LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF . WAR CRIMINALS Selected and prepared by THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION VOLUME IX LONDON .' PUBLISHED FOR THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1949 PRICE 5s. Od. NET LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMIN ALS SELECTED AND PREPARED BY THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION One of the aims of this series of Reports is to relate in summary form the course of the most important of the proceedings taken against persons accused ofcommitting war crimes during the Second World War, apart from the major war criminals tried by the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals, but . including those tried by United States Military Tribunals at Nuremberg. O{ necessity, the trials reported in these volumes are examples only, since the trials conducted before the various Allied Courts number well over a thousand. The trials selected for reporting, however, are those which are thought to be of the greatest)nterest legally and in which important points of municipal and international law arose and were settled. Each report, however, contains not only the outline of the proceedings in the trial under review, -but also, in a separate section headed" Notes on the Case ", such comments of an explanatory nature on the legal matters -arising in that trial as it has been thought useful to include. These notes provide also, at suitable points, general summaries and analyses of the decisions of the courts on specific points of law derived primarily from a study of relevant trials already reported upon in the series. Furthermore, the volumes include, where necessary, Annexes on. municipal war crimes iaws, their aim being to explain the law on such matters as the legal basis and jurisdiction, composition and rules of procedure on the war crime courts of those countries- before whose courts the trials reported upon in the various volumes were held. Finally, each volume includes a Foreword by Lord Wright of Durley, Chairman of the United Nations War Crimes Commission. continued inside back cover LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS Selected and prepared by THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION VOLUME IX , PROPERTY OF 0 ..5: ARMY_ THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S SCHOO~ UBRARY LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1949 CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD BY THE RTo HON. THE LORD WRIGHT OF DURLEY ix THE CASES: 48. TRIAL OF FRIEDRICH FLICK AND FIVE OTHERS UNITED STATES MILITARY TRIBUNAL, NUREMBERG 20th April to 22nd December, 1947 HEADING, NOTES AND SUMMARY.. 1 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 2 1. THE COURT 2 20 THE INDICTMENT .. 3 3. THE EVIDENCE BEFORE THE TRIBUNAL 5 .(i) Evidence Regarding the Flick Organisation 6 (ii) Evidence relating to Count One: The Accused's Res­ ponsibility for the Enslavement and Deportation of Civilians to Slave Labour, and for the Employment ofPrisoners ofWar in Work having a Direct Relation to War Operations 7 (iii) Evidence relating to Count Two: The Accused's Res­ ponsibility for Spoliation and Plunder in Occupied Territories 10 (a) Evidence Regarding the Seizure and Use of the Rombach Plant 10 (b) Evidence Regarding the Seizure and Use of the Vairogs and Dnjepr Steel Plants 12 (c) Evidence Relating to the Accused Steinbrinck's Activities as Commissioner for Steel in Luxem­ bourg, Belgium and Northern France from May 1941 until July 1942, and as Commissioner for Coal (Bekowest) in Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Northern France excepting Lorraine from March 1942 until September 1944 13 (iv) Evidence Relating to Count Three: the Responsibility of the Accused Flick, Steinbrinck and Kaletsch in Connection with the Persecution of Jews: Crimes against Hum.anity 14 (v) Evidence Relating to Counts Four and Five: Charging Respectively Financial Support to, and Membership of, the SoS., adjudged criminal by the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg· 14 III iv CONTENTS PAGE 4. THE JUDGMENT OF THE TRIBUNAL 16 (i) The Relevance of Control Council Law No. 10 and of Ordinance No. 7 of the United States Zone in Germany 16 (ii) The Question of the Criminal Responsibility of Indivi­ duals in General for such Breaches of International Law as Constitute Crimes 17 (iii) Count One: The Admissibility and Relevance of the Defence of Necessity .. 18 (iv) Spoliation and Plunder of Occupied Territories as a War Crime; Articles 45, 46, 47, 52 and 55 of the Hague Regulations of 1907 2] (a) The Application of the Hague Regulations to the Seizure and Management of Private Property: Even if the Original Seizure of the Property is in itself not unlawful, its subsequent Detention from the Rightful Owners is unlawful and amounts to a War Crime: The Plea of Military Necessity .. 