January 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S179 RECOGNIZING THE 10TH ANNIVER- strong Board of Directors, she began respect from her colleagues. She has SARY OF PUBLIC ALLIES DELA- working with Antoine Allen in the im- received numerous Army awards and WARE plementation of the program. The first decorations, including the Legion of ∑ Mr. CARPER. Madam President, I class graduated in 1995 with financial Merit and the Meritorious Service recognize the 10th anniversity of Pub- support from five corporations and Medal. She also completed the U.S. lic Allies Delaware. This organization foundations and a grant from Army War College in 1999. Brigadier is celebrating a decade of mobilizing AmeriCorps. General Tymeson also serves as a mem- diverse groups of young leaders by both In the 10 years subsequent to its in- ber of the Iowa House of Representa- civic participation and community ception, Public Allies Delaware has tives. She chairs the House Education outreach. Public Allies Delaware has made substantial progress in the areas Committee and is a member on both built a reputation for providing inte- of funding and development. In 1995, the Human Resources and Ways and gral community service throughout the organization was able to success- Means Committees. She is also active Delaware. If this organization’s first fully secure a 100 percent increase in in many community and civic organi- decade is any indication of what it will Public Allies Delaware’s Grant-in-Aid zations and serves on the boards of di- offer in the future, we have much to allocation from the State legislature. rectors for the Fort Des Moines Memo- look forward to. By 1998, the board and program staff rial Park and Education Center and In 1992, a diverse group of young so- members were able to dramatically in- Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates. cial entrepreneurs were helped by a crease program funding by obtaining a Congratulations again to Brigadier number of established community and line item in the State of Delaware De- General Tymeson. She continues to national leaders to create Public Al- partment of Labor’s operating budget. serve her country with dedication and I lies. They believed that there were More recently, in 1999, the program thank her for her continued energy and many energetic, talented young people began an invaluable partnership with devotion to Iowa and to America.∑ who wanted to address critical issues the University of Delaware’s College of f in their communities and that many Human Resources, Education and Pub- IN HONOR OF MR. BILL SIMPSON, organizations and communities could lic Policy. Through this affiliation, JR. benefit from such contributions to so- Public Allies Delaware alumni are of- ciety. fered the opportunity to supplement ∑ Mr. KOHL. Madam President, I rise Through the signature AmeriCorps the education and experience they today to honor the memory of Mr. Bill program, Public Allies identifies tal- gained from the Public Allies program Simpson. The following speeches, ‘‘The ented young adults from diverse back- with a full-tuition undergraduate or Celebration of the Life and Times of grounds and advances their leadership graduate scholarship. To date, program Bill Simpson’’ and ‘‘Bill’s Table,’’ were through a 10-month program of full- alumni have utilized more than a half originally delivered after the occasion time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofit million dollars of Federal Government of Bill Simpson’s burial at Arlington organizations, weekly leadership scholarship funds and matching fund National Cemetery by Mr. Bill Simpson trainings, and team service projects. awards provided by the University of III and David Lambert, respectively. I In order to effectively achieve its Delaware in pursuit of higher edu- ask consent the speeches be printed in goals and uphold its values, the pro- cation. the RECORD. gram consists of apprenticeships, lead- Currently, Public Allies operates The material follows: ership training, and team service both in Wilmington, DE, and at a new THE CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF projects. The apprenticeships offer Al- satellite site in Georgetown, DE. The BILL SIMPSON lies the opportunity to gain ‘‘real program continues to maintain a state- Thank you for being here today. Our fam- world’’ experience through service in wide presence through 11 Allies located ily takes great comfort in your support and nonprofit and public agencies. In these in Sussex and Kent Counties and an- kindness through these trying times. We are eternally grateful. apprenticeships, Allies face important other 11 located in New Castle County. Today, I would like to acknowledge the issues such as youth development, edu- By presenting a vehicle by which Veteran’s Medical Center in Washington, DC. cation, and public safety. young people can both get involved in The staff