The Southwest Kansas Register April 24, 2011 Page 9 Dechant Foundation receives grant to establish the Msgr. George A. Husmann Fund for the Preservation of Church History Special to the Register Msgr. Husmann’s pastorates he Dechant Foundation has received a included: St. Joseph, Ashland, with T$50,000 grant from the Msgr. George St. Mary’s, Sitka (1947-49); St. Husmann trust to establish a fund for the Lawrence, Jetmore, with St. Antho- preservation of church history in the Dio- ny, Hanston (1949-53); St. Joseph, cese of Dodge City. Scott City (1953-56); St. Rose of “We Catholics are blessed to have a 2,000 Lima and St. Patrick, Great Bend; year history of our faith,” stated Bishop (1956-69); Sacred Heart, Larned John B. Brungardt. “This grant will assist (1969-70); St. Dominic, Garden us in preserving the wonderful 60 year (and City (1970-76); Sacred Heart Ca- counting) history of our Catholic Diocese thedral, Dodge City (1976-84), and of Dodge City.” St. Helen’s, Hugoton (1984-91), “Word of this grant was both a surprise, where he built a catechetical cen- but a fitting coincidence,” said Tim Wenzl, ter. archivist for the Diocese of Dodge City. “I He was named papal chamber- wrote my first parish history book for Msgr. At left is Msgr. George Husmann. Above, lain by Pope John XXIII on May 8, Husmann in 1982 when he was pastor at Tim Wenzl presents Msgr. Husmann with 1959, and elevated to the rank of Sacred Heart Cathedral. Now, the estab- the first copy of “Mission to Cathedral,” the domestic prelate by Pope Paul VI lishment of this fund, in his name, will centennial history of Sacred Heart Cathe- on Oct. 14, 1964. Msgr. Husmann support archival research, writing, and the dral parish in 1982. Nearly 30 years later, retired in 1991. He died Dec. 27, preservation projects in the diocese.” Wenzl continues to write books for parishes 1993. “I really enjoyed getting to know celebrating milestone anniversaries. The fund honoring Monsignor Monsignor,” Wenzl said. “He was an Husmann is an open memorial. adventurous person. He was a pilot and documenting the discoveries I make. This church. The parish named the church St. Others wishing to assist in supporting he loved to fly. There would be summers grant really affirms the value of Church George to honor their first pastor. historic research projects in Msgr. Hus- when he would help out in Alaska and fly history in our diocese.” He also served as an assistant at St. mann’s name, can do so by writing: The to small villages to bring the sacraments Msgr. Husmann was born Jan. 14, Mary’s Cathedral, Wichita (1945), and Monsignor George A. Husmann Fund to the people. He also served as chaplain 1916, in Fowler. He was ordained St. Joseph, Andale (1945-47). Between for the Preservation of Church History, for the Kansas National Guard. He was May 30, 1942, by Bishop Christian H. these two assignments he was adminis- c/o The Dechant Foundation, Diocese of a priest with a wonderful sense of humor Winkelmann in St. Anthony Church, trator for St. Michael Parish in La Crosse Dodge City, PO Box 137, Dodge City, and a hearty laugh. Fowler. for six months in 1945. KS 67801. “I am grateful for the opportunity he During his assignment as an assistant gave me almost 30 years ago when he at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Windthorst asked me to write the centennial book (1942-45), he was charged with establish- for his parish. I’ve been writing parish ing a parish in Bucklin. He secured an old histories ever since that time and I enjoy oil field shack which was converted into a Page 10 April 24, 2011 The Southwest Kansas Register Misa del Crisma y la bendición de los santos óleos l 14 de Marzo, represent- La Liturgia de esta Misa cele- Eantes de las parroquias de bra la dignidad de todos los que la Diócesis se reunieron en la se han convertido en discípulos Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Cristo por el bautismo y la de Guadalupe para la Misa de unción. Reunirse en la unidad Crisma y la bendición de los del pueblo sacerdotal de Dios santos óleos. para la consagración del crisma, Los santos óleos están a todos se les recuerda que na- íntimamente ligados con los die responde a este llamado solo rituales sagrados de la Iglesia o por su propio esfuerzo. Católica. El Aceite de los En- Esta Misa de Crisma presta fermos se utiliza para la unción atención al sacerdocio ministe- de los enfermos; el Aceite de rial de los ordenados que renue- “La Liturgia de esta Misa celebra Catecumenos se utiliza para los van sus promesas sacerdotales bautizos; y el Aceite de Crismo dentro de la liturgia. La Iglesia la dignidad de todos los que se han se utiliza para los sacramentos nos enseña que el