Elsewhere Most Eligible Studs ExpansIon Busln... ~ Profeuor_ Students Mikt Cooley, Beth Amesse and How much will future Softball was back in a ............ Suan Lee are declared winners in the students pay for bigger action last week, Z PRINCETON, N.J. - Last second annual Bachelorlene contest and bener facilities? winning three games Tuesday, Princeton 0 University music professor Featur.a, page 9 Opinion, page 4 Sporta, pag.l1 :IE Peter Jeffery tiled suit against the Smashing Pumpkins. as well as several , other organizations, for H E U C 5 D alleged damage inllicted on his hearing at a rock concert he attended two years ago. Anthony Wallace, Jellery's attorney, said his client prefers Gregorian chants and folk music, and consequently, he had never attended a rock concert before. As a result. he did not expect the decibel UC SAN DIEGO MONDAY, MARCH 8,1999 VOLUME 96,ISSUE 19 intensity he experienced when he took· his 12-year-old son to a Smashing Pumpkins show on Jan . 25, 1997. Now, CITIZEN COHN Nobel Laureate Jeffery alleges that his hear­ ing was pennanently dam­ aged and he suffers from Crick Lectured tenitis, an aflliction that results in constant ringing in his left ear. AtUCSD - Daily Princeton ian SCIENCE: Researcher, who Students Given helped uncover the structure of $100,000 to Inye. DNA in 1953, spoke to over 300 AMES, Iowa - Bill Krause, CEO of Krause Gentle By Christine La Grange Corporation of Des Moines. Guardian Reporter loaned $100,000 to finance World-renowned scientist Francis Crick classes at each of the follow­ spoke to a crowd of over 300 people at ing schools: Iowa State Liebow auditorium on Friday. The lecture. University, Drake UniversilY, titled "Consciousness: Recent Ideas and the UniversilY of Northern Experiments" was part of the 1999 Stephen Iowa and the University of W. Kuffler Series. Iowa. The schools will now Crick is a member of the Watson and Crick compele with each other to team, the Nobel Prize winning duo who dis­ sec which will earn the mOSl covered the structure of DNA in 1953. money in stocks. Rick Carter, "He's in every biology book," said David the professor who leaches the financr class at ISU, said Zohrabian, a Muir junior. "Every time they talk about DNA it's him they mention. So Krause required the classes to invest 25 percent of the basically .. he's immortalized." money in stocks with signifi­ The main topic of Crick's lecture was the Neural Correlate of Consciousness (NCe) canl Iowa business in order to show the students that which scientists have been trying to localize there are good inveslmenls in in the brain. The NCC is difficult to locate, that state. according to Crick, because it probabl y exists in many different parts of the brain. - Iowa State Daily "Consciousness is not likely to be in a single place." Crick said. "The strongest Profe...... Accu .... evidence we have for that is brain damage, of Stdd... Student and more recently. from scans of people. So COLUMBUS, Ohio - Paul it's not going to be in a single, cortical area." Estella Villacorta/ Guardian Ponomarev, an associale pro­ .......: Walter Cohn, the 1998 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, gave a lecture at UCSD Crick discussed experiments that have fessor of malhemalics at last Thursday. A former UCSD faculty member, Cohn is now a professor at UCSB. been done, and ones which could be used in Ohio State University, has the future to pinpoint the NCC. Some of the been accused of stalking a experiments he mentioned involved visual female student. whom he input, anesthesia and binocular ri valry in once dated. Ponomarev was humans and primates. ;Irresled by UniversilY Police A.S. Council Votes to Place "We've gotten a glimpse of the range of on Feb. 19 and will appear in experiments that could be done ," Crick said. court on March 17 to face Neither Constitution on Ballot "But the plain facl is, only a few of them arc charges of menacing by being done." stalking. He pleaded innocent -DEBATE: McKoon submitted a would be appointed by the A.S. president and Crick said that while additional experi ­ during his arraignment on vice presidents and be non-voting cabinet mem­ ments and new methods are needed to learn Feb. 20. and he is currently second constitution for council bers. Both constitutions also increase the number more about the NCC, the fact that scientists on paid administrative leave members to vote on last Wednesday of senators on A.S. Council. are even designing experiments to locate the from the university for the Ru cow rote both constitutions. He said that NCC is a milestone in itself. remainder of winler quarter. By Vincent arenanl while he approved of the one written with '1'he experiments are beginning to look for - The Lantern Senior Staff Writer Leventhal, he