., ISSN 0272-8532 base line a newsletter of the Map & Geography Roundtable TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ramblings from the Chair 3 Amblings from the Editor 3 Question Box • • • • • • 4 Conferences • • • • • • 4 MAGERT Conference Schedule 4 News . • • • • • • • • • • 6 On the Cataloging/Cataloguing Front 6 New Books, Periodical Articles, etc. 7 New Maps • • • • • 10 Duplicate Maps • • 11 Conference Reports 11 Volume 2 - no. 1 1981 .. .. Base Line is an official publication of the American Library Association's lwp & Geography Round Table. The purpose of Base Line is to provide current information on cartographic materials:-;ther publications of interest to map and geography librarians, meetings, related governmental activities, and map librarianship. It is the medium of communication for members of the Round Table, and information and short articles of interest to Round Table members are welcomed. The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent those of ALA or of ¥AGERT. Editor: Mary Larsgaard Contributing editors: ¥.apLibrarian Arthur Lakes Library David Cobb Colorado School of Mines University of Illinois, Urbana Golden CO 80401 (303)279-030Ox2697 Charley Seavey University of New Mexico Robert Karrow The Newberry Library, Chicago Articles and shorter notices should be submitted to the Editor. Advertising is accepted - contact Editor for rates and deadlines. Base Line is published quarterly. Members of MAGERT receive the news- letter as a benefit of membership. Nonmembers may subscribe for $12.00 per year; checks in U. S. dollars should be sent to: Charley Seavey Subscription Manager, base line Gov. Pubs. & Maps Dept. Zimmerman Library University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131 (505)277-5441 ALA personal and institutional members are invited to choose MAGERT membership for $7.00 and $10.00 respectively by so advising ALA, 50 E. Huron sc., Chicago IL 60611. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MAGERT OFFICERS CHAIRPERSON: SECRETARY: David A. Cobb Richard Fox Map & Geography Library Geography and Map Division University of Illinois Library of Congress Urbana IL 61801 Washington DC 20540 (217)333-0827 (202)287-8512 ~ American Library Association 1980 Published by the Map & Geography Round Table RAMBLINGS FROM THE CHAIR The recent ALA Midwinter meetings were very successful for A group whose existence is still measured in months rather than years. First, it was gratifying to report that our financial balance was nearly $1,000, our expenses were very low, and we decided to continue to publish Base Line on our own for another year. Our membership was approximately~ as-- of 31 December 1980 and growing! Two unexpected invitations were given to MAGERT while in Washington. Initially, we were invited to nominate A member to the Standing Committee of IFLA for the Section on Geography and Map Libraries. This nomination is currently in process and will be announced in the next issue. Also, Lee Ash - Editor of Special Collections, and A MAGERT member - invited the Round Table to help coordinate an issue on map collections. Charley Seavey then announced plans for the San Francisco conference; these are listed further on in this issue. Charky and Phil Hoehn (DCI Berkek~p have worked hard to put together one of the "best ever" map library programs and have brought together experts, from Washington, D.C. to Mexico City. Don't forget, the growth and success of your organization is up to you, and depends on your active participation. If you would like to, or are willing to, help us in any way, please write to me. David Cobb AMBLINGS FROM THE EDITOR This issue is A few months later than I would have liked--but the date of issuance was dictated by the date of the first printout of MAGERT membership (end of March), without which list it seemed pointless to proceed. The next issue will follow fairly quickly on the heels of this one. David modestly neglected to mention that Midwinter brought another achievement for MAGERT - A photograph of him and A short paragraph on ~~GERT appeared in the March issue of American Libraries, p. 130. So if you've been wondering what A person masochistic enough to be deeply involved in starting an ALA round table looks like, here's your chance (funny, there are no obvious signs of madness). WANT TO BEEF UP YOUR RESUME? Become A Base Line contributing editor! Base Line needs correspondents from the Northeast, the Southeast, the ¥idwest, the Northwest, California, and probably wherever you happen to be. Nothing elegant required in the line of submissions - photocopy and telephone calls fine. Base Line also needs an advertising editor. Doubtless I'll think up another few offices--or become painfully aware of the need for them--as the months march by. Talk to me if you're interested. base line 2(1):3 • QUESTION BOX 1) Has anyone besides Barbara Cox at U.Utah used CLSI's circulation system for maps? Are you willing to talk about it, so the rest of us can avoid the pitfalls? 