.^ c .w;.v.;^u.'u^v:^ RAHWAY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE 10,1930 WfeATHER /oitECAST ; , ; ' PUBL.I8HED Today: Cloudy, illghtly warmer. TV/ICE WEEKLY Tomorrow: F»|r, not much change In ttmper«tUT0. IN RAHWAY'S INTEpE8T8 '• The New Jersey Advocate Announcing Absorbing Tht Rahyyay Newa-Hcrald, the successor of the Union Democrat, Established 1840 ANOTHER VOL. XIX. SERIAL NO. 2152 Sixteen Pages PRICE THREE CENTS ] Mi RAHWAY, UNION CflUNTY, N! J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 13,1930 WILL GfeAdUAtE WITH HIGHEST-HONORS r ''''.>".•.5": PROPERTY FOR PARK Corner Lake Avenue and St. George ^Avenue. FOR SEWER INVESTIGATION Tracts of Land, Including SquUr THE MANAGEMENT OF - idfD Ordinance PassedUAfter-Long Mt&cusswn iou.nl of Adjustment By Councilman andr-Gitizens-t-Engineer- A BoafoV of Adjustment to Questioned oh Workmanship carry out the provisions of the The same prompt and courteous treatment will be given, as tbat which has made our Station at Milton Avenue and Irving Street a success. LAND IN SQUIER FAMILY 151 YEARS zoning ordinance which was re- cently passed for this city, -was .appointed-by Mayor Adolph Ul- MONEY FOR CITIZENS' COMMITTEE brlch and announced at the Upohtherecomm^datiohofMayor^lolpfrui= meeting of the. Common Ooun- brich,'the Common Council at its meeting Wedne^ .cILWednesday night.' :_'_ . At the conclusion of a two-hour discussion, the. —The—personnel—of_the—boards featei^artrof-which-was-telcen-uvi^y--menibers-of:- Follow the "Mites of Smiles*' each Tuesday in the Record;- Every Lubrication Job Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. "day rtightracceptednhTg-three^tracts of land owned follows: Three years, John J. ; by the late Edwin M. Squier, and offered to the Quinn, Seymour Williams; two drie Council and citizens questioning Louis A. Coudert; years,* Raymond L. 'Morton, Ern- gf.jhe^gijn _of B aue'r, Klingjjid Coudert, engineering ^ jcitcity in_Ms_will jEor jji^!ic^pAi:k_to_beJuio_wn..asAThjj^!ik e tJjprie.j^ear^ Harry. Fancher. •"•'.••• tdvisors toTLlhway in tKe^R^Wy'i^lley^I^nk^ lass; remarks, Rev. C. H. S. Wat-ied by Pauline Hammond; reclta- Fni»» Caitoa Catherine Craig SquiSquieer Park" in honor of his mbther, Bartlett, Robert Moore, Emma! ChrJatlne__Prtc<>. _- It -U :Cnttomarr In moat! ROBERT ENGELWAN MARGARET G. OPOYKE A. NORMAN DEMPSTER Three of these-commisBloners, •••"""' " " Wednesday night / J: Rowe, Clifford Fisher; song. beglnTI. -=SeeondJaptlat_Church- »CJo^ ^h4t^^illifcS^?l^ ' - • Salutatorlan • ^^-Third-Honor-^Student ^~ Vrliiams;—Morion—and'—F-loren^ CHILDREN'S DAY HlKI -•••-• -.•--— - berta Jarkiia fUVst l -wic-mtc-^wio^-w-JHiuui-vrs-.DtjiHer-;—tfHSTprGperty-iias 1 : he-program-lit-the Second-Bap- i»rrowiniinl»,t br letter. Tnls it the rmtom Wi serred—on-the-Zonlng—Gomml»- aop apprnpriating y ; sley Fisher; song, '^Daisies We tist Church was.as follows:' Song, Pauline Hammond;' violin »olo, An- been owned by tlie Squier family since before the sjon which 'drafted the^qrdi- : hohiaa Shell. ' : -'—; drew Collier, accompanied by tbe Library of Coagna ^VJ 3 55,000 f oruse by the Citizens' "'Committee appointed ••''•'Prograrttfll Bring," Janet Schwotzer, Betty school; prayer. Supt.'Thos. Shell; towed by mo« mch nance. J' ' expected »tDat the lies of~STuilcs>v SERVICES HELD Rhinesmlth, Virginia Stinnett; reci- song, school:"Welcome," Theodore Ebeneier A. M. E. Church Gloulse Collier; none by school: American Revolution and the bequest