Bylaws of the Knox County Democratic Committee Article First: Name 1. The name of this organization shall be the Knox County Democratic Committee, hereinafter referred to as the KCDC. Article Second: Purpose & Objectives 1. The object and purpose of the KCDC shall be to: A. Promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party; B. Encourage and maintain participation and unity of enrolled voters and potential candidates in Knox County, Maine; C. Provide leadership to, and coordination with, Municipal Committees, the Maine Democratic State Committee and the Democratic National Committee and D. Support the nominees elected in the State Democratic Primary and to elect Democrats to office. 2. The KCDC shall be a non-discriminatory, non-profit organization. Article Third: Membership 1. In accordance with the Rules of the Maine Democratic Party, the KCDC shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members from each municipality in Knox County, one of whom shall be the Municipal Chair. The additional members shall be divided equally between males and females when possible. For each one hundred (100) enrolled Democrats or major fraction thereof (fifty-one [51] or more) beyond the first one hundred (100), each municipality is entitled to an additional member on the KCDC. For the purpose of determining the number of KCDC members, the most recent st enrollment figures published by the Secretary of State before January 1 of each even-numbered year shall be utilized. 2. Democratic State Committee members and Democratic members of the Maine Legislature who are residents of Knox County shall be voting KCDC members. 3. Elected officers of the KCDC shall be voting at-large KCDC members. 4. Additional at-large KCDC members may be elected as described below. Article Fourth: Election of Members 1. The KCDC members from municipalities shall be nominated and elected at biennial caucuses held in each municipality. An official list of elected committee members shall be forwarded to the KCDC within ten (10) days of the caucus. 2. If an enrolled Democrat who is a resident of Knox County wishes to become an at-large member of the KCDC, said person may, after attending three (3) KCDC Bylaws of the Maine Knox County Democratic Committee meetings in the most recent six-month period, make a formal request to the Recording Secretary at least ten (10) days before a KCDC meeting, asking to become a voting member-at-large. The KCDC shall, by majority vote of the members present at a duly called meeting, either accept or reject the request. Terms for members-at-large shall coincide with terms for regular KCDC members. Article Fifth: Duties of KCDC Members 1. The duties of the KCDC members shall be as follows: A. Attend all meetings of the KCDC; B. Participate in the government and direction of the affairs and activities of the KCDC; C. Work closely with Municipal Chairs to promote a grassroots Democratic organization; D. Serve as a liaison between the Municipal Committee and the KCDC; E. Aid and cooperate with the campaigns of Democratic candidates and F. Assist in fundraising for KCDC activities and Democratic campaigns. Article Sixth: Officers of the KCDC 1. The officers of the KCDC shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer and may include an Assistant Treasurer. When possible, the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be of the opposite gender. The KCDC may add other officers and standing committees as is deemed necessary. Article Seventh: Election of Officers 1. A person seeking a KCDC office must be an enrolled Democrat in Knox County but need not be a KCDC member. 2. In January of each odd-numbered year, the current Chair shall call the Biennial Meeting for the election of KCDC officers by providing written or email notice to all members of the KCDC not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. 3. In the course of electing officers, the current Chair shall preside over the election. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall preside, or in the absence of both, the Recording Secretary shall preside. After the election of officers, the newly elected officers shall assume their positions. Article Eighth: Duties of Officers 1. The duties of the Chair shall be to: A. Serve as the general executive officer and spokesperson for the KCDC; Page 2 Bylaws of the Maine Knox County Democratic Committee B. Preside at all meetings of the KCDC; C. Follow the Rules of the Maine Democratic State Committee and the Delegate Selection Plan regarding caucuses and the State Convention; D. Appoint a convener of each standing and ad hoc committee and be an ex-officio voting member of each; E. Establish ad hoc committees as needed to address the interests and concerns of the KCDC; F. Attend all Maine Democratic State Committee and Caucus of County Chairs meetings; G. Serve as a liaison between the County, State and Caucus of County Chairs Committees for the exchange of information concerning the activities and requirements of each; H. Make every attempt to assure that each municipality holds a biennial caucus on the appropriate date; I. Notify each municipal Chair of the number of members that may be elected as members of the KCDC and J. Perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign. K. The Chair may delegate any of these responsibilities to other KCDC members. 2. The duties of the Vice-Chair shall be to: A. Perform all of the duties of the Chair in the absence of same; B. Become Chair in the event of the resignation, removal or death of the Chair and serve the remainder of that term; C. Attend all KCDC meetings; D. Be an ex-officio voting member of each standing committee and E. Perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign. 3. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be to: A. Keep a complete and accurate record of all KCDC meetings, filing a copy of each with the Chair prior to the next meeting; B. Make available to any KCDC member for examination or copying any records of meetings and other records such as Bylaws which are formally recognized by the KCDC; C. Keep a record of the attendance of members at each meeting; D. Maintain a current list of all KCDC members and officers and Knox County municipal committees and to provide the Chair with updates; E. Release mailing lists in part or in whole only at the direction of the KCDC, since the lists are the sole property of the KCDC; F. Be an ex-officio voting member of the Bylaws Committee Page 3 Bylaws of the Maine Knox County Democratic Committee G. Serve as a co-chair of the Communications and Technology Committee and H. Perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign. 4. The duties of the Corresponding Secretary shall be to: A. Cause notice and the agenda of all KCDC meetings to be sent to all members at least seven (7) days prior to said meetings; B. Write and submit meeting notices to local media; C. Write, or cause to be written, press releases on special meetings or specific issues as directed by the KCDC; D. Provide notice of cancellation of KCDC meetings or events by email and to local media; E. Communicate with the State Democratic Committee as necessary; F. Serve as a co-chair of the Communications and Technology Committee and G. Perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign. 5. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to: A. Disburse KCDC funds as directed or required by the KCDC; B. Keep full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements; C. Deposit all KCDC monies in the name of the KCDC in a recognized bank or trust company; D. Attend all KCDC meetings; E. Provide a report of the transactions and financial condition of the KCDC at every regular meeting; F. Comply on a timely basis with all legal requirements relating to the receipt and disbursement of funds; G. Comply with the regulations and reporting requirements of the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices; H. Supply the documentation necessary for financial audits and/or reviews; I. Assure compliance with state and federal tax requirements; J. Develop a two-year budget for submission to the Executive Committee and the KCDC by April of each odd-numbered year and K. Perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign. 6. An Assistant Treasurer may be elected whose duties of shall be to: A. Assist the Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties and B. Perform the duties of the Treasurer when the Treasurer is unavailable. Article Ninth: Standing Committees 1. The KCDC encourages active participation on its committees. 2. Committee members may be appointed by the KCDC Chair or may volunteer for a committee. The KCDC Chair shall appoint Conveners of Standing Committees and Committee Chairs shall be elected by the committee members, except the Communications and Technology Committee which shall be co-chaired by the Page 4 Bylaws of the Maine Knox County Democratic Committee secretaries of the KCDC. 3. At its March meeting following the election of officers, the committee Chairs and members shall be confirmed by the KCDC. 4. The Standing Committees of the KCDC shall be: A. Fundraising Committee – The duties of this Committee shall be to: i. Develop a two-year plan by May of each odd-numbered year that will raise the funds needed by the KCDC and present it to the Executive Committee and the KCDC; ii. Implement the plan’s activities other than those concerning established fundraising programs, first providing a budget to the KCDC for each new activity and iii.
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