1911. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 61_1 SENATE. · The Board of Trustees of the Public Schools of Darlington, S. C., v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 237); WEDNESDAY, January 3, 191~. Joseph R Lindsey, sun'iving partner of the firm of John Lindsey & Son, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 213); The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. Houston L. Bell t. The United States (S. Doc. No. 21ri); The Chaplain, Hev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., offered the l\lrs. A. M . .McFarlane, administratrix of the estate of John G. foll owing prayer: Freeman, deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 216); Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee that Thou hast set be­ Jeannette J. Guard, administratrix of the estate of Josiah fore us the open door of the new year, which no man can shut. Jennison, deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 217); With joy and with confidence \le pass through the portals and Charles J . Fuller v. The United States ( S. Doc. No. 2.25) ; enter the mystery of another year. What unfutalled hopes are Charles B. Fry v. The United. States ( S. Doc. No. 226) ; to come to fruition, what cherished plans are to be unrealized, Jeremiah E. Finch v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 233); what joys may surprise us, what sorrows may pain_ us, what l\Iargaret A. C. Finch, widow of Amasa J. Fincb, deceased, 1;. perils may threaten us, these we know not; neither do we ask. The United States (S. Doc. No. 228) ; Hut this we know, our Father, that wherever we may go Thy Da\id H. Dyer v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 231); presence will anticipate us, and in whatever we may do and in James Fields v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 232); all tlrnt we may suffer Thy grace will be sufficient for us. But John G. Evans v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 218); we can not tread alone, our Father, the way that we h::rrn not Olivia F. Elliott, widow of George S. Elliott, deceased, v. The passed before. By Thy spirit lead us, we humbly pray Thee, United States ( S. Doc. No. 219) ; and make clean our hea rts within us that henceforth we may Elizabeth Ely, widow of John L. Ely, deceased, v. The United serrn Thee not in oldness of the letter but in newness of the States (S. Doc. No. 220); spirit, to the honor and glory of Thy holy name. Joseph F. Dwelley v. The Unitecl States ( S. Doc. No. 223}; And unto Thee, who makest all things new, will we ascribe James .M. Dungan v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 227); praiEe now and for evermore. Amen. Lauraett Drummer, widow of Charles H. Drummer, det easec1, JEFF DAVIS, a Senator from the State of Arkansas, appeared v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 221); in his seat to-day. William A. Duckworth v. The United States ( S. Doc. No. The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, December 21, 230); 1911. was read und approved. Julia A. Ragland, widow (remarried) of William B. Drinkard, YAKIMA INDIAN BESERYATION (H. DOC. NO. 383). deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 224); Gabrielle Detiege, daughter and sole heir of Emile Detiege, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ deceased, v. The United States ( S. Doc. No. 229); and tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant Sallie U. Cohen, administratrix of the estate of Henry Cohen, to law, a report of the ilwestigation relatirn to the necessity for deceased, v. The United States ( S. Doc. No. 222). the consh·uction of wagon roads on the Yakima Indian Reser­ ~'he foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, vation, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to referred to the Committee on Cl:iims and ordered to be printed. the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. POSTAL SAVINGS BANK SYSTEM: (H. DOC. NO. 3S4). The VICE PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Federal The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a comm1mica­ CouncH of the Church of Christ :md a petition of the 1\linis­ tion from the Postmaster General, tmnsmitting, pursuant to terial Union, of Baltimore, 1\ld., praying for the ratification of l::nv, ·a statement from the board of trustees of the postal sav­ the proposed treaties of arbitration between tile United States, ings system relati\e to the operations of that system for the Great Britain, and France, which were ordered to lie on the fiscal rear ended June 30, 1911, which, with the accompanying table. paper, was referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of Roads and ordered to be printed. Washington, D. 0., praying that an appropriation be made for FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. a preliminary suryey for the construction of the proposed The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ 