WEEKEND Sun Gazette AN ONLINE-ONLY BONUS EDITION FOR SUN GAZETTE READERS SEPTEMBER 25-26-27, 2020 INSIDE Social-Safety-Net Providers Celebrated Collective Award Presented by Arlington Community Foundation SCOTT McCAFFREY Staff Writer When it comes to the Arling- ton Community Foundation, REAL ESTATE the password is “nimble.” Builder confidence “That is going to be the word reaches a new high of the year,” the organization’s across nation......... 5 board chair, Avril Ussery Sisk, said Sept. 23 at the annual pre- sentation of the William T. Newman Jr. Spirit of Commu- nity Awards. Rather than an individual, the award for 2020 was be- stowed collectively on those in Arlington who have maintained the social safety net during the six months (and counting) of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic impact on the community. They have been “the people who came at this crisis with ev- FAMILY erything they’ve got,” said Cir- Tips to ensure that cuit Court Chief Judge William ‘multiples’ develop Newman Jr., who in 1991 was individuality............ 6 the originator of the local com- munity foundation. “It’s a privilege to present the award to the heroes we are Joe Coleman, Joe Blunt and Theo Peoples make up “Voices of Classic Soul,” and will present two concerts on celebrating,” Newman said, of- Oct. 4 to kick off the annual McLean Project for the Arts MPAartfest celebration. fering a personal salute to those who “selflessly put themselves in harm’s way to help others.” McLean Project for Arts Spotlights Among those honored with the broad-based award was Norma Hernandez, resident- Soul Singers as It Kicks Off Festival service manager for AHC Inc., which operates a number of af- The McLean Project for the Arts’ 14th annual showmanship, classic dance moves, and some of fordable-living communities in MPAartfest 2020 will kick off on Sunday, Oct. 4 the biggest hits of all time, including “My Girl,” Arlington. with two “drive-in” concerts in the parking lot at “The Way You Do the Things You Do,” “Get With the arrival of the pan- SPORTS the McLean Community Center. Ready,” “Only You,” “Under the Boardwalk” demic in March, AHC mobi- O’Connell grad finds Starring the “Voices of Classic Soul” – a trio and “Save the Last Dance for Me.” lized resources to assist those comprised of the lead singers from four legend- Tickets are $25; participants can view the success on squad who suddenly were without jobs ary vocal groups: the Drifters, Four Tops, Plat- concert in or on their cars, with vehicles spaced at Army................. 10 or, in some cases, even food. ters and Temptations – concerts will take place out as a public-health precaution.For informa- “At the beginning, it was a at 4 p.m and 6 p.m. tion and tickets, see the Website at www.mpaart. couple people; now it’s growing Concert attendees will be treated to incredible org. Continued on Page 2 https://sungazette.news l On Facebook: sungazettenews l On Twitter: @sungazettenews @sungazettespts 3818 N Randolph Court • Arlington, VA 22207 Offered at $1,650,000 All-brick end townhouse with an elevator, two-car garage, 5 bedrooms, 5.55 baths, and a gorgeous 5,000 SF lot. Virtual Open House Tour Sunday, September 27, 1-4pm on Facebook @BetsyTwiggMcEnearney. 703.967.4391703.967.4391 I [email protected] I BetsyTwigg.com I 4720 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 I Tel. 703.525.1900 I McEnearney.com Equal Housing Opportunity LOCAL NEWS Social-Safety-Net Providers Honored for Their Effort Continued from Page 1 wait” for bureaucratic wheels to get up to Arlington speed when confronted with such a crisis, Circuit Court more and more,” said Hernandez, noting Sisk said. Chief Judge the strain on the safety net and those who “We made a conscious effort to listen William work to support it. (“You feel tired, but to what was needed” and then responded Newman Jr. you feel happy,” she said of the rewards quickly, she said. speaks at the of the effort.) More than $1 million was moved by 2020 Arlington Commnity Phyllis Thompson, a social worker the foundation into funds to support Foundation with the Arlington school system, said the safety-net providers. “We did our best to “Spirit of pandemic’s impact came like a lightning move that money quickly,” said Jennifer Community” bolt out of a clear sky. Owens, its CEO. awards “They just didn’t know where their It was, she said, “a unified push to be program. The next meal was coming from, or how to as useful and effective as possible.” event was held pay the rent,” she said of those living close “If 2020 has taught us anything, we “virtually” this to the edge. need to be flexible,” Owens said. year due to In response, “we got creative, became Nearly 70 organizations benefited from COVID. collaborative in a