B NDINGS Vol. 35, No. 3 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Spring 2016 San Francisco Catholic school teacher comes out as transgender — and finds acceptance By Jill Tucker High in Sacramento. can be supportive of each person.” values of the school and to honor Catholic San Francisco Chronicle However, it is likely to ripple through Sisters of Mercy is a canonical reli- identity, regardless of personal faith. May 12, 2016 a growing national debate on transgender gious order that reports to the Vatican. Bodenheimer, who follows the Jewish rights, including access to gender-specific The broader organization sponsors dozens faith, said he never sought to break ground Gabriel Bodenheimer could have lost facilities like bathrooms and locker rooms. of schools across the U.S. and in four oth- in transgender rights. his job when he recently came out as The order’s leaders told staff, students er countries. “I love teaching at this school,” he transgender to leaders of a San Francisco and parents that the sisters prayed for Cordileone, who has drawn criticism said, adding that after four years it was Catholic high school. Instead, in what guidance, and conferred with San Francis- for a rigidly conservative stance regarding time to come out. some call a momentous step, the English gay rights, neither “It was very important to speak, and teacher will remain at Mercy High, fully condemned nor fully name myself, and not be silent,” he said accepted as a man. endorsed the decision Thursday in a phone call between classes. The announcement of support by an in San Francisco. “The response I got was tremendously order of the Sisters of Mercy, which owns “Often in such situa- positive.” and operates the four-year college prepara- tions a balance must Previously, Bodenheimer was known tory school for girls on 19th Avenue, of- be struck in a way that as Gadielle, though students called him fers a rare policy position on transgender distinct values are Ms. Bodenheimer or just Bodenheimer. rights from within an internationally re- upheld, such as mercy But on Wednesday night, he received spected Catholic order. and truth, or institu- an email from a student — a simple, mun- While there is no official Catholic tional integrity and dane note about rescheduling a meeting policy or doctrine regarding transgender respect for personal because of a doctor’s appointment. people, church leaders have addressed the decisions affecting It started with, “Dear Mr. Bodenhei- issue, noting God created males and fe- one’s life,” he said in mer.” males and that anatomy defines identity. a statement. He em- “That was really a great moment,” he “This is significant for us; we did not phasized that such said, noting that students, concerned about take this lightly,” said Sister Laura Reicks, decisions should be final exams, were largely unfazed by the president of the 16-state region of the Sis- made on a case-by- announcement. “This is consistent with ters of Mercy West Midwest Community. Gabriel Bodenheimer case basis, “allowing who I am. This is not some shocking in- “We feel because of our values, the choice for prudential judg- formation.” was this, but that didn’t mean it was easy.” co Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, but ment.” School leaders, however, told the Reicks said the decision aligns with ultimately came to the only decision that Reicks said the decision exemplified community that counselors would be Pope Francis’ message of mercy and of aligned with their values. an overarching position within the order to available to help students and staff mem- treating every person with dignity. Yet the Supporting the dignity of each person hire teachers without considering gender bers process the acceptance of Bodenhei- Pope has also criticized the idea that gen- — regardless of race, religion, sexual ori- identification, race, religion or sexual ori- mer as a male rather than female teacher. der exists on a spectrum and doesn’t nec- entation or gender identification — was entation. In addition, an informal meeting for par- essarily match with birth sex, saying these paramount, Reicks said. “Their personal lives are completely ents was scheduled for Thursday night. theories don’t recognize the order of crea- “We have not had any other teachers separate from their qualifications as teach- “This is still being processed,” said tion. ask for any kind of coming out before,” ers,” she said. “We are concerned about Diane Lawrence, board chairwoman for The Sisters of Mercy decision, an- Reicks said. “This is just our way of con- the education of young women and we do Mercy High, adding there had been no nounced Wednesday, specifically reflects tinuing to live out what our founders of not consider personal criteria when we complaints from within the community so policy within the order’s West Midwest Sisters of Mercy had always said, that hire the best person for