is"brie of th6 H. S. and 194 Eight board will organize within the recejitly by the Council to look after Rahway's inter- r*«HEY mn tation, Anthony Slmek: duet, "The Shell; recitations, Marlon Jones. The Ebenezer -A: M- E. Sunday violin solo, John Ubejr. accompan- greatest, ever made by a citizen of Rahway. MORROW UUDEDAT next few weeks. -:"""1 with FRED SCHWARTINGiOUKE) Sweet Pea Ladles." Virginia Hard- .chool program *u in charge of ed by Mrs. Manila Taylor; remarks est in the-.sewer_construction work. - •-*• "' •. •'. ....... -BOOB''4|H Mildred Sams. Abalta Fitch. Dessle .The land conveyed fay the will to ' (Continued from Page One) ing. Margaret Hill; recitations, Sams, Harold Bailey: piano solo. lev. c. V..Aaron, superintendent, by the superintendent; remarks by 'All-Talk|}»| ihe Clty'of Rahway consists ot the Grade Pupils to Graduate Richard Hunt. Harry DoLong, Bob- Miss Ophelia 'Rogers; recitations, md 'Mrs. William Howard, mis-She pastor. •-. • . LOP. RALLY The ordinance, which 1s to put atjlhe joints will keep the sewer from! - Metro to aBi by Harding, Bernice Beechley: Edward Shell, Charles -Rogers. ress of ceremonies.; The program Squier homestead at the south- he disposal of the Citizens' Conn leaking cannot be determined until , ' News«|B| chairman, Donald Brevver, Miss Sa- song, beginners; recitations. Edgar Charles Kinch: clarinet solo. Ham- 'ollows. Song by the school; reci- westerly comer of St. George ave- DM 10 ESTABLISH URS is a servict alttee funds tor their use If tueyj^ test is mad..'. Mr. Coudert de- '• tation. Kenneth TreadweU; »axa- ._. •tOImaU'! aad HW f BOftRDBE-ELEeTED clared- die Bernliard, Willlani Bolmer, Price,. Frank pinkham; song, ilton Bailey r recitations. OHve-'Rob- O fonnded upon" nue and West Grand street, con- Commencement Week Begins Sunday with leem h necessary ~to" engage'lc'gnl school: exercise, Amelia iMcFad- erts, Mary Wuddy; duet. Theodore ihone sola, Jane Hammond; rad- Climate Is a more general term County andiocal Republi- Councilman S:':ii explained that mm Philip Ackerman and Herbert eistlng of -2314S feet on Grand ir technical advisors other thai'. ; den, Wayne Wartmen, Edith Wes- Shell, cornet, and. Hamilton Bailey, iation, Dorothy Duval: piano solo, than* weather. Th» former It th* skill and experience,^ >r technic on October 10, last, a payment of •Schaefer. street and 198.43 feet on.St. fieorge I terlund, Grace Ferguson, Walter clarinet:" recitations, Robert Shell. irolyn Dawson; recitation, Vlr- cum and avenge of tba weather, can Leaders Spoke Here Baccalaureate; Eighth Grade Exercises OFFIGERSUSt NIGHT :hose already available, was passed $28,000 was authorized by the m elnla Collier: piano solo, Raverna We are capable, tnist- avenue; the opposite corner of St. SAJII Trinity Methodist Church. Hurd, Elmer Olhrlcht, Sonny Howe, Sidney Archer; cornet solo, Theo- p which lnclud» dally chaog* ID twn- >n firgLreading on May 14, but was Joint -Meeting to the Mountalntown The program at the Trinity Gloria Crdwell; recitation, Rlcharil Randolph: recitationii , VIdVIda FIh peratur*. prenure. wind and rain. worthy and infinitely George and \Vestfield avenues, aifa Lait Night-- Contracting Co. upon the recom- dore Shell; recitation, Maud Aver- Wednesday, H. S. On Thursday ;a1)ie.d'when It came.up for pas- : :''.6N THH^H Methodist Church was as follows: Wralght; exercise, "What Shall We ant; piano duet. Miss Gladys Wat- lolln solo, Thomax Brown, accom- Climate showa a general condition, an adjoining triangular plot on St.Rebecca Cornell Chapter mendation of the engineer in : discreet. Kidd Is Again lage on May 28; at the request of charge of the sewer project wiho Processional, school; Scripture. Use for Jesus," Janet Scriwotzer, son and Xliss-Ophejla- parted by, loul»e Brown; song by -*httejKaiii«_4eaJ* with tb« »P«H. -fteorge—avenue—which ^__^_^ :State.d__that_the joints were sub- : i'.'js i EX^poUUcatraily,-strongly.