26 Manuals 3338, Anti-Aircraft Ammunition

26 Manuals 3338, Anti-Aircraft Ammunition

! WX). C o d e N o. RESTRICTED 5430 The information given irythit document is not to be com­ 26/Manuals/3338 municated, either directlyior indirectly, to the Press or to any person not authorize^ to receive it. 4 "Pe0 * •k Anti- cra ft * / By Command o f the Army Council . c ^ WAR OFFICE, 1 5th August, 1949 ________________ - CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General .... I 1.2A.A. Equipments . I 1-3 The Round of Ammunition . I 1.4 Ammunition Categories 2 2. EXPLOSIVES 2.1 General .... 2 2.2Propellants .... 3 2.3High Explosives . 5 2.4 Miscellaneous Compositions . 9 2.5 Conclusions. 10 3. THE CARTRIDGE 3 -i Cartridge Case 11 3.2 Primer .... 11 3-3 Igniter .... • 13 3 4 Propellant Charge • 14 3-5 Decoppering Charge 14 4. THE PROJECTILE 4.1 General .... • 14 4.2S h e ll........................................ • 15 4-3 Shot ..... 18 5. FUZES, GAINES, TRACERS, ETC. 5 -iGeneral .... • 19 5.2Fuzes ..... 24 5-3 Gaines .... • 36 5 4 Tracers and Igniters • 36 6. DRILL AMMUNITION 6.1 General .... • 37 6.2Cartridges .... • 37 6.3Fuzes ..... ■ 38 7. RECORDS 7 -iAmmunition . 38 7.2 Gun . • 39 8. MARKINGS 8.1 General .... • 4° 8.2Cartridge Case • 40 8.3 Primer .... • 4i 8.4Projectile .... • 4 i 8.5Gaine or Auxiliary Detonator. • 43 8.6 Fuze and Plug • 43 8.7 Tracer and Tracer-Igniter • 44 8.8 Package .... • 44 9. CARE, PRESERVATION AND PREPARATION 9.1Packages .... • 45 9.2Storage .... • 46 9-3 Preparation .... • 47 9 4 Routine Inspections at Gun Positions 52 9-5 Damaged and Defective Ammunition 52 9.6 Salvage .... • 54 11 APPENDICES Page Page A. Explosives and their Uses ■ 55 G. Empty Components 69-71 B. Propellant Composition . 56 H. Methods of Filling 73-76 C. Propellant Nomenclature • 57 I. Fuze, Tracer and Igniter Details • 77 D. High Explosive Composition . 58 J. Package Details .... ■ 78 E. Cartridges .... 59-67 K. Weights and Stowage Dimensions • 79 F. Primer and Igniter Details 68 SUPPLEMENTS Page Page F .117 Fuze, Percussion, D.A., No. 117 80-83 P .n Primer, Percussion, No. 11. ■ n o F.208 Fuze, Time, Mechanical, No. 208 84-87 P .12 Primer, Percussion, No. 12 . i n fa 00 s <s 0 Mechanism, Time, 43 seconds . 88-92 P .17 Primer, Electric, No. 17 . 112 F.214 Fuze, Time, Mechanical, No. 214 93-96 P.18 Primer, Percussion, No. 18. 113 F.2I4M Mechanism, Time, Fuze No. 214 97-10 1 T .1 1 Tracer and Igniter, No. 1 1 . 114 F.255 Fuze, Percussion, D.A., No. 255 . 102-105 T .12 Tracer and Igniter, No. 12 . 115 G .11 Gaine, No. 11 . 106-107 T .14 Tracer and Igniter, No. 14 . 1 16 - 117 P.9 Primer, Percussion, No. 9 . 108-109 ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. Subject Page Fig. Subject Page 1. Propellant Shapes ..... 4 19-Fuze, Time, Mechanical, No. 208 . 26 2. Propellant Dimensions ..... 6 20.Clockwork Mechanism of Time Fuzes 27 3. Use of Initiators, Intermediaries and Bursters . 7 21. Escapement ....... 28 4. 3.7-inch Q.F. Case ..... 11 22.Fuze, No. 214 .... 29 5. Primer, Percussion, No. 1 12 23. V.T. Fuzes—Block diagram .... 32 6. Primer, Electric, No. 17 .... 13 24.V.T. Fuzes—Firing Circuit .... 32 7. Propellant Charge...... 14 25- V.T. Fuzes—Assembly ..... 