each position.” far. “We work with the girls on being re- Community, which sponsors or co- regardless of what type of prejudice or Even so, the school’s employment spectful, respecting the dignity of others. sponsors six high schools, including Mer- feeling in society, we have to take a higher contract does require teachers to be famil- In my mind, this exemplifies what we’re cy High in Burlingame and Cristo Rey road and look at the person and how we iar with and support the philosophy and teaching.” Some hope, but not much joy for LGBT Catholics in Pope’s new document Bondings 2.0 the LGBT community, the pope simply embraced his gay former student and hus- “I encourage the faithful who find NewWaysMinistryBlog.wordpress.com repeated church condemnations of same- band during his U.S. visit? Where is the themselves in complicated situations to April 8, 2016 sex unions, adoption by lesbian and gay Pope Francis who invited a transgender speak confidently with their pastors or people, and the complexities of gender Spanish man for a personal meeting at the with other lay people whose lives are Statement of Francis DeBernardo, identity. Vatican? That Pope Francis is hard to find committed to the Lord. They may not al- Executive Director, New Ways Minis- Most egregious is his repetition of the in his latest text. ways encounter in them a confirmation of try, in response to Pope Francis’ apos- synod fathers’ false claim that internation- The two synods in tolic exhortation on marriage and family al aid to developing nations is dependent 2014 and 2015, as well life, Amoris Laetitia. upon openness to marriage equality. No as the wide consultations evidence exists for such a claim. Randy among the laity which While Pope Francis’ latest docu- Berry, the U.S. Special Envoy for the Hu- preceded them, served as ment, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of man Rights of LGBTI People categorical- the research for this new Love), contains some hopeful passages, ly denied this claim last November during papal document. Unfor- it does not inspire joy in LGBT Catholics meetings with church officials at the Vati- tunately, as far as LGBT and their supporters. As far as sexual ori- can to discuss the persecution of LGBT issues are concerned, entation and gender identity issues are people globally. there is nothing concerned, the pope’s latest apostolic ex- Moreover, Pope Francis’ one state- in Amoris Laetitia that hortation reiterates church formulas which ment discussing pastoral care to families indicates the great call show that the Vatican has yet to learn with lesbian and gay members is included for new approaches to from the experiences and faith lives of so in a section entitled “Casting Light on these issues that occurred many LGBT Church members or their Crises, Worries and Difficulties.” Such a during these discussions. supporters. Though the pope calls classification reveals an assumption that Perhaps there is for church leaders and ministers to be less LGBT topics are simply problems to be hope in the suggestion judgmental and to respect individuals’ surmounted, and it does not recognize the made by some bishops at consciences, he has not provided a new giftedness and grace that occur when a the 2015 synod that the pastoral approach to LGBT issues or peo- family accepts and loves its LGBT family Vatican hold an entirely Pope Francis ple. members. separate synodal discus- While Pope Francis repeats church sion on the issues of sexu- On other family topics such as di- their own ideas or desires, but they will vorce and co-habitation, Amoris Laetitia, teaching condemning discrimination and ality and gender. While this document has violence against LGBT people, the fact a lot to offer on a variety of important surely receive some light to help them offers some hopeful advice—and if this better understand their situation and dis- advice were simply applied to LGBT is- that there is no elaboration of this teaching family topics, it did not give adequate concerning countries that are criminaliz- attention to LGBT family issues that de- cover a path to personal growth. I also sues, which would not be incompatible to encourage the Church’s pastors to listen to do, this document would have been much ing sexual and gender minorities makes serve serious examination by church lead- these words ineffective. ers. them with sensitivity and serenity, with a more positive. Pope Francis calls for non- sincere desire to understand their plight judgmental pastoral care, assisting people Many in the Catholic LGBT commu- Given the new general pastoral direc- nity had great, but realistic, hopes for this tion of this document, there is potential for and their point of view, in order to help in developing their consciences, encourag- them live better lives and to recognize ing diverse pastoral responses based on document.
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