2) Does anyone know what Geodata International's micro- fiche labeled Geologic Map Line are generated from, or what explanatory data exists so that they may be used? (NOTE: This space available for questions you may have about map & geography library matters. Send questions and answers to the Editor) CONFERENCES Relax, it's already happened: AACR2 Cataloguing for Maps, April 3 and 4, University of Toronto (Joan Winearls presiding). NELINET and SOLINET may be offering map tagging workshops in the future; contact your network office for details. April 19-22, 1981 Association of American Geographers 77th Anniversary meeting, Los Angeles (Patricia J. McWethy, AAG, 1710 Sixteeenth St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20009) May 30-June 5, 1981 IXth International Conference on the History of Cartography, Pisa, Florence, and Rome (Segretaria della IX Conferenza Internazionale di Storia della Cartografia, Piazza Paganica, 4, 00186 Roma, Italia) June 26-July 1, 1981 100th annual ALA conference, San Francisco, with the theme of "Libraries and the Pursuit of Happiness" }~y 24-26, 1982 Second International Conference on Geological Infor- mation, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO 80401 MAGERT CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Friday, June 26 4:30-5:30 Executive Committee (Chair: David Cobb) Saturday, June 27 9:30-11:00 Map On-Line Users Group (Chair: Eliza- beth Mangan, Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington DC 20540) 2:00-4:00 New Developments in Map Librarianship (cont. on next page) base line 2(1):4 ------------------- (Saturday, June 27, cont.) 1) Searching GEOREF for Maps (Nancy Pruett, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque) 2) PAIGH 1:250,000 hemispheric mapping program (Ing. Alberto Villasana, Seffor Presidente de la Comisi6n de Cartograf{a del I.P.G.H., Mexico, D.F.) 3) Coastal ecological inventory mapping program (John D. Buffington, Chief, Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington) (Others may be announced) 7:00-9:00 Reception at UC Berkely Map Collection (limit 100)** Sunday, June 28 9:30-11:00 Microcartography: an update 1) Microcartography at NCIC (Lee Aggers, ChIef, NCIC-West, Menlo Park CAl 2) Commercial microcartography (Chuck Barkee, Microchart Systems Inc., San Rafael) 3) Microcartography at the Bureau of the Census and the 1980 Census (Dan Jones, Geography Division, The Bureau, Washington) (Others may be announced) 2:00-4:00 Mapping the Transmississippi West 1) The early history of cartography (Kenneth Nebenzahl, Kenneth Neb- enzahl Inc., Chicago) 2) George Wheeler and the Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (Robert Karrow, The Newberry Library, Chicago) 3) The Wagon Road Surveys (Charley Seavey, University of New Mexico) 4) G. K. Warren and his map of the West (Frank Schubert, Historical Div- ision, Chief of Engineers, Army Corps of Engineers, Washington) 5:00-7:00 Reception at J. Howell Books (limit 50)** Monday, June 29 9:30-11:00 Business meeting (Chair: David Cobb) 2:00-4:00 "If You Don't Know Anything About Maps, Come to This Session" (panel) Chair: Stan Stevens (DC Santa Cruz) Participants: Jim Coombs (Southwest Missouri State, Springfield) David Lundquist (DC Davis) Ralph Moreno (Mill Valley Public Library, Mill Valley CAl (Others to be announced) 6:00-8:00 Reception at Rand McNally Map Store (limit 75)** (cont. on next page) base line 2(1):5 " Tuesday, June 30 All day Open Cartographic Users' Advisory Council meeting (Chair: Charley Seavey) at USGS in Menlo Park; tour of USGS facilities (bus transportation approx. $8.00)** **Persons interested in the asterisked events should notify Phil Hoehn, as space is limited. Preference will be given to members of MAGERT. You may reach Phil at: Map Room, General Library, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720 (415)642-4940. NEWS 1980 Census: LeRoy Schwarzkopf reports in DTTP 9(1):35, Jan. '81, that no urban atlas series are scheduled) due to color printing costs. Cartographic Information Society: formed in mid 1980; purposes are to: 1) promote communication and cooperation among producers, disseminators, and users of cartographic information; 2) improve understanding of cartographic materials through education; 3) promote the acquisition, preservation, and automated retrieval of all types of cartographic materials; 4) influence governmental policy on cartographic materials and information. For further information, contact: Cartographic Information Society c/o Christine Reinhard 143 Science Hall University of Wisconsin Madison WI 53706 Going to ALA in San Francisco? But the cost of hotel rooms makes you all choked up? Jim Coombs feels the same way, and is looking for someone to share a hotel room with; he's thinking in terms of the Hotel Chancellor. Call or write him at: (417)836-5105; Map Collection, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield IL 65802 ................................................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ON THE CATALOGING/CATALOGUING FRONT The Anglo-American Cataloguing Committee 'for Cartographic Materials will meet at the end of April for five days to work over the draft manual; it is heartily hoped by all concerned that this will result in a final draft.
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