8e1en national highways, which was referred to the Committee tions from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ on Agriculture and Forestry. mitting the findings of fact and conclusions of law fi1ed under Ile also presented resolutions adopted by the Chamber of the net of January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation claims set Commerce of Pittsburgh, _Pa., expressing congratulations upon out in the annexed findings by the court in the following causes: the abrogation of the treaty of 1832 between the United States The vessel schooner Paragon, Nathaniel Wattles, master (H. and Russia, which were ordered to lie on the table. He also presented memorials of the congregations of the Doc. No. 367) ; Tlle yessel snow Nancy, William Emmons, master (H. Doc. Roose\elt SeYenth-day Adrnntist Church, of Heaton, N. Dak., No. 375); of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, of Benton Harbor, hlich., The vessel brig FranlcUn, Joshua Walker, master (H. Doc. and of the Columbia Seventh-day Adventist Church, of Colum­ No. 372); bia, S. C., remonstrating against the enactment of legislation The vessel brig William, and Mary, Moses Springer, master compelling the observ:rnce of Sunday as a day of rest in the (H. Doc. No. 373); District of Columbia, which were ordered to lie on the table_ Tbe vessel brig Peyton Randolph, Benjamin Cozzens and Wil­ He also presented memorials of sundry citizens of Geneva, liam· Cozzens, masters ( H. Doc. No. 371) ; Nebr.; Logansport, Ind.; Weston and Norwalk, Ohio; and The vessel ship Six Sisters, Daniel Baker, master (-H. Doc. Castlewood, S. Dak., remonstrating against the extension of the Ko. 374); parcels-post system beyond its present limitations, which were The Yessel schooner Mermaid, Church C. Trouant, master referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. (TI. Doc. No. 368); He also presented a petition of the Frank R. Palmer Auxili­ The yessel schooner Phoenix, John B. Farley, master (H. Doc. ary, United Spanish War Veterans, of Albany, N. Y., pray­ No. 360) ; and ing for the enactment of legislation to extend the so-called The vessel schooner Harmony, Enoch Lee, master (H. Doc. gratuity fund to include retired officers and enlisted men of the No. 370). Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, which was referred !:o tlle' The foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, Committee on Pensions. referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. He nlso presented memorials of the Central Labor Union of Lancaster, N. Y.; ·the Central Labor Union of Depew, N. Y.; FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. the Carpenters and Joiners' Union of Hamilton, Ohio; the Labor The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate communica­ Council of San. Francisco, Cal.; the Building Trades' Council of tions from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmit· Santa Cruz, Cal.; and of the Int~ational Association of Ma­ ting certified copies of the findings of fact and conclusions of law chinists, remonstrating against the abolishment of the hand­ filed by the court in the following causes: roller process of manufacturing paper currency, which were William Loring Sp8ncer and 1\Iary C. Royston, sole heirs of referred to the Committee on Printing. William W. Loring, deceased, v. The United States ( S. Doc. He also presented a petition of the American Federation of No. 214); Labor, praying that the hours of labor on Government dredge The La Grange Synodical College v. The United States (S. work be limited to eight hours, which was referred to the Com­ Doc. No. 234) ; mittee on Education and Labor. The Cou.nty of Greene, State of Missouri, v. The United He also presented petitions of the Association of Cosmopoli­ States (S. Doc. No. 235); tan Clubs, of St::mford University, California, Ul\d of sundry The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Fla., v. The United citizens of Elmira, N. Y.; Paulding, Ohio; Bayonne, N. J.; States (S. Doc. No. 236); Lagear, Colo.; and Brooklyn, N. Y., praying for the ratification 612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J .A.NU.ARY 3,, of the proposed treaties of arbitration between the United the State of California; of Lu Salle, Denver, Boulder, and States, Great Britain, and France, which were ordered to lie on Pueblo, all in the State of Colorado; of Albany, New York City the table. and Utica, all in the State of • 'ew York; and of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. GALLINGER. I present petitions of the congregation praying for the ratification of the proposed treaties of arbitra­ of the Squam Bridge Free Baptist Church, of Holderness; of tion between the United States, Great Britain, and France the Woman's Club of West Concord; of the Christian Science which were ordered to lie on the table.
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