- spon-- "Commencement J~"W'eeK~In~ the the-High-:Schbol-graduating-clasB, Named---President;-: 2Qunclm._TM_i_j^jl 1 Rev. Herbert JFthinesmith, pustor: Crawley; cornet solo, John Collier, W« offer without idaltlourj sorlng Ambassador d3wight W. Mor- He desired that the Council first .stantlally"""coinpfere~on-^ecflon~zn=*« Betty Rhinesmlth, Janet Berger; Bonner: exercise. Emma Sonner, mosphtre. on-Westfleld avenuo. This nlot R&hway Schools- will 'begin with Robert. Engelman, who is' the son That this work was hot complete exercise. -Robert Westerlund, "Ed- duet, Helen Carlson. Gloria Mosher; Corlnne Ralph. Campbell Alston, ccompanlml by Kloulse Collier: •xpcBS« a bomo or nuTj <-untalnji about 1O.S0O square feet ; ing Tuesday row for United States Senator, was the Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday ot Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Engelman, ;ear a report from Bauer, Kilns ilano solo^ioulso Brown; reclta- Budget Adopted-" has been shown during, the...last; ^4% ward Cooper, Billy Shore, Theodore song, schdol; benediction, Pastor Albertus Adams; recitation; Cain; The" Squter' wltl," which was" pro- held last night by the Women's Re- nlght<and will continue"'until Thursi-ffOO-'St.- " George ^avenue, continues ;nd Coudert, before the money was Ion. Harriet Oickenon; vocal PROFESSIONAL •Be* to Ihojs rtqolrUuj (c"! publlcan Club of Rahway In the thirty,,days tor from two to tour Glannechini, "Warren"' Dey, Melvln Rhinesmlth. ~ 7 erlne Ford; exercise, the Misses service* lrsted by-bls heirs after It was ad- day evening when tbe graduation te-vuphold the scholastic prowess jrdered appropriated. At this b'uekets of cement Have been pour- and Walter Scull, Robert Gllman, . SupL Greenlg. had as his commit- Ophelia Rogers", Elizabeth fur- iolo. Cleo Moore., accompanied by mitted to.probate on November M. That a children's branch of tbe Odd Fellows' 'Hall, 'Main and "Mon-at the High School takes" place. of his family tor his brother Irving Pauline Hammond; recitations. CHAH t. CABS. MJI. roe- streets. Althoueh the organi- AH the officers of the Board of .meeting a petition .containing 37 ed into the faulty joints by the Anthony "Semlk; recitations, Doro- tee Miss Mildw^^HUf^-chairman; lough, Dorothy Bailey, Corrllle 1*26. wan affirmed as probated by Daughters of the iAmerican Revolu- Sixty-six pupils^ thirty-eight boys Enfeejman was valedictorian in the bonding company which has taken- thy^ Bone, Harvey Ransom, Rusaell Miss Anna Josephson and 'Mrs. Rogers, of, Mrs. Thomas Shell's Theltna Brown. Anale Collier, Alma (he Court of Errors and AppeaU zation has.only been Incorporated and twenty-eight girls,- wllhrecelve Class ot 1924, while his:sister Miss Jirectors of the Rahway Y. '01. C. signatures opposing the ext-idi- '•' He: "Itiil we luluj: eve Randolph, Lois Watson; vocal solo. jtlon will be established In Rahway for the past month nearly fifty per- ture was submitted -by-tbe Rawllu over the work ot the defunct con-.
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