preferred the one written with the NCC, it's not just. a matter of people dis­ The A.S. Council voted last week to rescind a McKoon. cussing it and producing ideas," Crick said. vote that would have placed a proposed A.S. "The first constitution I worked on is better "There are actually experiments being Constitution, which was authored by A.S. than the current one," Ru said. "But the one that designed. Even if the ones about the NCC are Spoken... President Joe Leven!hal and A.S. Vice President [McKoonl and I worked on was what I actually too vague and confused, at least we can start Finance Pat Ru. on the ballot. The move to place wanted." nibbling at tbe problem by doing experiments." "He s in every biology the constitution on the ballot had been approved McKoon's constitution included bylaws Crick emphasized the complexity of con­ book. Every time they two weeks earlier. which defined - among other things - the roles sciousness and the importance of continuing talk about DNA its him A.S. Vice President Internal Kim McKoon of each office, including newly created senators, the experiments. He also said that under­ also submitted a second constitution on the rules and procedures of debate and the duties standing how neurons in the brain interact they mention. So Wednesday. A.S. Council members unanimously of committees. and fire is a crucial component in under­ basically ... he s agreed to debale both constitutions and place . Ru said that the inclusion of bylaws in the standing the NCe. immortalized. " only one on the ballot. After some debate, the constilution is necessary in order to define the "We have to realize that whatever the - De¥IcI ZoInIIIIIn A.S . Council voted against placing either consti­ roles of new A.S. Council members. NCC is, it's not going to be simple," Crick Muir Junior tution on the ballot. "You need to have bylaws ready and in said. "It may involve certain types of neu­ See story at right Both constitutions would have changed the place," Ru said. ''They can always change it, but rons, but the way that they interact and talk basic structure of the A.S. Council. Under the when you first get into office you need structured to each other may be rather complex. That's Internet: _.ucsd.ecJu/,uarrJillll proposed constitutions. commissioners who bylaws." why we're still groping." E-mail: fUarrJi8nflucscl.«Ju would be elected under the present system See A.a., Page 2 See BSIAIICII, Page 3 Monday, Man:h K, 1999 The UCSD Guardian 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Monday, March 8,1999 NEWS 3 cifk document prevents adminis­ A.S.: Most trators from telling students how to Preuss School Taking Applications members abstained conduct busi ness. LIFE IN HELL from voting Leventhal also stated that he EDUCATION: Eligible To be eligible to attend the The Preuss School is a universi­ disapproved of McKoon's constitu­ students must meet Preuss School, students must meet ty effort to reach out to students in Continued from ..... 1 lion because it included items thaI several requirements which include the San Diego community, specifi­ Leventhal originally ~ubmilled were never resolved by the A.S. certain requirements motivation and academic potential cally those who are from low­ hylaws with his constitution but Council in previous debates. to attend a competitive college or income households and who may later deddcd to submit only his "1 believe that if this council By .... Montemeyor university. parents or guardians not be receiving all the necessary Staff Writer constitution to he on the ballot. wants to put a constitution and OM! 111& '.~~I0161Mi who have not graduated from a resources of a quality education. Wll.... ""'0 AU t=I'U~L 8A1tLE "to Il6; Applications for admissions to four-year college or university. and Aiming to increase the number of In a statement bylaws on the bal­ I.., WHO Ie;: laoJ6 OF read by Marshall lot, this council MO..,nua ISI.ANO' the Preuss School. UCSD's charter eligibility for a free or reduced­ underrepresented students on cam­ school 'project, are being accepted price lunch program. The first 100 Sophomore Senator "I really felt must reopen debate ~I ... OF pus. the university plans to ensure • H.1ded Outdoor P.tlo until Man:h 12. The Preuss School, students accepted into the school Maricela on those issues that ~ST£R that the Preuss School raises thc • O,..t Food Marroquin in everyone could not be agreed the first charter school in California will be selected via lottery. academic excellence of high-poten­ • H.ppy Hour 3-8 M-S.t Wednesday 's mcet­ needed to take upon since there ISLA'-p to be located on a college campus, It will take a little over a year to tial students by offering them a col­ ing.
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