.... .. , . !. ....... I ,, .. Jt .... dl! ,!J. ... , .... '" .. , ... l. Jj/IY.· The Lazarette Gazette NEWS FROM The University of Texas at Austin MARINE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Port Aransas, Texas 78373-1267 (512-749-6760 - fax 512-749-6777) (internet: [email protected]) Vol. 4, Issue 22, 1 December 1995 · In this issue of Lazarette Gazette - Tony Amos: The Mutiny of the Manatee . cover MSI folks play major role at ERF '95 ..... :· ~ . 6 Scott Stewart.wins Philosophical Society essay contest . 10 Regular sections: tony's tidings - p. 1, personnel - 4 & 9, cruise reports & boat operations - p. 5, attaboys - p. 6 & 10, seminars - p. 8, irish pennants - p. 8, l~tters to the editor - p. 8, personnel - p. 9, editor's note - p. 10 The Mutiny of the Manatee - I told he~ to go south. She went north instead ... I think. Two weeks ago, the manatee came visiting the UTMSI boat basin. She stayed almost all day .and I lectured her on· the hydrography of the south Texas coastal waters and bays. "It gets cold," I said. "One time, in December, I measured a temperature of -1.6 degrees under the bridge at Snoopys," I told her (being a Mexican Manatee . I thought, she would understand centigrade, and if I said 29 degrees she might think how cozy that was when, in fact, it was frigid). "Go south," I urged, and I went home when it got too dark to see her any more. The next day, she visited Deep Sea Headquarters and also the Aransas Pass, and then she was gone. "She's gone south," I thought, as the days ::..:. went by and no word of her walrus-like visage came. Then, despite my telling her not to go anywhere near places like the ditch alongside an oil refinery, there came a report of a manatee in Buffalo Bayou. That's the Buffalo Bayou in Houston, a place not known for the quality of its waters which can get just as cold as ours do here. Now, I do not know for sure whether the Houston manatee is "our" manatee, but certainly two weeks is enough time for her to travel that far. 97 30' 9715' 9700' 9645' MANATEE SIGHTINGS; Oct - Nov 1995 I learned a little more about the history of manatees in Texas, thanks to Dr. Wes Tunnel who sent me a copy of an article appearing in the August 1944 issue of Texas Game and Fish magazine, the forerunner to Texas Parks and Wildlife. The article was written by none other than Gordon Gunter, Marine Biologist (as the masthead describes him). 1944 was two years before full time activities really began for UTMSI. Dr. Gunter eventually became Director of UTMSI and we hope will help us in celebrating our 50th Anniversary next year. He said that "there have been reports of Texas fishermen being scared partly out of their wits by a huge black animal that rose and snorted.beside their boats." In 1851, Mexican naturalist Dr. Luis Berlandiere sent a manatee found in the Lower Laguna Madre to the U.S. National Museum. Manatees were seen almost every summer in the Rio Grande and Lower L~guna. One taken alive near Port Isabel was exhibited in various parts of the U.S. Since 1913, Dr. Gunter reported, manatees have not been seen in Texas, although dead ones were found in Capano Bay in 1928, and in Cow Bayou near Sabine Lake in 1937. He described a manatee rib bone he had on his desk at the time. As manatees have the "heaviest 2 type of bone in the animal kingdom," his rib "is as solid as a piece of ivory." It had no hollow for the bone marrow. Since that time, manatees have been reported in 1979 (Corpus Christi), 1986 (Bolivar Peninsula - carcass found and skeleton now in the TAMU College Station collection), 1992 (Lower Laguna), 1993 (Matagorda Peninsula - dead), 1994 (twice in Laguna Madre), September 1995 (cow and calf in Galveston Bay), and then the present sightings, almost certainly the same animal, in Mansfield Channel, the Land Cut, Barney Davis Power Plant [1], the· Naval Air Station [2], Naval Station Ingleside [3], Rockport Harbor [4], Koch Refinery East La Quinta Channel [5], Texas State Aquarium [6]; Ship Channel [7],UTMSI Boat Basin [8], Deep-Sea Headquarters [9], and now ... Buffalo Bayou? (numbers in square brackets refer to map) -Tony Amos Tide Predictions for December (For tidal heights at the tide tower, South Jetty, the Aransas Pass. Heights are in feet above or below mean sea level. The shaded area is nighttime. Remember, this is tidal height, not tidal current. Slack water is when the wiggly line crosses the MSL line, not at peaks and valleys, where the tidal current will be a full flood or ebb.) JC JC JC z JC JC .. ~ · .. .. .. .. § ,, § i ~ l !i ~ ~ x i ~ l i 2 :x: :x: 2~ m m H ..... Ci) G) :x: :x: -f -f 0 0 :;: ... -1 -1 !!: !!: JC -2 -2 JC Cll JC Cll JC Cll JC Ill Ill JC .. .. JC .. JC .. .. .. ,, ,, > > ,, ,, JC ~ l JC x i ~ x i ~ x i ~ JC ¥ ~ l i i ~ ~ 2 :x: 2 i ::r m m ..... 1 ..... G) 1 G> :x: ~ -f 0 0 :;: .... -1 -1 !!: ~ ::r 2 :x: m m ..... H G> 1 :x:G> :i: -f -f 0 0 :;: ~ -1 -1 .!! !! :r 2 :x: m m ..... ..... Cl 1 Cl :x: :x: -f 0 0 -f :;: .... -1 -1 !!: !!: -2 -2 JC Ill Ill JC Ill Cll JC Cll ~ I ~ 22 ~ ~ I ~ s ~ 2 :x: :i: m m..... ..... G) 1 G> :i: :c -f 0 0 -f .... -1 -1 '.;' ~ !!: -2 -2 3 Weather Report for November 6- 26 1995 6 - 12 N<ll:V 1995 . .• . • . mq.$ • . • ~ •. ;ElJl':)t •.•••.• WEil~ ...•, 'JJHUJ .••••.. 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"The international conference was supported by many Coastal Bend companies including: BP Exploration, Central Power and Light, H .E.B., Hoechst Celanese, Hydrolab Corporation, Lower Laguna Madre Foundation, Oxy Chem-Ingleside, Port of Corpus Christi, Reynolds Metals-Sherwin Alumina Plant, Russell Veteto Engineering, Texas Shrimp Association, Union Carbide-Port Lavaca, and Valero Refinery. The meeting attracted over 700 marine scientists and resource managers from the United States, Europe, South America, Asia and Australia," said Dr. Paul Montagna, Conference Chairperson. "Over 115 graduate students and 12 minority undergraduate students made presentations at the meeting," according to Terry Whitledge, who organized the undergraduate research program. "One of the most popular topics at the conference was how additions of inorganic nitrogen from sewage, 4 fertilizer, or animal wastes by river or groundwater leads to changes in water quality in coastal systems," said Ken Dunton, Program Co-Chair. "Scientists from around the country have noted significant increases in both the frequency and duration of harmful algal blooms and losses of seagrasses."
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