22 (b) The Application of the Hague Regulations to the Seizure and Management of State Property: The Occupant has a Usufructuary Right in such Property 24 (c) The Application of the Hague Regulations to the Alleged Spoliation in General of the Economy of an Occupied Territory by the, Accused Steinbrinck in his Capacities as Commissioner for Steel and Coal in Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland and Northern France .. 24 (v) The Charge of Crimes against Humanity; The Omission from Control Council Law No. 10 of the modifying phrase " in execution of or in connection with any Crime within the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal" (found in Article 6(a) of the Charter attached to the London Agreement of 8th August 1945) does not widen the scope of Crimes against Humanity in the, Opinion of this Tribunal: Offences against Jewish Property such as charged under Count· Three are not Crimes against Humanity 24 (a) The Legal Effect of the Omission from Control Council Law No. 10 of the modifying phrase " in execution of or in connection with a1l8 crime within the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal ", found in Article 6(a) of the Charter attached to the London Agreement of 8th August 1945 25 CONTENTS v PAGE (b) The Law in Force at the Time when the Acts were Committed Governs the Question of their Legality; the Definition of Crimes against Humanity. 26 (vi) Membership of Criminal Organisations ·28 (a) The Factual arid Mental Prerequisites for Indivi­ dual Criminal Responsibility for Membership in and Financial Support of the S.S. 28 (b) The Burden of Proof for the Factual and Mental Qualifications of Criminal Responsibility in Connection with Membership in the S.S. Sub­ sequent· to 1st September 1939, rests entirely with the Prosecution 29 (c) Financial Support to a Criminal Organisation (S.S.) is in itself a Crime subject to the Con­ tributor having Knowledge of the Criminal Aims and Activities of that Organisation 29 (vii) General Remarks on the Mitigation of Punishment 29 (viii) The Findings of the Tribunal 30 (ix) The Sentences 30 B. NOTES ON THE CASE " 31 1. United States Military Tribunals Not Bound by Rules of Procedure Applied in United States Courts 31 2. Law No. 10 as Not Constituting Ex Post Facto Law. 32 3. The Rule Against Ex Post Facto Law and Its Relationship to International Law .. 35 4, Offences against Property as War Crimes 39 5. Crimes against Humanity 44 6. Enslavement and Deportation to Slave Labour 52 7. The Inter-Relation Between· the International Military Tribunal and the United States Military Tribunals in Nuremberg, and Between the hitter Tribunals themselves 54 49. TRIAL OF HANS SZABADOS PERMANENT MILITARY TRIBUNAL AT CLERMONT-FERRAND Judgment delivered on 23rd June, 1946 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDiNGS 59 B. NOTES ON THE CASE ., 60 vi CONTENTS PAGE 1. The Court 60 2. The Nature of the Offences 60 (a) Putting to Death of Hostages 60 (b) Arson and Destruction of Inhabited Buildings by Ex­ plosives 61 (c) Pillage 61 3. Plea of Superior Orders . 61 50. TRIAL OF ALOIS AND ANNA BOMMER AND THEIR DAUGHTERS PERMANENT MILITARY TRIBUNAL AT METZ Judgment delivered on 19th February, 1947 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 62 B. NOTES ON THE CASE .. 62 1. The Nature of the Offences 62 2. Civilians as War Criminals 65 3. Responsibility of Minors 69 51. TRIAL OF KARL LINGENFELDER PERMANENT MILITARY TRIBUNAL AT METZ Judgment delivered on 11th March, 1947 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 67 B. NOTES ON THE CASE .. 67 52. TRIAL OF CHRISTIAN BAUS PERMANENT MILITARY TRIBUNAL AT METZ Judgment delivered on 21st August, 1947 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 68 B. NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THE OFFENCE 69 53. TRIAL OF PHILIPPE RUST PERMANENT MILITARY TRIBUNAL AT METZ Judgment delivered on 5th March, 1948 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 71 B. NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THE OFFENCE .. 72 54. TRIAL OF KARL-HEINZ MOEHLE BRITISH MILITARY COURT, HAMBURG 15th to 16th October, 1946 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 75 1. Charge and the Evidence 75 CONTENTS vii PAGE 2. Common Ground Between the Prosecution and the Defence 75 3. The Issue .. 76 (i) The Interpretation of the Orders 76 (ii) The Legality of the Order 77 4. Finding and Sentence 78 B. NOTES ON THE CASE .. 78 1. Submarine Warfare in General. 78 2. The Treatment of Survivors after a Sinking of a Vessel by Submarine 80 3. The Defence that the Illegal Orders were not Carried Out .. 80 4. The Relation of this Trial to Other War Crimes Trials 81 55. TRIAL OF HELMUTH VON RUCHTESCHELL BRITISH MILITARY COURT, HAMBURG 5th to 21st May, 1947 A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 82 1. The Char~es 82 2. The Evidence and Arguments 82 (i) Charges of Prolongation of Hostilities After Surrender . 82 (ii) The Charges of Failing to Make Provisions for the Safety ofthe Survivors After a Battle at Sea 84 (iii) The Charge of Attempting to Kill Survivors by Firing on Lifeboats .
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