33 8. H.E. S h e l l .................................................................. 15 26. V.T. Fuzes—No. T97 and T98 33 9. Shrapnel Shell ...... 16 27.Fuze, Percussion, D.A., No. 117, Mk. 8 34 10. Practice Projectile. 17 28.Fuze, Percussion, D.A., No. 255, Mk. 1 ■ 34 11. Method of Filling Tracer Cavity of A.P. Shot . 18 29. Fuze, Base ....... 35 12. Detonator ....... 19 30.Gaine, No. 11 36 13. Magazine ...... 19 3i-Tracer, Shell, No. 2, Mk. 7‘ . 36 14. Fuze No. 199. Action on Shock of Discharge 21 32. Tracer and Igniter, Shell, No. 12, Mk. 2 . 37 15. Arming Sleeve, Centrifugal Balls and Ferrule . 21 33- Typical Exploder System for D.A. and Time 16. Shutter ....... 22 Fuzes ....... 49 17. Combustion Time Fuze Rings 24 34- Typical Exploder System for V.T. and Time 49 18. Fuse No. 199 ...... 25 Fuzes ....... m INDEX N O TE: A decimal system is used for references. For example, the “ Balance Arm ” entry in the Index is: 5.22352, meaning that the reference will be found in : 5 FUZES, GAINES, TRACERS, ETC. 5.2 FU ZES 5.22 Time Fuzes 5.223 Mechanical 5.2235 Escapement 5.22352 Balance Arm A fullpoint (.) is placed after the number of the Main Heading. To locate a paragraph or sub-paragraph: Find the Index entry. Turn to the PAGE referred to in the Index entry. Find on the left-hand side of the column the F U L L N U M BER quoted in the Index, e.g. 5.22352 for “ Balance Arm ” . Subject Page Reference Subject Page Reference A Assemblies of fuze mechanisms . 22 5.136 “ A ” Primers, preparation .... 489.322 Assembly of V.T. fuzes .... 33 5-234 A.A. equipments ..... 11.2 Auxiliary detonator ..... 325.2326 A.P. shot ....... 184.322 33 33 ..... 365-3 A.P.C. shot ...... 184324 Azide, lead ...... 82.322 A.P.C.B.C. shot ..... 184-325 A .S.A .......................................................................... 8 2.324 B Acceleration forces acting on fuzes 20 5.1322 Balance arm, mechanical time fuzes 28 5.22352 Accidents ....... 529.521 Ball of primer gas check .... 123.2212 Action sequence of mechanical time fuzes 3° 5.2238 Ballistic cap, A.P. shot .... 184 3 2 5 Aerial, V .T . fuzes ..... 31 5.2321 „ „ mechanical time fuzes 25 5.2231 Age, effect on propellant .... 32.22 Balls, centrifugal ..... 21 5-1343 Amatol ....... 92.343 Band, driving ...... 144-13 Ammonium nitrate ..... 92.342 Bands on packages ..... 448.82 „ perchlorate .... 102.434 „ „ projectiles ..... 428.424 Ammunition in bulk ..... 469.22 Barrel, mechanical time fuzes 25 5.22332 „ recesses ..... 529.42 Base of projectile ..... 144.12 „ records ..... 387-1 Basic colours of projectiles .... 428.421 Amplifier, V.T. fuzes ..... 325.2324 Batch label ...... 458.845 Antimony sulphide ..... 102-453 ,, number on packages .... 448.835 Anvil of fuze ...... 205.I3 3 I Batches ....... 387.12 Arbor, mechanical time fuzes 25 5.22332 Battery, V .T . fuzes ..... 31 5.2322 Arming ....... 205 .131 Blank ....... 21.44 „ r i n g ...................................................... 22 5.136 Blinds ....... 539.524 ,, sleeve ...... 215-1343 ,, destruction, disposal and removal 53 9.5242 „ s p r in g ...................................................... 22 5.136 Blow-backs ...... 539.522 ,, of striker ..... 225.136 Body of projectile ..... 