S12056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 7, 1997 We are seeing results in communities dation (United Indians) Indian Cultural month, received the Medal for his cou- across the country. In my state of Mas- Center (ICC) which includes the Day- rageous deeds as a medic during the sachusetts, the Twin Cities Community break Star Center. The United Indians Vietnam war. New Mexico and the Na- Development Corporation serves the is a well-established organization tion are proud of these fine men and cities of Fitchburg and Leominster. thanks to Bernie with over 20 years of deeply grateful for their contributions Terri Murray, the Twin Cities CDC Ex- service in Western Washington. The to the freedom enjoyed by all Ameri- ecutive Director, says that ‘‘top down’’ ICC mission, and Bernie’s focus in life, cans. neighborhood revitalization does not is to improve the social, economic, and Since the birth of our Nation in 1776, succeed and the training is invaluable cultural well-being of Native Ameri- 40 million American men and women to building strong resident led organi- cans living in the metropolitan Seattle have bravely sacrificed and served in zations. The turnaround they are expe- area. Bernie and United Indians run a defense of the freedoms that we enjoy, riencing in declining neighborhoods variety of educational, community perhaps even sometimes take for grant- like the Cleghorn section of Fitchburg service, and cultural arts programs ed. But our freedom isn’t free, it was is attributed to a combination of the serving 4,000 clients and attracting bought and paid for with the sacrifices dedication of neighborhood residents, 30,000 visitors a year. The People’s of more than 1 million of those heroic the marshaling of increased municipal Lodge will improve and expand United servicemen and women who gave their services, and the leveraging of private Indian’s desire to preserve and enhance lives for God and country. It was our and public grants and loans including Indian heritage and educate people first President who cautioned a young nation that, ‘‘If we desire peace, it federal HOME funds. Becoming a mem- about Indian cultural diversity. The must be known that we are at all times ber of NeighborWorks® and thus a ben- People’s Lodge will include a perma- prepared for war.’’ nent Hall of Ancestors exhibition, a eficiary of Neighborhood Reinvestment Time and again in our 220-year his- Corporation resources has served to multiple-use Potlatch House, and an tory, our Nation’s sons and daughters strengthen the capacity of the Twin exhibition gallery, the John Kauffman, have been called upon to demonstrate Cities Community Development Cor- Jr. Theater, a resource center, and the that preparedness. Perhaps in no other poration, supporting its housing reha- Sacred Circle of the American Indian war, however, was their resolve more bilitation, home ownership, and small Art. tested than when our Nation struggled business/micro-enterprise development The programs and activities envi- within itself during the Civil War. programs. sioned by Bernie in the People’s Lodge Early in that conflict, Iowa Senator The Neighborhood Reinvestment Cor- will be a great benefit to the greater James W. Grimes realized that soldiers poration enjoys bipartisan support in Seattle community and the citizen’s of needed not only leadership, they need- the Senate. Along with its partners, Western Washington. The People’s ed role models—heroes to look up to the NeighborWorks® network, and Lodge will create new jobs, serve as a and emulate. To accomplish this, he in- Neighborhood Housing Services of new venue for sales and performances troduced to this body, legislation au- America, the Neighborhood Reinvest- by artists of all kinds, and help pre- thorizing a Medal of Honor for sailors ment Corporation is to be commended serve and advance the cultural heritage and marines who distinguished them- for its fine work.∑ of Native Americans in this region. It selves by their gallantry in action, in f has been my pleasure to work with order to ‘‘promote the efficiency of the Bernie in seeking federal support of TRIBUTE TO BERNIE WHITEBEAR, navy.’’ Six months after President Lin- this project. Bernie has been working coln authorized the Navy’s Medal of WASHINGTON STATE CITIZEN OF diligently to secure an Economic De- Honor on December 21, 1861, he signed THE DECADE velopment Administration grant for similar legislation introduced by Mas- ∑ Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, on Oc- the People’s Lodge. I urge the EDA to sachusetts Senator Henry Wilson to es- tober 31, 1997 Washington state Gov- give the grant proposal of United Indi- tablish a Medal of Honor for members ernor Gary Locke declared the month ans for the People’s Lodge their utmost of the U.S. Army. of October ‘‘Bernie Whitebear Month’’ consideration. Since it was established by the Sen- and proclaimed Bernie Whitebear as a Bernie Whitebear is a true leader for ate and authorized by President Lin- ‘‘Citizen of the Decade’’. I would like to Native Americans in Seattle and a gen- coln 136 years ago, the Medal of Honor join the Governor, and the whole state uine asset to our community in the has been awarded to only 3,408 veterans of Washington in paying tribute to Ber- greater Seattle area. I personally ap- of military service. The ‘‘roll call’’ of nie Whitebear for his outstanding con- preciate his efforts. It is always a heroes includes an 11-year-old Civil tributions to the Seattle metropolitan pleasure to see Bernie’s warm face and War naval cabin boy, an escaped slave, community, the urban Native Amer- bright smile come into my office. Ber- the sons of two Presidents, conscien- ican community, the state of Wash- nie truly is a Citizen of the Decade.∑ tious objectors, privates and generals, ington, and in fact the entire Pacific f chaplains and medics, and members of Northwest. the U.S. Senate. These heroes have For 30 years, Bernie Whitebear has HONORING NEW MEXICO MEDAL come from every State in the Union, been a voice and representative of the OF HONOR RECIPIENTS from all nationalities and ethnic back- needs and concerns of the urban Indian ∑ Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, Vet- grounds, and from all social and eco- community in Seattle and surrounding eran’s Day is an appropriate occasion nomic strata. Three other Medal of areas. His commitment to the preser- to honor those who have served our Na- Honor winners hail from New Mexico— vation and edification of Native Amer- tion so nobly. I’d like to take this oc- about whom we are equally proud; ican culture within a diverse urban en- casion to offer special recognition to Richard Rocco, Raymond Murphy, and vironment has never wavered. He es- New Mexico’s most distinguished vet- Hiroshi Miyamura. Each of these men, tablished the Minority Executive Di- erans, our living Medal of Honor win- and all winners of this coveted award rector’s Coalition of King County, par- ners. Col. Robert Scott, who celebrates have one thing in common, an action of ticipates in the Northwest Asian Amer- his 84th birthday this month, is a long- such remarkable heroism ‘‘above and ican Theater’s annual community time resident of Santa Fe, NM, who re- beyond the call of duty at the risk of Show-Off, and through his United Indi- ceived the Congressional Medal of their own life’’, that their comrades in ans of All Tribes Foundation, acts as Honor for his heroic deeds during arms have called them ‘‘heroes.’’ the Executive Director of the Daybreak World War II. Cpl. Hiroshi Miyamura, World War I gave us 119 Medal of Star Cultural and Education Center in from Gallup, NM, was honored for his Honor heroes, men like Eddie Ricken- Discovery Park, a center he estab- bravery as an infantryman during the backer and Sgt. Alvin York. But when lished. Korean war. Second Lt. Raymond Mur- the armistice was signed concluding In recent years, Bernie has been tire- phy, a resident of Albuquerque, served the ‘‘war to end all wars’’ at the 11th less in his pursuit of his next vision: heroically with the U.S. Marine Corps hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the People’s Lodge. The People’s Lodge during that conflict. Sgt. Louis Rich- in 1918, all America prayed that there is the next phase of development for ard Rocco, also from Albuquerque, would be no need to extend the honor the United Indians of All Tribes Foun- celebrating his 59th birthday this of Medal of Honor recipient to future VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:59 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00152 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S07NO7.REC S07NO7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY.
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