FOUR MISSION PROGRAMS Greg Burch Chair, Intercultural Studies Department UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES Director, Global Development and Justice program BA IN INTERCULTURAL STUDIES • Discover career and ministry opportunities across the globe • • Learn from professors with extensive mission experience MA IN TESOL • Teach English in the U.S. and internationally • Learn from experienced ESOL teachers • Work skillfully with diverse student populations MA IN GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT & JUSTICE • Focus on compassion, poverty alleviation and combating injustices • Explore “business as mission” and “micro-credit” opportunities • Minister to children at risk, refugees and migrants DMIN (GLOBAL EVANGELISM TRACK) • Explore the role of evangelists in an ever-changing world PORTLAND, OREGON • Receive support and guidance from a faculty mentor 800.275.4672 • Get inspired by guest lecturers such as Luis Palau MULTNOMAH.EDU BARRIERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS : CONFERENCE INFORMATION : A worker labors to “get through” to a tribal people group he and his family have chosen to live among, then God reveals how to reach them for the gospel . years later, the son of that worker gives himself to raising up others who will forsake all to live among, and reach out to a majority-religion people group for the sake of the gospel. Plenary Session speakers, Don Richardson, and his son, Steve Richardson are used to facing barriers, and watching the Lord give break-through, first, among the Sawi Tribe of New Guinea, and now, as Steve leads an organization committed to place workers among unengaged peoples in the Muslim world. This is the first time father and son will share the platform at the same conference. Ramesh Richard is breaking barriers to the gospel while strength- ening pastoral leaders in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; while J.D. Payne is multipying church-planting eforts globally and locally through a local church. New Workshop Tracks will help fuel the 125 individual workshop sessions led by local, regional, and international presenters, including: Ŕ ŏ)JTQBOPTFO.JTJPOŐ4QBOJTITQFBLJOHDIVSDIBOENPCJMJ[JOHFŢPSU Ŕ ŏ#JCMF5SBOTMBUJPOGPS-JGF5SBOTGPSNBUJPOŐ5IF4FFE$PNQBOZōTEPOBUJPO Ŕ ŏ$VSSFOU*TTVFTJO.JTTJPOTŐ4&/%*OUFSOBUJPOBMōTFEHZDPOUSJCVUJPO Ŕ ŏ/BUJWF"NFSJDBO*OEJHFOPVT.JTTJPOTŐ/"NFSJDB*OEJHFOPVT.JOJTUSJFTōHJGU Ŕ ŏ8FMDPNJOHUIF4USBOHFSŐ8PSME3FMJFGōTVOJRVFPŢFSJOH Additionally, we welcome back two special guests to augment our theme: Phil Long, The Sacrificial Poet, and Enric Sifa, international African/Soul/Dance musician from Rwanda. If you are looking for breakthrough; to see God’s purpose and direction to be reavealed . you’ve come to the right place. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Cor. 4:6) Bill MacLeod Executive Director, Mission ConneXion > CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: THURSDAY : JANUARY 15 SATURDAY : JANUARY 17 7:00 – 8:30 PM Pre-Event Prayer Launch at 8:00 AM Doors open Sunset Presbyterian Church 9:00 – 10:30 AM Don Richardson: Keynote (Sanctuary) 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Workshop Two FRIDAY : JANUARY 16 12:30 – 1:30 PM Workshop Three 8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration Leadership ConneXion 2:00 – 3:30 PM Steve Richardson: Keynote (Sanctuary) 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Leadership ConneXion Northwest with J.D. Payne 4:00 – 5:00 PM Workshop Four 4:00 PM Mission ConneXion Northwest doors open 5:30 – 6:30 PM Workshop Five 5:30 – 6:30 PM Workshop One 7:00 – 9:00 PM Ramesh Richard: Keynote (Sanctuary) 7:00 – 9:00 PM J.D. Payne: Keynote (Sanctuary) > KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: DON RICHARDSON : Don Richardson wrote J.D. PAYNE : J.D. Payne, pastor of church multiplication “Peace Child” about their work with the Sawi Tribe with The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, in Papua New Guinea, and 50 years later returned is a missiologist, and author of several books on missions and created the mini-documentary video, “Never and evangelism. the Same” about what’s happened since. STEVE RICHARDSON : Steve Richardson, the RAMESH RICHARD : Ramesh Richard is a theologian-evan- President of Pioneers and eldest son of Don Rich- gelist from India serving as Professor at Dallas Seminary and ardson, leads a mission organization dedicated founder of Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health to initiating church-planting movements among (RREACH). He has dedicated his life to evangelizing leaders unreached peoples groups around the world. and strengthening pastors, and is seeing breakthroughs in how we cross-culturally reach into large numbers of individ- uals by training large numbers of pastors worldwide. > SPECIAL ARTISTS: JON NEUFELD : Jon Neufeld is from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and co-founder of the Christian rock band, Starfield, producing 15 albums since 1998. He is accompanied this weekend by members of the worship team at Sunset: A Jesus Church in Hillsboro, where he serves on the leadership team. He