in this great hospice and nursing Furthermore, the leadership training their community and receive scholar- home provided excellent care to my father, aspect of the program helps Allies de- ship opportunities, Public Allies Dela- while preserving his dignity in the last days velop the necessary knowledge, skills, ware has provided an essential service of his life. The patient care staff are angels and abilities so they can work produc- to the State. on earth. They are truly engaged in a labor tively and effectively with people from I thank the Public Allies for all that of love, and that means so much to families who have loved ones under their care. all walks of life. Through this leader- they do not only in Delaware but all I must also acknowledge the most sup- ship training, Allies attain skills in across the country, and I wish them a portive, faithful and loyal person in our fa- communication, critical thinking, ap- very happy 10th anniversary. I today ther’s life. Our mother, Evelyn, never preciation of diversity, conflict resolu- offer my full support and congratulate wavered, not even for a single day. tion, and community asset recognition them on a remarkable decade of suc- In honor of my father, the Simpson family from a multitude of community lead- cess.∑ has established ‘‘The William Simpson Vet- ers, professional consultants, and ex- eran’s Assistance Account’’ to provide some f needed purchases to enhance the lives of ecutives from nonprofit and corporate those old warriors in their last days on this organizations. RECOGNITION OF BRIGADIER GENERAL TYMESON earth. Donations are appreciated, not only Recognized by the Bush and Clinton by my family, but also by the veterans and administrations as a model for na- ∑ Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I their families. tional service, Public Allies has grown rise today to honor an exceptional We have also begun to compile some of my to 11 communities nationwide in which Iowan. On October 20, 2003, Iowa Na- father’s favorite stories. We have catalogued more than 1,350 Allies have served. tional Guard Assistant Adjutant Gen- hundreds of his speeches that were written Evaluations have demonstrated Public eral Jodi S. Tymeson was promoted to while serving with the late former Governor the rank of Brigadier General. She has Paul B. Johnson of Mississippi, the late Sen- Allies’ effectiveness at advancing di- ator James Eastland, former President verse young leaders, strengthening the distinct honor of being the first fe- Jimmy Carter and others when he returned communities, strengthening non- male General Officer in the history of to the private sector. My father loved the profits, and strengthening civic par- the Iowa National Guard. Her hard power and influence of language and words ticipation. work and dedication to service are and it is reflected in his writings and stories. In 1994, full-time volunteer Suzanne celebrated by this promotion. I want to If you have a story from my father’s life Sysko, founded the fourth site of the extend my deepest congratulations to that you would like to share—or one that we fledgling Public Allies national organi- Brigadier General Tymeson. haven’t heard—and there are millions, please send them to us. We want to share these sto- zation in Wilmington, DE. With her fa- Serving in the Iowa Army National ries with his friends and family. ther’s assistance, she obtained free of- Guard for nearly 30 years, she con- This event is being held here at the ‘‘116 fice space in the PNC Building on Dela- tinues to prove herself a capable and Club,’’ which is appropriate for many rea- ware Avenue. After putting together a responsible leader and one who garners sons. A celebration of the life and times of VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:20 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S22JA4.REC S22JA4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 22, 2004 William Simpson would be incomplete with- Senate was full of friendships and goodwill in gentle as a family prayer. My own prayer out the 116 Club. This place was his home spite of huge disagreements on the issues. I now is that my sons will always have a Bill away from home. It was where he was com- know the beautiful memories of his long and Simpson in their lives. fortable. Here he was surrounded by people productive life will last forever.’’ We thought Bill always would be at his he truly loved. The people in this room car- We also received a note form Hiram East- table. Well, take heart. He is still there, and ried him throughout his life. He loved this land who told his story better than I can— he will be, next month—and next year. There place. Here were people he truly admired— ‘‘What a wonderful life and wealth of friends will be no new stories—only those we know always sharing good stories and, of course, he had.
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