sacerdocio or- convertido en discípulos de Cristo de Bautismo, Confirmación denado está al servicio del sac- Orden Sacerdotal y para la erdocio de los bautizados: para por el bautismo y la unción. Re- dedicación de una iglesia o de fortalecer, santificar y enseñar unirse en la unidad del pueblo sac- un altar. para que el pueblo de Dios erdotal de Dios para la consagración La Misa de Crisma junta a la fortalezca, santifique y enseñe diócesis alrededor del Obispo al mundo en el que vive, en sus del crisma, a todos se les recuerda antes de comenzar el Triduo, familias, escuelas, lugares de que nadie responde a este llamado para que representantes de las trabajo, actividades deportivas parroquias reciban y lleven a y pasatiempos, política, en- solo o por su propio esfuerzo.” sus parroquias los santos óleos volvimiento en la comunidad y At left, volunteers pour the blessed oils into y el sagrado crisma que serán más allá. small containers for representatives to take necesarios para la celebración Después de la Misa, se sirvió back to their parish. Above, participants bow de los ritos de iniciación en la un lonche en el Fellowship Hall. their heads in prayer prior to the reception Pascua. dinner. The jubilarians “Gracias al Señor por Padre Rene Guisnier, está celebrando cincuenta años como sacerdote; ye Padre Maurice Cummings, está celebrando cuarenta años. Y tambien Deacono Gil Rael, está celebrando treinta años como diacono. Jesús los ha bendicido a ellos, y a nosotros!” “The Lord has blessed them, and us, with his gift of ordained ministry these many years. Thank you!” -- Obispo/Bishop John B. Brungardt Fathers Rene Guesnier, OSB, Maurice Cummings, O.Carm, Bishop John B. Brungardt, Deacon Gil Rael, and Bishop Emeritus Ronald M. Gilmore Father Rene Guesnier, O.S.B. Father Maurice Cummings, O.Carm. Deacon Gil Rael 50th Anniversary 40th Anniversary 30th Anniversary Ordained: Sept. 21, 1961 Ordained: May 13, 1971 Ordained: May 9, 1981 enedictine Father Rene Guesnier has served as armelite Father Maurice Cummings has served as eacon Gil and his wife, Jo, moved to the Diocese of Dodge Bpastor of his home parish, St. Francs Xavier, Cpastor of St. Joseph Parish in Ashland since 2002. DCity from Colorado in 2007. He served as a Catholic chap- Seward, since 1995. He also serves Holy Spirit Station in Coldwater. lain for the Adams County Sheriff’s Department for 22 years Father Rene returned to the Diocese of Dodge City Father Cummings came to southwest Kansas in 1987 before the couple moved to Great Bend. after several pastoral assignments in Missouri and when he joined the faculty of St. Mary of the Plains In 2008 Deacon Gil was assigned to liturgical ministry at St. serving with the Archdiocese of the Military as a College in Dodge City. At SMPC, he was an associate John Parish at St. John; and chaplaincy work at Larned State chaplain for 20 years. He was pastor of St. Boniface at professor of English, chair of the English Department, Hospital and Larned Correctional Mental Health Facility. He Sharon from 1993 to 1994 and then parochial vicar at and chair of the Humanities Division. He taught at the served at St. John for one year before Bishop Ronald M. Gilmore St. Rose of Lima, Great Bend from 1994 to 1995. college until it closed in 1992. asked him to devote his time fully to the chaplaincies at Larned. In 1995, he was appointed to the pastorate at Bishop Stanley G. Schlarman appointed him pastor Deacon Gil provides weekly communion services for the dif- Seward. The next year, he received an additional of St. Lawrence, Jetmore; St. Anthony, Hanston, and ferent units in both facilities and meets with individual patients assignment as pastor of St. John Parish at St. John. Holy Rosary Burdett, for one year. In 1993, Father and inmates when requested. He was pastor of both parishes until 2007. While Cummings was reassigned by his religious order as Deacon Gil was recently recognized for his work at LCMHF other assignments were made for the St. John parish, director of the Mount Carmel Christian Life Center and named Volunteer of the Year form 2011. He will be honored Father Rene has continued to this day in the pastorate in Williamstown, Mass. He served in that assignment in the near future in Topeka. (see the Southwest Kansas Register, at Seward. until returning to the diocese in 2002. April 10, 2011, issue at www.dcdiocese.org/register). The Southwest Kansas Register April 24, 2011 Page 11 Sacred Mass of Chrism: ‘These oils remind us of Jesus ... the anointed One’ “This anointing strengthens the person, as he/she prepares to be baptized, to become a Catholic, to receive the faith of Jesus Christ.
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