LEONARD STANLEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Leonard Stanley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th June 2018 at 7.45 pm in the Village Hall. Present:- Councillors G Davies (Vice Chairman), J Bogdiukiewicz, S Craddock, S Davies and P Herbert. Also Present: - 5 Members of the Public Public Time • Concerns were raised about the Planning Application S.18/0955/OUT Land at Bath Road (near to the Scout Hall). • Support for a bus shelter to be installed by the school in Bath Road. • Concern expressed regarding the parking outside the school in Bath Road, (in regards to the difficulties it presents for bus passengers). 54/18. Apologies for absence:. Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Rob Bayliss, Chris Connett, Steve Lydon, District Cllr Nigel Studdert-Kennedy and County Cllr Loraine Patrick. 55/18. Declarations of Interest in Agenda Items There were none. 56/18. To approve the minutes from the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st May 2018 The minutes were approved and signed as a true record. 57/18. To receive an update / reports from the County and District Councillors District Cllr Steve Lydon sent a report to the Members prior to the meeting (See Appendix 1). 38/18. Planning i) To consider plans received S.18/0955/OUT LAND AT BATH ROAD (By the Scout Hall). Outline application for the erection of 8 dwellings. The Council agreed to object to this planning application: as it is contrary to Local Plan Policies ‘CP3, CP15, HC1 and ES3). S.18/0977/HHOLD YEW TREE COTTAGE. To demolish the small lean to at the rear of the property and replace with a slightly larger footprint single storey, flat roofed extension as part of the full Yew Tree House refurbishment scheme which has already been approved (see Planning Ref:S.18/0225/LBC The Council agreed to support this application. S.18/1010/FUL LAND ADJOINING 14 AND 15 BRIMLEY. Single storey residential dwelling with associated vehicle parking and landscaping The Council agreed to support this application. S.18/1009/FUL LAND ADJOINING 40 AND 41 BRIMLEY Erection of 3 no. single storey residential dwellings, with associated vehicle parking and landscaping. The Council agreed to support this application. S.18/1069/FUL 17 BRIMLEY Alterations & extension to enable the change of use from residential to an assisted living care home for adults. The Council agreed to support this application, (although concern was raised with regards the limited parking). ii) To receive a progress report from the Clerk on applications already responded to:- S.18/0604/LBC Marsh Lodge, Marsh Road – Internal alterations. Consent. S.18/0023/FUL Workshop Downton Farm Stanley Downton - The demolition of existing industrial building (class B2 use) and erection of one single dwelling with parking and access. Pending. S.18/0294/LBC & S.18/0293/HHOLD Church Villa, The Street. - Demolition of existing extensions and the construction of a new single storey and double storey extension. Pending. S.18/0329/LBC Mercers House, The Street. - Internal and external alterations and repairs. Consent. 59/18. To consider installing a bus shelter, the school side of Bath Road The Clerk had provided the Members with an estimate of costs prior to the meeting. The Council unanimously approved installing a bus shelter, by the school in Bath Road. The issue of parking outside the school is to be included on the July Agenda. CLERK 60/18 To consider permitting a charity 6-aside football tournament The placement of pitches, parking arrangements and need for supervision was discussed. The Members unanimously agreed to permit this 6-aside tournament, subject to conditions. CLERK 61/18. To consider allowing a Boot Camp to be run for two sessions a week during the summer holidays. The Members unanimously agreed to allow a Boot Camp to be run over the summer holidays. 62/18. Financial Issues i) To authorise payments in accordance with the RFO Report Summary of expenditure for June 2018:- Description Total Paid Out Power of Authority Administration & Insurance £3474.13 LGA 1972 s.112(2), LG (FP)A 1933 s.5, LGA 1972s.111, LGA 1972 s133, LGA 1972 s.142 and LGA 1972 s.143. Playing Fields £ 758.00 LG(MP)A 1976 s.19(3) Village Maintenance £1712.00 Litter A 1983 ss.5, LG(MP)A 1976 s.19(3) and Highways A 1980 s.96. S.106 Projects £4725.80 LG(MP)A 1976 s.19(3) Total Payments £10669.93 The Council approved the accounts for payment . 63/18. Correspondence – • No correspondence was discussed. 64/18. To receive reports from representatives on Other Bodies. There were no reports received. 65/18. Councillors Submissions • Property in Wesley Road – The Clerk to speak with the Neighbourhood Warden. • The Chairman has received some positive feedback about the Neighbourhood Warden. • Confirmation for Phase One of the S.106 application for Village Hall Refurbishment has been approved and work is being scheduled for August 2018. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40 pm The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 at 7.30pm. Appendix One – Report by District Cllr Steve Lydon SDC AGM Following this meeting I have been appointed to be a member of the Development Control Committee (DCC), the Environment Committee and the Planning Review Panel. Nigel was unanimously elected again to be the Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Planning Review Panel. SDC Chief Exec Retirement David Hagg the SDC Chief Exec. the longest serving Chief Exec in the County, has announced his intention to retire later this year. All parties will participate in picking his successor in the forthcoming months. Canal Following much work and the contained support of many volunteers, it is great news to report the Heritage Lottery Fund have agreed to fund the next stage of the canal bid development . A £23.4million Stroud District Council-led project to connect Stroud and Stonehouse to the nation’s inland waterway network by 2024 has been given a significant vote of confidence by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Stroud District Council and Cotswold Canals Trust have received crucial initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) which paves the way for the restoration of the derelict canal between Stonehouse and Saul junction. The HLF picked Stroudwater Navigation Connected as one of just four projects across the country for development funding and the £842,000 announced today will make sure everything is in place before applying for a further £9million of HLF money to allow the whole project to go ahead. The stretch between Stroud and Stonehouse is almost restored and bringing the remaining four miles back in to use will link it to the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal and the rest of the country, attract huge tourism benefits, create 30 hectares of biodiverse habitat and canal towpath, conserve and digitise archive material charting the canal’s history, and attract more than £100million-worth of new private investment within five years of the end of the project. If the HLF had not chosen the project, it would have been set back by at least a decade. The project aims to take the canal under the M5 motorway, reinstate the ‘missing mile’ of canal near Eastington and forge a new stretch of canal under the Gloucester – Bristol railway line at Stonehouse – and bring many other benefits to the area. The SDC-led restoration between Stonehouse and Thrupp has transformed the canal corridor, attracting £115million of private investment. Studies suggest that boaters and visitors to a restored canal would spend more than £5million a year in the Stroud district. Stroud District Council has committed £3million, and contributions from Gloucestershire County Council, Cotswold Canals Trust and the Canal and River Trust are worth around £2million. The total cost of the project, allowing for inflation and other contingencies is £23.4million. The monetised health benefits of the canal will be worth more than £37million a year. Cotswold Canals Trust chairman Jim White said: “The Stroud Valleys will become a new, must go to, destination on the national canal network, bringing growth to local businesses through tourism, by increasing the canal and towpath use for recreation. “It will also bring major benefits to wildlife and the biodiversity of the area.” The canal’s history dates back to 1730 when an Act of Parliament granted proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation the power to build it. It opened in 1779 and joined with the Thames and Severn Canal 10 years later, which established a largely inland waterway link between Bristol and London. It was abandoned in 1954 but the founding of the Stroudwater Canal Society in 1972 led to the formation of the Cotswold Canals Trust. The Stroudwater Navigation links with the Thames and Severn Canal at Wallbridge and so far the stretch of that canal between Wallbridge and Bowbridge has been restored. Under the leadership of Stroud District Council since 2009, the project has seen restoration of 4.5 miles of canal, nine locks, and six miles of towpath so far. Central Garage Kings Stanley This development which has a had a stop notice placed on it over a year ago, and had retrospective planning permission turned down by the DCC goes to a Planning Appeal to an independent inspector next week. Nigel and I both intend to attend and to speak in support of the DCC decision not to grant retrospective permission. SDC Carparks Stroud district councillors will discuss a report later this month which will start a consultation period on introducing charges in town centre car parks across the district.
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