reserve cuts WASHINGTON (AP) — De­ Cheney applauded the environment. serve. fense Secretary Dick Cheney to­ “indispensable” role of tens of “We are not out to decimate •2,700 from the Marine Corps day targeted nearly 140,000 thousands of guardsmen and the reserve component,” Powell Reserve. National Guard and reserve reservists who were ordered to said. •740 from the Air Force Re­ jobs to be eliminated this year active duty during the Persian Even before the list was re­ serve. and next. He said they should Gulf War. leased, opposition to the cuts The Air National Guard is the be cut to achieve balance with “The guard and reserve will mounted in Congress, which only part of the reserves not the already shrinking active continue to be an absolutely vi­ must give its approval. facing cuts. duty force. tal part ” of the overall Ameri­ “The National Guard and Re­ States hardest hit are Cali­ “T h at’s the only way we can can military, which is being serve are invaluable national fornia, with the loss of 12,775 £reserve_a_guafit^Jorce12^lv shrunk in response to the Cold assets, but we are cutting the people; Massachusetts, 8,473; W ar’s end, he said. size of the entire military force, Michigan, 7,212; New York, ■ R esponses from soldiers / both active duty and reserve,” 9,865; Ohio, 8,041; Wisconsin, page 9 He said 80 percent of the Cheney said in a statement ac­ 6,546 and Illinois, 5,879. eney told a Pentagon news con- proposed cuts announced today companying the list, which was Among the largest facilities on ference. were units specifically designed Dick Cheney obtained in advance from con­ the hit list are the 40th He estimated the initial cuts to supplement and support ac­ gressional sources. Mechanized Division in Califor­ identified units to be cut only in would affect 830 guard and re­ tive-duty forces designated for Service by service, the cut­ nia and the 10th Armored Cav­ 1992 and 1993. serve units in all 50 states, af­ war against the former Soviet- backs roughly would look like alry Regiment in Ohio. Gen. Colin Powell, chairman fecting a total of 139,488 slots. led Warsaw Pact in Europe. this: The Pentagon estimates that of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ap­ Over the next five years, the re­ Cheney said the cumulative •80,000 from the Army Na­ the reductions will save $2.1 pearing with Cheney, said the serve and guard forces would cuts in guard and reserve forces tional Guard and 45,000 from billion in personnel, operations proposed cuts were in line with be reduced by 234,000, at a between 1992 and 1997 would the Army Reserve. and equipment costs in the fis­ changes in the global political savings of $20 billion. be 234,000, but today he • 10,500 from the Navy Re­ cal year beginning Oct. 1. page 2 The Observer Friday, March 27,1992 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: Cloudy and cold with a 30 Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. percent chance of snow. Anonymity is Highs in the mid 3 0 ’s. Cloudy 50s and cold Saturday, high in the M lower 40’s. the epitome of TEMPERATURES: City H L City H L Christianity Athens 73 46 Boston 54 36 I was walking down the “ Cairo 79 50 quad the other day, when Chicago 51 33 someone yelled to me, Cleveland 53 42 “Hey Garr, we talked Dallas 50 39 about your last article Denver 62 35 today in my Christian v' \\ \N \N Havana 80 50 ethics class." I knew the Indianapolis 57 38 professor must have hated London 48 43 it, and she made the R.GarrSchwartz Madrid 59 32 confirmation, “Yea, he Photographer Minneapolis 48 33 said you need counseling." Moscow 43 39 As 1 laughingly walked away, I thought to Nashville 64 43 myself, “He’s probably right ! do need New York 56 44 counseling." Of course, I do not think I have Philadelphia 58 42 ever met anyone 1 did not think needed Pressure Rome 54 48 counseling. That includes a lot of the priests H L K3 San Francisco 72 58 around here. HIGH LOW SHOWERS SbUhBerd 3620 RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNO W ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY Tokyo 55 52 Fortunately, I have been receiving counsel­ Via Associated Press ing from everyone. I find it funny how people Washington 50 44 have attempted to enlighten me. I have gotten phone calls and mail from all kinds of people. Most people attack me, make assumptions, and get off on tangents I have not mentioned or have the space to defend. I have been told I TODAY AT A GLANCE am going to hell. 1 have been invited in for counseling. I have had people tell me they are going to pray for me. There so many people CAMPUS praying for me right now, even if my convictions against Christianity are wrong, I Students recieve scholar awards ________ Malloy appoints special assistant - University of Notre Dame juniors should be able to do whatever I want to and ■ NOTRE DAME - University| ■NOTRE DAME Kathleen Collins and Thomas Nevins have received get away with it.
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