has launched a new solo career with his album, Burn Bright, and also travels nationally represent- ing child-sponsorship for Food for the Hungry. His new solo CD, Burn Bright is available at the Resource Table. For more information, visit www.jonneufeldmusic.com. ENRIC SIFA : An international African/Soul/Dance PHIL LONG : A commercial pilot from Washougal, musician and inspirational speaker orphaned in the WA, who created and directs the Sacrificial Poet Rwandan Genocide. At age 15 he won a singing Project, and authored a poetry collection titled Jesus competition and since has performed throughout Slam and a spoken word DVD show called Mad At A the US to raise money for children in Rwanda. CD Myth. He has performed across America. Please visit is available at Resource Table. his website www.phievalon.com. God’s People Effectively Mobilized in Mission : 3 : BARRIERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS : WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP WORKSHOP ONE WORKSHOP TWO WORKSHOP THREE WORKSHOP FOUR WORKSHOP FIVE TRACK NAME FRIDAY 5:30-6:30 PM SATURDAY 11:00-NOON SATURDAY 12:30-1:30 PM SATURDAY 4:00-5:00 PM SATURDAY 5:30-6:30 PM Hispanos En ¿Cómo Oirán si no hay El llamado Misionero Llamados a Salir Viniendo a las Misiones El Desafío Transcultural de Mision Quien los Envie? Mauricio Rivas Ben Escalante Liber Aguiar los Hispanos en USA (210) Victor Alvarizares Como responder al llamado de Dios La gran comision de Jesucristo no Como en los tiempos Novo Testa- Thomas Nunziato La importancia de la iglesia local a los campos misioneros en todo es una opcion sino un mandamien- mentario, los hispanos del Oeste Que significa para nosotros los en no perder la vision de continuar FMNVOEP%FJHVBMNBOFSBRVFFM to. El IR debe ser una respuesta Americano, estamos en medio de Hispanos vivir la experiencia trans- capacitando hombres y mujeres apostol Pablo escucho el llamado obediente de los cristianos His- una diáspora. Muchos son los inmi- cultural y como podemos trasnfor- para la obra del ministerio de Macedonio y respondio iniciando la panos, para alcanzar a los perdidos HSBOUFTEFEJGFSFOUFTQB©TFTRVFTF NBSMBFOVOBGVFS[BNJTJPOFSBRVF reconciliacion y enviandolos a iglesia en Europa. de todos el mundo. encuentran en estas regiones fuera impacte muchas otras culturas para cumplir el mandamiento de Jesus de su contexto social. la gloria de Dios. de ir y predicar el evangleio y hacer discipulos. Students on From Pew-Sitter to Missions From A to Z CALLED TO GO: What’s Next Steps – Living on How God Opens Doors Mission Disciple-Maker Brian Aaby Getting in Your Way? Mission After the for Those Who Want (Upper Room) Josh Yates It’s not just about the short term Ryan Fast & Mark Schaufler Mission Trip to Serve Him Worship & Dynamic Speaking: Get a trip. God’s Word can and should be Worship & Dynamic Speaking: Kirk Petersen Don Richardson clear and simple picture of how to your guide before, during and after Crippling, paralyzing, life inhibiting Grubby clothes. Tired bodies. Come hear how God supernatu- follow in Jesus’ footsteps and make the trip! Come prepared to share fear, but we walk by faith? Hear how Incredible memories. Kingdom im- rally opens doors of opportunity disciples. This workshop will shape your best practices! God can use missions to overcome pact. But now what? How do I make for those who are willing to walk the way you see and follow Jesus. fear in the life of today’s teenager. the most of my short-term mission through them. experience when I get home? Apologetics & How to Disarm Where is God When Why Does God Allow Can Faith Survive a Is Belief in God Philosophy Your Doubts it Hurts Evil and Sufering Relativistic Culture? Reasonable? (175) Dr. Brent Strawsburg Dr. Brent Strawsburg Dr. Brent Strawsburg Dr. Brent Strawsburg Dr. Brent Strawsburg This seminar identifies the four This seminar is designed to help the The presence of evil and sufering This seminar provides tools for This seminar provides five compel- diferent kinds of doubt and how Christian navigate through the trials in the world is a huge challenge Christians to understand our secular ling reasons for why belief in God is to respond and the importance of of life. This seminar looks at five to the Christian faith. This seminar culture and to answer the claims of reasonable. It will also provide ways striking a balance between faith specific reasons why God allows will help Christians answer this those who believe in relative truth to deflect typical talking points like and reason. It provides four trials in our lives. UPVHIRVFTUJPO and relative morality. ŏGBJUIJTJSSBUJPOBMŐPSŏGBJUISFRVJSFT practical ways that a Christian certainity.” can disarm doubt. Arts & Mission If God is Sending You, Using a Visual Language So, What Would Artists Art and the Global Church Using Hip-Hop Dance to (201) He Will Equip You to Express the Gospel Do On A Mission Anyway? Michelle Winter Benefit the Kingdom Vikki Gasko Green Anneli Anderson Michelle Winter Creative tools for evangelism and Marc Roy Once God calls us to a specific Art transcends cultural barriers.
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