144 « „ „ V.T. fuzes. .... 335-235 Booster ....... 32.14 Armour piercing shot. 18 4.322 „ . ■ . 5 2.31 ,, „ capped shot 18 4.324 Bottom crown, mechanical time fuzes . 22 5.136 ,, „ „ ballistic cap shot 18 4 3 2 5 33 33 33 33 33 3° 5.2237 Arrangement of handbook .... I1.13 Boxes, ammunition ..... 459 .11 IV Subject Page Reference Subject Page Reference Breech mechanism inspection 40 7.22 Cartridge igniter ..... !3 3-3 Bridge, electric primers .... 13 3 2 3 1 1 ,, misfired ..... 54 9.632 ,, plug, electric primers 13 3-2311 ,, separate loading ammunition . 2 1.322 „ safety, mechanical time fuzes 3° 5.2238 Categories of ammunition .... 21-4 Bulk ammunition inspection 52 9-44 Centrifugal balls ..... 215-1343 „ „ storage .... 469.22 ,, drive, mechanical time fuzes 27 5-22333 Burst cases ...... 53 9.522 ,, half-collars .... 225.136 Bursters, H.E. ...... 5 2.31 ,, locking levers .... 3°5.2238 33 33 ..... 9 2.34 ,, safety catch .... 225.136 Bursts, red and white ..... 15 4.21 33 J3 33 .... 305.2238 ,, weights, mechanical time fuzes 27 5-22333 Centring of fuze washer .... 499-351 Chamber gauging of cartridge cases 48 9-3314 Channels, explosive ..... 195.125 c Characteristics of propellants 3 2.22 C .E ................................................................................ 8 2.331 „ „ V .T . fuzes 33 5-235 C. of R. measurements .... 407.22 Charcoal ....... 92.42 Charge, decoppering ..... C.R.H . (calibre radius head) 14 4.14 143-5 „ propellant ..... 3 3 Cannelure. II 3-1 1I-I 33 33 ..... 3-4 Cannon powders ..... 3 2.21 14 „ „ salvage .... 9.631 Cap compositions ..... 102.454 54 12 3 .2 2 11 Cleaning of cartridge cases .... 11 3 -! 9.622 ,, holder ...... 225.136 33 33 33 33 54 „ percussion primer .... 12 3.22II Clips, cartridge ...... 509-3532 33 9-3534 Capped A.P. shot ..... 184-324 3, . ■ 51 Closing of cartridges ..... II Caps ....... 102-453 3-1 Colour of propellant ..... 2.22 19 5.123 3 Coloured bands on packages 8.82 ,, salvage ...... 54 9.621 44 „ smoke shell. 4.21 Carbamite. 3 2.21 15 „ tips on projectiles. 8.422 Care of ammunition ..... 469 42 Cartridge ....... 21.32 Colours of packages ..... 448.81 / 1 1 3 ,, „ projectiles ..... 42 8.421 2.22 ,, blank.. 2 1.44 Cold, effect on propellants .... 3 5.222 „ case ...... 11 .3 11 Combustion time fuzes .... 24 5.222 1 1 3.1 „ „ „ gas escape 24 „ „ ,, inspection and prepara- „ „ b u r s t ............................................. 52 9.522 tion ....... „ „ chamber gauging . 48 9-3314 519 -3535! Composition, exploding .... 8 „ „ cleaning .... n 3.1 2-331 „ of propellants. 2.21 54 9.622 3 Compositions— ..... 2.15 „ „ coning .... 11 3-i 3 10 „ „ cracks ..... 11 3-i „ cap............................................. 2.454 „ detonator .... 102.452 33 33 33 48 9 .3311 „ „ d e n t s ............................................. 48 9.3312 „ miscellaneous. 9 2.4 ,, pyrotechnic .... IO 2.44 „ „ fluting............................................. 48 9-3 3 H 10 » „ gauging .... 48 9-3314 » Q-F.................................................... 2.453 Cone of primer gas check .... 123.2212 „ „ indenting .... 11 3-i Coning of cartridge cases .... II 3 „ „ lacquering .... 11 3-i -i Containers .....

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