way we’ve not been be- that initial burst of funding, and many • • • Johnson, the Woman’s fore,” Thompson said. have reinvented themselves to address the Past recipients of the Spirit of Commu- Club of Arlington, Preston Caruthers, That was the ethos being honored with pandemic, said Anne Vor Der Bruegge, nity Award have included (in chronologi- Rich Doud, Karen Darner, George Va- the award, and the words “creative” and director of grants and initiatives for the cal order starting in 1993) Joan Cooper, routsos, Mary Ann Nirschl, Meg Tuccillo, “collaborative” also have been the watch- foundation. H. Paul Mount, Anna Barber, Elizabeth John Andelin and Ginger Geoffrey, Lola words of the community foundation in “It’s all hands on deck [to] do what it Campbell, Walter Tejada, John McCrack- Reinsch, Mary Ann Moran, Jonathan recent months. takes,” she said. “They are giving it 200 en, Julia Connally, Charles Overby, Jennie Kinney, John Milliken, Emma Violand- “People can’t and shouldn’t have to percent.” Davis, Jean Berg, Eric Schaeffer, Ralph Sánchez and Dr. Alfred Taylor. Vienna Community Band Preps Upcoming ‘Pop-Up Concerts The Vienna Community Band is or- of musical strains as you are out and about main band have been canceled through flutes, clarinets, bassoons, oboes, tubas ganizing small musical groups to present in your neighborhoods or within the town December due to the public-health situa- and euphoniums. “pop-up” concerts across Vienna. or strolling about,” organizers said. tion, but new musicians are being sought For information, see the Website at “Keep your ears attuned to the sound Rehearsals and performances of the in all sections. Particularly in need are www.viennacommunityband.org. :II=::BDI>DC6A HJEEDGINDJC::9;GDB I=:H6;:IND;NDJG=DB: ژɋȏژȽƷȽȽǠȏȄȽژưƌɲژȽƌȂƷژɫǠȵɋɓƌǹًژȏǑǑƷȵǠȄǒژƌȵƷژÞƷ ژƌȄưژƷȂȏɋǠȏȄƌǹژɋǚƷژɬǠɋǚژƩȏȲƷژɲȏɓژǚƷǹȲ ِחٮ%ÝUژƨɲژƩƌɓȽƷưژưǠȽɋȵƷȽȽژȲȽɲƩǚȏǹȏǒǠƩƌǹ CONTACT US TODAY 703.909.5101 OR DODINI.COM Page 2 www.SunGazette.news Sept. 25-26-27, 2020 LOCAL NEWS Town-Square Naming for John Robinson Advances SCOTT McCAFFREY the 1980s. parcel has been mostly barren (with the Staff Writer He also published the Green Valley exception of a few trees), but has served News, a compendium of local items, for for decades as a gathering spot for those A year after it was first proposed, the four decades. living in the historically African-Ameri- renaming of Nauck Town Square in hon- “This was our version of the Northern can community of Green Valley. or of a longtime Green Valley civic leader Virginia Sun – only better,” said Carmela Voters approved funding for the proj- looks headed to success. Hamm, an HALRB member. ect in a 2018 referendum; County Board The name “John Robinson Jr. Town Hamm said Robinson’s motivation to members in 2019 approved the final pro- Square” has won the support of the Park help his community was deep-rooted. cedural steps needed to move forward, in- and Recreation Commission, Neighbor- “John went without for decades so oth- cluding purchase of an adjoining parcel. hood Conservation Advisory Commis- ers could have,” she said. “I cannot think Even before the Civil War, the Green sion, Historical Affairs and Landmark of a more deserving person.” Valley community (alternately known as Review Board (HALRB) and the civic The proposal to name the square – cur- Nauck) was one of the rare enclaves in associations of Green Valley, Shirlington rently being rebuilt – in honor of Robin- what is now Arlington where free Afri- and Douglas Park. son was unveiled a year ago by the Green can-Americans could live. After emanci- County Board members will have the Valley Civic Association. At the time, pation, more moved into the neighbor- final say. association president Portia Clark said it hood and it became one of the hearts of Robinson (1934-2012) was “always was fitting to name the entire square after Arlington’s black community. In recent the go-to person – he was on call seven him, rather than some lesser honor. years, increasing home values have led to days a week, 24 hours a day,” said Robin “We’ve talked about a statue, we’ve a degree of gentrification, but some long- Stombler, chair of the community-affairs talked about a plaque, we’ve talked about time residents and a number of important committee of the Green Valley Civic As- naming a stage,” Clark said then. facilities (including churches and the local sociation. A final vote on renaming the square YMCA) remain. “It’s difficult to think of any other could come by the end of the year. A mural of Robinson by artist Romeo name for this town square,” Stombler “What the community wants is cer- A mural by Romeo Taylor salutes civic leader Taylor now can be found close to the said.
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